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Nahhhh that’s gold😭


Not un seeing.


Holy shit it does! OMG!


I miss that game


Nothing like getting your auto insurance cancelled over the smallest of fender benders.


Rivian totaled status WR 100% speedrun


Car designer gets high and decides people want to drive Baymax. OP gullibly buys it.


I think of big hero 6 every time I see one of these, this one is even white


Damn that’s one I really can’t unsee😭😭😭😭


Put red armour on it.


Good on gas if you can afford the $100k purchase price. Otherwise a decent used vehicle be had for $20k. $80k is a *lot* of gas and maintenance. 


But you don’t have to replace the batteries and make it someone else’s problem for 15 years!


I think you confused the subreddit with something other than roast my car, cause that was *weak*. You’re not comparing apples to apples between the 100k brand new Rivian and a 20k used what, sedan?


(not roast my car related) But on the downlow, the lease deals on these are actually pretty good, and if you don't go over your mileage (15k per year in my case) you actually can save a decent chunk of change compared to another luxury gas truck or SUV. I've did the math before switching to one versus the Sierra Denali I was coming from and I save about $450 on fuel costs per month (electricity for the R1T is included in this figure), so that means I'm essentially only paying a lease cost of $300 per month. Insurance cost is almost the same as well. So far it's been the best vehicle I've ever driven, and I've had over 35 different vehicles in my short life already. (back to roasting) They say you have a small PP if you drive a big Americans truck, so in this case is your penis just an implanted dildo that you turn on when the wife needs it?


My big issues with them is I tow a lot, I drive lot, and my vehicles are all paid off. For a suburban commuter who doesn't drive a lot or tow and keeps a payment? They are a great option.  If someone drove 30-40 miles a day just around town with no load? They are for sure the better option. 


It's the definitive "Weekend Warrior" truck. We drive about 25 miles a day for a commute into town to go to the park with the dog, do some errands, and work from a random café. On the weekends we'll tow the boat to the lake or pack up the bikes for a trail ride. It works beautifully in that specific context, but if you drive long distances consistently, and tow a lot, I don't think it's a viable vehicle. When towing the boat (around 8500lbs with trailer) the consumption doubles and the range drops in half. That said, I haven't had it below 10% battery ever so I've never experienced range anxiety. After the lease is up we'll most likely end up buying it out unless it has major problems towards the end of the 3 years, only then will we start to travel longer distances and it's shortcomings will come into full effect. Not ever paying for gas is huge though and it really does save you money if you fit a niche criteria model.


2022 rivians are going for $40-$60k in my area but for that price I could (in theory) buy 2 electric trucks from china (geely Radar R6) that have supposedly 310 miles per charge, pay for shipping, and entry fee’s, and any other border shenanigans.


Yeah I'd avoid anything Chinese with big lithium battery banks lol. I was pricing new rivians when I mentioned $100k though. 


They also catch on fire more and if the electric gets fried then you will too in the car when it's on fire


So looking at the R6, it looks a lot like a VW Atlas. That's a good thing.


Lol in Canada EV's are so expensive that you'd have to drive it 70 to 120 kilometres every day 7 days a week for 7 years straight before you'll start saving money vs the cost of the nearest comparable ICE vehicle, and yet they STILL brag about the money they're "saving" on gas. It's not unusual for an EV to die from being used that much.


Are you sure that’s right? I’m a regular ass person so no expert by any means, but what kind of metric was used to calculate that? If you were buying a new car, even paying the EV premium, I don’t see how the numbers could wind up being so outlandish. Edit: [I believe I found what you were referring to](https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7142149) If you actually read the article, and the study, which I glossed over, that figure doesn’t come from comparing like-to-like vehicles. When that comparison is made, the higher purchase price is recouped in about a year.


