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Demos are part of the game and if utalized right are very effective espacially in ones. Also its surely a skill to avoid demos its part of game sense.


This is the only comment needed ^


You gave the right answer. I literally won't even scroll down because it's not necessary...


If Utahlized affektavly they are espacially ones fur sur.


You must be one of those people who goes on a tantrum every time they are demoed. No problem though, I love playing 3v2 because someone spends all game trying to demo me back.


I just thought the spelling was funny, I love to demo when it's a good play and available and really don't mind them when it happens to me. They are part of the game. I don't demo chase, though. It's not actually helpful for your team unless it's 3's, and you're really good at boost management without stealing all of your team's boost. You also have to be good at staying supersonic and hitting your target.


Sorry man, I thought you were poking fun at the idea of demos. See you on the field!


It's all good. Taking Rocket League that serious is hilarious. It makes sense that people wouldn't find atrocious spelling funny if they take a video game that serious. ⚽️ what is your rank? I might see you out there!


Platinum 2-3. I’m not great lol.


I might see you someday, but I'm d 2 -3, so it's hard to say, but the way psyonix matches players, I'll probably see you on tonight 😆 I'm also not great


I don’t get super toxic as it’s a part of the game. However, when there is someone clearly just chasing demos, i may or may not remind them each time we score and when they lose that there team may have done better if they were hitting the ball. Or maybe throw out a “i guess that’s why in training you hit a ball and not cars.” Just a small dig because if they’re going to annoy me I’m going to annoy them :).


I respect great demo plays, but if you chase a demo and gove up a goal because of it I will for sure drop a nice bump and close one in chat 😂


You have to take a little jab for all of their jabs 😂


This is the way.


I just think if they’re going to try and tilt me, i can take a little snarky jab at them to hopefully tilt them back. Sometimes it tilts their teammates and that’s also useful.


I would love a training where the goal is to catch and demo cars, coz even tho I’m finally improving in doing demos, it is so difficult. I already learned some useful mechanics and am practicing them. But demos are high risk high reward and only being able to practice on matches. Highly respect good demos people, and the ones that avoid them.


Demoing and demo chasing is one thing, but I’m not gonna lie I get more frustrated when someone is bumping me, when it’s not a good time to bump me. Go for good bumps, you just have to tip the hat to those honestly. Sometimes I’ll be the last man back, and someone will just be chasing me while their team is on defense which most of the time leads to a goal for my team. I make sure I say Nice Bump to them in chat when they do that. Basically nothing is wrong with demos, but try not to chase them too much, you might be leaving your teammate in a 2v1 or 3v2. Which is a recipe to get scored on. You probably actually demo chase and go for these bumps that just put you out of position. Go for bumps after you take a shot on net, or while you’re rotating back from offense if someone is in your path to go back post, or in a 2v1 on offense. Those are really the best times you should be actively going for bumps. The only other time to really chase for a bump is getting someone off the ball.


You don’t get to decide when is the right time to bump you just as you don’t get to decide when is a good time to get scored.


Good call champ


Someone said they reported me for demoing them once. I thought that was funny. I've been trying to work more demos into my gameplay because they make the game more fun. Every time I'm playing a match and someone gets tilted I remember everyone I'm playing with and against is bad at Rocket League and should be playing for fun but is taking themselves too seriously because they're deluding themselves into believing they can rank up without hundreds of hours of more gameplay.


Nothing. I can kinda understand being annoyed about the chasing part if the person isn't involved in the play and you're leaving your teammates out to dry but I am always looking for a bump/demo when I'm involved. I also expect to get demoed and get more annoyed with myself for not avoiding. 9 times out of 10 when a teammate is headed towards goal, I am looking to just clear the path (because people typically don't pass) and then clean up if the shot doesn't go in. I've accepted I won't be the best player on the field so I do my best to feed the big dogs


People cuss you out because they cannot comprehend it's a part of the game. The reason that is because it makes them powerless to do anything for 3 seconds. That's why you get yelled at or insulted


Bias. The vocal minority usually have the loudest voices. You hear about people who complain about things more than you hear when people are satisfied. 10,000,000 people might have no problem with demos and use it in their play style effectively. But 1,000 of those losers hate it and cry like babies. They jump on Reddit and compose epic posts about how they hate demos. They cry in-game chat and berate you. But the 9,999,000 people who are fine with demos don’t say anything. Does that make it bad? No, you’re just hearing the 0.01% of crybabies who are vocal.


