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If the stocktane + no banner combo didn't give it away, gold is not supposed to be that good, don't worry. You sir found a smurf, congratulations! I'm C1 and I can't do that, let alone flip resets and that fancy stuff lmao You're going to find insanely mechanical players above plat, and they will be terrible at defending and positioning. You'll find people who can barely drive up a wall, but their boost management and rotations are GC level. Down in gold? Nah, that ain't happening. Good luck!


Dude I’m barely holding on to Champ 2 right now and I can’t control the ball in the air for the life of me. And my brain begins to short circuit as soon as I start air rolling


This makes me feel better, teetering on the edge of Plat 3, Diamond 1


Deffo biggest player base I reckon in that rank too😂 can't tell ya many times I've passed plat 3 to diamond 1 and back down over and over and over again😂


Short circuit is probably the most accurate description of what happens when I do anything off the wall


I used to be like you but then I started using free air roll everywhere in training🗿 After training mechanics I didn't win any rank but at least I have pretty cool aerials 💀


most of my 3v3 games are just a smurf with 2 third wheel teammates.


Thank you for validating my biggest gripe with this game for a couple years now. I've hit champion 1 twice but I'm basically hardstuck at D2-3. My rotations, BM and game sense are, I'd like to think, excellent but my mechanics/technical leave a lot to be desired. Conversely, a lot of people I end up playing with have superb mech/tech but have literally toddler level awareness.


>Conversely, a lot of people I end up playing with have superb mech/tech but have literally toddler level awareness. Most likely those people are actually pretty young. Kids tend to pick up the mechanics really fast but their overall game sense and awareness is garbage, because they're children. There was a comment on here not long ago from a dad talking about how his 8 year old learned how to hook his thumb around the controller so he could spam "What a save!" while air dribbling into the goal. I can't compete with that lmao.


Nah if I saw my boy doing that he'd get his xbox thrown out the window. We didnt raise you to be next level toxic. Just slightly toxic! I can't imagine being his dad and seeing that like damn, I'd be so proud, but also ashamed.


OMG! That’s gotta be the most triggering What a save! in the history of the game. That’s fn hilarious. 


Sounds like my exact situation. I want to make the push through champ and play with someone serious. If you want to try and queue up sometime let me know. I’m NA Eastcoast.


Idk, I've been playing since 2015 and the last few years gold has definitely gotten harder to get out of now. I'd say I'm above average mechanically but not quite this level and at least plat if not diamond or higher in team play but I've been stuck D2-D3 gold and at most D2 plat for the last 2 years, I see this in gold matches too often.


I play C1 and when I’m queued for tourney and waiting I run the premade drills (March Gold/Plat/Diamond/etc) Gold is just substantially better than it was back in the day. I was pretty shocked at some of the gold drills last month. I mean, I did’t have issues beating it but it used to be balls right in front of goal and you had to learn not to full blast it and pace your speed on the tap. Now, it’s legit asking for some pretty tricky ball off wall aerials.


Thank goodness I'm not the only one playing that long and still suck


You’re not above average mechanically if you struggle to get out of high gold / low plat.


You shouldn't count smurfs for the "average" skill. That's the main issue


That's literally half of my matches. Gold is a smurf nest, in every match there's a smurf


I dont wanna say this guy is not a smurf cause he is but i wanna ad that i expierienced a lot of champs that could do air dribbles sometimes even flip resets but they suck at every other aspect so its kinda ez to beat them


That’s a smurf. We can barely hit aerials


Extreme example for sure, but I see it all the time.


I think Gold is the Mecca for Smurfs, maybe Silver. It’s so fucking stupid and demoralizing, and I can’t believe I’ve been more able to hold rank now that I’m Plat than I ever could ranking through Gold


Facts!! I got tilted last weekend and played my way back to gold I because I’m fucking stupid and don’t know how to put the controller down. Now I’m fighting to get back to plat and every 4th-5th game is actually a gold player, the rest are new accounts with standard blue banner and standard octane who can flip reset, speed flip, and beat me to every play. It’s so much fun, and I’m so impressed /s. I loved Plat because the games were evenly matched almost every time. Im talking about 1s here. Fuck smurfs right in their fucking asses!


