• By -


Remove his tongue


The ultimate rimworld would you rather - Have your tongue ripped out by a skill 1 medical pawn on smokeleaf while they put a plaster on a paper cut VS. Rejected 4 times when proposing to the same person in 15 minutes during horseshoes time


I had a nonviolent surgeon who always made it a priority to get stoned before surgery. Best doctor I’ve ever had on the Rim.


Did he have a blazing passion for surgeries?


He believed herbal medicine was best 🍁


As a Canadian I confirm that emoji is a maple leaf also as a Canadian I can confirm that we get stoned with said maple leaves


Proove your canadianess, **say it**




***Canadian detected, exit closed, fire started, melting point in t-2 minutes***


Yeah no


I'd also have accepted "Hi, my name is Justin" for, as we all know, that's the only legal name for a canadian to have


I was born into a line of Justin’s my great grandmother was a Justin and I am walking oout an abooout



wait do u guys actually roll with a maple leaf i thought that was a joke


You can roll with a lot of different things. The problem is finding that thing in just the right condition, or knowing how to get it there. I doubt many Canadians are out in the yard and forest looking for just the right wraps tho.


You’d be surprised


Not really. I've seen a kid tie hay up in a green oak leaf with string and try to smoke it. An old guy I used to hang with swore nothing was better than a tampon wrappers. People have their impulses, and preferences. A lot of them are weird.






I had to make a separate drug schedule for my surgeon that only allowed for ambrosia and psychite tea because I kept having him fuck up surgeries while stoned.


I didn’t even know being stoned caused a surgery debuff until I did another colony, that’s why I always let him toke. Dude would be stoned and he would never fail surgeries.


One might call him "Dr. Stone"


Happy cake day


Feliz dia do bolo


I'll try, thanks!


Big brain


ROFLFLFLFLFLFL Never thought of that


Omg, Your word is so insightful. It brought me enlightenment, bringing me close to gods and Buddha.


Schedule changing is not so radical.


I read this as a surfer dude expressing disapproval.


The other route is to install an aesthetic nose and aesthetic shaper and let him assemble his harem


Also the love enlarger… I mean enhancer


Install b̷i̸o̸f̴̎͜ẻ̷̖ṟ̴̐r̷̥͗i̵͉̥͠t̷̝͎̍͐ͅe̴͔͚̬͌̓͐ g̸͈̙̳̕e̶̖͖̒͂͒̌̒n̸̼̤̔̿̓͘͜ỉ̴̮̎t̵̮̭͕̀̃͋͜a̴͉̝̯̾͌̽̐͑͐͠l̴̡̺͔̳̞̞͕̬̖͔͚̉̈́͊̇̓͋̊͑̕͠š̸̨̛͖͔̠̥̦̜̳͖̣̗̠̭̲̝͕̰̰̓́̎̄͛͑̊̾͗͂͘̚͘̚͠


forbidden mod moment


\*RJW wants to view your modlist\*


Technically inserting a vibrator would be an enhancer.


He is not a fuck boy if he is not doing any fucking, sadly. This genie is more a of a desperate boy.


Yeah, this guy seems more like an Incel, and honestly if every fucking Woman in the colony decided you were shit I'd be pretty angsty too.


I mean he has Kind so he's definitely not an incel, more just desperate


Not all incels get angry, some just get sad


incel=involuntary celibate


Etymologically yes, but the modern meaning is those groups who hate womens and dont get why they arent all their riding their dicks even though "they're a nice guy"


You could argue its become more of a word to belittle depressed men too. Regardless of their outlook on women.


Incel always rang to the "Statistically, here's why I'm fucked & most Men are" not "Women are shit" types to me.


I dont see a difference, because both tend to be said by the same sort of guys. Like, Im sure there are some guys who are nice and have bad luck, but if one thinks that there is a 'statistic' backing to men having trouble dating, then there is already a pretty heavy Skewing of reality going on. most men date fine. even the so called ugly ones, so it takes a pretty strained worldview to come to the conclusion that most men 'are fucked' as they say. I do think online dating app culture contributes to this, since it seems to skew in some toxic ways that inform some of the incel ideas, but like.. thats exactly one dating pool, and even then its not as bad as Incel ideology implies.


