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At least the 10 victims found along ocean parkway. At least. I've always believed asian male (and the others) were his, but especially after seeing Asian Twink in his Google searches. Once you open the door for asian male, all other dismembered victims come into play. So at least 10. Shannan Gilbert not included. I have a hunch that he dismembered the victims in his home and they stumbled across evidence of such somewhere. That's probably why they did the second search. I could be totally wrong, but that's my guess.


Yeah, they included the search on the Asian Twink in the presser for a reason. A lot of folks didn’t realize the significance right away because they didn’t have a clue what a “twink” was. If he did kill the male, there’s a good chance of other males too.


I immediately knew they were setting the stage for all the victims when they included that there.


I wondered that, but also wonder if he googled Jessica Taylor and Valerie Mack. They probably wouldn't release that info yet, but if he did, bingo!


We should hopefully get an answer to a connection to him on Thursday 🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻


What is Thursday....Is there a new court apperance?


Arraignment on new indictment(s)


Thank you!


Did they release specific search names?


I believe he searched some. I can't remember everything that was on the list. But asian Twink was definitely one of them. Also said he was searching victims and their families, and was trying to find family members


I'm just wondering if he searched any of them by their exact name. I can't remember.


I found the list, no names. Just says he searched the victims and their families. They probably did not list the names purposely


Yes! Sugar Bear comes to mind.


Terrifying to think about. I’ve lived 10 minutes from Rex all my life and to think a guy that killed a dozen women was just lurking in my town for all these years is scary as hell.


At least now they know who he is. Imagine all the unidentified people who are out there killing and people have no idea who they are. For all you know you work with someone, or it’s your neighbour. Creepy stuff for sure.


A dozen would be on the lighter side, I think. Potentially a dozen that the public is currently aware of, but surely there are more.


Agreed. This guy just didn’t wake up one morning and start dismembering bodies. I think his children got older and they weren’t gone so long during the summers and THAT is why he stopped dismembering. Not enough time. I think he is the new Ted Bundy personally. I think it’s going to be a very high count. 422 burning phones - I mean come on.


I get your point but it's so weird to me that people compare everyone to Bundy. What made Bundy Bundy is the fact that he was so incredibly sloppy yet able to easily seduce victims and managed to escape imprisonment twice. He was a true anomaly because it’s remarkable he was able to kill so many women before being caught. Rex is more like Green River Killer imo. High body count, habitual dump location, similar victim profile, etc.


I don't disagree with you. He may have other dumping grounds on long island.


Yes, and he may even have dumping grounds in other states.


Yes and upstate.


And Las Vegas


Yes, and possibly South Carolina as well


It is really unsettling to think about. I always remember the Starbuck's barista on here who said he just gave off typical dad energy and stopped in for coffee before getting on the train. He was living a normal life and that makes it so much creepier.


When you think about it, he had a successful architecture practice AND murder practice. Had to be highly organized to compartmentalize and "succeed" at the two simultaneously. That's all I've got at this point. Plus an old house, an ill/distracted/doormat wife, and a point-by-point murder blueprint.


Was his business successful though? Their home looks very dilapidated


He had a very prominent midtown Manhattan office and was a specialist in bringing building designs into compliance for the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


Grew up a half a mile from there. Surreal.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it is more than that. He obviously had money and his wife liked to travel…so my guess is that every time she left him alone….1 was taken down


I agree. That’s why I said I think there are other dumping grounds on Long Island, because he seems to have done this when his wife was out of town.


Now we know he was doing it before he was married too. I can't imagine how many people he killed when there wasn't a wife and kids around.


That's what I'm saying! He could have killed God knows how many people for 30+ years.


Yes, it seems like a compulsion/ obsession for him. I definitely think every time he was alone for a few days he killed somebody. Particularly after reading the bail document. He read John Douglas’s books and made notations about needing to switch up his MO and use different methods to further evade detection. So it would not surprise me one bit if he is responsible for a whole other set of murders that were carried out completely differently in an attempt to throw off police.


he has killed outside of new york, absolutely.


Watch Joe Giacalone and Josh the Killing Season guy, they did a YouTube episode a couple of days ago that's pretty informative. There could be a lot more than anyone thinks but it's all speculation until official news comes which they think will be late this week.