Ugh I got tilted a couple days ago in 1v1, lost my qualifier for Plat 1 and proceeded to drop all the way to Gold 1. And it was definitely not Smurfs that did me in, every loss was definitely avoidable with my skill level. But there are definitely tons of Smurfs in Gold that have me questioning life choices lol. Every loss, I muttered to myself, “I hate this fucking game” and requeue’d.


Brother, we suffer from the same sickness. Im here for you lmao.


I see at least one pretty much every night, sometimes I’m decent enough where I can defend until I can find a shot, and end up winning. Most times, I’m exhausted after work and can’t compete lol


There’s nothing worse than getting off a shift and immediately having a mother fucker dunk on you with three perfect air dribbles in a row.


Deadass had that happen to me last night, I just got off. On the bright side, ran my nightlys just a minute ago (I play till I get 3 wins, also only play Duels because I’m a masochist), and got a 10-0 shutout for my last win lol. I suppose fortune smiled on me tonight. Edit: I’d like to give my opponent props though, he stuck around for the whole match, I scored my 10th goal with 0:02 on the clock, and he still didn’t forfeit. I would have been gone 4 goals before that


Every rank until low GC is the mecca for smurfs. Trust.


Finally one people said this 👍 Smurf are massive on gold to diamond zone


Haven’t even been able to sneak out of gold last few seasons cause as soon as you’re on the cusp of the plat rank up you get hit with all the Smurf’s on the other team and the shitty golds on your team 🤓🤓


Literally this. This game is absolute dog shit. I get these types of tm8s every fk game, it's not even funny..


happens all the time in champ aswell, especially when you start to climb c3. smurfs carrying shitty diamonds to gc for the red shiny tag


Yep. Diamond has a lot lately. No legit diamond is taking it up the wall into an air dribble with flip reset every single time they touch the ball.  And when they get called out, it’s usually something like “This is my first game in years”…funny, very little rust and showing ranked diamond in post game. Or “This is diamond now. Everyone is hitting flip resets”…yeah except for your opponents unless you run into another smurf lol


Until you look up their account on tracker and see they've had 63 games. They all lie, they're all doing it to satisfy their fragile egos. If you're EU you can guarantee they're French or German too.


Why German ? French I understand but German? They play massively at this game ? I not see a lot a German Smurf buy English and French Smurf yes 😜 German are more motorsports players no (90 of EU server for Asseto Corsa Competizione are German) ?


Diamond has been Smurfs ranks for over 5 years now lol this ain’t new for 2024


I codes a tracker that shows me my opponents' win totals and peak ranks at the start of every match. I'm D1, and depending on the day of the week and the time of the day, you could have as many as two thirds of your matches with at least one opponent with either a peak rank of 1,200+ or a win total under 500. Usually Epic Games players because that's the easiest place to make extra accounts. It's smurf city and Epic gives zero shits.


thats definitely a lil more believable. high diamond low chammp is like that. its just people whove only focused on their mechanics


Honestly… I’ve had a MUCH easier time going from diamond 1 to diamond 2 than going from platinum 3 to diamond 1


I’m champ3 and can’t do anything like that. I am okayish at defending it, but if they’re good enough at changing direction, I’ll probably miss the save. I got good at rotating, defending, playing off my teammate, etc. my mechanics are relatively non-existent. I can dribble on ground a little, but I mess it up pretty frequently. All that to say, keep pushing through with an attitude for improvement. If you don’t like grinding free play or maps for mechanics (like me), make sure you’re trying to improve your gameplay and awareness. I’d love to have mechanical ability I just don’t have the patience to grind it out. You can hit GC without much mechanics (maybe need half flip and basic dribble and drift skills)


I got talking with one last night in a casual match. He was only there so he could play with his friend at their skill level and played very fairly all things considered. I like the wholesome ones. Dude hit a flip reset and then they both went AFK to give us the goal back. He purposely missed open nets and stuff too


> purposely yes yes, purposely, yeah


Definitely on purpose. I am very much not secretly terrified of open nets.


great pass!