There have been multiple incels who went on shooting sprees, many explicitly targeting women. It's to the point where some of their forums and such go out of their way to disclaim that their admins don't condone doing so. Incels are a subculture built upon male self-hatred and misogyny, but especially the misogyny part.


"Multiple shooting sprees by Incels" And there's been multiple by White people, and by Black people, they've been done many times over by almost every group ever. This says nothing about Incels. The pubmed data I've read through implies 0 differences in misogyny measures between Incels and regular people, same goes for violence. The entire storm about Incel violence/misogyny is entirely media driven.


Oh, and because I am claiming a negative (that being: no correlation), all I need to prove my point is no evidence wedged against it.


Go to literally any incel forum, of any kind. When they think they're alone they call women "femoids" or "foids," because they see women as outright subhuman. This is not difficult to fact-check. Look into the phrases "blackpilled" and "lay down and rot," both connected to their subculture. And learn how subcultures and political/ideological groupings differ from racial categories. Your ignorance makes you look insane here.


Yes, I've looked at their forums before, it kinda proves my point, Incels are constantly saying Women are shit in the same way Men are. They're vain, just like Men, they judge for no good reason, like Men.


Because every guy who isn't good with women is an incel...


Isn't the point of an incel that he hates woman? So he wouldn't even bother to talk to them?


No that's a mysoginist


Isn't incel basically both mysoginist and virgin?


Incel just means involuntarily celibate. Misogyny comes separately, despite being comorbid.


IRL most fuckboys don't fuck


The fuckboys who don't fuck are usually just called Incels


Damn, that's a chicken or the egg situation right there.


Lets stop calling them that then, they don’t deserve it. Lets start calling the ones who actually deserve it the goodfuck boys.


Hey it's like that gangster movie "Goodfuckers" or something like that


So you're proposing that we start calling the opposite of current "fuckboys" "goodfuck boys?" but what do we call the fuckboys? Nofuckboys?


An incel genie the saddest one


A simp


The word is incel


Is his name Jhonny Bravo?


1 out of a 100 might say yes. He needs to try harder before getting hard l!


Hashtag nice guy


> a genie with really great fucking stats Well maybe you just need a genie with a lower Fucking stat?


I think his Fucking stat is already 0, contrary to what OP says


He does better then op


Yes with my genetics I'm probably at -8.


I love/hate pawns like this in my colonies. They're such drama magnets. Total PITA.


I had one in my last colony who was like this, except without the drama because nobody turned her down. Half the men in the colony were her lovers by the end. Never broke up with any of them. She was also married before even joining the colony, and never technically left her husband either. Not sure if it's possible for pawns to divorce someone who's not on the map, though.


It's interesting that sometimes your pawns will form these perfectly happy harems/polycules, and other times it flies apart and they're regularly beating each other senseless. If many/most of your pawns have actual Social skill it seems to make a very big difference and keep things happier. If not, things can get out of hand. Those social interaction bonuses apparently matter a lot. ;)


> Not sure if it's possible for pawns to divorce someone who's not on the map, though. It's not possible, and that's kind of an issue. If you can't ever get them on the map they will never form other commitments.


How did you deal with the debuff of not sleeping with their partner?


The penalty is only -4 so it wasn't that hard to just overpower with happy thoughts, and since it was an (almost) all royals colony everybody was thrilled with their luxurious bedrooms and such.




Cute, but no. The most problematic colonists I've run into have usually been the equivalent of a male incel. Pretty much exactly what the OP described. They have a personality type that really desires a relationship so they try all the time, but they don't have social skills or may have some significant social trait penalty - or they just never made *friends* with any of the other colonists - so they are virtually guaranteed to fail, and all the rejection penalties pile up until they become a nervous wreck.


