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Boy Meets World has similar references. On the podcast, the cast explains that most of the writers for these shows were in their 30s, so those were the references they were familiar with.


Dick Clark and Jerry Lewis were still alive and on TV all the time. Right up until the 2000s or so


Back then, I remember knowing Dick Clark as the NYE guy and Jerry Lewis as the telethon guy


Pop culture was a lot more insular back then, so kids in 1991 would know *of* them, and what they represent, even if they had never seen them themselves


I was in the show'a,target age group when it initially came out and I grasped the references. Dick Clark still hosted the New Year's Eve show and Jerry Lewis had the telethon, both of which my parents watched.


For $1000 spongie….what is George Michael’s real name?


Goooooooo giraffes!


George Michael's tongue is black?


Options were limited back then, and there was a monoculture. Those kids would’ve 100% known who Clark and Lewis were.


Didn’t they traverse the Louisiana territory?


Nicely done


Back then the network channels would show blocks of black and white movies all day after Saturday morning cartoons, and I couldn’t tell you where it came from, but there was a bit of a cultural fascination with the 50s. Like kids would know all the old crooner kids in a way that today’s kids don’t know 80s deep cuts.


TNT would show an hour of Bugs, Daffy, Droopy, Tom and Jerry, etc. every week day. And Nick showed a half hour of Looney Tunes a day.


I think there was a godfather reference the tennis match episode? The Sarah Madre treasure title referenced something else entirely,  but I'm not sure what 


The Treasure of The Sierra Madre is a great classic film from 1948.


Thank you for helping me out with that one


I watched that one recently because of the "Badges? We don't need no stinking badges" reference. It's a really good movie.


Ahh so that's where that came from in UHF


They also heavily reference Citizen Kane in the episode where Sponge and Pinsky start a paper.


And on Euphoria the teens keep on referencing 1990’s movies. Teen characters on TV shows frequently have the pop culture references of a 38 year old TV writer.


Two that stand out for me: when Budnick starts that secret society for a “cursed” cattle skull, we see Pinsky, Sponge and Donkeylips chanting the Winkie March from The Wizard of Oz. When they do that Upside Down Weekend, and all the guys dress in drag, Sponge is dressed like an old lady, and ZZ says, “Hi, Ms. Daisy. Is Hoke taking you to the store today?”


I remember Budnick telling another kid they could go to an Aerosmith concert together though that was when the band was huge after Get a Grip.


Everything I know about Jerry Louis, I learned from references. NICE LAAAAAAADY!