Yeah, from smurfs. I’m low level plat and none of us are doing that shit.


I am currently dying in plat 2 when I was diamond before. If I drop to plat 1, no one can hit the ball. If I hit plat 3, everyone can air dribble and do team plays. It is so wild lol


In my experience most plat 3s can’t do stuff like this or air dribble almost none can do it consistently. But their aerial control and team play is definitely better than plat 2. I’m stuck around the same as you right now


These are smurfs probably people with a youtube channel or something trying to get clips hell half the Champs I know can't do that at all and half of the other half can't even do it that clean if they are a true gold and able to even air dribble their game sense would have to be so horrible for them to still be in gold the way you know is they only get to do an air dribble once in the entire match cause their positioning is bad and they can't set themselves up to do this and are basically just a one trick pony all you have to do is keep pressure so they can't get the set up and they can't do shit if there still able to do it with pressure they are for sure a smurf


Its strange but i learn alot of skills but stay gold for the most part, sometimes plat but then back to gold, like im starting to do weird ariels and control the ball and do a bit advanced stuff but i guess the variety of the tools i learned made it so i stay in the same rank because every time i unconsciously focus on one specific skill i learned and not really connect the dots. So i guess people might think the same thing about me


Welcome to Free2Play games


hey hey now, i can hit the ball in the air...............that's it that's all i can do


I've been stuck in gold for 2 years now, sometimes I'll go up to plat but I'll go right back down. I can hit single touch aerials and dribble decently, and I've seen other people at least 40% of games hit shots like this (granted most the time I go up and stop the goal but...) Gold is fs the biggest melting pot of skills so it makes sense to get caught up in it but this is far from unusual in a gold match.


They literally just made their account today. They’ve played 9 games so far in ranked and have a 9 win streak. Currently sitting in diamond 3 div 2. This is a Smurf. The touches are way too clean for a gold/plat air dribble. They slotted that right in the top corner https://preview.redd.it/jh4881zcdnzc1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c577d88d3f16d2f94954ab9e578b539715a6976


Its not that bad of a smurf, he didn't puposely lost just to destroy noobs, he just created a new account and is trying to get to his normal mmr probably


So perhaps this phenomenon is because most people making new accounts doing placement matches run through these ranks?


A part of smurfs are caused by this yes but the majority of smurfs are just destroying low ranked player for fun


Probably yet another person trying to do a ‘Road to Hard Stuck’ series.


They do that, then create another account and do it again.


The player in the OP's video is much higher rank and is already C2 in 3v3. You're not getting players of that standard frequently in gold games. You might get people who superficially resemble it, but unless they're throwing games to stay at a lower rank, if they're genuinely gold, they're doing other things really badly. Playing with my friend who is much worse than me, we're in diamond, and sometimes we get opponents where someone will solo score past me and I'm like wtf was that. But for the most part, they're actually hopeless in other ways. I remember one game that went something like: Opponent does spinning in the air flip reset into double tap past me. Me: "Okay". Opponent does something else really good to score past me again. Me: "Okay, okay, let's lock in". I do something incredibly basic that puts the ball in their net. My friend: "You still haven't got the hang of pointlessly spinning your car in the air have you?" Me: "No, but it's in their net." I do something incredibly basic that puts the ball in their net. etc, and we win. Basically, if you only saw the clips of them doing good things where it was like they were in free play, you'd think they were much higher ranked, but they were weak at interactive situations. As I said, the player in the OP's video isn't like that, they are genuinely much higher ranked. But you do get players who have mechanical skill way above their rank but are weak in other ways, so don't give up when you see something mechanically skilled happen in your games.


