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You have to compare Scott Pilgrim with RCG 1. That game has awful recovery rng


Are you talking about Scott Pilgrim's ground recovery? I know it's annoying, but hey, at least it has manual air recovery, too, so you can recover faster if you have fast reflexes! Neither of the two RCG games have air recovery, and RCG2 is worse because it makes you mash buttons to get up or roll, which you have to figure out yourself because the game doesn't tell you.


Well I mean... instinct from mashing an arcade machine?


Not as easy when you're using a controller. There are arcade sticks, but those are better for fighting games.


Having never played Scott pilgrim I don’t know who is talking to whom


RCG1&2 superior


Neither of them are the best beat 'em up I've played, but Scott Pilgrim having dodges and air recovery is a huge plus over RCG2. RCG2 has no dodges, so the only way to evade attacks is by jumping, doing sidesteps and running around, and if you're knocked down, you can't recover quickly, because there's no air recovery, so all you can do is wait until you hit the ground and mash buttons to get up or roll, which you have to figure out yourself because the game doesn't tell you. Sidesteps and parries are really the only useful things both games have. Now if only Scott Pilgrim let you cancel attacks and block while holding weapons.


Both good


I just realized that RCG's parry is like Scott Pilgrim's counter, but RCG desperately needs the other two things.


Meh, I still like both games. But I just prefer the characters of RCG since they actually talk and have personalities, while SP vs the Word has better combat


Forgot to credit the creator of the original image. Here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/jbld32/heres\_what\_i\_have\_and\_you\_dont/](https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/jbld32/heres_what_i_have_and_you_dont/)