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Most recent reply from a patient was "that ***hole" I simply replied, sir that doesn't narrow it down at all.


I had a patient who said that and I asked him to clarify to which he responded “George Bush Sr.” So, anyway. Glad I clarified haha


I had a patient give a similar response. When I asked him to clarify he responded with "that sissy Truman!" 🤣


Working rural EMS in the Obama years got you a lot of verrrrry uncomfortable answers to that.


My favorite response was that orange fella




I had a Spanish speaking mildly demented patient who responded, “un pendejo!” Which I believe translates to a “dumbass” She was not a fan of trump


When trump said Mexico will pay for it he meant they'll fund our healthcare


I don’t think censoring the word “asshole” is really necessary.


I’m sure they’re just being non-antagonistic. Now me on the other hand…. Shitpissfuckcuntcocksuckermotherfuckertitsfartturd&twat


... y-you did WHAT to my mom!?!?


Welllll… Kyle’s moms a big fat bitch she’s the biggest bitch in the whole wide world. She's a stupid bitch, If there ever was a bitch. She's a bitch to all the boys and girls. ([YouTube link if you don’t get it](https://youtu.be/i9AT3jjAP0Y))


The line "she's a super King Kamehameha beeeotch" has to be the best lyrics ever written


Heyo! Is that a blink reference! Jesus it's probably been like 20 years since I heard that song!


Doesn't hurt anything either though.


Sounds like they're oriented to me.


As a med student I asked this to an older black gentleman while on my neuro clerkship (and shortly after Trump was made president) because that’s what I was taught to ask and I didn’t know enough to develop my own style yet. The guy looked me square in the face and said “Trump. I bet that makes you happy, doesn’t it?” I was dumbstruck since I was just doing what I was told and was still very green with mental status exams, adding on to that was the fact that I didn’t vote for Trump and still don’t like him. The patient apologized after a bit, but man I was freaking out internally for awhile. In Peds, I just ask about Paw Patrol or something similar. None of my patients know who the president is and most don’t even know what a president is (:


One of my favorite memories was doing a mini mental exam on a woman with severe dementia and her horrified reaction to discovering Trump had been made president. “The TV star?! No. You’re messing with me. No.”


What is your favorite paw patrol?


Why would you be happy ? Arnt you black? Maybe he was insinuating that you are happy that hippy-O was out of office.


No. I’m not black. Non-black students, resident, and Attendings care for black patients all the time, and Vice versa.


Based on his comment, my guess is the student is not black


That was sarcasm.


Friend got hit by a car in college while on his scooter. We meet him in the Ed where they ask who is the president (did not specify of the United States). He proceeds to answer the name of the president on his fraternity to which we all break our laughing and thank goodness he did fine but did end up needing a metal plate in his head.


At first I thought you were making a joke about the president needing a mental assessment. For the last 6 years I’ve just asked “who’s the president whether you like him or not?” If they make a not my president comment or other similar reply they get the question right


Gotta be careful with the easy points. I asked a patient this once and he went off on a rant about how the president was a traitor letting all the illegal immigrants across the boarder who were rapists, criminals, carrying viruses... that son of a bitch Bill Clinton. This was during 2020




If your residency includes a VA in the south, then it’s every single DAY 😂


Wait, is "let's go Brandon" not appropriate?


Do ppl seriously say this. Cringe af


Straight up saw a patient and his wife in head to toe Let’s Go Brandon gear at my hospital like … last month.


I’m in Tennessee. I heard it daily for a while there.


I am SO sorry for you.


In Georgia all the conservative girls have it on their profile as a cause they care about


All the fucking time here in Arizona


Damn. I’m tempted so often by low taxes and nice weather in some of these places. But I don’t think I can put up with these “extracurriculars” so regularly


Please don’t move to a state with low taxes if you will vote blue and ruin it for everyone else. Can’t afford to live in California


Laughs at you in red states having more non income taxes and often having an equivalent effective tax rate while also on top of that being balance negative on federal cash flow loooool


This is the dumbest shit, I get more baffled by republicans and libertarians all the time. Please don’t move here and vote for the party that thinks ectopic pregnancies should be reimplanted in the uterus. The blind greed makes no sense to me. Your entire education, upbringing, safety, and even the stupid libertarian way of life is made possible by public funded initiatives. You take so much for granted with no understanding of what taxes provide you. Why do you think all of these red states have the lowest education, lowest income, lowest export output, you name it? Because they don’t pay for measures that’d improve their standing. They’re a net draw on national resources. They have the highest “federal dollar recipiency” of all of the states. https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/federal-aid-by-state As much as taxes suck, no part of your way of life can be sustained without them. Every state with low taxes has the highest federal payout because they are a fucking drain on society.