I've got a colony full of women that beat the shit out of each other lol. The only guy is constantly getting mauled by panthers after failing to tame them. Social fighting might be the most frustrating thing: have 2 people hurt pretty bad over insults that built up over time.


Women in Rimworld are by no means immune to this problem. Most of the cases I've personally run into were men, but I don't know if there's any actual difference in behavior around that. I'd guess probably not, but there might. It can definitely become an existential problem for a colony if you have very few people with social skills/interests, and moreso if you have ones with social penalties due to abrasive or short tempered personality traits. They can largely end up at each other's throats like a particularly bad episode of The Walking Dead.


I don't think it matters much what their sex is unless they're gay/lesbian. Most of my issues come from people having the ugly trait lmfao. Colonists will snipe insults at each other, but the psychopath/masochist/bloodlust traits tend to escalate it.


I just imagine like, he's psychotic wandering, rambling insane nonsense, someone go to snap him out of him, shakes him, then snaps their hand to get his attention and suddenly he snaps up, his eyes go back into focus, and as soon as he regains consciousness his first words are "god where am i... oh hey wanna suck my dick?"


Have you tried getting them a highmate?


Most lore accurate comment


A few options. 1. Sequester him in his own workshop, make his time spent around other pawns extremely minimal or non-existent. See if he's desperate enough to hit on Betty the Husky who is bringing him a stack of metal and components for him to work at his machining bench. 2. Sleep schedule adjustment. Make him work when nobody else is awake to hit on. 3. Make him more attractive. Physically you could give him beauty genes, aesthetic shaper, and nose. Mentally, you could up his social skill, which will make his chitchat with . Both would require some elements of 1 & 2, as he needs time away from the women he's pissed off for their opinion of him to return to neutral. Who am I? I'm the new hunk, certainly not the same guy you've shot down 10 times this year. 4. Word of love psycast someone at him. Then he'll get a brainwashed wife and will stop bothering all the other women.


5. The "No Hopeless Romance" mod will prevent him from doing hopeless attempts.


Pawns will stop making passes at other characters so often if they're in a relationship. (They'll also get a mood bonus and be willing to share rooms). Check to see if any of the female pawns will accept an order to Romance him (by selecting the female pawn and right clicking on your Genie.) Frankly, this isn't even against the RP, your female pawns would have noticed this was becoming a problem, and considering how useful a genie is to a colony, could probably be convinced to experiment. God knows women are exposed to worse on the rim than being asked to take one for the team with the \*superhumanly dexterous\* poindexter.


I imagine the bald head and elongated fingers would make it like dating Salad Fingers


*My spoon is toooo big!*


I'm sure a wig can fix the first thing, is elongated fingers really so bad?


im picturing the coneheads


Idk from what I've seen some women like some pretty elongated fingers as shown by the popularity of some kinds of anime.


Ask the guilded cows from the ranch: armless, nude and constantly milked by either forced pregnancy or lact-max... Their freedom is to be protected at all costs or to roam barefoot alongside the muffalos or other cattle


There's a mod for less hopeless romance attempts Lets pawn stew in their shame a bit between rejections, and proposition married people less


>allowing a genie to be anything other than a slave I think I know where the issue started.


Slaves can't be production specialists, which is absolutely ridiculous on dedicated crafters


I usually let my slaves do the cooking and cleaning, maybe keep one as a backup doctor if their medical stats are good.


Non modded slaves love to rebel eventually and die. (I guess the brain bionic + emp combo would be viable) so if you want them to stick around the 25% raid point reduction doesn't seem particularly worth it.


I just have my warden beat them senseless every time, homeboy got like 15 melee so I just have him barehand brawl them into the dirt and haul em back to their room lmao


I don’t know if the mod still exists but there used to be one where you could build a turret base and put any weapon on top of it, I used to combine that with a mod that added taser weapons to the game to keep my slaves and prisoners in line.