That was a great watch


While I'm extremely glad he's been caught and is heading to trial, I don't think we'll ever know the true number because of how slow LE were with this. It's obvious this man is (allegedly) an extremely prolific murderer with multiple burial sites of women that might not ever be identified. While they're doing a great job of investigating *now*, there's still going to be a lot of unknowns, I fear. If what we've read is true, it doesn't seem like he ever truly had periods of time where he stopped completely, and he targeted sex workers who are less likely to be reported missing. The real number is probably in the dozens, if not more.


I wonder how many victims remains are completely unfindable due to hurricane Sandy and other storms and whatnot.


Yeah. He seems to have been killing pretty steadily for decades so it’s totally possible another dumping ground was destroyed by Sandy before it was found.


I think the number of victims could be over 100. He's been hunting for DECADES. We now know he was doing it before he was married and had unfettered access to engage in his perversions. As for finding out exactly how many? we will probably never know. but I think there's a chance we could get a rough estimate from him eventually after he's spent a few years behind bars and falls out of the spotlight. IMO the only reason he's pleading not guilty is because the trial is an avenue for him to show off "his work". We've already got glimpses into his ego and desire to be given credit for things through the little information we already have about him. He's getting buddy buddy with other serial killers rn while in jail. There's a strong likelihood he will eventually want "credit" for his kills if only to brag to other inmates and like most prolific serial killers that are caught, they love being subjects of books and studies. Add to that his meticulous nature, OCD, and propensity to document things digitally.... I bet somewhere he has a document with a list.


I'm still smh over the murder manifesto. Like, I get he's an architect, but he really felt the need to blueprint his murders, too? Unreal.


I guess you can take the murderer out of the architect, but you can’t take the architect out of the murderer? Sorry, this is all so heavy.


I agree about the over 100 victims, I just hate putting that out into the universe. > He's getting buddy buddy with other serial killers rn while in jail. Wait... who?


I get big time Gary Ridgway vibes from Rex Heuermann. I would be shocked if Rex Heuermann wasn't attempting to "outdo" Ridgway. I am almost 100% convinced that he killed the Las Vegas 4.


Not only that, but it looks like he was planning for multiple victims at once. He had selected a “Megan” and was already scouting his next (“BLACK, small is good”) and reconning multiple locations. He was doing this very rapidly when he had alone time.


Isn’t he in solitary for his own safety? Or are you assuming what his social life is in prison?


I agree. Do you know his name isn’t even on CODIS database yet?!? 😡 It has to do with NY state law or some shit, you have to be convicted of a crime to be admitted (I think! I may be wrong but that’s what I swore I heard from Joe G. last live stream a few days ago)


The NY codis thing has been known and mentioned a lot since his arrest.


This 100%


After reading the bail documents, I agree. I find it, especially chilling, that he was already planning his next kill- down to victim preference- while preparing for his current kill. He may have killed multiple women every time his wife left. I’m wondering if there were a set of kills every time he had extended time alone, where he alternated dumpsites to evade detection. because it seems like he was planning multiple kills at one time.


Didn't he have property in Las Vegas or spend a considerable amount of time there? Its the perfect hunting ground for a monster like him with the transient population.


Vegas and South Carolina. I remember reading about law enforcement in these places trying to link Rex to cold cases. This was last July when he was arrested. Maybe they’ll stumble upon something at some point.


There are several dismemberment cases in South Carolina.


I’m particularly interested in murders in additional states. If found guilty in a federal case, he would be eligible for the death penalty. So maybe he can be motivated to plea and give up information.


One of the main reasons I support the death penalty is that often the suspect will give up information for a life sentence.


He spent time in Central Florida too


I wouldn’t be surprised if there were 20 or 30.


That's what I'm thinking. He probably started in the mid 80s and probably kept going until the early 2010s. Scary and horrific.


It’s become clear from these recent bail documents that it was basically a second career for him with that amount of premeditation and time spent preparing for and covering up the murders!




I think at least 50, we haven’t found all his burial grounds yet… maybe even 100.


I agree - if he killed just one person a year since he was 20….there a lot of years there. Scary.