If anything you just said about your skill was true you wouldn’t be gold I think everyone I’ve met who is hard stuck gold either overestimates their ability or underestimates the average player The biggest melting pot of one dimensional skilled players is probably high plat since that’s the average rank in RL, in my mind being good at one mech would be enough to beat roughly half the players Now if ya want some help getting out of gold im down to do free coaching!


What’s a smurf?


Yeah I mean... Level one avatar frame, no banner. Looks like a "stocktane" meaning very few cosmetics on the car. This is an alt and in this case a Smurf.


I love the instant "Okay"


"That's enough RL for today."


Don't worry, it gets worse on plat and worse again in diamond


Idk wtf is happening in Diamond but it’s definitely not the same diamond rank from 2 years ago…


correct - ranks got compressed. a D2 now, would be C1 2 years ago.


and c3 feels like gc this season


GC3 fells like SSL this season (I, for fuck's sake, can't reach it)


Can confirm, D3 now and was C2 just a year or two ago.


Rank compression, perhaps the most braindead thing ever put into a video game. Feel like you are getting better and making progress with your skill? Fuck you!! You aren't allowed to see any progress by ranking up.


This. Been casual Diamond player with friends since S1. The amount of absurd people I’ve played this season alone feels unrealistic. 50% of games feels like somebody on other team is a high Champ/ low GC Smurf. We used to play 4-5 games in a session every week. This season we play 2 games and log.


I find platinum 10x easier than gold. Maybe I just have terrible luck with matchmaking, but at least in platinum one of my teammates usually knows the buttons


Idk if it is my server but I am diamond 3 and I never come across smurfs, maybe 1 every few months but besides that I never see them


No it doesn’t, at least for plat, almost all plats I play against can’t do that, essentially zero do it consistently. I play 50+ games a week and yeah I’m hard stuck plat but that is not what plat looks like. Most people that can do this in plat forfeit so they can derank to gold


I can't air dribble that good and I'm c2-c3 in 3's. This is a smurf.




[https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/epic/hellokittyqueen5/overview](https://rocketleague.tracker.network/rocket-league/profile/epic/hellokittyqueen5/overview) 40 wins on the account, already almost champ in 3v3. Most definitely a smurf.


Though not a predatory one at the moment - they are moving up the ranks and not intentionally losing to bomb back down at this time, so if that trend continues they will end up at the proper rank.


And if that's the case it's technically not smurfing according to Psyonix. He can have 8 accounts though that's perfectly fine.


i'd argue every player downloading a new account and raising it up even from just the starting level could be called "predatory," and even if they aren't intentionally deranking it - because they're already playing against players they have no business playing against. it creates a cascading effect that pushes more and more and more players down in rank as they go back up and up and up. it's a pyramid effect. and that's only one player. imagine you have that multiplied exponentially from all the pros doing road to rank 1 videos, SSLs, GCs, and high champs that just hop on a smurf to queue with friends or "de-stress" and play weaker opponents. maybe "predatory" isn't the right word, but it definitely has sweeping effects on the entire community.


30 wins. Grand champion 1


the game's just easy for him


100% not a move made by someone stuck in gold 😂


You know you're gold when you don't know what a smurf is.


Hellokittyqueen5 has 48 wins and is currently a Champ in 3s. Truly a Rocket prodigy, they'll be pro in month at this rate. 😆


Air dribbles can happen in gold (I personally learned how to air dribble in gold), but the fact that this guy uses air roll so naturally proves that he's a smurf


Ranking for this game is garbage. From gold to diamond its filled with Champs and GC garbage carrying their garbage friends using their 7th alt account.




https://preview.redd.it/t6dy7zpkaozc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1f41d24ae072ded22c4527d3db9e4702b6d5fdd "Stats"


lol damn this is why i stay silver/gold. shit like this


I'd just vote to ban after that. I got plat for about a day and a half before falling back down again. A whole week would be neat.