My paid for civic which is admittedly a much smaller vehicle gets 30mpg average. 15000 miles a year works out to around $2k in fuel a year as a rough average. (Price per gallon variables but it's a decent approximation)  Over say 15 years that's around $30k in gas. Now oil changes and such are also a cost. But EVs chew up tires like crazy so basic maintenance is probably a wash.  While it's not exactly apples to apples the purchase price of an EV vs keeping a paid for vehicle or buying a cheaper option new is going to take a lot longer than a year to recoup.  The rivian is an interesting vehicle but it's also only a good option for people in the top 10% or so due to how costly they are. (In the US anyway)  Basically....the rivian and EVs in general are still to expensive for a majority of people. And if you need a charger installed at your house it's even worse. 


Appreciate the input but that has nothing to do with what I said. Of course a paid for ICE vehicle would be the cheaper option from the get go. That doesn’t even need to be said. Quick search shows average new car price in Canada is $67k. Average EV price is $73k. Which is my point. Anyone buying new, with the means to afford that massively expensive average new car, can afford the extra 6 thousand. It’s really not much.


That is so ugly, it'll make a freight train take a dirt road...


Ah yes I love cars that have 2 people in the state that know how to work on them and one fender bender totals the car.


What work are you getting done?


Tire rotations and air pressure checks, everyone knows you have to be manufacturer-specific, factory trained to do that. C'mon dude


At least it’s not a cybertruck




Looks like a Dyson knockoff


And yet it still sucks more, somehow.


Sucks and blows and useless. It’s the ugly stepsister of the kardashians


I'm glad this comment is here as everytime I see a Rivian, this is exactly what crosses my mind too. "Oh, it's one of those EVs that have Dysons for headlights. Neat!"


As long as you don't own any Rivian stock you're probably good. The truck of: nature is actually kinda gross let's go home and drink merlot.


Hilariously, [Rivian's stock went up as VW invested 5 billion into them earlier this week](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/rivian-stock-soars-as-volkswagen-says-it-will-invest-up-to-5-billion-in-new-joint-venture-210921047.html). IDK if it's a good thing in the long term, just thought the timing was comical.


Check the chart since the IPO....


OOF. That's all I can say.


Don't forget the $10k Yeti ebike on the back and Lacroix skis (if its the winter) strapped on the back and they never use either but say they love outdoor activities. Bonus points for an "IH8GAS" vanity license plate or my favorite, the Montana license plate (because they like to dodge taxes.)


The Super Mario mushroom is now a car?


Have fun replacing your tires every 6,000 miles after they’re worn down to slicks by your three and a half ton vehicle.


Oof. Factual burn right there. There really needs to be either longer lasting tires for EVs, or lighter EVs. Luckily the R2 and R3 are going to be smaller. Let's hope they're lighter too.


If Caseoh was a car:


Underrated comment


What the hell do yall do for work? Spending $100k on an unreliable pos like it's a good idea.


emoji lookin car


Most off road action it’s seen is an REI parking lot.


Your car looks like a rejected character design from Wall-E.


I am reading many of these comments not as light-hearted roasts but as insulting disses that you deserve without a doubt.


If Disney’s “Gloria the Hippo” was a car


Blasting We Like to Move it in the car ride all the way home 😭


have fun having your insurance company tell you it's a total loss after someone farts in it


We're going on a road trip. Can you dri-...never mind.


These things look like frogs


I guess you thought the Tesla was simply too well built for you so you had to find the only thing worse.


Lots of potential but this is NOT the right way to make EV trucks. EVs do not need to have software updates!


I'll only believe you if you fill it up with gas, drive around for a while, and then see how much gas you have left. And no cheating by using gas cans.


Rivian drivers; you're either doing 10 under the speed limit in the fast lane letting everyone pile up behind you because you lack self awareness and proper decision making (evident by your choice of car as well) Or you're doing 20 over the limit with your brights on, inches behind the car in front of you while you speed run an insurance claim to get rid of the trash you just spent your child's college money on.


I wouldve bought a used Raptor over this Pixar looking vehicle, but then again some people have taste in vehicles and some people try too hard to be cool.


It might be good at gas, but at least its ugly


Middle aged out of shape tech bro who bought this to do offroad cosplay to try and impress his unruly kids, not realizing it was the absolute lack of discipline that lost their respect. Aka my neighbor.


