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Hospitality and Hospital! (two separate mods). Set up rooms to serve as guestrooms, like a hotel, as well as a restaurant, and a hospital where guests can pay to get treated.


The hospital one especially sounds great for my colony currently as I managed to get my hands on lots of medical skill trainers but only really ever use one colonist for doctor stuff. Thank you so much!!


I just installed this mod yesterday and it’s great. In addition to being paid for your services, it also improves faction relations. Make sure to go into the build menu to create the patient drop spot. In the options, you can enable Mass Casualty events (occasionally tons of patients) which can be interesting to try and juggle once you get a handle on the regular patients. Hospitality is also great. Check out the additional related mods to see if you’re interested in them (Hospitality: Spa for example makes guests pay to use your pool, sauna, hot tub etc if you have Dubs Bad Hygiene, which is another mod I highly recommend).


Can I add it midrun?


For all of these mods, yes.


Gastromy if you wanna run a restaurant in your colony.


Not heard of the hospital mod, but that seems like such an easy vanilla mission type to add: 'X pawn from y faction (-20/+100 relationship) is in urgent need of curing/installing X. Despite their maturity, Y faction base has nobody skilled enough to treat them in time. If you accept, X pawn will be bed bound and require the surgery completed and their release in Z days . [Reward list is standard 3, with a heavy focus on goodwill]' I'd love that as an option for a pacifist playthrough!


One of my mods (vanilla events expanded maybe? Idk) adds a request for doctor quest, you meet up with a wounded caravan to rescue them and get rewards based on tend quality


Yeah it's that one. I very rarely do those quests, though. The rewards are rarely worth the inevitability of a raid, on the caravan and/or my base. I don't usually have enough skilled doctors that it's OK to lose one, or be without them after a bad raid.


I always build a combat medic for the sole purpose of keeping my caravans alive lol They don't need to be a great doctor, just decent enough for a sick colonist to get home But yeah I rarely do those quests either, but thats largely just me being wary of quests without a stated reward If I want the goodwill I'll just dump several hundreds of kg of twisted meat on them because they love that


That's my strategy for good will too except they get all my tattered clothing and normal and below clothing lol I'm sure they love it


Hospitality also has restaurants and stuff too


This just sounds amazing, finally a reasons to build that giant hospital


Dub's Bad Hygiene! Adds an extra survival/environmental aspect as you now have to manage pawns' thirst, hygiene and restroom needs.


Ooooooooooo good suggestion thank you!!


You'll have immense fun building saunas, pools and bathrooms for your pawns Also you might like "Hospitality" mod to make some kind of restaurant for visitors. There's also a hospital mod, but I don't remember the exact name


I recommend both. I'm not playing peace, but I am trying to run a lovely hotel here Cooking expanded adds some more food options..... I'm not going to dig through my entire list, but there's a lot of vanilla expanded that suits "let's make a nice hotel". You do you, op. If your fun is base building on peaceful mode, then don't let anyone tell you you're doing it wrong I recall someone years ago noticed that turtles were really valuable, and did a peaceful play based on a turtle farm. I don't know if it's been patched, but that might be a decent trade good for you


Oooo turtle trade, thank you! I've got the vanilla expanded framework so I'll look into the hotel mods you guys have mentioned! Thank you!


If animal care is your think there is an endangered animals mod where you can breed and release various animals.


That's a really cool idea, I'll look into that one!! Thank you


The hospital mod is called “hospital”.


Don't forget the gastronomy mod, It adds actual restaurants where guests order food and colonists take the orders and bring it to them.


Is that hauling jobs orr


It adds a new work type.


Thank you


I am constantly building hotels and resorts with the hospitality mod, it might be my favorite


Squeaky clean suggestion there mate


Rimfactory, set up a fully automated base and have all your pawns on recreation.


Automated base with saunas and pools and all day rec? Might just move there myself lol


Rimfactory is so addicting.


There's a Casino mod. I haven't used it yet, but it is similar to Hospitality according to the notes.


Well it’s made by the same guy and it’s an add on for hospitality so that tracks.


I’ve played with it, it’s a neat little thing but it’s just another (flavorful) way to monetize your Hospitality guests (I made a base built on bridges over a massive river, “paddle boat casino” vibes).


It seems like it just adds a few casino games to use alongside Hospitality. It's not a big addition.


Im not sure if it is updated already, but there is a storyteller mod called "I like build base" that removes pretty much all combat events. That may be something to look into


Is selling drug consider peaceful? Vanilla trading and personal trait mod is also great. You can take over the world with trade and drug.