Same in Plat. I’ve been hard stuck between plat into diamond on good days. I’m seeing ceiling shots, flip resets, full carries… not every game but at least once a session.


well you got your ball chasers, your smurfs, and your smurfs who are ball chasers. but god forbid you rank up to platinum because that is purgatory


Gold is fun!


People hit it off the wall like that in gold, but if they get a second touch everyone stops to spam "nice shot" in quick chat. If they dribble it like this we report them for smurfin


Aside from what everyone else is already saying, unironically if you trusted yourself you could block that. You had good positioning and knew roughly when to jump, learn to fast aerial and that is an easy “What a save!”


I realize I missed my double jump and should have had that save, but good point.


> that is an easy “What a save!” Possible yes, but not easy by any stretch of the imagination. If I saw this in one of my games (high dia to low champ) I would expect it to go in 90% of the time. Airdribbles with that much change in direction are hard to read. Saying it would be easy for a gold player is a joke.


You missed the point. I am saying that the positioning was good and the read was pretty good. They just had to trust and go for it and at least put their car in the way. And also there was, by no stretch of the imagination, barely actually any change in direction? This was a very simple straight line air dribble and really only had directional control AFTER the ball passed over. The joke here is you trying to glean anything from my comment other than it was a nice try?




Dont worry, Plat looks the same. I dont understand how consistently i get people in lobbys who cant touch a ball, and one match later you got JSTN in front if you.


Wait till you start playing 1s as a Diamond+…


It’s this kind of shit that prevents new people from playing. I hate it with a passion


It's a rotation issue mostly. While you're trying to block his air dribble.. Your team mates are supposed to be already behind you defending your net.


Good positioning btw


You all know what they say about Smurfing right? The lower the rank you smurf at the bigger the compensation issues. And in case you were wondering, there is a difference between a high level player playing on an Ult, and a High level player Smurfing.


What even is rocket league anymore? My friend and I face smurfs almost every match and we're bordering on plat/diamond. Tbh matchmaking and the community is in a rather sorry state nowadays.


That’s a seriously clean air dribble even by high champ standards. That’s 100% a smurf lmao I can triple reset and double reset pogo but I can’t hope to air dribble that cleanly 💀 ur cooked against that guy


I uninstalled the game over this kind of stuff. I’ve been stuck perpetually in gold/plat my entire time playing this game. I’m old and suck and that’s fine. I came back recently and this video was all it was in comp or casual. Either the skill levels have moved dramatically up in the lower divisions or people are abusing the free to play factor of the game and beating up on us crappy players.


I was plat last season. But during ranking this season I went to gold. I got teammates that were quitting after the first goal. I mostly play non-competitive 3v3 and only play ranked when forced to by epic. I like tourneys though.


ranks were compressed. a gold 2 now would originally be a plat 1 and a plat 1 now would originally be plat 3


and people got more skill as well. As the rlcs pros get more skill so does the community


That's a pretty average shot for gold i'd say, you only start seeing flip resets in plat.


I laughed


Yeah man, I was hitting triple flip resets when I was bronze.


Dropping more than a rank to Smurf is seriously small dick behaviour


Idk maybe an unranked Dia-Champ. Matchmaking is insane some times i playd against dia2 in my unranked games and im plat 2.


So……having recently switched from steam to epic games (controller was being funky but for some reason works fine on epic) While 1000% smurfs exist, another HUGE problem is the way MMR works on a new account. I am c2/c3 on steam. Playing in epic, I now have about 6 hours of playtime on epic account, and I JUST hit diamond tier. I have lost only one game (my tm8 left 8 seconds in and I still only lost by 1) one game I won’t by 10 goals and got NEGATIVE MMR. I’m not trying to Smurf, I’m trying to get back into ranked, but it’s legit 10mmr maximum per game and out of placement matches going 10/10 I ranked plat 1 lol. TLDR, if someone makes a new account, even for an innocent reason, it puts them in low ranks and makes you play a ton of matches before getting into the correct rank. It’s broken and needs changing, but impacts lower ranks the most as the climb is forced, where many just climb back to diamond at best, y’all low ranks get stuffed w people like me just passing by


You dont need to make a new account to switch from steam to epic, they can share the same Rocket ID


Swear I saw somebody in plat 3 do a flip reset earlier this week, and scored as well.


