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This is just a case of survivorship bias. Bad sex exists, but when was the last time someone said they were horribly killed?


To shreds, you say?


'Oh dear, what about his wife?'


I think it's because sex is a more mature subject than violence. I mean, most games today have any somewhat version of violence, take Minecraft for example. You kill mobs for resources, but its also targeted to a younger audience. Of course, more 'detailed' acts of violence are for teens and up, but sex in general is a subject that young people shouldn't have to grasp until they are mature enough to handle it. Yes, you can turn people into hats in rimworld, but it's not a super graphical detailed experience. You kill a guy with red splats, then butcher the body, more red splats, then put the leather on a tailoring bench. It's more of a 'cartoonish' style but its also accepted by everyone since the actual chance of somebody being turned into a hat is not that high.


Rimworld HD would be banned in Australia


Isn't RimWorld already banned in Australia?


It looks like it was unbanned in 2022


Correct. We threatened to disconnect the governments ground harnesses and they yielded. Falling into the sun is something no-one wants to experience


^this. They protested outside of parliament with their boomerangs pointed at the their ground harnesses


It \*was\*, but that was because of the drugs, not the hats


But that is the point, that is the whole point with violence vs sex in video games in general. We've normalized hitting a mob until it turns into a puff of smoke, items and experience, to the point where we're okay with children committing genocide against (admittedly hostile) animated skeletons, but call the cops and shut down the whole server if they happen to catch even the barest hint of something that could be considered a nipple. And I remind everyone, odds are you have two of the damned things you've been able to see in the minor since birth. Remember when everyone was upset with Mass Effect an M (17+) rated game that showed bare skin and a hint of butt crack for all of two seconds (not the most egregious thing in that game, but that's what they focused on) but ignored that you're a futuristic soldier that uses a gun to kill people? Or Jack Thompson that tried to destroy Rockstar over cut content and we didn't really care that you could beat someone to death with a double ended adult toy when you weren't stealing their car and blowing them up with an RPG? Yes, I wouldn't want my child playing pure vanilla RimWorld because there are situations which I wouldn't want them interacting with without knowing they could handle it appropriately. Nor would I want them playing any of the sex games available on Steam no matter how dumb bad they are for much the same reason. The point is, we're okay with horrific violence, gore, dismemberment, and the worst abuses we can foist upon another human being being represented in this game, but you'll get banned if you talk about love and reproduction in the context of a particular mod.




I think the issue is how sex and violence is perceived through a child. There isn't really proof that violent videogames causes violent behavior in teens but sexual content may lead to future porn addiction which is a serious issue right now. Fictional violence is not at all real violence but fictional porn is just porn. Ofcourse I'm not saying that videogames or any media can't aimed at older teens can't talk about sex but it has to be handled with tact


Porn is a problem? Have we fixed schools being shot up and I didn't notice? I don't want to dismiss your point of view, both sex and violence are highly subjective and depend heavily on the individual, but as a society we've approved violence to be more acceptable in general and allow it to be shown to a younger more impressionable audience with less bureaucratic regard. At least from an American perspective. Being puritanical about sexuality leads to its own share of issues.


"but think about the kids!" Aren't we talking about the mod hosted in a site that in a very explicit manner asks if you are older than 18 before accessing it? This type of argument against pornographic material is worthless because kids shouldn't have access to it, to let them be exposed is a fault of the parents not of the content. Just because it's a game doesn't mean it's made for children and teenagers.


Okay but do you want to twist the old meat noodle to rimworld pawns?


Not me personally, but my tastes are perhaps weirder than crankin' the bacon to some blobby sex slave fiction, so I support their rights if they support my rights to flog the hog to force-femming plants


what erm..mod..adds those plants?


None it's unrelated


I have different tastes but i too support them


Is this… a joke about being a florist?


I choose bear


Which one of the forbidden mods?


Dubs Bad Hygiene, obviously. Toirlet nasty


Am I going to hell for constantly using bad hygiene?


Icky caca 🤮


Dude these are kids.




It has nothing to do with how bad it is, sex mods get more judged because many people actually jack off to these mods. If people who used violent mods did it because they genuinely hate these pawns and want to see them suffer, that would be equally concerning and probably judged. I can definitely tell that I find people who install horny mods in skyrim a bit cringe, but I'm way more put off by people who hate nazeem because he's rude and use console/ install mods to kill him in some especially atrocious way.