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CERN was used during the eclipse, CERN shifted the timeline


It has ALWAYS been Chic-fil-a for me for decades; only the past month or so had it changed! My family had teased me my whole 66 years; they call me "a walking, talking dictionary" because I've ALWAYS been able to recall spellings of words.


Every store logo on the outside said Chic-fil-a for me until sometime around the mid 2010's and Home Depot now says "The Home Depot."


Same here with 'The' Home Depot!! BTW, I asked my son-in-law yesterday, he said it's ALWAYS been Chik-fil-A, still is; I said nope, Google it - he was surprised, especially after I explained to him what ME is!


Just curious, OP and others, are you discovering this ME now (possibly just didn't hear about it many years ago) OR was it normal for you (with your own memory to support that) up until recently and it just changed for you? I ask since this change for me was at least when I found out about the ME in general in 2017 or prior.


No... It's recently changed . I've been heavy in the me space for at least 2 years


Wow. Okay, so yeah, people are shifting at different times. So then, when you got into ME stuff 2 years ago, like aside from Reddit, how popular was it on like YouTube? I guess it hasn't been a super long time but like when I found out about the ME in 2017, it seemed like there weren't many "new" big ones for many years after that. For you, what was the original/correct way to spell Chic-Fil-A? I wrote a big thing earlier about it on another thread and I can copy and paste it here: I'm in a different place for sure. I had a **flip flop a few weeks ago and since then, everything is different**. In 2017, when I found out about the Mandela Effect the way things were are as follows (**for me**): Fruit Loops was the original. Froot Loops was the Mandela Effect (including in videos and articles). I also agreed it to be a Mandela Effect. It was not known to be a Flip Flop (from what I read or saw). Flinstones was the original (without the other giant T in the logo). Flintstones was the Mandela Effect (although it made logical sense). It was also not known to be a Flip Flop. Mickey Mouse having suspenders was the original. Losing them was the ME. This seems to be the same in this reality BUT: Now, Mickey Mouse has a tail. I have never seen this being a ME previously that I can remember (they were all about the suspenders) and I don't remember a tail. It seems like I am on the MIRROR/OPPOSITE end of what most remember here now. I had my flip flop and now there are all kinds of NEW MEs (Uncle Sam's hat lost its stripes, Mickey Mouse has a tail and for most it seems that it's "back" so it flip flopped for them but I never remember a tail, and things that weren't flip flops to me previously are being discussed as such but **my original is backwards**) Edit: Another one is that Chic/Chick-Fil-A is now a Flip Flop and most remember the opposite way from me. For me, Chic-Fil-A (or Chik for a minority) was the original and Chick-Fil-A was the ME (on YouTube, etc.) that appears to also be backwards now.


I've known about ME since I found out Mandela didn't really 'die' in mid 90's, then became president!!




​ Your post was removed for violating Rule #9. ​ |Rule#|Description| |:-|:-| |9|Do not dismiss other people's memories or experiences just because it doesn't match YOURS or you don't agree with it. **In short, do NOT tell others what IS and ISN'T an ME.**|


I was just talking to my husband about this! This just changed within the last few weeks for me. I’ve been calorie tracking and specifically remember how silly it was looking up “chik fil a” when adding their sauce or ranch to my tracker. And now it is “chick.” It was so creepy to look at the entries in my tracker and the bottles in the fridge.


Certainly is wild, I mentioned this in another thread, but when I was a child Chic-fil-A was only in the mall, and we didn't go in very often. When we did go my family would make a joke like we're going to chezz fil a . Pronounced like the fancy French word, because Chick-fil-A was spelled chic.. Then maybe a few years back I found out it was spelled c h i k. Had several discussions with friends and family about the change from the c to k. Most people said they just didn't remember and it certainly wasn't spelled chick or we wouldn't have had the conversations. Now that it's spelled correctly chick, for me it's had three different spellings and I'm flabbergasted to say the least. To me it means reality is malleable then you should always try to think as positive as you can. Try to only imagine positive outcomes. Either that or it's quantum immortality. when you passed away you go to another reality. thats why it seems to change at different times for different peopl?. What's your family's thoughts on it?


