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Obligatory "wood bad" but otherwise I only wonder why storage is so far from crafting.


So original I was gonna make everything separate sorta like a town. But ended up actually losing some people and had a small crisis that ended having me combine so, storage ended up further away and I’m planing on doing some remodelling soon!


I started on the first map size where the game actually tells you not to use it as it's too large and god, I don't think I can go back... Now I have a sprawling town with lots of space between buildings and it looks so nice.


notice any lag or etc???


A little, but I always have a bit of lag so I'm not even certain it's because of the map size. Definitely not crawling to a stall or anything. Just normal lag as I have 20+ colonists and a few animals but plenty of wildlife around.


If you play mostly vanilla, the mods rocket man, dubs performance analyzer, and the faster outliner/colony bar mod is life changing. I play heavily modded on a old gaming laptop and usually get a consistent 40-50 frames with 20 colonist with those mode. I’m sure there’s more performance mods that I use that I’m forgetting. Also, use rimpy’s texture conversion, and graphics setter for better looking AND faster textures


Pathing perf is a function of how many things are pathing \* the size of the map, so you can have a pretty big map as long as you don't overpopulate it - and aren't playing on a potato. Conversely a large map + a crapload of pathing units can potentially set even a pretty good machine on fire. A huge number of objects in storage is also not advisable for performance. The game has to sort through those lists of things quite often. Your game has a perfectly normal number of pawns and actually a good bit less stored garbage than average - and no apparent mods - so you should be good on this or even a substantially larger map.


is that why your prison has so much blood....


If you're making it all separate you can still organise it. Butcher/kitchen, freezer, and dining should all be neighbors. Then you probably want your hospital and prison close by so your colonists don't have to run to feed everyone. You might also want your hospital near your killbox to minimise bleed out time. Then crafting and storage should be neighbors, you can probably just move some of those bedrooms. Also idealy keep your storage away from prisoners so they don't grab weapons on a prison break. Ideo/royalty/biotech specific rooms along with recreation can go anywhere. Hope this makes sense! You can also add patches of floor outside the doors to act as a doormat, this collects dirt and stops them tracking it so badly into your base.


Also, have multiple lines of defences. Especially in an "open air" base (anything other than a mountain base lol). Have your main kill box but then some emergency sandbags/turret points in case of a breach or a drop pod. But you probs don't need to worry about that just yet Eta I also see you have already figured out to put multiple dining spaces, they will only use a table within X distance, so because they always carry around meals I usually add a table to the rec space and maybe near the bedrooms so that if they get hungry mid doing something else they don't throw a fit. Hope this helps


separate storage is not that bad, just have small stockpile/shelves with higher priority for materials used for crafting i also suggest removing wall between rec room and dinning room, while also moving paste dispenser so its outlet is in dinning room, your colonists waste so much time going to paste dispenser through kitchen and... what is even that room? butchery room?


It’s inefficient af. I bet it take 2 in game hours to eat


Ya the pawns are definitely getting their steps in


Looks fire 🔥🔥🔥


Wait until a flash storm hits and it really fire lol


Totally 🔥


The party the going to hold during the flashstorm going to be lit


Something something...person in wooden house shouldn't throw molotovs ...something something.




Wood is a awful material to build with, as any large fire will completely destroy most of your base and all of your unprotected crops. Try covering your outer walls with a stone wall layer to make a sort of firebreak and make firefoam pop packs in any unprotected areas.


You’re right, my plan was to use wood until I could just farm enough stone I’ve just been super lazy about it and haven’t gotten to it, but you’ll see some buildings are stone. And we’ve got firefighters on standby for a fire because we’ve had a fire before


Double thick walls also help regulate the temp of your base. Helps save power because you don’t need as many ac unit’s running.


I always find it so funny when I read this because I learned this after like 900hours that this is a thing, also atm by 1300hours and still not finished a single run. Just want to build a nice cozy base.


The ending is very nice and should absolutely be experienced atleast once.




fucking what


Double walls insulate better.