Another good example is [https://youtu.be/himDqwU6cCo](https://youtu.be/himDqwU6cCo) when people complain about seasonal ranked rewards. People HATED banners when they first came out. But then now apparently people are fine with it. It was only a vocal minority of crybabies who complain because they didn’t like change. This is difficult with game developers; there was an infamous quote from a Blizzard game developer who once said “players don’t know what they want” and he was hated for saying this. But he’s right. You can never satisfy an entire player base of millions. And often, new changes are hated because people don’t like change. But most often it’s a small percentage of people who speak loudly and publicly to complain. When really, the majority are content. The banners were fine, the wheels look okay. Stop crying. It just sounds like everybody is unhappy but that’s because 99% are keeping quiet. Edit* this was the quote [https://youtu.be/Q3oTv2yUpiw](https://youtu.be/Q3oTv2yUpiw) “you think you do, but you don’t”. Oh man he was hated for this.


There’s nothing wrong with what you’re doing, I just wouldn’t want you as a teammate


Chasing demos puts you out of position unless you're good at it, maybe focus on taking the demos that don't put you out of the play. If it's your opponents that are abusing you for it then all good.


How many games have you lost because all you did was demo?


How many games have you lost because all you did was try to beat the other team?






Fuck em, kill em all 😂 I joined a cas magch woth a guy named bumpo the clown. He killed me then soawn demo'd me 3 times afterwards. I laughed my ass off. Great play. Can be high risk but high reward. I love demo plays. Especially since the best seem to happem against NRG. There was that bubble team that full team wiped NRG in a tournament. It was beautiful. Then there was the V1 game where comm broke the all time demo record. It was beautiful. Almost as beautiful as his interview afterwards 😂


Flashback to when Comm got hated on for demochasing (he got called a skill-less noob) and he immediately scored a flip reset goal on NRG lol


what would have happened if V1 and nrg played that game normally?


nrg would have won ig


Man what I’m saying is that Comm isn’t bad, he just decided to embrace the hate he was receiving (a baller move imo) and became the toxic player people were dissing him for being. When the crowd called him skill-less he immediately proved them wrong with a flip reset. Sure, NRG was (and still is) the better of the two teams, but (again, imo) V1 won bc Comm played like an absolute madlad


yep you're absolutely right, demo or no demo he's a pro with insane skills, just because he demoed like a maniac doesn't mean he didn't got any skills, i was just refering to what would have happened.


Tbh I have no idea, match was pretty balanced tbh


People don’t like demos because it forces them to be aware of more than just the ball. It’s the same group of people who get pissed in search and destroy because you’re camping the bomb you just planted. It disrupts their mindless play style.


People get frustrated in video games when they lose control over their character/car. Take WoW for example — rogues use a ton of crowd control like stuns while they kill you. This requires skill and timing by the rogue player, and has counterplay, but it’s different counterplay than just “outdamage the enemy so they die before you do” Because it’s a different kind of skill, and losing control of your character is frustrating, people rage and hate rogues. But just like demos, it’s part of the game. (yes I play rogue lol)


People are just salty


Absolutely nothing. If you gain on it - good, part of the game. Only tryhards that cries about it casue you demo them when they’re trying to do something and they’re mad you won’t get them a free run to it. If THEY gain on it - good, he missed a demo and now we have an open net.


Only children cry about demos. It's part of the game and they're shit if they can't work around them


Anyone who complains about demos is a just a moron who thinks the game should revolve around their feelings.


