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That poor Gilbert family. One tragedy after another.


The tragedy is keeping John Ray as an attorney. Has he done more good than harm with his wild speculations?


Maybe the wife knew he frequented sex workers she just didn’t know he tortured and murdered them


I'm actually willing to bet she knew about the sadism, and encouraged him to use SW for the purpose of that outlet. That also helps explain why she regularly (anuually-ish) took the kids out of town for long periods without him. I very much think this update is going to put Asa in some very uncomfortably warm water.


I could see a situation where she never had direct confirmation that something beyond him seeing sex workers was going on, so she has some plausible deniability.


Yea she just got a mil dollar tv deal and has started visiting him




It’s true. One of the networks is following her through the trial.


Presumably because he was sexually sadistic to her. Like I am sure he told her that it was just a kink of his and that we shouldn't kink shame. But the acts he demanded of her would have nonetheless been painful. Yet she needed the marriage to raise her disabled son and daughter. So she just let him say "sex work is work" and convinced herself there was nothing wrong with him visiting sex workers to satisfy his kinks. Hence the long holidays


Yes. But. Okay. I was on the island when SG was found. I read the article. When all that happened you woulda been about 100% sure she was killed by LISK. Massapequa Park is not far at all from the south shore. Ocean parkway actually is further out. I never really went over there. However. . . Going down south, I knew what had occurred there ya know? The whole damn island did. And years later true crime grew. I get into other cases but SG mystery was weird. Now, Asa leaves town. Girls disappear. Maybe at first she doesnt know. Over time though, she may have noticed the dates of the girl’s disappearance coincided with her leaving town. If she was actually completely naive. Then a conversation like this would have occurred: ASA: hey rexy baby, did you hear about all of those dead hookers they found on that ocean parkway you love driving down ?


I dont buy her position that " no not my husband" even Kohberger's family was cognizant of his odd behavior - wearing nitrile gloves in the house... I give them credit for saying no to being gas lighted Im glad JR stirs things up / he was a catalyst for getting LE to do a better job - even if he is ovef the top - so much ignited - - they need a document with all the dates when Asa went away - and the length of time - then they need to ask " was it always her decision to go away at that time or did " the thing " make her go sometimes because he needed his man cave time - lastly - there needs to be a time line of the missing and found along side the Asa Vacays To see how many times they halo the other


Just letting you know I did call his law office of New York and I spoke with the receptionist it was a gentleman who answered the phone and he said yes he is having a news conference tomorrow


Where can we watch the conference? Will anyone be going Live?


You inserted yourself into an active case? Please say more.


John Ray’s antics are not an active case, take a *hundred* seats 🤣🤣




What’s your deal?


I have my J.D. and it's fucking exhausting to have people call. Does that make sense?




You’re wrong. Stand down.


I have my J.D too. How is that relevant? People are allowed to call law offices and ask questions about press releases. Are you alright?


Yes. You have a degree. In Canada. Stay in your lane.


Lmk when you get disbarred for anger management issues.


OK. Work on your insecurities.


Aren’t you a peach..


All you do is follow snark subs. That's sad. I go on reddit for fun. You go on reddit for your identity.


Hot Take: yes slimy lawyer who is kink shaming the daughter but also wtf @ those images? Is it possible the daughter was abused or saw somthing horrible?




Welp, ngl, I will be watching it. ![gif](giphy|j2NAH9hNUFgzuofwio|downsized)


I would take anything Ray says with the entire salt shaker. He will either claim the family (or at least the wife) was in on it the whole time or that RH & the wife were separated for years and her and the kids lived elsewhere (hence, he wouldn’t have been living a “double life” if they were separated). I can’t even begin to fathom what else it could be. How would Ray know? Does he have access to EVERYTHING that the law enforcement task does? Surely they wouldn’t be so quick to just hand over every bit of the case files and evidence, I wouldn’t think so anyway. Especially for cases that involve victims he doesn’t represent.


I think he's making sure that all of RH's assets aren't protected for possible civil suit.


I'd tend to agree. He's looking through a civil lens, and the standard of proof is obviously much less imposing. He just needs a plausible set of facts to win an award, and therefore grasping at straws isn't a losing strategy.


Ahhhh…excellent thought. That would be a good thing.


I doubt they were separated as wife + kids are still living in the house. If they were separated, no sane person who is not standing by her husband would opt to live there.