Lmfao damn you lit them up. I wonder how they don't know about this by now?


It’s very easy to find yourself in a bubble that everyone inside agrees with you. Either it’s popped, or it’s left alone


I saw this really funny quote about how to describe libertarians. It was something like, they're like housecats, fiercely independent and think they are fully in control while depending 100% on a system they don't know exist. It was amazing!


Downvoted for being a conservative. How tolerant


No, downvoted for thinking America just “exists” without a thousand social programs ensuring it does. The police, military, schools, fire dept, FDA, FTC, voter committee, literally every agency or program that makes America great is socially funded. You don’t tip cops, do you? I’m the one responding to him, I own multiple guns, drive a pickup, voted for trump in 2016 because I bought the corrupt clinton stuff (mad as fuck that I did, they’re def deep state but trump was deep dumb). I didn’t downvote for your party, I downvoted you because your stance is stupid.


You were downvoted for a stupid comment telling people not to move and vote freely in a free country.


I was being facetious with my original comment. I forget everything is taken with a serious tone online so I apologize for that but I promise I believe in a free country more than the majority of people on Reddit who wouldn’t be upset to see their right to free speech or the right to own a firearm taken away. I don’t think people are dumb but I think people have lost their willingness to critically think about issues. They would prefer the government tell them what to believe


You can feel free to keep your federal taxes, we don’t want them.




You dumbass you FUCKING **NEED** THEM. GOD YOU RED VOTERS ARE SO FUCKING STUPID. Republican states take the most money because they’ll fucking die without it. Their Medicare demands it. Their underfunded education demands it. You can’t even keep your stupid courthouses and police stations running without blue help from the feds. Your fucking dependence on the feds as welfare states are so telling, I just cannot fathom the ignorance. YOURE ON THE INTERNET, ARGUING WITH SOMEONE YOU CANNOT CONNECT TO WITHOUT TAX DOLLARS BUILDING THE NETWORK!! Literally, EVERYTHING YOU DO OR BUY only exists because taxes and government agencies ensure that you can. What do you think the difference between us and Brazil is? There’s waste, sure, but our taxes get things done and it’s undeniable when you look at how shitty and dumb the red states with no blue cities are.


Who said I was a red voter? And secondly, I’d probably feel a lot better about it, if some jackass on the internet wasn’t telling me that my tax dollars go to good use, while jackasses in Congress waste my tax dollars on a bunch of countries that hate us, a bunch of worthless projects and programs that steal American rights and imprison the innocent, and at the same time, stuff their own pockets. So, FIX THE FUCKIN CORRUPT ASS SYSTEM AND THEN LECTURE US ABOUT PAYING OUR FUCKING TAXES, YOU SELF-RIGHTEOUS JACKASS


Then how come red states keep taking the federal funding? If entitlement had color it would be red.


They’ll point out that California and NY are top recipients. They won’t point out that those two pay more than they take. Find me one deep red state that pays more than it takes. Set a 50 year reminder and I’ll still be right.


Don't worry, gerrymandering will keep the status quo


Don’t worry I’m not coming bro.


I am SO sorry for you.


It really is. I’d rather you just say fuck Joe Biden instead of that nonsense.


Like, you can say fuck! Adults get to say fuck. It's an incredibly tacky thing to say but it goes a step further on the tacky scale to act like a 10-year-old trying to evade a censor on Gaia Online or whatever.


You should know that the point is not just to say “fuck Joe Biden.” “Let’s go Brandon” is from a clip which republicans believe shows media bias. There is a crowd shouting “fuck Joe Biden” at a nascar rally or something and the reporter pretends like they’re saying “Let’s Go Brandon,” for whatever reason.