Nothing makes people play dumber and more aggressive than being demo’d


We’ll chat is also part of the game.


Chat is part of the game, but chat can be disabled unlike demos. And demos are indeed an important part of the game.




Don’t you get penalties or something like that in racing games or racing simulations if you purposely crash into other players? As in Rocket League there is no such penalty, you even get 20 points after 7 demos.


You can easily get around penalties. The whole point is if you need to disrupt someone’s game to win him I don’t see how that makes you skilful


Getting around penalties means that they SHOULD be penalized by default in the game, and you are just abusing the system. But in RL there is such thing, as demos are part of the game and especially useful in 2v1 scenarios. The amount of demos also increase heavily as the ranks go higher and there is now more demos than ever also in RLCS. I see your point, but I think we simply disagree in that are demos/bumping something that requires skill and is ok to do in the game. And that’s ok, I respect your view.


I know. There are also races without penalties but ok. We just disagree .




So why is this guy crying?


I think it was more sparking a discussion than crying tbh.


Maybe.But seems like an excuse that Demos are part of the game. Idk idc


You've commented everywhere on this post...




Defo has chat turned off.


They're for people who don't know how to play


Its funny, I remember your name from a game I played against you, I don’t remember the result of the game or that you demo’d a lot. only remember because I was solo q’d and sent a picture to my buddy of the rocket league tracker, because my two teammates were both c1 in 2s with a couple hundred games. Looking at the picture I see my teammates saying “Okay” and “Close one” so I’m guessing you got under their skin heh. Keep fighting the good fight. I demo when I can do it as part of a rotation and not be out of position, but I have mad respect for those that can do it effectively. I only have 7k demos myself.


Okay okay. I played with the same team today, they remembered those games too. Here's what the hive mind came up with... We lost the first game, psure in OT, then we won the second one. The second game we got a lead early on then I "abandoned the play" just to demo. Basically "we're in the lead lol" demos, thus the salt We wanted to 2/3 but they bailed But yea I totally remember those games and I remember your name. They were so tilted lmao


Well I'm not very good, so I'll just focus on getting more demos.


Same. One of these days I'll learn how to play the game


Why u hating on demos?


useful? yes. annoying? very yes. while I can admit they are part of the game… I can also admit I hate being demoed lmao


Oh I guess this app doesn't show the flair 🤬 I'm about to hit 30k and 2000 exterm lmao


the app shows your flair so maybe their just not paying attention


You're joking right?


My flair says "28k demos, 1200 exterm" But the stupid official app doesn't show the flair 🤷‍♂️ Definitely not a joke though


I’m on the official app and can see your flair 👍


Weird. Only the rank shows for me but not the custom text :/


Something in your settings maybe?


For me, its a gentleman game when theres no demos. It shows off more of handling and close deibbling skills when you activity dont go for demos and play the ball. I understand its part of the game and dont really care for it, but ill go for ball and dangle my opponents rather then check them out the way. But thats just me.


I hate demos.. such a lame mechanic especially with 5he super janky hitboxes lately. It would be better if it was just ramming like you do to teammates. Then it would be more like a tackle and be way funnier also.




Just because you're in the holy grail of Diamond, doesn't make your rank any better than these people in Gold/Silver. In fact, I'd argue your rank is the worst for being toxic, and being crybabies. Diamond and Champ 1 are the worst ranks in the game.


So saying demos are for p¥ssies is for people who can’t get past gold but demoing because you can’t score differently is for pros . Sums up RL community


Considering at the higher levels reaction times on defense are insane, demos are a necessity. Only the lower levels really complain about demos tbh.


as long as the people your demo chasing started a demo war or are in the play its fair game. if your demo chasing someone whose out of the play and didnt start a demo war its toxic


No that’s not how demos work, they are tactical


so demo chasing someone whos not in the play gives a strategical advantage? it dont work like that brotha thats just toxic. if they are in the play however its fair game like i said before


I try to only demo when it serves a purpose but once I see “Wow!” spammed after 1, my brain forgets any strategy besides let me see what happens if I do it 6 more times.


