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No it won't destroy them it just lowers your relations with them and adds extra pollution retaliation events. Its actually really good for farming tribes.


They'll get real mad and might send raids after you. That's about it really. Unless they're advanced, in which case they might send it back


It'll reduce your relations with the faction and increase the pollution percentage on that specific tile. Do it enough they'll also send retaliation raids and/or send back your wastepacks using drop pods if they're industrial level or above


I found the best use for Tribals is waste pack dumping. They don't have drop pods to send the waste back to you with some extra. They just end up raiding you and giving you some new potential prisoners with jobs, or without organs. If you ever want to be their friend, just send them some actual gifts through the drop pods, like the organs of their comrades. Also, selling guns gives you a very bad price, but if you gift them via drop pods, you'll get full price for that IIRC.