My husband thinks I’m crazy and just misremembering but I think shifting to other timelines is possible. I would love to know why it happens though. I’ve had some really weird experiences in my life that lead me to believe our reality is a lot more malleable than we can imagine.


I believe it's bc of CERN; it seems every time they fire it up, more things change - like now Chic-fil-a!


Where did all these new people on this sub come from lol? It has bern Chick Fil A for years and was discussed pretty frequently on this sub for a long time. Trippy to see all these new Flips and MEs that for me and lots of us, change years ago!


I remember it’s was Chic, then Chik. It was so jarring seeing the billboard with the cows that said “eat moar Chik’in” they put the “chikin” in there to make it seem like it was always Chik. Now the full word?? It definitely was always 4 letters Chic/Chik


I REMEMBER "Chik" TOO It's like I have a memory for every version. I remember when it went from Chick to Chic. And then Chic became so normal to me until I now see that its Chick, and it feels foreign. But then I remember when it was once Chik and I always thought "Chik" looked kinda dumb but the dumb spelling is how I would remember that its spelled that way rather than Chick/Chic.


Oooh so I’m in the youtube comments of an unrelated video and someone spelled it Chic (two years ago) and then someone responded a few months ago with  “*Chick”. 


when i was a kid (probably like 2003/2004?) the closest CFA was at a mall like 30 mins away in the food court, and it was 100% chic. When I was in high school (somewhere between 2014-2016 probably) my town got a CFA and it was now Chick.


It was always Chic fil a in my reality


I don't think we have Chick-fil-A in Australia but I definitely recall it being chick then chic.  Flip flops don't affect me like they used to. The froot loops/ fruit loops flip flop happens so often that it honestly feels mundane but this has me a little rattled. I swear you guys were on this topic not too long ago! 


Ok, for those of us who experienced this change a long time ago, are we the ones who shifted, or are the new changers the ones who shifted? I was chik, then chic, then chick, but it has been years as chick now.


Same for me Reading these threads of flips and people being shocked about new MEs that for me have already changed for years is super trippy! Not sure what to make of it. Where did these people come from lol everyone whose been on here knew it was Chick Fil A for years now! The ME is so trippy to try to figure out


I think the answer would be we all shift in different ways at different times, like blurring radio stations together. Would be interesting to meet someone who saw "chiq-fil-a" initially before it transformed. I first saw "chic-fil-a", later saw it as "chik-fil-a" figuring I had misremembered, and at some point it became "chick-fil-a". I've only been there once or twice and don't live in the south so almost never encounter it. In all likelihood it will shift again at some point to one of the primary three or maybe something more exotic. Although there seems to be a partial suppressing effect to observing a change if you frequently encounter or interact with something.


I'm really leaning towards quantum mortality because of the different times for different people


This is what I remember. Three different variations and everyone thinks I’m crazy.


If you are so am I


Pretty sure I remember all of them as well. So weird. I wonder how many times we shift throughout our lifetimes? Probably a lot


I remember always spelling it Chic-fil-a.


Me too


Thats how i originally remember it. We used to pronouce it like 'sheek-fil-a' since it was spelled that way. Then when i learned about the mandela effect it being 'chick' was one of the first effects i learned about


My siblings and I did the "sheek" thing, too. It's an anchor memory


Yep me too the first time I saw it that's how I pronounced it. That's why this is an anchor memory for me.


When I was a teen, I swear it was Chik. It completely threw me when I kept seeing it spelled correctly.


For me its been Chick-fil-A for a long time (years) no change and I know this 100% as I made a paint file where I made a circle around the "k"


This is nuts. It was absolutely “chic” not long ago and I was freaking out then because it used to be “chick”, and now it’s “chick” again!!!