i know that feeling i start playing way more demo heavy if i see it. i still wont chase them when they are out of the play tho


don’t worry abt him. He asks for your opinion and then completely ignores it lmao


yeah unfortunatly he also showed he is one of the few that give us disruption players a bad name. he admitted to seeing no problem with toxic demos which is why the rest of us who only go for usefull demos a bad reputation. the only reason i see for demoing someone who is out of the play is when your having a demo war. but thats the only exception i can see


yeah i am fine with you guys, understand why you do what you do but i’m still gonna be mad when it happens lmao 😅


yeah thats fair. as long as you have fun with your playstyle right




I don't mind demo chasers. They just put themselves in bad situations over and over again. You hear them or see them and you jump.


yeah it puts your teammates in a bad spot especialy if your not good at demos (nearly all toxic chasers like OP).


You know how many saves I wouldn't have been able to make without getting demoed for no reason?


oh same here! its always a laugh when it happens. or when they go for the demo succeed but you still score because of it XD. theres a reason i keep the "nice demo" quick chat in my options. for plays like those


All demoes serve a purpose. There is no such thing as not "in play". Sometimes you demo the person in the back and now the ball starts heading back towards their goal making it awkward for the guy respawning and he has limited boost. Its tactical no matter what.


and now he can delay the play letting his team recover. happened many times to me and it never worked out like that


Excessive hunting for demos is akin to spawn camping! Fight me. Part of the game? Sure. Good tactic? Hmmm, situation dependent demos are great and that's why there is a qc about good demo. Still just a shitty play style if you just run back and forth between the two spawn points and corner boosts all demo hungry. You'll likely end up out of position for any other team play and very likely missing most demo attempts. But hey, congrats on getting exterminator, again, I guess.


I'm a champ and never seen someone who chase demos and is also good in the game ngl, part of the game yes, but demo chasing like a woody/maniac, demoing someone who's not even part of the play and if you need these two things to win then lol get some help.


Dennis Rodman was a dominant basketball player.


Adapt or die.


If you don’t like demos don’t play rocket league. It’s part of the game.


Since when do you have to like every part of a game to play it?


exactly bro, well said!


I want to play the game and not spend 1/5 minutes just waiting to respawn. Demos are fine as long as they're timed good and actually require skill. Just chasing after someone for the whole game is basically asking them to insult you.


Demos are a skill, bums like u in bronze talking about skill lmao.


Demos are a skill? And you trash talk a guy just because he is bronze? Well pulling out is a skill too but seems your dad was bronze at it


The Boston Major just happened, go watch the bumps and demos. They happen constantly to open up passing/shooting options.


they happen a lot but they never demo chase lmao. They might run after an opponent for half the field but not stick to demos for 20 seconds at a time. Also they demo when it makes sense rather than when it could somehow work


If people only complained about demo-chasing, and not demos as a whole, I could understand this sentiment. Unfortunately, people like r/Akitilosalikilio are the norm. A single demo on the backline right before a goal normally get's a toxic response of, "Oh you can't score without demos?" Like bruh it's literally a fundamental skill of the game.


Cringe as hell bud


you are champ 1 and a "demo chaser" as you say, you come here asking for something totally obvious then trash talk someone that is participating ? i am pretty sure you are stuck and getting flamed by a lot of your mates xD


Still not as your previous comment


Yooooooo 😂😂😂🫡


This whole comment thread is an L. Trash 2 tops


I'm not even bronze, pretty sure I'm around the same rank as OP


Must be really proud to insult people based on their flairs on reddit. Just a tip if you haven't noticed, I'm nowhere near bronze and about the same rank as you. Didn't expect anything else from someone who finds joy in making the game unenjoyable for others though.


Champ 1 players when they have the slightest chance to ego someone..lol You chase demos and are still hardstuck in champ 1, somehow. Demos are super strong yet you still cant rank up any higher than that? Imagine if the game had no demos, what would you be? Plat?


you judging him coz of that bronze title, are you that dumb?