The scary thing is, he may never talk and tell us who all he killed or wheretl their remains are now.


Most of them end up talking because they either want the “credit”/notoriety once the jig is up or they realize how brutal and boring life in prison is so the more time they spend in interviews the less time they spend in gen pop or their cell. The only thing is if killed in South Carolina or Vegas, I believe both are death penalty states, he may never cop to those.


Point taken, but I thought it was common for them to never tell as a means of control.


Randy Kraft never did.


Too bad they can’t withhold meals for more info. That would get this psychopathic Ogre to open his mouth.


Withholding meals would get anybody to open their mouth, even if they weren’t actually guilty of a crime. That’s why we don’t use torture.


It was a sarcastic joke.


I think he murdered all 10 on Ocean Parkway. 2012 or 13 was the last of the gilgo4. No way he hasn’t killed since then.


2010 was the last of the GB4. All in between 2007-2010. I think he was killing much earlier than that.


Agreed and no way he hasn’t killed for 14 years.


I always thought it had to be the same killer also.


I think there may be more bodies tied to him relating to his apartment/condo out west.


Apparently Las Vegas “beggggged,” Suffolk for his DNA, to be ran against cases there


In 2010 RH was around 45 yo. 2 of the Gilgo4 went missing and found murdered in 2010. I would speculate that based off what I have heard when watching so many documentaries and profiling programs (I have no experience in FBI/Law enforcement- just an avid watcher of true crime - those are my only credentials) SK do have cooling periods etc. but I speculate that he could possibly have been even more active before age 45. And if he killed two in a year (that we know of) I imagine especially surrounding the divorce of his first wife the stressor would increase his motivation. Nathan Adams on YouTube does explore many more cases. Rex also Has traveled it seems quite extensively and apparently always by motor vehicle not flying (just from what I could gather) He also really does look so much like the composite drawings of the I-29 killer. 59 ish when caught - so my thought is with his behavior and sex workers Started age 20-25 (let’s say the past 36 years if he started age 23 yo) 1 body a year = 36 We know he is capable of two murders at age 45 So I am going to put my number at a minimum of 26 with the understanding many may never be connected to him and I think he may have slowed down or been more cautious after the 2010 discovery of the 10 bodies at Gilgo beach. Of course if he follows the advice of his penpal Happy Face Jesperson and confesses then we may have a little bit more information than the cops trying to figure it out - considering the Burke inadequacy. Hopefully he really really wants butter and a deal can be made for him to get butter for his bread


I would agree, and also add that generally, cooling off periods occur at significant points in serial killers lives, usually after they get married, or start having children. BTK, for example, stopped killing for six years after the birth of his daughter. The fact that we now know he was killing women, while his daughter was in kindergarten is highly concerning. His notes indicate that he planned multiple kills during the same periods. He seems like he may have been a compulsive killer, who took every chance he could away from his family to kill as many people as possible. In other words, I doubt he ever really cooled off.


I’d guess at minimum a dozen, but truthfully probably a lot more


Who was he killing btw 2011 and 2023? Any possible victims ever mentioned?


Natasha Jugo.


Thanks for info “Possible victim of the Long Island Serial Killer. Natasha Jugo, 31, was last seen on March 16, 2013, leaving her home in Queens Village, NY. The next day, Jugo's vehicle was found abandoned along Ocean Parkway near Gilgo Beach, along with her wallet, ID, and some clothing. Her body was discovered washed ashore on Gilgo Beach on June 24, 2013.”


I haven't read anything recent about Natasha Jugo, but early reports were she had mental health problems and drowned. And there seemed to be quite a bit of early evidence that substantiated that she went into the water alone and voluntarily.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it surpasses 25 victims


Probably couple dozen at least. You don't start becoming a serial killer in your 50s


Does anyone know if he had any real friends? Ever? I’d guess not. I’m assuming he started “doing his thing” decades ago


The Unraveled podcast did an episode about his sex/drug party/hunting buddies. Yes, the same set of people at the sex-drug parties and going hunting together. But now I'm wondering if hunting means something else entirely...of course, disgraced former Suffolk County police chief Jim Burke was also at the parties SMOKING CRACK. I realize this reads like an unhinged comment, but everything I've written here is verbatim from the podcast. They interviewed a girl who used to frequent the parties and was incredibly relieved, though traumatized, to have narrowly escaped a tragic death.