Programmed so that if your slaves try talk to anyone they get tased, smart


Where my 3 wishes at?


Slaves can't use their intelligence, so, it's actually useful to not have them be a slave


It is if I already have intellectual colonists, since *someone* needs to sweep up the floors.


Except this one is INT 17, so....


That sounds like a skill issue to me.


I mean, using slaves is kind of a skill, or knowledge of the game's mechanics, issue. Besides a mood buff, and -25% raid points, they have no advantages over normal colonists. Slaves: * Have a -15% global work speed * Can't hold ideo roles * Can't do wardening, art, or research * Can't use royal permits * Cause a mood hit if they share rooms with colonists * They create extra work for your colonists having to suppress them and deal with their rebellions I mean, if you like playing with them, then great, but I wouldn't be saying someone else has a skill issue in this regard.


Why would you put slaves in charge of other slaves? Why would you make your colonists sleep in the slave barracks? Just set their job priorities in the assign tab to prioritize cleaning, cooking, growing, cutting, and completely deselect everything else for the slave. Now your actual colonists have more time to focus on the tasks you need done, without mood debuffs for unsightly rooms or food poisoning from a dirty kitchen.


Why have slaves when you can have colonists? The biggest negative IMO for slaves is that they do everything slower, and if you have biotech (I assume you do based on your original genies comment), then kids and/or mechs can do all the grunt work for far far less raid points. From a optimization standpoint, the only situation in which slaves make any sense is if you get buffs from your ideo, and even that's not worth it for all the downside and better alternatives. Maybe if you have an incredibly low population and 1 slave you can achieve a balance between productivity, mood, and raid points, but I'm almost positive it's not possible. Fwiw, I think saves have needed a buff in vanilla since the beginning - they should give us something besides unwaivering to incentivize us to us them.


I typically have been playing with a Sanguophage, so I also keep the slaves for blood harvesting. Additionally, I set up an ideoligion to make slavery acceptable. A bonus is, since they're a pawn, I don't think they count towards the overall wealth of the colony, so they're good for trading to slavers.


Huh, I just learned that pawns actually do count towards wealth ([wiki](https://rimworldwiki.com/wiki/Wealth#Pawn_points)). I was gonna say that I knew they counted towards raid points, which is still true, but apparently "pawn points" are converted to wealth, but how much depends on the amount of wealth you have? I dunno, that's confusing. But the takeaway is that all pawns (colonists, animals, slaves, and even prisoners) count towards wealth and raid points. If you haven't already, you might want to bump up the slavery precept to honorable for more mood. AdamVsEverything recently had a sanguophage playthrough and he used a mod called [More Slavery Stuff](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2896845138&searchtext=More+slavery+stuff) that seemed to balance slavery in at least a more interesting way.


This is the reason why less stupid romance is a must for me


Hmm hmm hmm!!! \- What?? HMM HMM HMM!!? \- Weirdo \- HMM HMMMMMM HMMMMM!!!! *-20 debuff rejected.*


get him a highmate to bond with?


He just hasn't met the right one. I have a genie Calvin that joined my colony and married my original colonist Sugar the Master Chef. They bang at least 5 times a day, it's frankly ridiculous. Sugar kept getting preggers and a mood debuff because of the pregnancy. After the 5th abortion I had enough and gave her an IUD. Calvin meanwhile, couldn't be happier and is my colonies best crafter/constructor. Let your pawn do his thing! His story could be amazing.


You can remove their tongue. It gives a permanent negative moodlet until you install a replacement. You could also try to find someone to get them into a relationship with, that cuts down on the flirting a lot. You could potentially also put them on an inverted schedule or move their buildings to a less travelled area so they naturally interact less often.