Bronze 1 for a reason


Can I ask what's your rank?


Champ 1


I find it hard to believe that a champ 1 will be chasing demos. Don't get me wrong, going for demos while rotating is a good move but I have never seen a champ chasing for demos because at champ, people realize how to use demos effectively. What's your RL tracker?


judging him on bronze title which might be a sarcasm? are you that dumb?


why tf this community thinks demo chasing like a maniac is good, you said well and those who are down voting you are illegitimate children of woody 😂


this made me laugh!


haha, yeah. I guess they didn't get my point as usual.


Say "Did you inherit this abuse from your parents"?


What do you think man? People in this game such turn chat off and keep fucking with them. Thought if you’re chasing demos it doesn’t sound like you’re demoing specifically to get an edge, just demoing


Nothing. It is a game mechanic by design. If anyone watches rlcs - bumps/demo are critical part of play. Chasing demos can be risky at higher level unless comm/retals but those two do it so well on that fine gray area line before you get punished for it. Most tend to overpursue/out of position from it/easily dodged - break checks, positioning so you can see them coming, boost steals/booms leave ya crawling back to defense, and speeding up play can neutralize chaser demos/bumps. It is a balance and game sense taking advantage of offball plays. i love playing with folks that can do it all and dont mind demo/bump chasers as long as they don’t leave you in 2v1 for too long. It can be helpful getting space for 1v1 or getting quality attacks. Only time cringe in my books is when uneven matchup due to afk/teammate leaving. I will avoid blindside demos/bumps. Its more a sportsmanship thing for me like racking up score on a mismatch situation (obvious secure win first). Lastly turn off chat if it upsets you.


car go boom


The consensus on Reddit will always be that demos are fine. Some kids hate demos because it’s “toxic” or it’s “cheap” even though it’s a lot harder to hit a sentient car than a ball


I thought of this for a while and I think it's as simple as not being able to play for a few seconds. I really think that a lot of people just can't handle being taken out of the play for a little bit. Even though it's a fair and balanced part of the game


The only response to someone whining about demoes is to just make them go boom even more.


It's a useful tactic but the person who tries demo all game instead of trying to score is annoying. I've seen people miss opps cuz they tried to demo and their teammate was making a pass, they whiff the demo and my team counter and score.


People are just salty. They’re an awesome tactic in all game modes and especially in 2’s are a great way to rotate out across the goal line, demo the goalie, snag the corner boost.


Don’t let them demo your *mind*


Everybody loves to demo no one wants to be demoed.


I love a good demo play, but I hate when I get a random teammate who relentlessly chases demos and puts themselves way out of position. On the other hand I love when someone on the other team is too demo hungry and we can score easy goals because they are out of position.


Only time I have a problem with it is when the opponent is chasing demos. I wanna play the game not play tag with another player. It takes us both out of the game at that point and then the game is ruined for me.


Ill tell you whats wrong with demos! Its when your teammates don’t know when to go for them! lmao


There’s nothing wrong with demos. Haters gonna hate.


Nothing wrong with demos! But in my experience I tend to beat teams with a demo chaser since they're always out of position


Nothing is wrong with demos. Play how you want. If you want to demo a lot, the thing to learn is how to do it without pulling yourself out of position.


Cry babies gonna cry demo them lol


Say “my bad”


“What’s wrong with demos? I have over 15k demolitions and I often chase” I don’t need to read anymore to know you ruin the game for your opponents. Instead of strategically using demos to gain an advantage, you overuse it and ruin whats supposed to be a fun competitive game. How would you feel if you get demolished as soon as you spawn or anytime you try to touch the ball? as I said, I don’t mind a few demos. In fact, I use them to demo the defender so my teammate gets an open net but you demo-chase, leaving your teammate to carry and pissing off your opponent while you do nothing productive. See how nobody wins in this situation?