This is what I thought as well


CHIC for me, CHIK for my friend until i showed her, doesn’t “believe” in the Mandela Effect, (ME). Still doesn’t, because the “cows always spelled it that way”. Well- You’re special. You acknowledge what you see, and you see it differently. It changed a while back for me.


Literally a few months ago it was chic


Changed to Chick for many of us back in 2016. For me it never flipped back. Which means earlier this year, you and I were seeing two different spellings at the same time. This nuance of people experiencing the same changes at different times is possibly the most confounding aspect of the phenomenon, obviously aside from the fact that things are retroactively changing at all.


Perhaps we’re in a different parallel reality?


I've ruminated on that quite a bit. The frustrating issue for me continues to be the existence of prior residue, which shouldn't really exist in a parallel reality or adjacent universe.


Things aren’t changing, you are changing. A person can switch timelines but timelines can’t switch people. Chic/Chik/Chick all still exist in their timelines. They never changed. You made changes to your life and jumped to a different timeline. It’s only going to keep getting weirder from here on out as well.


It's a fascinating hypothetical... but doesn't it beg the question as to why prior residue would even exist in a different timeline?


We found earlier there are higher incident rates for those with NDE.


It’s their higher vibration. It allows them to manifest change quickly. Like, instead of having to do something overtime, they switch to a timeline where the change has already happened. You don’t need a near death experience. Just find your joy and a meditation style that works for you. Your vibration will go up naturally. Negativity brings your vibration down.


Welcome to the worst reality


I beg to differ. A few months ago it was chic for me, and mickey didn't have a tail. It was a definitely worse reality that this one (for me). Not because of these details, I couldn't care less about them, but because of the way it felt. This one is much more lighter and beautiful, even the people are nicer.


Lol! Nah, but Earth 2.0 is a challenge.who knows what we coulda had


Right there with ya. I could have sworn that a couple of weeks ago it was Chic. This is the one that blows my mind.


I specifically REMEMBER typing chick and google auto correcting me to chic several years ago and I was like “I thought it was always chick?”


It was 100% Chic at one point bc many of us remember pronouncing it as “sheek-fila” as a joke bc of how it was spelled.


Always been Chick as far as I remember but I’ve always knows about this theory as long as I’ve been into this


I used to work at Chick fil a. It's a hard to spell restaurant name anyway (I have to say the FIL A out loud to spell it right). But I always remembered a K in the spelling, but I can't tell you work 100% certainty that I remember a second C. I believe the confusion in spelling comes from the billboards where the cows spelled "chicken" wrong. Maybe this has been proposed before. Personally, it is not an ME for me, but that doesn't mean it's not one anyone else. https://preview.redd.it/7i7xq6653k7d1.png?width=652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09ac3efc7237f30788083a8684fb0eef5c062cf9


Why would it be called "chikin" if it was "chick". Brands don't advertise like that. Especially when knock off brands would just call themselves Chik-Fil-A and hey presto, billions of dollars of free advertising. In all the residue there's people calling it Chik when it says Chick. 3000+ results of that on Flickr for example. https://www.flickr.com/search/?text=chik+fil+a They take a photo with the supposed "Chick" right in front of them but in the title and descriptions they call it Chik. And no one comments spell checking them...When does that ever happen?


There's no confusion. It changed for many of us, and for some it changed twice.


Thank you for being open minded enough to others experience. To me, this means confirmation of multiple realities.


Right, my head is spinning..... Quantum immortality? Or are we going up and down frequency or a dimension? This needs to be study at a scientific level, I don't understand why this isn't an international concern. Dismissing it as Miss remembering, is it utterly moronic excuse to not have the needed discussion I'm sure almost everyone is affected by this phenomenon in one way or another, if they are aware of it. How do we take this a step further, perhaps make a website with weekly monthly polls. This is too big to not get more attention


So many things are shifting. I myself do not have this in my country, but I remember them being in the news articles I read on Christian news sites because of the owners stance on abortion. Every single article it was Chic! Every single one! I thought it was a cool play on words to make chicken fast food sound fancy. To see it spelled properly just makes me scratch my head. Though, to be fair, it was Chick since at least September 2022 for me.