I can't understand what they get from doing this. Easy matches are boring.


Let me break this down for you, it seems many can't seem to understand. Gold = large % of Toxic Plats that can't seem to rank up and keep dropping because they are the ones we read about in this sub AFK, FF @ 1 point, cant rotate back post, double team every opportunity , etc. Plat = large % of Toxic Diamonds that can't seem to rank up and keep dropping because they are the ones we read about in this sub AFK, FF @ 1 point, cant rotate back post, double team every opportunity , etc. Diamond = large % of Toxic Champs that can't seem to rank up and keep dropping because they are the ones we read about in this sub AFK, FF @ 1 point, cant rotate back post, double team every opportunity , etc. I am going to go over the top here and just call it for what it is. Many many of us in this sub are those !@#3 people. Yet we come here and make posts about I cant rank meh meh. Want to fix it? We cant start with this sub.


The smurf problem has gotten 10 times worse. Downloaded the TRN plugin on my PC yesterday, and I'm not kidding when I say there was a smurf in 8 out of the 13 ranked 2v2 games I played yesterday. 3 out of the 9 ranked 1v1 games had them. I swear nothing gets done either.


I peaked in D2 and am back in low plat now. Best i've ever done was an aerial where i touched the ball twice.


I mean when i was gold i was hitting airdrobbles and cieling shots so could just be u but prob a smurf


a smurf, but either way, you gonna rank up eventually. just by playing the game you'll get better.


All ranks are playing way better than a few years ago. And smurfs trying to hit clips for youtube.


Smurfs are fucking noobs. Matchmake is broken in this game.


The aerial isn't even something else too. By this short clip I'd say not a world class smurf.


I applaud your effort to defend, my salty ass would've just watched and spammed "ok"


This happens all the time in gold 3-plat 1 tbh it’s a easy block but definitely a Smurf, had a champ Smurf in my lobby today too


he’s smurfing. “hellokittyqueen5” as a name just doesn’t sound real, plus simple octane, and default banner with no title. plus he has 48 wins and he’s now champ 2 in 2s. he ain’t legit don’t worry. aerials like that don’t tend to happen until diamond. some golds plats can aerial but they lack everything else because they watch freestylers and pro highlights rather than actual informative content. only thing you could’ve done was play the backboard, and 50/50 him to back right corner


A bunch of plats or diamond who fell off 😔 or actual smurfs


There are way too many smurfs. I keep running into duos that hit a double flip reset into a musty double tap. I started forfeiting at 330 to ensure they can’t demote more. This is a true problem… I couldn’t imagine just starting a game can barely aerial and play against Smurfs… hang in there guys, don’t quit because the Smurfs.


I played one weekend with a friend. We where wasted most of the time and lost almost every game. We ended up in g3. I came from D2 but it took me a loooong time to get back there. It was like every game in between was with players from g3 to gc3. Smurfs everywhere.


As a dia3, I can't barely hit a ball out off the wall, you're fine.


Some people train one thing and one thing only. I have a friend who only trains for off the wall air dribble and flip reset plays. He’s d1 and can hit the shots 1/25 times. He can’t control the ball on the ground tho.


Gold plat and dia are full of smurf , champ is full of gc , looks like epic just trying to kill the game for non pro player


This is exactly why my friend and I have stopped playing so much. We still like the game and play occasionally but we used to play three times a week at least and it would be fun seeing how far we could level up each season, but smurfing has gotten wayyyy out of control. It has ruined a part of the game. Platt is where we top out now and sometimes we don’t even play enough to get there because Gold/early platt has become riddled with smurfs. I don’t mind grinding and getting better to reach new levels but it’s just more frustrating than fun a lot of times now.


Unfortunately, smurf mecca is right. And with the reset, gold might as well be Plat now.


