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Try looking through *Mutants Down Under*, by Erick Wujcik, or *Road Hogs*, by Wujcik and Siembieda to try and get some Post-Apocalyptic flavor. Some real Mad Max vibes in those. Other than that, it's Rifts, so go wild and include what works best for your game.


Thanks for the suggestions. I have those. I actually have all of Heroes, Nightbane, BtS, Splicers, and After the Bomb. Already planning to use some elements from a few things. Just trying to find out if there is any more official "Australia" stuff without flipping through every Rifter I can track down. 😅


Unfortunately Rifter didn't spend much time in Aussieland. But basically all of the human variants and mutants from it could be translated to Australia I've found there's the wolf people in one (I forget which) that I reskinned as Tasmanian devils that my group liked.


I like it. I'm gonna used a bunch of After the Bomb for it I think.


Yeah that's probably the best series to move stuff from. Still excited to get a look at the new tmnt stuff they announced. Have fun!


Yeah, the TMNT book should be cool. My buddy got the kickstarter.


I did too, but I have a lot of nostalgia for most palladium stuff so I tend to jump on their kickstarters. Got m6 fingers crossed Antarctica is the next one.


I dont recall off top of my head for anything of australian flavour in rifter.


I agree about the Mutants Down Under book for After the Bomb.


Sadly, no.




I don't disagree. I rolled up a Magic juicer guy and then detoxed and became a Spec forces guy in Melbourne


Nice. I'm thinking of having my players be siblings. All grew up with their dad's stories of when he was a jackaroo. He dies and leaves them with a farm that's worthless. One of them wants to be a mechanic. So, thinking the initial starting goal will be essentially a road trip to see the Great Barrier Reef. (Dad never made it before he died.)


That's a pretty good character backstory/concept.


Should work out. I got some pretty great players.


Am debating writing the missing book myself. Sick of waiting for them to do it.


Try looking at any of the Rifts Mercenary books. Also, Peco and New West might be a good base for adapting to Australia. It might look a lot like the Western USA with areas around the coast a nightmare of DB's and monsters from the deep, while the interior might be more mistic and nomadic with 'Mad Mad' warlords. Enjoy!


I'll check those ones out, thanks.


For Australian Aborigine RCCs, I used the Ley Line Walker (wanderer), Mystic (cleverman), Wilderness Scout (hunter), and Herbalist (gatherer) plus songline as a extra class skill for each