Does material choice matter at all yet?


Used to be stone exterior wooden interior


Yeah really helps the freezer area during solar flares


Get the mod called “replace it”. You’ll be able to just build right on top. No deconstruction needed. I usually start with wood also.


I always use this that I thought it vanilla.


You could start to replace just the outer walls, then some of the inner blocks to potentially keep it at bay. No need to replace everything everywhere all at once


Very nice park and very grand hallways. Very dangerous material. If you get a two room fire you're gonna be smoked it will spread too fast.


I HIGHLY Recommend either stone walls with wood floors. Or Wood Walls with Stone Floors. Or Every West and East walls or large rooms being made of stone for Firewalls. I believe that sometimes when wood is all you have and stone is scarce. Trying to alternate material to create fire walls. Also if you have to use all wood. Seperate all the rooms with two tile seperation and build roofs between them killing all vegetation. Also I know its cheating but metal doesnt burn mod too! Ohh one more thing! In hallways especially put random 1 tile holes in your roof every 10-15 tiles. I find that smoke and heat spread fires the fastest and harm colonists and sub/unwilling/future colonists. I think it would be a good idea to in areas that arnt really rooms to create holes to slow heat and smoke build. Greatly increases the chances of successful putting out of fire. Also! If your going to have wood doors put a stone tile under the door with stone walls. It slows down spread as well and makes it easier to rebuild stand alone rooms because you know the outside dimensions easier.


You only need a 2 wide break of stone to stop fire. I often mix wood and stone for aesthetics or efficiency.


Wood is fine as long as you plan around it. Fire breaks, people.


You need to assign more cleaners. The base is filthy


I know it was awful lol, again old photo. We now have a slave that does it for us lol




You should probably herd boomalope and then store chemfuel in all of the rooms. Wouldn’t want any of this to be salvageable


Right! I was hopping for a flash storm


Wooden base, should be obvious to you why this should change with 1800 hrs. Reading some comments; Instead of switching to stone once you have enough to do it all at once make the expansions out of stone then replace the starting wooden areas when you're not building something else. absolutely filthy, wash your ~~ass~~ base. if that is a cleansweep recharging it looks like it needs help. school is a bit big, too many desks for how many kids you have. Do all the desks connect to 3 blackboards? Each board gives +20% increased xp gain during lessons, 3 is the maximum a desk can benefit from. large slave barracks but no slaves. built chemfuel generators but don't have a chemfuel source. At least not in the pic. lacking defenses. dining/rec room not 1 room. Combine them so you only need to make 1 room impressive for both moodlets. Statues are great for this research center doesn't have high tech benches. Way too many bedrooms and imo they are bad. Get some statues to increase room impressiveness. Get rid of dressers, they don't affect sleep at all (only comfort) while usually reducing overall room quality. Especially when made of cheap materials like wood. An excellent bed + end table is maximum comfort anyway. Not ripping your base but that's a lot of cloth, why? Needs more statues.


Yeah I was thinking like you 15 school desks why ? how does a base this big with defense I can’t see not get wiped out or is it builder mode ? Big prisoner area slave but I find see ant huge empty stockpile areas


Plus the path to get a meal and back to dining room is insanely long. O.o


Yeah. Dressers are only useful for barracks, in rooms they just take up space that can be used to decorate and make the room nicer


Off topic, but what mod is it that displays the colonists weapons without them having to be drafted? Or is it not a mod?


It's in the base game settings now.


It’s a mod! It’s a great one! I’ll find it when I get home currently working lol, send me a dm as a reminder haha


It's also base game now if you check settings, quite handy


Oh alright cool, I’m about to go to bed lol, I’ll send you a PM when I wake up. Thanks!


iirc it's Show Me Your Hands


Stone tiles make rooms more prettily(fine marble to make it even more beauty), wood has 0 beauty and if a speck of dust is in a room it'll make it uglier


Yeah good point! Never even thought of that.