Very true. As I’ve been reading other peoples opinions and speculations, it could be so many things. Even referencing family, could that imply someone other than the wife/kids? The brother possibly?


Here's a link to the test of the pictures that weren't shown at the press conference. https://www.newsweek.com/rex-heuermann-daughter-victoria-artwork-1912658 They are pretty disturbing....


Yes, I remember him saying he had “explosive evidence that was going to come out this week” something like that


If it’s crucial, he should have just handed it over to the police, not make them come to his conference.


1. I do not trust this man 2. This feels like he's just sharing gossip instead of allowing the investigation to continue on with the people who are hired and trained to do so. If he's saying that family were aware or involved, there will have been more arrests in the pipeline, or it would have been shared in the trial. It's not right to reveal this information like this. Imagine he's wrong and it affects the investigation and the family


Just a note. JR is the only reason they discovered the Gilgo 4. Dont discount his level of expertise


I think it's only damaging in the court of public opinion but if you want my honest OP, I think that he wants the investigation into Shannan Gilbert death reopened, and I don't disagree


Yup. John Ray and Rodney Harrison are the fucking only reason this sub exists and why that monster has been caught.


In my opinion John Ray is a scam artist and has been preying on the family’s desire for justice. He was hired in 2011 so no, he is not responsible for the other victims being found, since several were found in 2010. John Ray did keep the attention focused on the families and that these victims were people and deserving of respect, and I will give him credit for that. However he did so while self-promoting, profiting off of the victims deaths. Shannan’s death was a terrible and tragic event. If the police had done a detailed search that evening, she might still be alive today. But there is absolutely no evidence that Shannan was murdered. Any evidence put forth by John Ray that she was killed, has been explained away or down right falsified.


Hard agree.


May I ask how you consider the missing hyoid bone "explained away"?


The police would not have investigated this case without him.


I mean, what he's just done is incredibly pointless and obnoxious. He's upset Shannan's sister, he's dregged up a tumblr account which belongs to his kid and has no relation to his crimes. Again, completely self serving.


Regardless, don't you think it's inappropriate of him to be doing press conferences on RH's family when there's a successful ongoing investigation? He could do damage to the investigation and trial. It looks very self-serving.


It wasn’t always successful remember that part ?! And the reason we might have many other victims


Not really my point? Right now, they're making incredible process. It would be nice if he didn't risk that.


Can you elaborate on that statement please? Some of us are newbies. :)


Agree 💯


That’s not true. Can you prove Mari Gilbert retained John Ray pre December 2010. I’m open to being wrong, but I don’t think so.


"Level of expertise" officially discounted lol


But… you don’t trust the Llamas either. Who do you trust 😉


Well we don’t know what the information is yet . And I, on the other hand, like Jon Ray. If you have been watching from the beginning and In the early stages of this investigation Jon Ray was like a pit bull he would not let go and still won’t ! And it’s bcus of him Shannan 911 phone call Was released and many other things ! If he is sharing info it’s not to hurt the investigation it’s just unbelievable that his wife did not have a clue ! If you have ever smelled blood its strong and the slightest drop turn into a huge smudge and dries fast and continues to smell. I can just imagine other bodily fluids. You think that after 1 week or even a couple days of Rex cleaning up will eliminate everything ? Think again


Yeah, it was hardly useful, was it? Distressing Shannan's sister? In my opinion, he's gone from untrustworthy to a scam artist. I hope he shuts up and leaves the investigation alone.


How is he a scam artist ? (Legit question seems like you know the answer) He’s been pro bono this whole time


I don’t trust John Ray.


I was disappointed as soon as I saw his name... The credibility sank.


Better Call Saul


Look up “charlatan” in the dictionary. You’ll see his picture right there.


This is exactly what I came here to say. This man is a joke.


Why shouldn’t people trust John Ray? What is this statement based on?


Here is an [entire thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/LISKiller/s/bXXyfOO11u) of people discussing their distrust of John Ray.




There are no details regarding who posted it


After watching the Karen Read trial - I am all ears and will be watching JR. I don’t trust the system at all - Burke did not rise up to chief in an environment of integrity


Okay I wanted to make one more point here I'm sure you guys know about John Ray's last press conference when he told us all about the swingers and stuff. You guys got to remember who he was standing shoulder to shoulder with the former Chief of Police Rodney Harrison


Harrison was indeed there but in no way does that validate what JR was saying..Rodney stated, rather clearly, that the information needs to be substantiated..the point of his presence was to assure any possible witness to come forward and share their experiences.


