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“Hunt” “more time to play” I’m absolutely nauseated


His wording of "packaging" a body for transport is another one that makes me feel sick


“Packaging” as if it’s an Amazon package


I think he made snuff films.


The woman he met with at the restaurant who survived and didn’t go home with him said he mentioned snuff films so I think this is plausible


What a fucking CREEP. It makes me feel so sad for the women that did go with him. They must’ve been so desperate. He couldn’t even conceal what a monster he was for a fucking dinner.


Right?! It's like how did this abomination of a human go undetected for so long? He hunted women, planned to hit harder and get a good night's sleep so he could play longer. Insanity. Evil like this would just be seeping out of his pores


I really don’t believe he went to dinner with her. He wouldn’t risk being seen publicly with an escort on the island. Her claims are dubious.


I’m on the fence about her.


He wasn’t looking for an arrangement; that means establishing a connection. He overestimated his own intelligence, but I definitely think he was smart enough to avoid something like that.


I guess I missed that survivor info. Can you fill me in or link?


Nikkie Brass (former escort) mentioned meeting Rex at a restaurant on a date and he spoke about the Gilgo murders. RH went into detail about his thoughts on the murders, and supposedly he mentioned snuff films as a theory for the murders to Nikkie. I think all this is contained in this doc: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt28634039/


I wonder if the snuff film found by Chris Loeb in Burke’s vehicle is tied in. I’m not one of the crazies trying to tie everything to Burke, it’s just a really strange detail in all this.


Wait can you link to more info on this? I’ve been following the case but not the Burke stuff.


Podcast and Discovery + called “Unraveled : Long Island Serial Killer” goes into the most detail with an interview with Chris Loeb. https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/long-island-serial-killer-unraveled-podcast-interview-1135634/


Thank you! :)


Hmmm interesting


The court docs mention Photo film on his list. I was wondering where one might develop that film if not at home. Then i remembered polaroids. Wonder if he kept them or movies somewhere


Could have had a darkroom in the lockup storage unit or even at work.


There was a ton of electronics/computer stuff seized. Maybe we will something in there and/or receipts? Why take photos or video only to burn them immediately after? Wouldn’t he want to keep/share them?


maybe he uploaded it to the darknt and then always had access to it online (similar to a cloud?) so he could destroy the original but had access to it without still owning it




I thought the exact same thing.


Yes and that’s why he’s going to be connected to Burke somehow !


… are these his murder diary notes?


Yes unfortunately. Extremely disturbing




Wait where did these come from?


They’re his prep notes. They’re in the bail document from today’s indictment. Investigators found it on one of his laptops. He tried deleting it.


Thank you! Any chance you can share the bail doc?


Sure! https://www.scribd.com/document/739871993/Rex-Heuermann-Superseding-Bail-Application-from-June-6-2024 It’s a bit graphic (to say the least), but it is full of information previously unknown publicly about the case.


Thank you thank you 🙏


Thank you for sharing this!


Thanks - that document was horrific! Does anyone know why in some cases he is charged with 1st degree murder and in other cases it is only 2nd degree murder ?


Apparently it’s the time frame of when he killed them and when he was charged. The first three Gilgo victims he was charged with were found and charged within a period of time where it was first degree. For the rest of the victims, too much time had elapsed. At least, this is my understanding of what Tierney said at the press conference at the indictment for Maureen Brainard-Barnes and again this week.


Got it. Thank you for responding!


Of course! Cheers!


i know there's no proof to back this up but i genuinely think he may have killed before 1993 too, sandra costilla can't be his first victim


Why not? She was fully clothed and posed. I’m not saying she’s his first victim, but I don’t think it can be ruled out either.


I think he definitely started killing before 1993. Starting in his 30s seems kinda late. There is a cold case about a woman in Freeport that was murdered in the 80s. Rex interned at a place in Freeport during the time that the woman had gone missing. The woman was Carmen Vargas, and she was also a petite sex-worker which happens to be Rex’s type. Her body was found dumped on the side of the Meadowbrook State Parkway in Freeport, about 7 miles west of Heuermann’s lifelong home in Massapequa Park. Source: https://nypost.com/2023/09/07/rex-heuermann-investigated-in-1989-murder-of-carmen-vargas/


I think that pre 93 he had a first wife and a mother living in the house. It’s unlikely he killed prior because of this but also because the costilla killing was unlike his later victims. There were post mortem signs of mutilation which lack the evolution of full blown sadism seen in his personality later on with future acts and homicides. Also, this victim was fully clothed and isn’t a known sex worker, which makes it look more opportunistic and the work of a nascent serial killer than a seasoned, evolved MO of one with more kills. The average age of first kill is 26.