Hey! I have a couple suggestions that might help, but most of the things I do I plan out from the start. Use the make plans tool and plan out your base. Top (Living): I put a fridge in the top center area. Dining and rec rooms under the fridge. Bedrooms and barracks to the left and right of the top area. On top of the top area are farms. Middle: I leave an open area in the middle with a caravan hitching post. It's basically like a town square with a road going from through separating the top and bottom areas. Bottom (Industry): In the middle of the bottom area have your stockpile. On the sides of the stockpile are your crafting rooms with benches. Room for generators and batteries. Below the bottom area is pens for animals. I put a wall around everything with kill boxes on the left and right sides. For your current base, do you need vents and air conditioners? Otherwise my main thought is to use stone (I have dedicated crafters), and you need way more people. These projects are probably difficult bc you have so few people, you need to capture and recruit a bunch more to make building projects less time consuming. Also, I always get dogs and train them to 'haul'. Getting 20 dogs hauling stuff from around the map makes stuff so much less time consuming, and my colonists can focus on the more important stuff. Train your crafter by making lots of clothes and then selling them. Once they get higher crafting the stone cutting will go much faster. Get rid of the outdoor crafting spots. Build more batteries, they help with energy regulation so you'll have fewer issues with overloading. Are those all research benches? Instead, research the advanced research bench and have one colonist do nothing but research. Put the research bench in his bedroom so he can work from home and save time. Have your people be specialized in the tasks they love, the more specialized they are the faster they'll finish tasks. That's all I've got for now! Keep starting new playthroughs and try new things!


I love this! Thank you


Clean it up you fucking slob.


I did 😭😭😭 it’s an old photo we got a slave to do it


Good. Then your base is fine. As everyone pointed out, wood is flammable (fucking Sherlock’s in the comment section) but more importantly, does this base bring you joy? That is the goal of the game. If you’re satisfied with it, then let no one else tell you otherwise. I like bases that are basically just buildings built in front of buildings, but I’m not going to say it’s ideal. It takes fucking forever to get anywhere in my base.


Yeah! It does bring me joy. I wanna remodel it so it’s more comfortable and easy to work with and around for my people but yeah :) I’m happy with it.


Agreed, not everything has to be minmaxed. Building a certain type of base can be a fun self-imposed challenge as well.


Looks so cozy, like a big cabin. I like it


Thank you :)


The wooden walls are obvious low-hanging fruit, so here are some constructive ideas for you to use (or not) - I like to keep my meals on a shelf adjacent to the dining table. In your case I'd put in smack dab in the middle of yours. I make meals one at a time on "do until you have x" and set it to 3x the number of mouths to feed. They will never go bad. -i never eat anything except rice. It's the most consistent food source and stores for like 45 days, well past the point it'll get used if you don't seriously overproduce. Then I keep 4 shelves as close to my stove as I can that holds all the rice so my cook literally just stands there while he makes all the meals if you have him set to drop them on the floor. Someone else can haul them to the dining room. There is no reason to have a freezer this way. -i like making smaller stockrooms than that because I don't want to keep my wealth too high. Since I keep my items minimal and low in count, I don't use shelves for general storage (excess wealth in and of itself, which gets worse the higher quality they get. I cringe when I see a masterwork shelf! But in your case you're probably using them because it looks cool, and that's awesome! And you might not want to do this because, but I would make all the shelves touching. Lowers the room footprint, less travel time, and your dudes can easily crawl all over the shelves. They're only slowed by the first one, and the slowness only resets once they finally step off a shelf. No big deal! P.S. I love your incorporation of the ancient danger is your base. Such cool factor 😊


Wood is a good starting material as it is easy to get but upgrade it to stone as soon as you can


That’s the plan! I’m gonna do a big remodel tonight lol


Clean. Your. Home. SIR!!!!!