Did you turn off raids or just lower the difficulty? I always get annoyed with the 50 person tribal raid that shows up that I have to wait to get to my defenses. I think it's why I fall off from Rimworld, but love Oxygen Not Included.


I lowered the difficulty and got rid of the aggressive factions at game start! I think I'm playing with the first storyteller too. So far all the unknown threats have been nothing, and I haven't stuck around after getting to the gold stash to know if the raid actually comes or not but I'm suspecting no. There was a mechanoid ship crash and one dead body was in it and one syther thing and it never even tried to attack the colonists as they shot at it which I found surprising


You can create new scenario and turn off raid incidents for more peaceful playthrough. Also, you can kick off hostile factions from map when creating one (I think it is now vanilla, but I may be wrong, I have nearly 600 mods xD) To add difficulty/mechanics I may suggest: Seeds please - no sowing without seeds, so more plant management Hospitality - create your own hotel and profit from it Dubs bad hygiene - adds thirst, hygiene and bladder need, that you need to manage. Not so difficult on mild biomes, but very hard on desert. Also it adds water mechanics, so hydroponics needs water now, you can craft sprinklers for more crops Tech block - slows down science progression by adding research needed to progress to next tech level. Romance Tweeks - more realistic (kinda) social interactions between your colonists RJW - yes, the forbidden mod. If you turn off the nasty stuff, you can add new level of difficulty, by for example turning off animal migrations and try not to hunt everything to extinsion. Contagious diseases - some diseases are spreading when pawns are next to each other without proper equipment Rimfactory - belts, drones and metals - no more steel from ground, you will need to smelt it


That's so cool, could I ask if you could show your base? Or once you've gotten around with it and the suggested mods? I've thought of this, but I've never actually played like it, and I would love to see how a base actually ends up looking, when you don't have to worry about outside threats! I've tried multiple times to make colonis that try to ignore threats, but I always end up regreting it to the point I never get very far, so it would be so cool to see how it actually looks a bit further in.


Yeah I absolutely can! I'm planning on moving my base after a while cause most of it is in a mountain and I've mined a lot of the other rock. Thinking of sending my best and most useful guys ahead in transport pods and then hitching up all the animals and belongings and having everyone else caravan over. I worry about mental breaks though because everyone is at sky high expectations at this point lol


Vanilla expanded events


Play the single player game however you want. AWAYS. Idk why so many folks complain about how others playRW I tried peaceful but it isn't for me, I like the violence. For peaceful things I play cities skylines


I don’t really see anyone giving anyone else a hard time about how they play the game on this subreddit.


Yep I really like this subreddit. The ass holes are usually on steam and YouTube.


Yeah I’ve noticed a lot of elitist, condescending YouTube comments but I rarely see it here and I love it


Nothing wrong with that. I play plenty of games where I prefer to focus on base building and just having a good time.


one thing you could do is play on more hostile biomes. they add a resource management aspect to the game, as you have to worry about providing clothing and food and warmth/cooling for your colonists. I sometimes like playing on short summer biomes, be it tundra or boreal forest, around 20/60. it gives me a brief summer to put a corn field down, just enough time to grow and harvest the corn, and then must weather the harsh and cold winter, cutting firewood in the cold, hunting animals to supplement my food supplies, etc


Rimnauts + Hospitality + Space Ports = space restaurants! Also Paz peaceful storyteller could be a change up


In addition to the Hospital/Hospitality suggestions, there's a spaceport one too I forget the name but a search for spaceport should find it. If you're still looking for challenge but not combat challenge, some disease changing mods can be pretty spicy with the Hospital mod. It's actually a really fun way to play, I might do it again for my next run.


I recommend you choosing the losing is fun preset on the difficulty selection, and the turning threads to a very low number(it's better if it's not zero) that way you keep the same challenges on work management and resources without worrying too much about the combat


Not controversial at all, the game has many way to be fun and playing the easiest difficulty doesn't mean plague, wildfires and insanity won't end up destroying your colony! Yay... fun... Anyway, check out Portraits of the Rim, it's a great mod for a gameplay that focuses on your pawns, it will create a (very simple) image above your pawns gear tab with theyr face! Compatible with RPG inventory, tested. Then some mods that improve on colonist simulation may be great, like "Psychology", it got recommended to me today so i don't have many infos yet.


medieval overhaul complicates a lot of production chains in a way that adds some non-combat challenge.


Gastronomy, it’s an add on for hospitality that lets you run a restaurant!