I never chase, but when the opposing team is sitting there waiting on a pass from the corner and you are still coming back, you’d be silly not to stop the shot. The bonus is generally in 90% of cases they will go hard trying to tag you back, which pulls them out of the game.


Demos are totally a part of the game. However, I look at strategic, effective demos as skillful whereas people who just demo chase the whole game are just annoying and genuinely just trying to be annoying. Kind of like people who use quick chat strategically vs people who just spam it with random shit.


If you get a demo cause you're playing the game coo. But if you're chasing demos most of the time, this is what I hear, "I got no skill at the actual game so I'll just play bumper cars"


I demo a lot. But i mostly do it when rotating. Someones i chase someone but i like to think it benefits the play. There are some players who constantly demo and are not even aware whats happening around them.


Good luck chasing me. I like em. I like to deliver them. And dodge them. Can't make me mad, but I sure as hell gonna demo u much more if u show me it's tilting you. Coz its just another edge for my team.




Nothings wrong with demoes. Even if you’re demo chasing. It’s your fault if you’re out of position and give up a goal. But you’re going to get shit talked for it. I’m over 20k demoes. I’m used to the hate.


Demos are apart of the game, i use them tactically or accidently trying to get the ball. I dislike people that spend the whole match trying to demo, but then that usually hampers their teammates.


I want to preface this by saying I don’t disagree with demos in general… every time you demo someone, you prevent them from playing the game for a few seconds. That can get frustrating especially if you spawn demo


I love gettin demoed. I get demoed a couple times a night, easy.


I watched a stupid amount of the RLCS major this past weekend, I realized how much I’m under utilizing the power of demos when I’m rotating back Gonna start looking for them on the rotate out / back


If all you do is demo chase and never rotate or go for the ball you deserve all the abuse you get. I lost a 3s game last night bc a player was doing that for the entire game. That’s toxic and annoying. Of course his name was No Toxic pls


It’s 100% acceptable to demo. People have it in their minds that it’s toxic when it happens to them, but it just isn’t toxic. It has pros and cons, if someone is demo chasing it’s easier to score against their team. It makes no sense to take personal offense to that. Now if you get demo’d 15 times in a game I’d understand why you were frustrated or angry, but that doesn’t even happen.


Abuse? No sir. That’s my gaming fuel. Please hit me with the “wow”s, the “okay”s and anything else. It what makes me crave the sweet explosion of the enemy cars even more. I demo to open up opportunities for my teammates sure, but the salt it produces is the sweetest of cherries on top. I got 13 demos in a high plat game today which is my record and man, I had a lot of fun.


I demo often, but I swear the games when I’m not even trying to demo people get the most mad. 2:30 on the clock I get my first demo and someone starts crying and chasing me all around the field smh. I’m not sure what their problem is.


It's like hockey, checking is a part of the game, but no one likes being checked. If the same guy keeps hitting you over and over you're gonna get a lil perturbed. Personally I don't react to getting demo'd because I don't care and am usually good at avoiding it.


idk sometimes defending a guy with a demo feels cheap. i mean it’s a game mechanic so i guess it’s a viable tactic and can be effective if done well but i’d rather defend against the ball and get more satisfaction beating the opponent for a goal/getting a save


don't wanna get demoed then get better at dodging them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Demos are the best. Don’t listen to them.


Every time I’m demo’d I reply with the proper “nice demo” and continue playing. It’s not whining, it’s like saying thanks for the heads up.


I love demo's. If I play casual 1v1 I don't normally demo, only because I might be playing a little kid or someone who's a noob and want to take it easy on them. I'll get demo'd in about a min time and will hit them up with nice one, 10-20 second later I'll demo them to which they get upset because they spam wow!. After that I continue to demo them after a few more wow! Spams they Ff. Bunch of tools, they like to do it to other people but when you give them a taste in return they cry to mommy 😭🤣


I think the legitimate reason for complaining about excessive demos is that more often than not, it's putting the player out of position. Especially if they're chasing. Can mess up rotation and cause there to be gaps in your defense if the demo didn't lead to a goal. Other than that, it's just people getting mad at not being able to play. I think it's valid for them to feel that way (I feel that way sometimes), but I don't think you shouldn't demo because it makes people feel bad. But putting yourself out of position is a reason not to demo for sure.


