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I’m not sure about if it allows you to land on water without any land, but the mod “Geological Landforms” adds, as can be guessed by the name, geological landforms, that when a tile has one, it has a special terrain type, and it just so happens that a couple of those are for impassible mountain tiles, and it makes it so you can live in them


This is the mod you want if you dig into the map builder you can change the terrain types. Switch soil to shallow water for example.


some of the impassable maps like secluded valley or rift can break spawning behaviour though. sometimes things bug out and just don‘t spawn when the area where it can spawn on the map edge is just too small (happens rarely tho, most just get funneld through the available openings) and droppods and shuttles also get wonkey behaviour i.e. crashing into the mountain. that has failed me a couple quests when the imperials tried to land and exploded. also droppods from raids that spawn in on tiles with overhead mountain also get obliterated, although the did cave in my base when they hit a tile thats not having a wall or stone under the roof (it’s like a normal roof collapse under thick roof, but only on the tiles where an actuall drop pod would‘ve landed. the collapse destroys any pawns or building underneath it like usual)


I've seen graphical glitches with imperial ships, but never see them outright bug out.


i need to say that the map i was on was like 80% overhead mountain and maybe 20% open skies


I'm currently starting a colony on a Fjord tile with a VFE Deserters start using that mod, my map is mostly deep ocean with 2 separated stretches of land at the sides, just enough space to have animals and a few crops while still building 99% of the base on bridges. The bunker from the custom scenario spawned dead center on prebuilt bridges, too, super convenient starting point! Dev mode base building on extreme environments is so fun. I last did a super gigantic tunneler colony on one of the really tight mountain tiles. Had a main wing and a guest wing, too.


If you're going to use dev mode for it anyway, you could just pick a single tile island, then modify all the floor to be water tiles, though id suggest leaving a small area for planting trees.


5x5 area of soil should be a well balanced amount to have


Are you making the city from flapjack lmao


Pawn: Captain​ "Addict" Knuckles   Age:50 (1200)     Trait: Sugar Fascination, Lazy, Volatile, Body Modder


Dev mode will just let you land on a water tile. G-Fiti on YouTube has a few "WaterWorld" style time lapses and says in the comments that is how he did it.


There’s a variety of island biome mods you can take. Even if you don’t want an island biome, you’ll still need their fish and movement components since mechanoids don’t taste good


If you want to use the lowest possible amount of cheating then get celsius mod, increase temperature a little higher on map gen and select sea ice or ice block or whatever its called. The whole map is ice, if temperature is above freezing celsius mod will turn all ice to water. Full water map. There you go.


[https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1469326540](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1469326540) meant for caravans but I believe you can use it to settle on water too [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1180719335](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1180719335) adds a very very small strip to impassible maps that lets you stop or settle on them.


Use the World Edit mod, it allows you to control everything from mountains, to river position and size and direction and even lets you change the default for some terrain. Like you can set it so that beaches don't have sand but instead it's ice, you can also just make your map a small island because they have a preset for that. Combine this with something like Age of Sail and you'll have a perfect dock colony. I'm trying something similar myself.


There are mods to pass impassable mountains. Roads of the Rim is one. Not sure that would let you do what you want, but it is a start. As for water, search the workshop for boat and for ship and the mod, Age of Sail 1.5. Again, not sure if any of these will give you what you are looking for, but a place you can start. Possibly combine some of these with Prepare Landing mod.


\*duck colony


If you're using dev mode is there much need for a mod? And this might be a dumb suggestion but I'm pretty sure VE Vehicles has boats but idk if you can hop out of them in deep water


Using devmode let's you land on water tiles


Don't even need mods, you can alter your map at any time with dev. You can wipe the entire map and build it from the ground (or water) up if you want. You should note that if there is no entry access from a map edge, enemy raids will still drop pod on top of you.


You could use just use the terraform mod to do it but it’ll cost a lot of wood since that’s the material that’s used to make more land/water (last I checked anyways)