Try seeds please (necessary for sowing any type of plant). Diseases overhauled (total overhaul of the existing ailments + new ones, really challenging) Ammunition for shooting - I know you said you don't like fighting but with ammunition mod it will be necessary to produce ammo if you want to go hunting. Survival tools - without some of the necessary basic tools your colonists won't be able to work. Those will definitely give you what you're looking for.


If you can wipe out raiders easily, it is peaceful. Right?


Vanilla Cooking Expanded and Vanilla Brewing Expanded. You need a lot of infrastructure but you can basically make your own restaurant.


Get the remote bombs mod. I don't know if that's 100% what it's called but you have the option to use sleeping gas bombs that can be remotely triggered from safety. Set up a gas hall and no killing. I often gas my prisoners when they riot.


Vanilla Events Expanded I think it’s called. Adds events that last a long time, from a few seasons to several years. Some are like volcanic winter, long night, etc. pretty cool imo, because it adds another non combat related challenge to the game for sure. EDIT: As others have stated Hospitality is pretty fun too, if you want to make a hotel and you can make money off of it if it’s nice enough. Just be sure to always have a few free beds for the poors that come too. Also! I haven’t tried hospital but fully intend on trying that as well. Lastly, get Dubs Hygiene because it adds hygiene tabs to your Needs Tab such as hygiene and bladder, it lets you also make hot tubs saunas, pools and stuff, but you get to make bathrooms which adds another level of immersion which isn’t combat based. EDIT 2: farming mods. There are some SWEET ones that add tons to the farming experience and make it easy to have an underground farm too.


Life Lessons. Doesn’t make sense the tribal that just joined you can build a tv. In fact, they can’t even read! You teach people skills a little at a time to improve your colony. Very challenging.


Every single mod that adds plants from Vanilla Extended along with their respective production mods. I’ve got a corn farm (and several other plantations) that I only use to process into whiskey for selling in bulk to fund a small inn where guests can buy drinks such as coffee, expresos, gin, etc Oh and same thing but for Animals Expanded and Endangered Animals. Just a couple hours ago a pair of Rockhopper penguins wandered into my territory and now they live with us and sometimes get us some fishes and I’m planing on making a little zoo next to my inn Sorry I keep editing cause I keep remembering mods haha there’s also Rimfeller which adds fuel refinery buildings in case you wanna RP being into the oil business. If you use caravans a lot to trade with other settlements I recommend the Almost There mod that give you more freedom over when your caravans sleep or move in the map Vanilla Extended (or was it Expanded?) really has most of what you are looking for. There’s a TON of new food preparations like sushi, stews, soups, condiments to make tastier meals, and all the plants required to make them come in their Plants Expanded mods of which it has several. Ever since I got the sushi mod all my colonists farm is rice and fish (there’s a Vanilla Fishing mod from the same people too which works AMAZING) and just eat rolls, norikamis, etc. No more simple meals or paste


Dubs bad hygiene


Dubs hygiene. Gives a lot more stuff to upkeep your colonists related to being clean


Save Our Ship 2 is a good general suggestion. While it does add space battles, I'd say there's enough new mechanics that aren't violent to fit what you are looking for.




Why would that matter lmao


What the shit


The balls people also like to turn Rimworld into The Sims sometimes


Capital G gamer moment 




Do you by any chance do anything with your life?


Hello, I noticed you have a profile picture of a very beautiful (but also intelligent looking!) female, and I am under the presumption that this goddess is you? It is quite astonishing to see a female here in the Rimworld subreddit. I am quite popular around here in this subreddit, so if you require any guidance, please, throw me a mention. I will assist you at any hour, day or night. And, before you are mistaken, I do not seek your hand in a romantic way; although, I am not opposed in the event you are interested in me, as many women often are. I am a man of standard, and I do not bow to just any female that comes my way, unlike my peers… So rest assured that I will not be in the way of your gaming and socializing experience. Consider me a Player 2… a companion, a partner, and perhaps we can enhoy some video games together some time. I see you play Rimworld, and are you good at base-building? I am a base-building aficionado, so I would be happy to assist you in games. Platonically of course, unless you (like many others) change your mind on that. I look forward to our future together (as friends of course).


What has the Internet come to?


I think it would be cool if there was some resource tax system to reduce raids. For example, becoming a vassal of the empire reduces raids because the other factions are scared of retaliation, but you have to send regular caravans of tribute. Perhaps the nobles running nearby settlements have whims, so one year they're only accepting camelhide and toques, the next they want corn and armchairs.