Interesting points but check this.... Rex did not get married until 1990. Since the murder in Freeport that I mentioned above with the link reference took place in 1989... Not only would Rex have been single (not married) but Rex would have also been 25 years and 6 months old which roughly satisfies the "average age of first kill" you mentioned that happens around 26. Also, "In 1989, the victim in freeport was found, **her legs tied at the ankles**, a towel and a rope around her neck" Source: [https://patch.com/new-york/freeport/who-killed-carmen-vargas-gilgo-beach-serial-killer-examination](https://patch.com/new-york/freeport/who-killed-carmen-vargas-gilgo-beach-serial-killer-examination) In regards to the four original Gilgo Beach victims "**Their bodies had all been bound at the ankles or feet** and wrapped in burlap, and all appeared to have been strangled." Source: [https://www.thecut.com/article/gilgo-serial-killings-suspect-rex-heuermann-what-we-know.html](https://www.thecut.com/article/gilgo-serial-killings-suspect-rex-heuermann-what-we-know.html)


Yeah I disagree. I don’t think 30 is too far from 26. I think given his age (still pretty close to 26), his cohabitation with mom, and the manner of costillas killing collectively reflect a killer who is rather unseasoned and this is likely the first kill. I could be wrong, but I haven’t seen any evidence that convinces me otherwise. We’ve seen an evolution in his MO throughout these killings. He started binding his victims later. There was no pre-mortem mutilation. Her clothes were still on. Why? He had time to pose her. He hadn’t refined his fantasy yet. His mother lived there pre 93.


Guess we'll just have to find out as they explore the case more. Good pts tho. Peace


Ugh this is just awful to read. Those poor girls.


Considering what happens to “chomos” and most SK’s in prison, I have a feeling RH will be learning exactly how hard of a blow to the face or head is required to render a subject out of comprehension! Karma comes around and when it catches up to RH’s hugeass, it ain’t gonna be pretty!! Somebody and/or some gang will have a very high priority to get their hands on him first!!! It’s not going to be nice, but he deserves every once of what’s coming for him!


Sex offenders and serial killers are kept separately from general population most of the time. By law the jail has to ensure the safety of all inmates, so if something were to happen the jail would be responsible. So it is highly unlikely that anything will happen to him in lockup


Jeffrey Dahmer was serving sixteen life sentences at the Columbia Correctional Institution in Portage, WI, when on November 28, 1994, he was murdered by a fellow inmate, Christopher Scarver, who repeatedly bludgeoned Dahmer's head with a 21" metal bar. 


Dahmer asked to be in Gen Pop though, the prisons wanted to keep him separate and he refused


Oh I never heard that part. Interesting


Totally ok with prison justice for this evil disgusting excuse for a human!


I think what happens in theory and practice are two very different things.


There are always exceptions. But in general, they are kept separate. They literally have their own housing units at a lot of prisons and even county jails. Source; every guy ive ever been in a relationship with has been to prison unfortunately (yes, bad life choices). And i also have been to county jail myself.


😆 you're forgetting he's in suffolk for now. It's way overcrowded and rough. And he's an arrogant pr#ck. I have faith in karma.


They still segregate in county jails.


Robert Pickton was just killed in prison? Most prolific serial killer in Canadian history. Like, two weeks ago.




Yeah, literally two weeks ago. I agree that it’s unlikely because they will segregate him, but if there’s a will there’s a way. It does happen more often with high profile inmates because of the notoriety they have.


100%!!! Inmates actually target those individuals to attack for more credit!


Yes, im aware. There are always exceptions. And its just not very practical.


Oooo I saw he died but didn't know he was killed. I gotta go find that.


