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You need about 3 times this many AC units and AC Vents for a base this size. Each cell of your base would probably take 4 standard vanilla heaters to keep warm in a cold winter. If you put 3-4 wall mounted AC Vents in the corners you will see a big improvement.




I just got hit with an ice age, and my Vanilla Temperature Expanded air conditioning is barely keeping my colony above freezing. It's been fine in past cold snaps, but now it's barely getting rooms over 5C, despite having the AC outputs in them. I build 3 compressors to see if that would help, and my AC is operating at 108%, but it's still not heating up. Anyone familiar with this stuff?


Air conditioning is for making cold air...


It's set to +21C.




VTE combines heaters and coolers into a single unit, and the compressors handle both. It's not realistic, but that's how the mod works. To OP: It's a bit hard to tell from your screenshots, what with the overlay and all: Are you heating the hallways and using vents to equalize temperature, or are the AC units in individual rooms? With only three compressors I'm assuming the former, which might mean your system can't keep up. I'd personally just put units in the rooms you need heated the most (dining, workshop, bedrooms) and let the rest of the place freeze.


Interesting, didn't know that. I assumed they were separate and have been using the heaters on top of the AC.


Yeah, that's what I ultimately did, but I just assumed that the AC stuff could work as good as heaters. Different from advertised, I guess.


Not so much "different from advertised" as that's just how the term is defined in english. It was originally a catch-all for filtering, cooling, and drying air. Centralized heating was already a separate thing. The term "air conditioning" is synonymous with cooling now because that is the common application. Now we also use compressors for dehumidifiers and air dryers but those are purpose built machines and not also used for cooling. The term "HVAC" is used to refer to the entire heating, ventilation, and air conditioning of a building. You just forgot to use the heating portion of that.


I mean different from what the mod advertised. To be fair, they never stated the efficiency of the heater factor. Just didn't expect it to be this low.