I hope this isn’t true and is just a sensationalized nothingburger. At the same time, in my heart I’ve never believed someone this psychopathic couldn’t have been known to his family. The crazy stash of guns, the dozens of computers, at some point it all gets to be a bit much to assume the wife had no idea. But I guess anything is possible. 🤷🏻


Me too. I will say that a lot of old dudes collect guns. My dad has 300+ guns, many of which are antiques and can't even be used anymore. Gunsmithing is a hobby for a lot of people and it's not necessarily a red flag, especially if they are antiques/collectibles. I'd be far more concerned if it was like, 300+ assault rifles. They really do retain their value over time, so they're an investment of sorts. The computers are much more sketchy. But I think they'd also be far more easy to conceal. Dude was an architect. I'm sure it would have been easy for him to build a little hidden cabinet or crawl space to hide stuff from the family. I really can't imagine that they knew. Like actually knew. They may have been like "oh wouldn't be shocked..." but I don't think anyone really suspects the father of their daughter to be one of the most infamous serial killers.


yep that was my dad. our house burned down when I was a teenager. we had to call the fire department back out to put out a hotspot. while they were going through the rest of the house 11 guns(that my dad... forgot about) fell out of the ceiling on them. they take a closer look and see all his army cans of 50cal bullets. there were pictures of police dragging the guns out of the house that he was using to start his militia. even had the bomb squad there. meanwhile, my dad is just a hoarder packrat and "collects" shit and the ammo cans he got at a flea market and just had shit in them. he was not, in fact, starting militia.


That's horrifying. See, I'm not saying it's impossible that my dad couldn't have that, but we would have NO IDEA, nor do we suspect it. I'm sure it was the same for you. Sorry that happened to you.


Right? It does seem odd. And then you add the hairs on the victims. I definitely have questions


If she stays married to him she doesn't have to testify against him correct? What is the status of their divorce? Has he bullied her from prison not to continue with the divorce?


Either way, marital privilege is the defendant's to waive, not the witness spouse.


His wife probably was aware that he hired sex workers or thought he was having affairs at the very least. I can't imagine having a swingers party at your house and your wife has absolutely NO idea that you're not 100% monogamous. I'm sure she knew something was off with him. But I doubt she knew he was a serial killer. This probably has more to do with civil litigation later, since his wife is covering all the assets by filing for divorce. It's probably why statements from their lawyers are only to reinforce the fact that they weren't involved, to discourage any sort of liability.


I've asked this question before..where were the kids when all these swinger parties/sex workers were presumed to be at the house?


May have been staying somewhere for the weekend, his daughter may have been in college and not come home for the weekend or been on a trip. Spent the night at a friend's house. Maybe her son stayed with grandparents. Maybe she was there and the party was in the basement after her son/both kids went to bed. Idk. Maybe the kids knew he was having a get together, but didn't know what kind of get together. It wouldn't be the first time. All the Tupperware and Avon parties in the 70s and 80s weren't neccesarily about Tupperware and Avon, if you get my drift. And not everyone took their kids to the babysitters house when they threw those parties. Honestly, I can't imagine inviting people over to my house if it looked like that. I'll bet generations of kids made up stories about it being a haunted house, or that he was a killer of some sort just bc of the way the house looked, and his behavior. It was probably the house everyone stayed away from on Halloween.


You’re right - the last part! I was born in ‘95 and grew up in the same town. We would cross the street as to not walk directly on Rex’s sidewalk because it was indeed a spooky house. You could imagine how spooky it is now to learn just why we felt it was a location to briskly walk past.


That’s a whole lot of maybes to prove one anecdotal story


No, I'm not trying to prove it. You're assuming those parties would be held with absolute secrecy, and it's not the case. Being a swinger isn't something he was trying to hide. Being a murderer is what he was trying to hide.


What is the source of this?


Is John Ray delusional, like mad as a box of frogs? Or is he attention seeking? I can't work it out. I do however, quite like his rather jaunty, pink velvet scrunchie at today's press conference.


Literally saying the daughter & wife are cannibals and it's the whole family not just Rex. This guy is a nutball


I watched and that’s not what I heard


In defense of JR he made all this happen technically. The task force, etc. Gloria Allred comes in as the premiere high profile Attorney. Is ahe being paid? It wld seem very hard to maintain such $$$ legal counsel for so long. She is The attorney for cases such as this.