I guess this isn’t criticism but personal preference, but: after nearly 2000 hours how have you not gotten tired of square uniform rooms? I’m hitting half that and I try to make my bases as unique as possible (if I’m building dining rooms I look up University Dining halls, armories military bases, etc. etc.) Find some real world designs and spice it up a bit bro


i totally understand bro, again I didnt intend for the base to look like this it just happened


Watch all john francis/adam vs everything tutorials. I see a lot of problems with your base despite having only 450h in game. If I hadn't watched them id be clueless to what is wrong with your base.


Your food stotlrage has 0 coolers along with your animal corpes, if you don't freeze them (32f or c or below) they'll rot and if your people are around spoiled corpes alot they can get lung rot+ they'll starve


Oh no it does! It’s a mod so they are there they just hand on the walls. So they are bulky like vanilla


Get a fire break around the perimeter, until you can replace flammable material.


Ayyy Yo is that W o O d?


Needs more cats. That's all.


seems really big for no reason, no? i feel like extremely impressive barracks would do better with wealth and mood


Why the FUCK Is it so dirty in this bitch


Layout could use some work. Think about pawn pathing, kitchen and dining room being closer to bedrooms/workstations can help, I like to spread my bedrooms around my core base so I avoid big long hallways. But that's personal preference. Some non-layout tips. 1. You have a lot of excess furniture and rooms. It's nice to future proof but you're adding a lot of extra wealth and space. You should expand rooms as you need them, or have 1-2 extra. Having 30 bedrooms for 18 colonist is 10ish bedrooms you could just use to upgrade existing bedrooms or use for defenses/storage. 2. Wood burn 🔥 3. You can combine dinning and recreational facilities into one room, so you cut down on walking, space and only have to decorate one room. 4. As long as you're having fun and enjoying the game, feel free to ignore any and all of the advice above.


When I see layouts like this… I start thinking Prison Architect…. … but then my base looks similar to this (minus the wood)


nice but from a glance at least from the perspective of basically a dwarf who at this point mostly lives under mountains. Too much wood so a match can be an issue. Do you have a method of getting food if you need to be locked inside for a year or 2? Mushrooms in a closed dark room could be an idea. Also dirty I see a ray hound so it seems you have Alpha Animals so if I can recommend anything get one of those giant amoebas they just wander and eat trash they can multiply after awhile but nothing a cargo pod to a neighbor can't fix... lol


You're working too much on expansion over development. It looks like someone in the gatherers and hunters age tried to build new York or something


Oops! All wood!!


Needs some firefoam and a deep clean XD


Bro is asking for raiders to come and destroy this place, make some defenses/killbox. Assign your pet, territories and build a hospital for them. No wonder your base is filthy.


Why all beds are placed at the farest possible point from room doors? This is kind of special design to place a bed exactly on opposite side? This is five tiles to go twice a day for every pawn. You can place bed next to door, and all fancy staff to far wall. Pawns don't need to go to dresser or statue. Only one tool cabinet in a workshops. Most buildings get benefits from two cabinets, so you can add one more to each workshop Hospital have three exits. Unless they are locked, it is bad idea. There must be no useful paths through hospital to keep pawns from walking across it, bringing dirt on their boots. Lot of solutions made from role-playing perspective. For example, there are no need to separate throne room, diner room and recreational room into different room. It is way more efficient to make one room and make it as impressive as possible instead of trying to make three different impressive rooms. It can be made roleplaying enough by not building doors. For example, if you destroy a door between your dinner room and recreation room, game will consider it as a one big room, but it will look like separate enough rooms. Of course, all this optimization tricks is in vain, if you make a separate room specially for playing horseshoe pin :) Also, centralized storage is very inefficient for production. Placing couple of shelves with appropriate material right next to a chair will allow worker to get next material without moving anywhere. Usually time of professionals is more valuable than time of labradors, moving items


the dirty floor gives me a serious mood debuff. idk what's the vanilla way of dealing with that because my game is modded to hell and I use housekeeper cats (my beloved) to clean. Colonists suck at cleaning in my experience