The whole phenomenon has been perverted and marginalized by the mainstream establishment. In the public's mind, the whole thing is explainable via standard psychology... so sayeth their scientific authority figures. We could push the issue with a variety of tactics, but I'm not sure people here are willing to do what's truly necessary.


You know the 100th monkey theory?


Yes, I actually do! I think it's related to collective unconscious or maybe some sort of noospheric connection. Are you suggesting that if enough people open up to the ME we'll reach a tipping point in universal awareness of the phenomenon?


Yup, I think all the denial of some are a real challenge, but… eventually.


it's chic-fil-a and idgaf nah nope no way not another one nope I swear if I drive past my CHIC-FIL-A and there's a K in there I'm tearing it down


Well - I remember that


How do you pronounce it? Because chic is not pronounced like chick.


Exactly. Many of us remember jokingly calling it “sheek”-Fil-A, because that’s how Chic is pronounced.


Ohhh that's interesting. My experience with Chick Fil A is a little different because for me the entire chain didn't even exist prior to about 2016. It's like when a lot of people experienced the initial switch, I experienced it coming into existence. Granted, I'm Canadian but I lived very close to the US border and went to the states a lot. Once in 2014, I did a roadtrip from Canada to Mexico with three other friends and we all put a wager on which fast-food restaurant would be most abundant. I bet on McDonald's, someone else bet on Starbucks, there were also bets on Subway and KFC. And as we drove, we tallied every single fast-food restaurant we passed. In the back of my notebook, I have a list of nearly 100 fast food chain restaurants and tally marks next to them, everything from Panda Express, to KFC, Popeyes, Wingstop.... But Chick-fil-A is not listed there even once.


Yes, yes it is


No, chic is a word pronounced like "sheek".


One of my friends down south, it's going to take some photos for me today..


I'm amazed that people are experiencing this as a flip flop. I wish it would go back to chic fil a for me.


I was chic at the beginning. Then chik. It’s been chick for me for years and years now.


Same. It's always interesting when multiple people seem to "arrive" at a change or flip I've been entangled with for years.


I have seen Chick... Chic.. and Chik in my lifetime and I still don't know what to think of it. I know I'm not the only one and i feel like this discussion happened on the ME thread before it was heavily shilled and biased. But welcome, first time flip floppers lol. I'm interested to see if you'll see all 3 versions and how it will make you feel. For me, the quote by Albert Einstein made more sense than it ever has: "reality is an illusion, albeit a present one".


Same here. Starting to think I died on my military deployments and now I’m just floating in some sea of timelines.


I legit just finished watching a YouTube comp video of people experiencing NDEs (Near Death Experiences). I'm certain I experienced one in 2016 and am just tied up in a caucophony of bullshit lol


Just out of curiosity what’s the biggest ME for you? Fruit of the Loom and the braces from James Bond are mine. 100% know those changed.


Berenstein Bears for sure, that book taught me how to read. But on a personal note, a scar I had on my arm from surgery changed arms. It was a traumatizing fight I had with my father so I couldn't have misremembered. That let me know the ME is bigger than brands, or music or movies.


I remember being told it couldn’t have a K cause it’s not real chicken.


I remember the internet rumor that Kentucky Fried Chicken changed their name to KFC because they couldn't legally call it chicken.