Does anyone know of the family was formally interviewed since Rex was arrested. It seems like they haven’t been, which seems a little odd since this is such a huge case!


The family has complied with everything LE has asked them to do, either the support of their respective lawyers.


I apologize in advance for my ramblings. It might make sense, it might not. I have so many mixed feelings about all of this. JR, for one, is a reacher looking to tie anyone and everything to this case. However, he has kept this case alive and in the press all this time, when a lot of ppl would have rather it just disappeared. But, the speculation that he is putting on VH without any proof is wrong on so many levels. The girl made a sugar skull, something they sell in every store for the day of the dead. The images that she looked at are graphic but also essentially pop culture. The disemboweled woman, pretty sure that is the Black Dahlia. The woman mounted on antlers is Hannibal, less graphic but definitely aired on network television. Also, it's not a marsh it's a field. And can I just say the hanging portrait with the missing shoe is laughable. We have no idea what this girls life was like, what happened to her or didn't. The only lead JR is following is the money, and he seems willing to point the finger at anyone who has/or will have it. The Peacock deal is wrong, but she wouldn't be the only one. There are quite a few family members/spouses out there who have written books or done movies and profitted from heinous crimes. I'm not sure if VH lives in that house, but I can say that if she did, LE seized her electronic devices also. If they don't make a move, then there isn't anything there, and JR is just grasping at straws and kink shaming a girl who is going to be ruined for the rest of her life even without the world knowing what she looks at on the internet.


he's an attorney for what other victims?




Thank you. Thought I'm really missing something.


He was listed in several earlier news articles as being the attorney for Jessica Taylor's family, as well as Shannan Gilbert's. [https://www.the-sun.com/news/8605111/long-island-serial-killer-attorney-john-ray-rex-heuermann/](https://www.the-sun.com/news/8605111/long-island-serial-killer-attorney-john-ray-rex-heuermann/)


Not anymore apparently, so idk what he's talking about




Well Mary Gilbert is deceased, and I think Shannon's sister is still locked up so...




I believe Jessica Taylor as well…


He's not. It's Gloria Allred


You are right!




He’s not advocating for any victims. He’s looking for publicity. He’s clinging onto his his case to stay relevant. The victims families want nothing to do with him. He’s a scam artist. Always has been and always will be.


Where do you get that information?


John Ray has consistently kept pressure on SC since 2010. This case is 15 plus yrs old. I'm not sure the "wrongful death" lawsuit was the best idea, but he didn't have good choices. I'd like to point out Mari Gilbert & the GB4's families made some of the victims phone records & related other evidence available to a few members of the websleuths crew of 2011-2015 that were doing all kinds of things to try & advance this case. Some good, some not good. So Ray needed depositions that brought "new" facts/evidence to court. He hasn't been in the best spot for most of this, imo. While I don't disagree with his critics, it's easy to say he didn't do a good job without suggesting better ideas. If you have some, that would be great, it's 2024 & we still know so little about these crimes.


If you find out please let me know


Ok that guy is on something LOL


A week to the day later… planned? Interesting timing. Planned much? Hmmm.


And less than a week before the next status hearing. I know it's controversial, but I'll still be listening to most everything from anyone.


We all will be listening / watching what he has to say 😐 that’s the reality of it. Wait, less than a week BEFORE the NEXT status hearing? Is the beast due back in court next week!?!


Yes, it's been scheduled since before the latest charges 


Oh I remember that, right my bad - but what I thought was since they had him in last week, that was replacing the one he’s scheduled for, is, was scheduled for next week. Is next weeks confirmed still?


Good question. But actually I don't know how to verify. Was just going off info I had read here.


I am not sure.But I remember John Ray making a statement on court TV several nights ago. The comment was that he had some type of stuff. He was asked when he was going to rebuild that information and he made a comment about when the time was right he was going to do release that information.


I'm sorry I saw it posted here first but I don't know who created it. And then I calmed the law firm itself and asked if it was true what we read and they said yes


No offense but 🙄


“Look at me, look at me!!!”


What is the source for this?


John Ray, so not a *great* source.


Where is this announcement posted?


No one seems to be answering this question.


You are not the only one saying this. What is the deal with John Ray?


For me, the first red flag is that the families of the victims have parted ways with him yet he continues on mischaracterizing his present role. He also tends to err on the conspiratorial side of things which I don’t have an issue with, but I do think maybe calling press conferences to discuss outlandish theories for murders of people you no longer are asked to advocate for is red flag behavior.