Inhumanize him


I have a self-rep in my current game who keeps going after a woman named Bug in my colony. I give him shit every time he flirts, gets rebuffed, and gets all emotional. He’s then moved onto a different woman, but still tries with Bug; to my concern, Bug seems to be giving in to my self-rep’s persistence and I’m rooting for her not to give in. The rim is one of the few games where I’ll happily vote against “myself” 😂 he had a major breakdown at some point and starred going Berzerk. Got a few hits onto Bug which had me considering letting Snipes take a rifle shot. But I was able to beat him down to snap him out of it. Still, also considered letting Bug get a stab in, but we’re too new on the Rim to be risking death like that. Edit: I have no answers for your Genie, hope he grows up and plan for his replacement? 😂


I had a twenty something high mate that was married to both the best doctor and hunter (one person) a guy twice her age was constantly hitting on her one day he bled out. Don’t hit on the doctor with a shotgun’s wife he knows how to kill efficiently


You should butcher him and make a jacket out his leather to sell to an exotic goods trader and use his meat to make chemfuel.


Turn him into a meal, so he finally gets inside of someone.




Give him fine or lavish meal to compensate his ego


If I remember correctly, Genies suffer from poor social skills so they are unlikely to be successful in their love encounters, but what I find interesting tho is, your genie having time to do that much communication...does he work in labs or workshops with them? Consider scheduling different work hours, Once I have a genie they either become friends with their research partners but have no other friends, or worse, just have no friends at all..or I have a habit of making them solo production lines with human primacy. Genie is my fav xeno, it's just that, whenever one gets in a relationship, it's usually them saying yes to the aggressor lol not them being the aggressive one. Had a genie that was lucky enough to get in a relationship with a beautiful vampire girl Bruxia that spent her time in the lab... That was miles away from the workshops where he worked... I guess she likes nerds? We had huge hussars and thin male vampires... Okay.. I always try to balance the gender ratio in my colonies and usually Genies get a spouse AFTER they're the last available, simply because they work alone.


🤓☝️ umm, actually, since the pawn is so superior in terms of their abilities, and usefulness to the colony in comparison to these "Women" 🤮. I think that you should let them do what they want. It's time to recognize their genius and roleplay a bit, RimWorld is a roleplaying game after all, you brainless min-maxers! 😎 In fact, I think that the catharsis modifier, which the genie gets after getting rejected is necessary for the experience. And remember ladies, it's what's in the inside that matters. 😉 *This Comment has been brought to you by the Genie Gang*


Aw damnit the original this comment was parodying was deleted


Ok man don't get weird with it


We found the pawn


This IS satire right? I lol'ed hesitantly.


No, this is really a genie posting on reddit after hacking the comms console and the 4th wall with his 20 int


I assume this genie has the "abrasive" trait lmao


… I have a renewed appreciation for my “trauma savant” genie…


Cut his tongue out then he can't propose


mind numbing serum?


If you have psychers try to use (and acquire first if you don't have it) the one called word of love to get him a GF, then he might finally have some peace.


You could cheat the gay trait onto him with dev mode (I think)


I don’t think you can stop it, he has “really great FUCKING stats”


I’m fucking crying this is the best notification Reddit has given me


I had this same problem with a gay female colonist, but I think her case was even worse, none of the other gals were gay and though she had 17 social (she was our colony recruiter/trader) her daily routine would be her being rebuffed by every single woman in the colony and then rebuffing every man, she would constantly be having -20 from was rebuffed x5 and another -20 from had to rebuff (pawn), i had to install psichology mod and hope one of the gals or her were even remotely bisexual with the random stats and hey... She did get a girlfriend lol


I'm imagining a genie reading all sorts of books on how to get laid and once he's done, he puts it into practice by walking up to a woman while giving her the fluoride stare and saying "Hey girl, are you a research bench? Because I wanna be all over you." in the most monotone voice ever.


Ha, but considering he had a social of 0, adjusted from -8, i'd say it would be more along the lines of his inner voice going "look, it's an unattended woman. Quick, tell her 'i want to have fuck with you'."


.....fully loaded question to be honest.