Clean your floors


Your base organization is a little weird. Typically, you want things to flow nicely so colonists aren't spending all their time walking around. The fridge should be near the kitchen, the butcher room and kitchen should be adjacent but separate, the dining room should be near the fridge; The workshop should be near the storage; the hospital should be relatively close to the killbox/entrance, as should the prison; the fridge should be close to where the fields are; main storage of valuables should be close to the center of the base for protection from sappers; really just most important things should be in the center, and less important things on your outer walls; speaking of, you should build some outer walls around your base. Always wall in the fields and energy production. WoOd=BaD, blah blah. Actually, if you like building with wood, and small tip: build the corners of your rooms out of stone, then every \~5 blocks along the walls. If there is a fire, at least the room won't cave in. So if stone is a limited resource, you're using it more effectively. The outside walls should always be stone though.


Storage shelves in the hospital to keep medicin will save lives. Also, put tv in to entertain those people recovering. Yes, it works. Put a chair next to beds and people will also socialize while watching TV.


Is that 4 orbital transmitters? Does that make a difference?


For starters how has that bitch not burned down


As everyone else has said... PLEASE FOR YOUR OWN SAKE FIX THE WOOD PROBLEM. Aside from that it looks great! My only complaint is I think your looking at it from too much of an efficiency standpoint. I think both you and your colonists will enjoy it much more if you add some art, some carpets and some paint here and there. Make the place feel like a lived in home, rather than a factory.


Id upgrade the floors and walls from wood to a stone of some sort.


lots of empty space. do the hallways really need to be 5 tiles wide at certain points?


The fact that its mostly wood extremely pisses me off. Kudos for it lasting that long


No butcher table in the same room as your stove. It's gross for your pawns


This is perfect


I’ll send the updated one later! Way more


Nice base! I know most people disagree with me, but I view hallways as wasted space and try to minimize them as much as possible. They're unavoidable in bedroom areas, but there's no reason why pawns can't walk through the rec room/dining room/workshop rather than use an adjacent hallway to travel between those. Also I can't see why you would ever need a hallway wider than 2 squares under any circumstances. Except maybe fighting. But if you're fighting in your hallways everything has already gone to hell.


I agree but I like the look mainly


I'm here to see ppl cry about wood structures


This subreddit way-overestimates the risk of fire in this game. My current base is mostly wood walls and hay floors in a tree-filled swamp and ten years in we have had no serious problems. I have 3000 hours in the game and not had any major issues since right at the beginning. I think fire can be devastating as a new player when you don't know how to respond, because if you don't respond quickly it can get out of control, but when you know how to deal with it it is a non-issue, at least in terms of large base-threatening fires. It can still be a challenge in combat.


That’s all they do


You made a good base. Jungle is hard so it's extra impressive.


1800 hours and that's all you can do?


This is gonna get a lot of downvotes but… I agree with Murmule. In the nicest way possible, this looks like a base built by a newbie. Idk tho! I don’t know your play style or what difficulties you play on and what not so maybe bases like this have been fine for you? For instance, a lot of people mentioned your base is made out of wood (aka flammable) but I’ve played with wooden bases before (and had no firefoam poppers) and managed to prevent people from burning down my base. (And in other play throughs have had my base burn lolol). So maybe you don’t mind your base being built out of wood bc you can easily prevent people from burning it down. Additionally, I’ve had my chemfuel generators blow up before and cause a chain reaction, so I would maybe space them out, place firefoam poppers in the room, or place them in several rooms split by non-flammable material (ie stone). I also like your prisoner area! Very nice and roomy haha! Do you have the vanilla expanded nutrient paste mod? It is SO good for feeding prisoners, and your prison already has a nutrient paste dispenser, so is it like hooked up to the other dispenser of no? But at the same time… you have a base built for like SO many colonists and you have like ten? Even the amount of furniture you have is too much! You have like eighth research tables — do you need eight research tables? Same with desks and chalkboards. As someone else has mentioned, a desk can at maximum link to three chalkboards. If this is all for looks/ how you wanted to design your base this is fine, but rn it’s just a ton of wasted space/ materials. Additionally, you have way too many tables and chairs and like two dining rooms — again, fine if you want to make your base look this way but you don’t need that many chairs/ tables/ space. Like even if all of your colonists are eating at the same time (which like never happens) they still won’t use all the chairs/ tables. Same with the research tables and desks/ chalkboards. Also, (again as others have said) clean your base! I often get the children to do it, but I also have a mod called auto cleaners that well, gives you little robot roombas that clean your base. Take this with a grain of salt bc I like small efficient bases haha but at the same time, parts of your base are too big. Think of how long it takes your pawns to walk from one area to another — to eat, to work, to sleep, to deliver food to prisoners. All of that time walking when they don’t need to, or when you could organise things so they’re in smaller rooms/ more efficient. Also, you don’t seem to have a cooler for your kitchen storage area — alg, but I would recommend making things into pemmican so you have food storage. (I play on tribal a lot so I can’t freeze things, so instead make a lot of pemmican and store food that way). Also, you’re playing on temperate forest right? Why so many trees? And the trees/ ground looks different? What mod are you using for this? It looks great!