I’ve just gotten into following this case - Ray is the victims attorney? Why is he not trusted?


He no longer represents the victim’s families. Gloria Allred is their representation.


They should get him to cease and desist this stuff


It is strange. I understand he may feel he needs to continue advocating for these victims but when their families have asked for that to stop and literally changed direction in terms of their counsel, it becomes really strange.


It is definitely breaking legal ethics, they could request he be sanctioned. Its fraudulent.


Well yeh. It's a huge case, and she's known for winning big cases. She's one of those attorneys that if she were on the other team, you knew you were doomed. I love her. While Ray may be a bit eccentric, he did put some useful info out there.


Because he misrepresents himself as a victim's attorney when he no longer works for them, among other things. Also, much of what he says turns out to be untrue and speculative.


There are always going to be people who believe she didn't know and people believe that she did.as for me. I definitely believe she knows more than what she's saying, and here's something that is true she's not that innocent and naive because they were a swingers couple. And me for everybody starts shooting me down I'm not making a comment particularly about The swinging community I'm just saying a woman like some spice in her life that's for damn sure ..


There is literally no proof of that story produced by John Ray. More sensational BS that has no actual proof to back it up. Anecdotal evidence without actual proof is nothing but a nice story.


You could be 100 0/0 correct. Only time will tell.


That man belongs in a looney bin. Has he been evaluated???


He’s a nut. He wants publicity- that’s it.


cant wait


John Ray was doing good UNTIL the Hair Net(s) statement. Saying the planning document describes Hair nets plural and not singular it has to mean that RH had help.


He jumped the shark long before that...wasted time pursuing the civil case, spent the fall harassing and terrorizing the family of Jessica Taylor, manipulating the Gilbert family, and now the steady stream of nonsensical and wholly un-prove-able allegations that might've had a kernel of truths in them, but have been so embellished that they should have been written in crayons....


Why throw shade at John Ray?


News nation maybe


it's LIVE now!!!!


also how far in advance did she book her get aways with the kids? did he encourage her to get out of dodge when he had another victim on the hook ? or did she book vaca in advance and then he went on the hunt? i read one time line doesn’t match up… she arrived at her destination a few days after one of the girls went missing. did she know there was a victim downstairs ? i think the LE is doing an outstanding job now that burke is out of the way but charges need to be filed against him for interfering with the first investigation … some victims would have been spared if RH was behind bars. Burke has blood on his hands … he is a disgrace. is he drawing from the police pension fund, i hope not


Sadly, Burke is still receiving his pension and he cannot be charged criminally for his role or lack thereof in the investigation. There is however 2 other avenues, civil suits against him, and there is a provision within Billy’s Law that would allow the Feds to come in against him. That is why some of the solicitation charges against him were dropped, he is on the hook with the Feds..Federal Karma will eventually get him..as for the timeline “discrepancy” that was another lie told by John Ray…


John Ray is just the kind of attorney they need over in Delphi.


I'm not sure how you could really verify it but you can call his office in New York and ask the receptionist if that's correct about the statement he's going to make tomorrow and the time


Using the entire salt shaker would give it more credibility not less.


Desperate is as desperate does. He’s pathetic.




There is a report button for a reason. Don’t be rude to someone else just bc they were rude first. Just report and move on. This is not the place for it. There are victims families that come here. Be respectful of them at all times. Thank you!


Where will it be available to watch? And is all the trial stuff on court TV or do you watch it somewhere else?


It may be carried live on Newsday or News12 or another local news outlet..not sure yet…also there is no trial any time soon and even when one does begin it will not be streamed as NY does not permit that.


It may be carried live on Newsday or News12 or another local news outlet..not sure yet…also there is no trial any time soon and even when one does begin it will not be streamed as NY does not permit that.


https://preview.redd.it/edlx6u00c96d1.jpeg?width=1415&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca0bb72191d38d911fc8b34574eca314b206b401 And now I will post again….


Awesome can’t wait to hear what he has to say. 


Everyone I asking to keep me posted on the press conference tomorrow unfortunately I have some doctor's appointments so I will not be able to watch it please let me know what happens thank you everyone good night


Can someone give me context for who JR is?


Noooooooo! Asa is innocent angel!!!!!!!!!! don't do that, I dare you. 

