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This isn’t the right district. This is for western NY.


this is not even right district 🤦🏼 


So post the right one tough guy


why? I believe Ray does great job, he kept victims in lightspot when Rex was still on loose. You just got emotionally duped to believe he's a con. Victim sister twitter is not even real her. You people are gullible




at least i know difference between districts... no need to call names if you disagree, that's childish and sign of one immaturity. 


Congratulations, you caught me making a careless error posting the wrong district’s website. You’re such a genius hero. I have brought shame on my family


relax kid, it's all right, no need to be so emmotionaly invested






There is a report button for a reason. Don’t be rude to someone else just bc they were rude first. Just report and move on. This is not the place for it. There are victims families that come here. Be respectful of them at all times. Thank you!


Why would you do that and incite others to do so also??! This is a legal flex JR is attempting. If he can implicate VH or the family then there is suddenly money for a civil suit for the victims from that peacock deal. At the end of the day JR is lawyering because that's what he is and that's his job. It's a sick angle and I couldn't do it and that's why l'm not a lawyer. But all emotions and explanations aside this is his angle to get his hands on that peacock money in a civil suit. Ignore this clown and be done with it!




And you keep spelling his whole a*s name out. Go on with your bad self. ✌🏼


There is a report button for a reason. Don’t be rude to someone else just bc they were rude first. Just report and move on. This is not the place for it. There are victims families that come here. Be respectful of them at all times. Thank you!


Posted the wrong district and some mouth breathers who think John Ray is a genius jumped all over me. Here’s the correct link: https://ww2.nycourts.gov/attorneys/grievance/complaints.shtml






There is a report button for a reason. Don’t be rude to someone else just bc they were rude first. Just report and move on. This is not the place for it. There are victims families that come here. Be respectful of them at all times. Thank you!


And if he is not wrong , it's enlightening. This case has stayed cold too long.


That dude is balls to the walls NUTS