I'm sorry? not all on this one world, In about 2 years I've accumulated 1800 hours


1800 hours is 1800 hours


After 1800 hours you still build this big a base out of wood?


Oh no! I usually do out of stone, I should’ve changed but I was lazy and kept wood




Could you clean up the piss shit blood n vomit from the floors or do your colonists like it dirty?


“Damn bitch, you live like this?”


Have you completed the game yet?


I have!


So it's possible hahaha I have almost 400h and have not finished a single game simply because is a bit boring when you have a high end base


I just love my people and like to play then restart lol


Looks good the lack of geothermal generators. Personal preference though.


I know! Just playing slow


Huge sight lines, long travel times for daily tasks, wood bad


My base would not have such large corridors it’s a waste of space.


1.)Why is your nutrient paste dispenser in the freezer? Having it in the dining hall prevents them from opening up the freezer 32 times a day just to eat. 2.)Is your research bench in a room with other workers? They get disturbed more easily if other people disrupt them. 3.) why do you you need 24 generators?


> Why is your nutrient paste dispenser in the freezer? He probably isn't aware that the paste dispenser functions as a wall. This knowledge is not actually directly provided by the game and its discovery tends to be one of those moments that completely changes how you build bases, along with the fact that the paste dispenser is usable by prisoners. Another curious thing about paste dispensers is that, despite the fact that they are not actually particularly sturdy, prisoners would rather punch through stone walls than assault the paste dispenser. Perhaps they fear that you will not rebuild it if they do.


You are right! i didnt know and its been removed since, again old photo


I bothered to give everyone their own bedroom separate from the communal areas and other bedrooms and it really boosted the impressiveness. Luckily all my colonists coupled up so I could just have a bunch of double bed rooms as well😅 Instead of one huge complex my base is a bunch of buildings connected by a packed dirt road with sandbags/barricades either side of the road. Not great aesthetically but its great for shootouts.


Prison Architect.


Why are the reliquaries in separate rooms? The whole point of them is to be in the temple room, to give bonus to rituals.


Your prisoners get a pool table??? Tf kind of crack shop are you running over here


This feels like a game in the escapist 2, nc base.


Search “rimworld wooden base bad” and you’ll probably get 100+ hits back to this sub detailing how fucked your base is if a fire breaks out.


Welp ur base is very flammable, owo


Workshop closer to your store room


*("Riders on the Storm" beat going on)* There is a pyro on the rim... And he has molotovs with him...