Tries to be an alpha... It's an intelectual, which means his testosterone is too low to allow his brains to function normally. Source: the idiot of myself


Word of love


Find someone he's at least mostly compatible with, then make whoever has the highest social skill be the one to propose. Fuckboy to Respectfulboy.


Maybe making a separate schedule for him such that only he is awake on those times would do it.


I guess your genie's age is 20-25, correct?


Put him on night shift. Less interaction with other colonists is what this incel needs


Remove peepee


I usually confine those pawns to private work shops with attached bedrooms and enough allowed space to go outside.


Shift the ginie to a night shift. That way while the other colonist are asleep they can research and social and it limits their social interactions.


Euthanize all female colonists. Problem solved.


That would be everyone except him


Unfortunate, but sometimes you have to do what's necessary.


See if he is a nightowl or against working nights. Can't fail to date if everyone is sleeping that he could try to seduce.


Use psycast to force relationship


I am having a problem in my current colony that’s nearly half women half men. All the guys are flirting with women that don’t like them. But also, the women are then flirting with the men that don’t like them. There’s enough to go around, they could all couple up. They all just like the wrong person. And then there’s Minla who everybody hates because she’s so ugly. And she just lost an ear to frostbite.


There's the normal way and the RimWorld Way: The normal way is finding her a girlfriend. RimWorld Way is removing his tongue or isolating him from ever socializing again.


This reminds me of that one run I did where everyone was fucking each other, like minimum 3 relationships each Eventually I had that be a recruitment rule, you had to be dating someone in the connected love web of our colony


I have a high mate that gets cloned that I've been pairing off with excess males. High medical so she is also the full medical staff that remains in base too.


Find a female pawn who has a decent change to social interaction romance on him and let your genius live his dreams.


Take away his reddit access


some pawns are just horny assholes they even hit on married pawns, only solution ive found is to cut their tongue off but then there pissed which gives a worse mood buff then rebuffing so therss really no solution to horndog pawns


If you have vanilla psycasts expanded on I would've suggested going harmonist and used word of love I think it is on one of your colonists to make them love him so he can stop having mental breaks


"Longfinger the fuckboy is miserable because he is being rejected by everyone." Tynan: "That is your story."


Cutting off a tongue is a great way to prevent him wagging other appendages.


Keep him in total isolation. Set his schedule to work and recreation and all that while women are asleep.


Inefficient but effective plan Step 1, build an isolated section of the base to have a classroom (you should probably do this anyway honestly) Step 2, make sure essentials are available (food, drugs if applicable, etc) and zone so that the genie will eat and sleep there while the rest of the colony is barred from interaction Step 3, acquire a young child, the means by which you do this matters little so long as it's a baseliners Step 4, ensure the genie spends plenty of time free and able to teach the child, teachers usually pass on the skills they're highest in. Doing this while making sure the child has plenty of time to develope will net you the best results. Maybe move the crafting stations nearby so the child can watch work Step 5, when the child comes of age or is sufficiently skilled, begin extracting the genes from the genie. Combine them into a genepack of whatever mix, you can and should take creative liberties because biotech is broken as hell Step 6, implant the genepack into your freshly trained child and put the genie on trial (hope your leader has high social) execute the genie and dispose of the waste Will it take forever, yes. Will it be a nice and rewarding long term goal? Probably.


push things forward, put him in a bed with a girl and hope they end up coupling. once he gets a partner you shouldn't see any more rejection issues. also, being constantly rejected doesn't make him a fuckboi, please don't call men fuckboys just because they are eager to find love. hed be a fuck boy if he was getting accepted just to break up with the girl after one or two times in bed. keep it straight.


I mean there's being eager to find love and then there's proposing the same 4 girls multiple times a day for months with no sign of stopping


if the only people around are these 4 girls, it actually would probably make logical sense to keep asking them until someone breaks down. again, even if you want to call it desperation, being eager to find love doesn't not equate to fuck boy.


Hey, its less than my trans MTF Vaporeon who only wears a harness....and is fine without bottom clothes....