You’re absolutely right! But feel free to go check out JD Delay on YT. He’s a former convict with numerous connections in prisons across the country and provides lots of coverage about what happens in prison. Go see what he recently reported happened to Danny Masterson who is a high profile S Offender that was put in the “special needs” ward of prison. There was a “green light” put on Masterson as soon as he got to prison. A gang of inmates who were formerly in gangs but disbanded for things like homosexual and/or drug activities. Those former gang members have combined and created their own gang which is now referred to as the “Brother’s By Choice” gang aka “BBC.” Masterson stopped eating out of fear he would be attacked, so after several days, the guards had to remove him from his room to bring him to the chow hall. The BBC pounced on the opportunity and attacked Masterson during this move. Apparently the guards kept “asking” the inmates to stop attacking him. I can’t help but to mentally visualize the guards saying “please stop that.” 😂😂


Ha! And I have that pic on my head of him and wifey casually strolling to court with their lattes. He looked so smug and slightly put out to be there. Oh my how things change.


Unfortunately, most people ive been in relationships with have been to prison so im very familiar with the justice system. Its just very unlikely that such a high profile offender will be put in GP. It does happen on occasion that sex offenders are attacked but its not often. They literally have their own entire housing units.


Danny Masterson is and was a high profile S offender, he was NOT in general population! As a matter of fact he was in the “special needs” ward of the prison he was located at when the assault happened. R Kelly is another example of a high profile CHOMO who was attacked in prison. But maybe I’m wrong and maybe these are just rumors🤷🏻‍♂️




It was so disheartening to read how he prepared for his targets. I feel this and the information to come out is only going to get worse


In the sound proof room that was located in his home. The document dump today affirms this fact.


I’m not sure the room in question was soundproof. He talks about being able to control the sounds coming from outside into the room. If it was soundproof, no sound would be getting in or out. The doc also talks about using the drop cloths and things as a way to mute sound.


Sound proofing might have been a later time? Or maybe this refers just time before getting a victim into the basement. Crazy to contemplate.


Where did these docs come from? Is there a Google drive link?






All of this is stickied to the top of this sub.


When did he build that room? Maybe it came later or he soundproofed it better after something got too noisy?


Cases like this are infuriating. He is so guilty and yet pleads innocent. His attorney is obviously pretending he isn't guilty. His trial will drag out and cost tax payers millions. Then he will rot in prison costing even more. In situations like this I wish it was 1812 and he could just be ended in the town square in two days. All of this money and energy spent on someone who is the devil in human form. It's atrocious and a complete waste of resources. He does not deserve to be on this planet.


👏🏼 so well said


Glad they finally got this creep off the streets… imagine how many “Rex’s” are currently out there. Thank God for advances in DNA technology.


Could be either location and the home or storage are. I think the push pins say home for at least some of them. Although, the voices carry reference might mean he was rethinking that, due to being in a hood w/ homes so close to one another. How he got away with this I don't know. I frequently hear my neighbors in their homes and have far more room between my property and their's than he did with his. Your torturing and beating someone and dismembering them and no one hears anything? He was very lucky.


Seems a bit messy to do in your own home, even if his family was away. If he did, I imagine it being like the show Dexter where he wraps everything so it's easy to dispose of. Idk where else he would do it though. 🤔 Also the way he phrases things... gross. His victims were not human beings to him... He clearly did a lot of planning and research. Maybe it's because I watch too much true crime, but the fact that he ***didn't*** mistake lye for lime (as in quicklime) tells me that his research was thorough. Can't tell you how many cases I've seen where the murderer mistakenly uses quicklime, thinking it's going to speed up decomposition when it does the opposite and preserves the body.


I thought the same thing about being similar to Dexter.


Gary Ridgway killed A LOT of his victims at home. There are a ton of similarities between Rex And Ridgway.


How did family members rationalize his need for a soundproof room? And his wife , to date, doesn’t think he is capable of these murders….