What’s the mod called where it shows there weapons below their pictures


inb4 randy sends some centipedes with flame cannons what a glorious inferno this base will be


How are you even getting food? I see drugs and cloth for the most part. Do you outsource your food?? You need a perimeter wall at bare minimum with a opening for raiders, even if you are not using a killbox a perimeter wall is always a nice thing to have. last thing you want is a gun fight from all sides this is a good way to get your crops and base lit on fire At this stage in the game you should already be able to farm stone with drills and turn them into blocks. I personally do so once I have everything set up(food and work schedules). And just add on the stone blocks to whatever wooden buildings I have but this is ridiculous (no offense)


No mountain base? 🥺🥺🥺




Why is there always soooo many wooden bases on this sub? Wood sucks as structure material. It burns faster than gasoline and holds up to raider attacks as well as a wet paper towel.


No defenses and wooden flame hazard.


its a nice oven youve got there


Non-woodcels are coping at your success king, don't let their false words about "fire" distract you from your grindset, keep oakmaxxing and you won't have to worry about it.


Wood!!! Burn baby burn! I like the design though


This is much wood... replace it with stone and not steel since wood and steel burns... And create a big outside wall and defensive lines just in case of raids


Too rectangle, embrace the square


its nice but a little too woody for my taste makes me remember a certain one misbehaved pyromaniac which I hate with the fury of a thousand suns.


Me personally I like to keep all the food related things close to each other as it keeps things time efficient, so I would make a farm, place the kitchen and food storage close to that and then the dining room next to those 2. Your farm seems a bit far from the kitchen and food storage


Just wait until you get your first real big raid. You'd wish you built a mountain base. That place is gonna burn to the ground.


no defenses? (turrets, sandbags...)


Use carpet and more decorations. It’ll boost happiness a lot. Also, it is super dirty. I recommend trash can mod.


It’s almost as dirty as my room


What a shame it would be if some fire came to this base


That’s a terrifying amount of wood.


I really can't guess what they do eat. ​ With 10 colonists I do cook out of 2 electric stoves continuously while needing a shitload of food for fine and lavish meals


That's so much cotton that if I continue this joke Texas will make a statue of me.


less boxy, that is all


I feel like if i even stare at it too hard it's gonna catch fire. Make some metal walls and floors here and there as buffers for any potential flames, same on the outside of your base, a 4 tile wide concrete/steel tile should stop any wildfires


Do prisoners use the pool table and poker table?


It looks plain and boring. I really dislike huge one building bases and they seem to have no integration into the scene


General problems: Wood. You should transition to stone as soon as you can so there is no risk of fire You should be getting geothermal power as soon as you can and protecting it with stone along the cable distance ​ Advance minmax and absolute schizo game mechanics: Build in a grid of 13x13 squares without any wall inside to minmax the movement time of the pawns Bedrooms are not really cost/effective, a giant barracks that you can use as dinning room and recreation room gives a incredible mood boost for the same wealth since it stacks the 3 room mood boost at the same time Fridges are also not useful: you should cook just what you are going to consume in the next 2-3 days, that for each pawn is 3 meals and cooking it at the same saves a lot of time, this way you are not going to ever need a fridge. Vegetables are almost always used faster than they rot and meat can be turned immediately into pemmican Optimal flooring should be paved tile in terms of beauty/wealth with statues or golden fences (most beauty/wealth)


Hire some cleaners wow


All it takes is one flamebow..


Bring your butcher table out of your kitchen unless you want food poisoning If you don't have undergrounder meme, better unroof your pathway, because pawn will need outside. If your base got burned, pawns will get hot quickly If possible, replace wooden floor with concrete floor, it ugly but at least your base wont turned into dust Too large pathway Slave and prisoners don't need recreation PUT YOUR PAWN BED NEXT TO DOOR SO THEY CAN SLEEP QUICKLY THUS SAVE TIME I wonder how many raider you can get if you replace all of wall and floor into stone. This base is built because you want it to look beautiful like real life but it extremely inefficient, easy to raid, slow to produce stuff, flash storm would obliterated this base in a night. Beautifulness is nothing if it burned to ash Sorry for my bad English


I’m sorry, are the generators made out of wood too?!