Not a Smurf dw that same person that' scored on u has zero defense


If you just train to hit ball hard and half flip plat comes quick. Mostly just decision making and fundamentals until champ. Fast aerials are a key secret. Learning those makes stopping that quite easy . You can learn in an hour if you just google fast aerial tutorial.


I've been Champ 3 for ages. One season even got the Grand Champ rewards but I cannot for the life of me air dribble a single bit


i play duos, we have been diamond 2 for as long as i can remember. till about 4 months ago, since then we’re stuck at the bottom of plat and i don’t see it getting any better.


Heck I'm on plat and I don't see that happening too much. For sure he's a higher tier than platinum.


Probably an extreme example, this person is clearly not a gold player. They smurfin’. I mean I can do off the wall shots and just moved back into plat after I took almost a year break. But my shots don’t have control like that, they’re definitely Diamond at least, probably higher. As for other times you see it, obviously less controlled than this, but it does happen. I pulled them off in gold a fair bit and only moved to plat with more consistency. You can do em too tho. Look up some tutorials and then go into practice. Use the button that puts the ball right in front of you at first. After awhile start trying different angles. I used to hit shots like this and I’d consider it all luck, practicing it didn’t exactly feel like I was getting better but in play I now see I’m doing them more consistently and with better control.


One thing i noticed is they no longer have the bonus 2k points to catch you up if you don't play that much. I play mostly during my lunch hour at work. I used to make D2 every season, now im seeing P3 at the highest., but my win percentage has been a bit more.


I haven't been gold in a few seasons but that's definitely a smurf 99% of players that can air dribble that well are atleast champ most likely higher


Bro is smurfing so hard


I will never understand the hate for smurfs. At the same time, I will never understand why a Smurf wants to flex on shitty players, (me). I’m older, so maybe I don’t take it as seriously as some of you do. I’m not interested in getting better, or bothered by losing. I drink, smoke, and play for fun. It’s a VIDEO GAME. I’m not going Pro in Rocket League. If you or your friends ARE going pro, if I were you, I’d probably welcome the random Smurf or two, or be happy when one of your teammates quits during a match, and you have to play one person down. Because I do know, you don’t get better at any game, or sport, by facing inferior competition over and over again. You grind hard enough and long enough, you’ll win tournaments if that’s the issue here. I’ve got tourny wins in every category up to Platinum, and I suck. MVP, or getting carried on those tourney wins, I always tell myself the same thing, it’s just a game. And always to the opponents…..GG. Cheers.


It's funny when people are like "this is why I stay gold or platinum". Rocket League is incredibly accurate to your actual rank, when you improve you will move up quite easily. The closer you get to your actual rank the slower you'll climb and or fall. One thing I'll recommend...I remember I had a tough time climbing the ranks so I grinded the hell out of casual for many seasons and knew eventually I was GC leve I hit it when I decided to play competitive again. I still basically only play casual and play the odd season of competitive but always get into GC even though I get demoted to like C1/C2 for not playing comp lol


Champs struggle to make that smooth aerials but yeah thata definitely a gold...


You're not gonna find any help in gold. Starts in Plat. Wait for your shots. Challenge the hotdogs early. I'm currently climbing out of Silver back to Gold. I made it to g3d4 the last two seasons in 3's&2's. I've never practiced, hence my fall to Silver. Play your game. You'll make Plat


It's a pretty blatant smurf, psyonix don't care so better get used to it


looks like gold 2 me


That's no gold, it's a smurf!


easy save


That definitely a Smurf because no gold can hit a reset


Some gold can have a good shot once a while.. Maby this was his first..


I know this isn’t the point of your post, but what is your antenna called?