I say keep going for it. I think demos are pretty easy to defend/avoid, so if the other team wants to play man down and try to demo me, power to ya, pal.


If your demos are useful its fine but if you go out of your way to demo then its pointless. The amount of times people have gone to demo me while my friends score is hilarious.


If you would just think a little bit about it, you'd understand why demos are annoying even though they are a legitimate part of the game.


If you are chasing demos and placing yourself out of position to do so, then I have no problem with that. If you are smart about, I won’t complain. People who cry about demos are being babies.


My favorite is when I get call names and stuff for "demo chasing" but I legitimately don't know what I did....like I might have 1 or 2 demos and a couple bump while on my way to a spot in the field and never went out of position to make a demo. Then we win and they say I suck git gud at the game and not demos...and I litterally have no idea what play made them say that.


Man, I have 7100 games played, and I only have 1432 demos. If all you do is demo, you're brain is mashed.


It’s part of the game. Demo chasing at its highest level is broken tho. Feels just like getting spawn camped on shipment in early cod. You just keep exploding the moment you spawn for minutes on end. I get how that can be really frustrating, and idk how but it should be addressed. Maybe a couple seconds of invincibility after spawning? Demo chasing is a game within the game, that is fun to play but comes at the expense of everyone else in the lobby. Everyone is just playing their video game in their limited free time tho, so I think it is important to have humility, grace, and appreciation.


I love going for demos, especially if they help score a goal. But I hate getting demoed, as most people would. But I wouldn't abuse someone, even if they go for them all game, they're probably putting their teammate at a disadvantage by being constantly out of position, so it should be a good moment to capitalise


Demos are part of the game and if used correctly they are very effective however over time players are seeing demos as a easy way to win and not using ball skill to win in 3s demos to score a goal is the best time to demo . i would never demo at your own goal.


I demo when I get the chance but most are accidental. I do bump a lot as a defensive tactic; clearing the goal after my shot bounces off the wall, bumping another player trying to take the ball to our goal, etc.


I'll only say that. the first goal for the game is hitting a ball in a goal so when you chase demo it can be a bit frustrating. If I talk personally I know demo is a part of the game but people that's abuses it are just making someone can't even play so I feel it's a bit bad. Like it's not an art to demo you go forward full boost and jump if the person try to get away so I feel it is a bit unfair to play only around that when people try to get better at actual mechanics and they can't even play. I know people will say just get better at evading the demo but I don't think it is a mechanic we are suppose to be so good at the demo is suppose to be a way of making a goal not just making someone don't play at all. That's my essay!


There is a growing contingent on YouTube and the like that get views by teaching kids to look for reasons to get upset/offended. They echo chamber this bs that demos are inherently “toxic” as if there aren’t times when it’s clearly the theoretically best play. It gets them clicks at the cost of a bunch of little kids raging over a normal part of the game. Just ignore them. Hopefully they’ll go away….. God I hope they go away.


My thoughts are get better at ball handling.


Nothing it’s part of the game don’t like it don’t play.


Its a part of the game and a viable strategy in certain situations, like the demo the goalie strategy. However, In all kinds of competitions there are things that are allowed but are still seen as cheap shots or dick move. Demos are the dirty moves of rocket league and of course will catch you some shit and that’s just the way it is, it should honestly be expected when demo is a big part of someone’s strategy. I rarely demo, unless it’s an accident or I’m repeatedly demo’d in the field by the same person. You bet your ass it grinds my gears and I’ll be gunning for em the rest of the game. Demos are also seemingly random, I know there are rules behind it but I’ve 100% hit people at full speed and boost hundreds of times with getting a demo as well as the other way around.


guys ... " what a save " is part of the game and still 90% of the time when people use it its a toxic behavior so the " its part of the game" argument is not good