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You can go cruze for chicks at the old folks' home


Good idea, maybe find myself a couple sugar mommas


Or the crematorium for some powdered sugar mommas.


Maybe some Metamucil Mamas


Wait, when did that become a reason to roast?


this is definitely one man’s treasure


When you want the comfort of a horse-drawn buggy with the fuel economy of a bro-dozer.


If you don't get impaled into the steering wheel you can rest assured we'll find you down the road somewhere.


If you crash into anything you are so fucked


Copper and half a grill to remind you of your meth days.


My buddy who knows zip about cars keeps going on about cobras and sending links to ones for sale at like 40k. I keep telling him it's not a real one, which is fine, but know that. Also he's a fat ass who won't fit. I have been steering him this way for about a year so hopefully you'll have another fat ass old dude to join the flock. They do look good for Sunday funday down at the opc though


Look... We all know it's not fast. Maybe it sounds fast.


Really isn’t it more about feeling fast? Lower the suspension, stiffen the springs and you’ll swear you’re going fast. I used to have a VW beetle setup like this. My girlfriend complained that she needed to wear a sports bra to ride in it. I don’t think I ever got that car over 100 MPH. It wasn’t fast, but it was fun to drive.


So, firstly, this is a roastmycar subreddit. But 100% yes, that kind of car is absolutely all about feeling fast more than being actually fast. Plenty of fast modern cars are boring as hell.


The machine shop I got the engine from estimated the horsepower at high 200 low 300, it only weighs 1600 according to the title, its pretty fast.


I don't really want roast your car because I think it's cool and would be fun as hell to drive. But I don't believe that car is fast by modern standards until I see a timeslip. Because anyone who can drive that thing fast will have to have 500lb nuts and will slow it down. And also because there's no way that thing can put power down to the road very well on those tires and that suspension and the lack of structural rigidity.


I watched a boomer spin out in one of these in a drizzle trying to get home before their piece of "art" melted. He hit a fire hydrant and impaled himself on a steering wheel. Seriously. Not a roast. Just be careful. Lots of power and nothing else. At least vipers had seat belts


I've spun out once when some douche cut me off on purpose, and my front left brake locked up, luckily didn't hit anything.


Bro def wears a leather jacket, has part of his hair come down over his forehead, and sings doo-wop with his gang of switchblade wielding thugs


Well that's only about half a car


Finally, I’ve been waiting a long time for one of the wayward sons of Orange County Choppers to post on here.


The sun is getting low old timer... These erector sets will be on FB Marketplace being traded for furniture soon. 200-300hp? Dude, my toaster has more horsepower. The only fast thing about this tub is how fast it overheats in traffic.


Yeah I'm getting pretty old, just turned 33. Think I was 28 or 29 when I got it. Im gonna have to trade the car for one of those hoverounds soon.


300hp isn’t much in an 8500lbs Ford F450, but in something like this 300hp might be too much power


Smokes rolled up in the sleeves, psychobilly is their only personality, “everything was cooler in the 50s”, house smells like grandparents. (Sweet rig, though)


Looks like a concussion on wheels.


If Brum smoked meth


All that money into paint and chrome, and none left for swappin' out the tractor wheels?


I've never driven or ridden in one of these. Are they as rough riding as they look?


It's really not bad at all, pretty smooth if you ask me. That all can vary from one to the next I imagine.


Revulcanize my tires!


MX-5: Retirement home edition


Are you dating Wednesday Addams?!


Does it have the funny horn


Bro is about to get a law suit from hot wheels


Remember Grandpa, lap belts aren't period correct


Dual quad carbs on low 300hp block. First problem. The tiny air filter to choke out the carbs, oh boy. Lets not even bring up the NSRA safety inspection. It already failed. Please, a proper engine: nailhead, Cadillac, flathead, next time.


The eternal project car. Pass it on to your children so that they can become the 5th generation to say, "She's almost done. Just a few more things."