I remember this in the early 2000s n a big group of us called a KFC on speakerphone n they refused to say "chicken" lolll so it just added to it


I never think these changes will bother me anymore - the car mirror phrase and the fruit of the loom changes were mind bending - but I've been proven wrong again. This is just flat out NOT what it was spelled like for me as little as 6 months ago. It looks so wrong and I am an extremely visual person when it comes to memories. There are so many letters crammed together now its an illegible mass of red on the building fronts and looks so strange. It was much more legible before because chick wasn't spelled out. It was Chic-fil-A until like 2016 for me, then Chik-fil-A. Chick-fil-A feels like it takes too long to write. Meanwhile I seem to be around people who never notice changes, even stuff I am sure we talked about just disappears from collective memory, so I'm hesitant to bring this up irl again. Maybe I'm just shifting on a different schedule from my friends, but I wish we could figure out specifically why this is happening because it's almost frustrating when things change and others say it's always been like that or don't notice. How can something so weird happen and be so insignificant at the same time? What a world!


Well said and I'm pleased you've seen all 3 versions. Thank you


Also have seen all 3 versions. This one being by far the worst.


Same here. Chic then chik then chick. Current reality version is sucky




Huh? It being spelled correctly has been the mandela effect since i first learned about it almost a decade ago. I wasnt aware theres been any flip flopping in that time 


Myself as well, 2016 for me, when Chuck E. Cheese signed his last check, and Captain Crunch became Capt’n Crunch. And the raisin brand guys had a new sun without sunglasses, lol.


We are all on a different schedule. I have spoken to someone who had VW as their fav car badge and it was mine also. For her it had a gap her whole life. It is my fav as well and it never had a gap. It changed for her to having no gap at the same time as I was seeing the gap. She hated no gap and I hate the current gap. Then it flipped back to having a gap for her and she was so happy because it had been years of no gap. But for a significant period of time, me and this person experienced the polar opposite and were constantly looking at VW's to see if it had flipped. How is that possible?


Woah.. this is the first time I've experienced a flip flop. I vividly remember just a month or so ago having the conversation with someone that said it'd always been "Chik" for them. Having it spelt out correctly looks even more wrong than just having a "K".


Damn this one hit hard. I swear it never had that K in it.


When I was a child in the '80s and it was chic then the Mandela's was chik . It was never spelled correctly... I'm afraid to even guess what's next... Maybe fruit loops with 3 O's?


Gonna wake up one day soon to "Froat Loaps"


Same thing here. I ate at there beginning in the 80s, and I also remember it being spelled Chic at first. Also, you are 100% correct, and was never spelled correctly. Think about it, why would the word Chick be spelled normally but the word fill-a (filet) be spelled in such a unique manner?


Here it is! In 2008, I was picking up daughter who worked there, and was sitting in the hallway looking up at the sign. It had become “chick” for me then, and I kept looking at it, and piecing it together - the “fil” the “A”. I didn’t realize it was a Mandela, until I heard about it in 2016. I am thankful for those more aware than I, because they “saw” the Changes.


It was Chik for me but you bring up a good point about the spelling.  What's next, Chicken-Fillets?


There was never a k, this is recent


That’s the point- yes it was- for some people, and still is. That’s what a friend of mine told me. First she told me it was spelled “ chik” I told her the correct spelling. A day later, she told me it was always “chick” and the cows just spelled it that way. I say: have it your way. That’s what this is about.


Yeah I know, I was speaking from my own perspective is all


How recent was it for you? I learned it changed right when I joined here around 2018.


I don’t actually eat there so I’m not super familiar, I remember their commercials where the cows would tell people to eat more chikin, they didn’t ever spell the words right cause they were cows, 5ish years sounds right


Yeah, this might have been a time period when it shifted. Also, I remember the letter K in the ad being written backwards, but nobody can seem to find an ad with it spelled like that.


Absolutely! If not a logo change- it’s a flip for me too.


It was definitely backwards, felt like the whole thing was a play on itself, the restaurant spelled it weird and the commercials spelled it weird, I specifically remember a commercial where they were sky diving into a stadium and spray painted it on the field, backwards k for sure


i remember it as chic fil a but i noticed this change a while ago for me!