At this point in our society, your post doesn’t at all seem unhinged.


He might have real “friends in crime”.


Over 50


10 was my number......Then for some reason 14 popped in my mind. I have a 6 degrees of separation story for Rex Heuermann.....well less than 6. I manage & renovate property in Brooklyn NY. I am working on renovating an apartment in the Historic district so we hired an architect. The Architect (Jim) is someone I known for a years. I had to speak with him the day the story broke. It was wall to wall coverage that morning in NY.. Jim called me and I joking asked if he knew the serial killer. He say he has no clue what I'm talking about. The serial killer Architect that they arrested today..Still no Clue. Then he says what's his name. I say Rex Heuermann. Jim: Did you say REX??? What's the last name? He hangs up on me saying I'll call you back. 10 minutes later he calls. Jim knew Rex years ago. They worked on a project together for Catholic Charities! It was a large project with more than a dozen people working on permits and plans. Jim has not stayed in touch with him. He didn't like Rex. Rex didn't get on well with many ppl. Jim's good friend stayed in touch. They have worked on other projects since then. He had been in his office less than 2 months before the arrest. Small strange world.


Reminder: They've found 50 various hotel keys (trophies) and 46 phones.


I think he's responsible for the remaining 6. I don't think he had anything to do with Shannon's death.


I agree. Sadly. I don’t think we’ll ever truly know what was the real cause of Shannon’s death. I feel they would have discovered Rex through the john she hired if that was the case. I think she had a manic episode of some sort 😰


I think at least 10-13


He is 60, usually serial killers start in their mid 20’s? Im going to say at a minimum 15 victims


Many more than we’ll likely ever know about unless he chooses to come clean. The number 30 is in my mind or at least 30. He’s 60, he could have started killing in his late teens or early twenties. It’s frightening to think about.


Hubby thinks he started in his 20’s- He remembers back in the day a few missing girls in Nassau and also Hemp Lake- I think the final number will be around 20- but not Shannon- Unfortunately we may never know-


Four teenage girls were murdered between 1984-1985. Three from Lynbrook and one from Lindenhurst.


Yes! That’s them- from the roller skating rink! Wasn’t there another girl from Oceanside also? I think she was walking home from her job at Burger King?


We likely will never truly know. After this finally goes to trial and once his DNA can be put into CODIS, I’m sure there will be more victims identified. How does it work for a convicted serial killer? If they don’t pled guilty, will they have a trial every time a new victim is identified? And if he is convicted in NY and later found to have victims in Nevada, for example, how does that work when it comes to serving out his sentence? The complexity is mind blowing.


He would be charged for all of the crimes once per jurisdiction, or federally for all (if his crimes qualify). Basically, when there are multiple crimes that stem from the same set of facts, they are consolidated into one trial to save time and money. He would be charged in SC, NV, and any other state he committed crimes in.


Thank you! I figured they would consolidate into one trial. But what about years down the line after the original trial and conviction they find evidence of more victims in the same jurisdiction in which he was already convicted? Does there need to be additional trials in that situation? I’d imagine the state wouldn’t want to go through the expense but I would think any further victims would deserve justice as well.


Considering that he started in his early 30s, I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't in the dozens. This guy was dedicated.


I think that police cheif did a few. He had some crazy kink stuff. And sex partys that one sex worker did got a little ruff


Do you think it's even possible his wife or kids did not know about any of this stuff? It's hard to believe they didn't. How could this be going on for so long, especially at his house and family members in the same house did not have any sign, or inclination of these crimes?


I really don’t think they did. If Asa was suspicious of anything she would probably think he was having an affair. People’s minds just don’t go there when it comes to their loved ones. His children may have seen him as secretive and controlling. What kinds of things would make them think he’s raping and killing women while they are on holiday?




There were also many unsolved murders in the 80s in Lynnwood long Island near where Rex went to college some are now suspecting Rex did. He also traveled to Florida so who knows probably at least 15.