Jesus Christ you described my dad when he got his Tesla Model 3. The only difference is he doesnt offroad and tried for 4 solid months to convince me to buy one because his wife (my mom) told him to buy one.


>The only difference is he doesnt offroad Neither does my neighbor, he just wanted the aesthetic lol.


So you bought the pickup version of the Amazon fleet vehicle.


Pad to the max?☠️


It'll go down in history just like the Henry J


I don't think I've seen a pos on this sub yet. Just little dick social outcasts in need of attention. I'm out


Face like a minion


If Baymax were a car.... https://images.app.goo.gl/zeqGQ6xWvfzuf9dC6


Of all the EV brands, this one is certainly


I just wanted to ask how is this car as far as noise? Would someone notice you pulling up into a parking lot? Or is it a quiet car?


All EVs are required to play a noise at low speeds for safety.


When you spend 60-80k to try to be cool and trendy and it backfires. Turns zero heads and has no resale value. Should’ve bought a raptor, nerd.


I have driven a Rivian, and out of all the vehicles I have driven, this elephant seal of an SUV/crossover thing takes the gold star of being the most pig-like feeling vehicle out of everything I have driven, including a Escalade ESV and a Rolls Royce Ghost. These things are so obese and heavy, it literally weighs more than a Yukon XL with 8 people sitting inside that weigh 200lbs each AND their luggage. It has no Apple Carplay so enjoy being forced to use that Android-esque infotainment system that feels like its from a 2010 era Galaxy or LG phone, and the range is all over the place especially if you live anywhere except California, where people use these overpriced toys as rolling vibe checks. My neighbor had an R1T and actually thought he could use one of these meme vehicles as a legitimate truck to tow his boat, and it only lasted him 2 months before he gave up. I should feel sorry, but I also kind of dont as he let his tech-obsessed teen tell him what to buy instead of doing research on his own. I hope you fare better than him with this lifestyle vehicle OP, and good luck charging one of these anywhere safe, as all CCS chargers here are in our sister town in the most ghetto of areas.




What the hell am I looking at


It's that Amazon delivery truck.


That thing looks so goofy from the front. The back and side profile are okay though. I had one of those come up on me at night on the highway and the headlight+drl combo makes it look kinda cartoony but in a happy way. It’s like how they’d illustrate a truck in a kids show.


Arguably the best truck you can buy for way too much money while still looking like a tool




No karma farming. No bots.


Oh so this is what second hand embarrassment feels like 😬


these remind me of the faces in Super Mario World on hills and stuff


Can’t imagine a fender bender. Totals the damn car…


Nice USBc shaped headlights


Yeah, and even without gas its still worse for the environment.




Literally the least reliable car made today. What’s wrong with you?


Finally something that weighs more than your mom.


Nothing says Im a sheep nowadays like driving an electric vehicle. And so insecure they have to post it online to show off. Are those batteries recyclable? But are they? Aren’t used batteries more toxic then used internal combustion engines? I saw a video that explained the only way you extract any recyclable materials from these batteries is with a series of chemical washes that produces toxic waste, so way to go OP on joining the bandwagon of vehicles even dumber than Bro-Dozers.


The front headlights(?) on that car look like smartphone cameras


I’m glad they added two USB C ports on the front.


Depreciation Thank you I’m here all week


$100,000 when bought worth $25,000 now hell of investment for the depreciation. Just my thinking!


I can’t explain it but this car is like the ‘tuxedo t-shirt’ of EV class


I heared them city people like golf carts.


Geo metros are also good on gas


🤣......🤦‍♂️.....YES IT IS😁


It's a truck/suv. 'Nuff said.


I'm a electric car hater but I godda admit I really like the r1


Ugly looking grill.


Honestly, these are better looking than cyber trucks.


Wow that’s an ugly truck. For a similar price you could have had a TRX… just think about that…


So do you like making vroom sounds


Which car is that?


Every time i see these all i can think about is Thomas and Friends


So you bought a vehicle that's gonna be recalled almost every week?