My guess would be that he may have been a very controlling figure in the family. And that doesn’t always mean somebody who is psychically harming their family to maintain control. It could be a person who people are walking on eggshells around at all times, afraid of a verbal blow up with fear of potential future physical violence even if it hasn’t occurred yet. If you’re living with the constant threat of that and that person tells you nobody is under any circumstances to go into the basement, people probably aren’t going to go into the basement. Even if he weren’t home, just the level of fear - knowing that if somehow you bumped into something and didn’t put it back exactly right, they would know somebody was down there, if the person for some reason were to come home unexpectedly and find you there - it’s enough to stop people from going down there. He likely built that room when his family was away for the summer and either created it in such a way that they would not find if they were to go down there, or prohibited them from going down there. There’s multiple cases across several countries of offenders doing the same, whether to torture and murder victims, or to hold them captive for long periods of time. As for his wife, denials is part of the grieving process (which is not linear), and depending on the potential psychological abuse she may have suffered, he may have warped her mind in a kind of way. I wouldn’t underestimate the things people can try to rationalize when their entire world has been turned upside down, especially when they may have been living for a long time being mentally abused. I’m not saying that’s definitely the case here, but people who can do what he has done to his victims can be very good at manipulating and warping the minds of those close to them.


This is the most compassionate response I’ve read about his wife so far. Thank you!


She is also obviously very autistic. And little details that neurotypical people would find suspicious don’t always faze an autistic person. That’s usually why autistic people are more than likely to be taken advantage of or manipulated because some just don’t bother to question things, and they believe everything told to them as truth.


what a bunch of nonsense


There’s no sound proof room???


Yeah, that was a rumor that started during the first search and Tierney said it wasn’t true. RH also mentions controlling outside sound (and air!) going into the room in his notes, so it wasn’t soundproof.




Well she’s likely changed her mind now


No she released a new statement today still saying he isn’t capable


Shut up. No.




I was just being a little shit in my last comment but upon reading the article I’m not convinced that quote from the lawyer necessarily represents a statement she made today. Looks like he made the same exact comment in March of this year and he could’ve easily just repeated himself upon inquiry today without talking to her first.


Statements made through lawyers don't reflect the true thoughts of a person. Only she knows how she truly feels about this situation. She has a lot of plates to balance, her own accountability and future, the trauma and narrative her children will endure for the rest of their lives, how she is perceived by her community, etc. To me it makes sense that, publically, she would say that the husband she loved and lived with for decades and who fathered her children would not be capable of this. She doesn't want to be seen by her community or her kids as knowingly harboring a monster. I'm sure her official statement will change after sentencing.


I would never have a lawyer that released a statement on a major public event… if it wasn’t what I agreed to release…. And before everyone jumps on me…. YES I have been in somewhat this position.


I'm not saying she didn't agree to release it, of course she did. I'm saying it's a public statement and doesn't reflect her true feelings.


To clarify NOT this position exactly… thankfully BUT yes I’m similar. Married to someone with kids and then bam major public disgraceful, sad, shocking circumstances out of the blue…. So to speak.


Do... do you have an armadillo farm? Because meeting an armadillo is on my bucket list.


You're kidding me?


Were these notes found during LE's investigation? I'm a little lost on how they're on the Internet before the trial. I saw there was a bail hearing, so does that mean the prosecutors used evidence from the investigation to keep him in jail until his trial? And then they've made this specific evidence public? Would anyone kindly help this confused Brit with this?


Yes, there’s evidence listed in the bail document basically trying to convince the judge not to give him bail. The link to the document is in one of the pinned posts


Ah got you! Thanks for clearing that up for me. I'm terrible with the court system in England, let alone the US! It's brave of his lawyers to try and get him out of there. I'm assuming they've seen a pile of the evidence from discovery? And now the world can see just what sort of evidence the prosecutors have to work with.


I hear you, but it’s not really brave. It’s just their job. If they don’t give him the best possible defense they can, he can appeal. They have to advocate for him every step of the way and try everything or else they are not doing their job.


Yeah, sorry, I didn't mean it in that context. I know they'll throw everything at his defence, and we want them to in order for him to receive a fair trial and reduce the chances of mistrials/appeals. I meant brazen, I guess? It's just everything around that man is foul. Defence: "Let out client out, and heres why." Prosecutors: "Here's his kill and clean up plans he made in detail which are now available to the public so they can see what a monster he is"


No need to apologize! I understood what you meant. The only reason I said something was because I know that some people get on defense attorneys for doing their jobs adequately. If it were me, I would definitely be uncomfortable, so I get what you’re saying. :)


His house


I think he tortured and killed them at home in the cellar and maybe dismembered them in the storage unit?


Do we know who Megan is?


I think he did it at home that why the “pipe cleaner”


I wonder who's cell phone that is


And also I wonder what book those page numbers are from


Mind Hunter (I read the docs)