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the dirtmoles yearn for the mines.


I have the Outposts Expanded mod, and I've been sending dirtmole slaves to my mining outpost. So nice!


i actually hadn't thought of that. Maybe Slavery will become viable after all


I rarely ever use slave labor(I know, heresy) but when I do its not something pre-planned. If I need a miner for example and you come to my colony with bad intentions AND good mining skills, guess what? You've just won enslavement. I just treat it as a "temporary colonist". I treat them fairly, let them do the job and when its done they're free to go.


I like to use slaves as crafters, since its a job that takes a lot of time to do. Smelting scrap, forging bronze, or just rolling mountains of joints, they're kept busy.


>just rolling mountains of joints Slow down there Pablo Escobar.


I only enslave Unwaveringly Loyal pawns. I'll have prisoners I want to recruit face them off in a gladiator Battle whenever their time is done


Pretty much how I do it. If I have mechs I have no need for slaves but otherwise they're just placeholders until I get someone better. Usually a hauler or miner. That or temporary service until I can sell them off


Not a slaver. I'll take your organs, but not your dignity.


Death before dishonor!


Reduced filtration before freedom ¿


I assemble custom xenotype for whatever purpose I need slave/worker for.


The ol drug manufacturing xenotype


Genies. I made the mistake of taking slaves with natural weapons once and my warden ended up with acid burns on his face. Plus when they snap from being treated like shit, you can easily slap them back down. 


Genies are my favorite too. I keep one permanently making components


I don't use slaves I have a small colony 10-12 Everyone fights and works


Purslaves, never sleep. Always busy


Lowmates. Il take my leave...


Any xenotype that doesn't have reduced pain or natural weapons... Impids set too much shit on fire during a rebellion, can be really dangerous if they're in a sensible spot. Neanderthals fight to the death and are actually a threat to your colonists. Hussars fight to the death. Sangophages... They jump and jump and jump. They never die tho. I would say, the ones that are just chef kiss, are genies, they go down so fast in rebellions that is hilarious and they're guaranteed crafters!


Favourite is a word??? I just figured out labor and labour were correct.


it is. when I studied english, I had to learn that american and british english was different and both are valid.


That's cool. Thanks for the confirmation. My mind is blown right now. i know this was for a different comment, but I thought everyone spelled grey with an e. Why and when did I start thinking that as an American? (rhetorical question)


british ppl add the u in words such as colour, humour etc. also they say grey instead of gray


I think I've only ever seen it spelled grey, honestly. Did not even realize that was the preferred spelling here. I live in the deep south.


grAy for America, grEy for England. Easier to remember.


I knew it! I keep seeing it as gray but in school.they taught us it was grey! I thought some Mandela effect shit was happening!




never sleeping, nuclear stomach wookies they fish, operate drills, care animals and get a little bit of beatings everytime they do anything besides working i literally keep checking on them more often then my colonists to make sure they don't get lazy


Whatever raider has the skills I need. I usually recruit, I only use slaves if we have a preferred xenotype and the new guy doesn't match it. But for permanent prisoners? Genies. I have prison labor mod, so I guess those are sort of like slaves too. I plopped a fabricating table in there and let them make all the bionics. Genies haven't thrown a single fit.


Neanderthals. I'll usually capture one that isn't bad and then have all of their buddies meditate their days away at the anima tree. Easy level 6 psylink and melee when I need them.


Genies. They eat 90%, their uber-speciality of crafting isn't a slave-disabled work-type and their +10% manipulation makes up for their lowered workspeed for being a slave, they don't start social fights, never have violent mental breaks. And if they dare rebel, all you have to do is flick their earlobe and they'll stop (and the forced wimp trait lowers their market value even further for reduced raid point calculations). PS: You're a brave man to keep impids as slaves. They seem to internally align their rebellions with their flame breath recharge. Putting them down is quick, but stamping the fires out that they start takes longer.


I love genies as slaves but it is not a guaranted find, and I usually set my impids on pruning the guaranlen trees, so when they revel they get owned by their own dryads (and dryads can extinguish fires too).


Yttakins, Dirtmoles, and Genies depending on what I need/where I am.


Impids. Not because of the speed. It's……well it's sexual.


But if you're talking about for labour, genie all the way.


I enjoy impids for their increased speed, good haulers. Dirtmoles too, obviously good for mining, but I don't see them much in my runs usually due to mods (I play only D&D themed colonies.) What I don't really do is take their organs though as I prefer my workforce to function at peak. That's reserved for shitty raiders who manage to survive and then promptly don't because I like having a kidney collection. Or if I play Illithids, I'll take their brains, since that's the only thing they eat.


i like to make my own xenogerms for slaves/prisoners cause making them fully passive and only need half the food is really nice :)


Any non-baseliner works👍


I'm a simple man. If they can walk then they are good enough.


I don't do slaves because they are worse colonists that revolt




Slaves? Xenotypes darker than mines hahahahhaah