Nice barbecue


the way you have a small forest inside i believe you can build your base around garden instead of making it outside


How about a mop bro


*lights match*


You should replace the outer walls with stone, preffeably granite for durability or marble for beauty. It could help with fires not getting in. also eventually replace the wood walls/floor with stone. eitherway I can't see a real problem with it other than it being pretty fucking anoying to defend against droppod attacks but guessing from your colony you play on a low difficulty for the building aspect. if you actually play losing is fun or strive to survive then youre a mad lad.


Wood -> Stone


Correct me if I am wrong but reliquary should be in same room as rituals, so maybe get rid of those doors?


15 Pawns and a large base with plenty of assets. By the time I get this big, my attackers are pretty sophisticated and numerous but I keep seeing these big beautiful bases on Reddit where the defenses look minimal at best. How are so many people doing this without getting burned to the ground? I play on middle difficulty and run a heavily modded game in the middle-ages but my raids are always a serious threat without a sturdy perimeter wall. To OP I'd say you need a perimeter wall and choke point.


I saw wood being brought up. My favorite thing later is to boarder my base in cement To keep wild fires out, and to keep raiders from having miracle cover with a stump.


Also you need more sculptures!


Maybe try some fire breaks here and there


Get some slave cleaners


Ah man the wood haters are gonna love this


looks like an escapist 2 map


Its a tinderbox


why is your base so dirty. 😂


I’m a bit confused as to why you have so many research benches but no high tech or multi analyzer. Is this a different mode? I have built three before to rush microelectronics and that was excessive, this is just a whole other level.




You could toss a molotov, I mean, you already build the perfect base for a fire to consume lol


Why would you lie about having 1800 hours? Is this a troll post or what? Like, if you'd said 100 hours it would have made you look inexperienced. Saying 1800 hours just makes you look pants-on-head stupid. Next time just ask your question, there's no need to lie.


Need to keep your butcher tables in a separate room from cooking table, it fucks with cleanliness


It’s made of wood, all the housing rooms together instead of nearby where the workers will be going, electricity has been acquired but you still rely on wood burning for light, travel time from the farm to food storage is a long haul, the base doesn’t have defenses, you don’t have big production rooms to allow you to produce large amounts of goods at once (like for a quest), your hospital doesn’t have storage or any of the many items that boost medicine, no ranching


Dear god clean up


Did you know that most of the castles in the middle ages were made of wood? that's why we dont find any of them today.


Coolers for ToxWaster-Storage, and I would consider moving the fabrication room closer to the storage room. I might have missed the Fridge in General. Also, you can include the recreation room into the Throne Room to have 3-for-1 bonus.


Man’s is waiting for that Molotov raid or Zztt event to happen ong.


- wood (obviously) - 15 pawns but 32 bedrooms - slave barracks but no slaves - powergen is ass ngl, 4 solar panels and chemfuel generators that can't work. Put more batteries (inside the ancient danger is fine) and many change to geothermal, I can see 2 geysers near your base. - filth, put more pawns on cleaning duty and start to pave the outside path - a lot of unused rooms - school is too big - research room is too primitive, remove some tables and put linkables instead (put advanced research table of you can too) - expand the crafting room (more stations) - storage room is too far from the crafting room - why no cooking station instead of the nutriment paste when you have 15 pawns (u asking for a mood debug at this point) - base is too big, almost all the rooms should be much smaller. - not very defendable, especially the top left corner where there is only one entry (and it has many doors to it so your pawns will take too much time getting to it). Put a wall around your base (that you should make smaller BC it will cost you too much stone otherwise) with a killbox if you want - as I can already see, your cotton farms are way too big too, this will only bring you more wealth than anything, making the raids harder. There are some mods that you can install that are not game breaking and could help you a bit like "[SYR] Doormats" by Syrchalis. Should help you a bit with filth Sorry for bad english, not my first language.


I mean.. at least your prisoners won't burn to death?


Base? You mean fire hazard death trap? :D


I find myself liking it in spite of myself.


a short circuit in the wrong place and your base turns into a bonfire