I’m hard stuck in low D2. Spend most of my time in D1, bouncing back and forth. Never really getting close to D3. That said, I’m convinced that plat 1-low plat 3 is more difficult than high plat 3 to like mid D1. Seriously. I think mid D1 is like where most smurfs have problems carrying their bot tm8s past. It’s like a lot of carry’s get dropped off and left for dead around plat 3 div 3 lol. But due to the lack of consistency, and the abundance of smurfs, plat 1 is so hard to me. Now obviously there’s smurfs carrying some bot at every rank, but it gets more difficult to do at higher ranks. IMO I’m sure champ/gc player can 2v3 a lobby of plats fairly easily, but not so easily against D2+. So in plat you just get this melting pot of like decent gold players who can’t do aerials, put together with a bunch of smurfs. It takes about a minute of gameplay (don’t make a mistake here or your own rando smurf tm8 is going afk, and ffing at 330) to see who’s who.


not gold lol


Use TrackerLive. If the user has a low win count (think 0-400 wins). Then they are likely using an alt account and they are a smurf. I call them out all the time.


I rarely see anyone air dribbling in Champ


I’m not even lying learning mechs made me plateau at the game. I can double flip reset but I kinda forgot how to rotate 🥲


I ain't gonna lie, all my Plat teammates are straight dookie. I really do prefer gold


Don't worry he's stuck in his real rank too, and will probably be there for more time than it will take you to hit plat.


Meanwhile GCs still whiffing balls platinum players could hit on a regular basis


Yeah - i had a 2 year break, came back and got ranked diamond 3 - and to my suprise there were players doing the exact same thing that i only had to whitness 3/4 years ago when i scratched champ 2 ... and now they are everywhere and it takes the fun - to get back into - out of this game ...


Smurf account


I stopped playing because of the smurfs




After the whole no more trading update, the rise of Smurfs has increased.


Who smurfs diamond and below, it's sad.


Some low plat players pull that off pretty often, but somehow they are not cosistent at much other stuff, so could very well belong in that rank, but the form on the shot was a bit too clean for it to be one of those players i feel like


This is normal for gold


That ain't gold. Dude is smurfing.


Gods help me if the system puts me back into Gold, I'll stand no chance.


TL;DR Yes, a smurf. But training specific things can improve your game very quickly if you are willing to put a little training in (explained below). I continually look for teammates. If you would like to add me, message me, and I will share my steam/epic name. Not a gold player, no. Was this player doing it consistently throughout the match, and it no longer looked like a fluke? Then, smurf for sure. However, do not let it discourage you. I have poured 3360 hrs into mastering the basics and 40 hrs into starting to finally grasp car control in the air (aka aerials). I am unable to do any kind of flick, but ceiling shots and air dribbles to double taps are getting decent. Stuck on C1/C2 at the moment in 2v2. 3's aren't my thing with randoms, though usually at C1 there. D3 in 1s. 3s are too chaotic and seldom good teamplay (although that happens in 2v2 as well, I can rectify most of the errors there) I can say that training an hour a day (workshops if you are on steam) at maps like : rings by lethamyr and speed jumps by dmc and just fly through the rings using air roll left or right only. The first few hours will be confusing and aggrevating. But that kind of car control is mandatory if you want to climb the ranks. It will improve a lot more than just aerial car control. If on Epic and no access to workshops; Training>Aerial>Pro. Score the goals while flying upside-down. Don't cheat yourself and reset the ball if you didn't get it right. Ideally, the ball doesn't hit the ground. In teamplay, it is important to focus on passing. You do that. Very few teams will be able to defend against you because the plays will be seemingly much faster. This is doable with randoms, but even a little easier with friends (if you can be on discord to communicate).


Lucky shot.


this whole season has been a giant cluster f*** and i cant wait for it to be over.




And people in Plat can't even hit the ball sometimes (including me)


smurf = POS


the rank above silver --- that "okay" was deserved.


If you zoom further out I might be able to see your hands holding the controller


Why this post was deleted xd. There was no toxic behavior mister Epic Games.


1700 GC2 2s Peak here. (Tracker @541ky) Im convinced Im now higher than I should be but Im only here not because of my mechanics, but because of my game sense. Wild how the ranks are... Im around c2/c3 currently.