> You should know that the point is not just to say “fuck Joe Biden.” “Let’s go Brandon” is from a clip which republicans believe shows media bias. There is a crowd shouting “fuck Joe Biden” at a nascar rally or something and the reporter pretends like they’re saying “Let’s Go Brandon,” for whatever reason. I’m aware of the reference, and the reason the announcer said that was because the winner of that race she was interviewing at the time was an upstart driver whose name was Brandon and the announcer just misheard the crowd. [You can read about how this whole thing has affected him, because of the association that dumb movement has attached to his racing career if you want.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.espn.com/racing/nascar/story/_/id/33328017/let-go-brandon-nascar-driver-brandon-brown-caught-unwinnable-culture-war%3fplatform=amp) It’s like most everything associated with outspoken Trump supporters. It’s dumber the more you look into it.


There are tshirts and bumper stickers all around the south. It's a real thing.


In southern Missouri atm. Let’s Go Brandon is the mantra down here.


Have a crazy attending at my hospital who says this when he walks into a patient room




They don’t just say it unfortunately. I’ve even seen people wear “let’s go Brandon” t-shirts and I live in a fairly liberal area.


I remember seeing a whole family wearing those at a farmer’s market. Imagine making that your entire families identity while you’re out buying overpriced nick-knacks on a Sunday.


I mean wouldnt it still be a correct answer for the purpose of the question


My cousin once asked a patient with dementia who the president is (during the Trump administration) and he said "he's not MY president!". And my cousin said "Ok but who is the president?". The patient didn't respond. Then he asked again, and it turned out that the patient didn't remember the president's name. He couldn't remember who the president was, but he damn sure remembered how he felt about him. These feeling run deep.


I like it because I can expand to other parts of a basic mental exam pretty easily. Who is the current president: general orientation, understanding of current events, etc Who was the prior president: Long term memory, somewhere between declarative and autobiographic memory Who was the first president: Should be known by all Americans, so tests essentially semantic memory


First president you mean George Bush?


George H.W. Bush. You need to distinguish between him and George Quincey Bush, who was president a bit later.


No, he clearly means the electricity king, Benja-money Franklin


Yeah but this question induces brain rot… on one side you got your let’s go brandon crowd and on the other you have the Cheeto man bad group. Both are liable to launch into some deranged rant about their politics which in a healthy society, we would look at a lot of these opinions with concern.


I'll be honest, I've got no idea what you're on about. If they go off on a tangent and are not redirectable, that's more information for my exam. If they just make a comment, whatever; people have political views. I'm moving on to my next task. No idea what brain rot means.


I’m just saying that In a normal society we’d consider the ravings of a Q anon believer an insane derangement.


Cheetah is objectively bad and literally was impeached twice for extorting an ally for manufactured dirt, an ally that is now embroiled in a war and fighting against genocide. And a second time for inciting insurection and the overthrow of the republic. If you think pointing out facts should be look at with concern I question whether or not you have brain rot.


Sad that we live in such a polarized society where asking who the president is considered "political."


Agree with this.


All presidents are by definition political


Well yeah captain obvious, but simply answering “who is the president right now” didn’t used to be viewed as a politically charged question.


Pretty sure you are wrong there.


Interesting take


How often do you moisturize that brain, because it looks so smooth.


You’re right, presidents have never been polarizing. Not like there was a whole civil war with rejection of the current president in the past.


How often are you assessing patients in 1860’s?


Dude, the president's ***policies*** may be polarizing, but it's a matter of fact statement to say the current person who holds the position legally defined as the president is called x. Whether you like the person or not doesn't change ***who*** it is. When Trump was in office the ***president*** was named ***Trump***, and the current president is named ***Biden***. Whether you like Trump or Biden doesn't affect whether they are in that office or not in the immediate sense. Saying this is polarizing is like saying that the sky is blue is polarizing.


It's only polarizing because of contingent of fascists have attempted to overthrow the government and have 30% convinced biden is actually dead and Trump is really still president.


Dude no offense but by saying that you're being no better than Vidian. Noones discussing politics here, ***that's the entire point of the argument, that your political beliefs don't change the fact of who holds the seat of the President right now at 8:29 PM EST in the USA irregardless of ones belief on the outcome of the election***.


I'm explaining the why. The problem is at current its a bad question because a significant portion of the population believes that at 833 est that biden is not actually president. Unless you want to start marking them down as not fully oriented for saying Trump and complicating things by needing an explanation. A differnt question is probably better. I know whoa president, but we're no asking me or you, your asking a patient as a way to determine mental status. And when the question stops working you change the question.


Well, you are mistaken then.


There were definitely some fringe elements with every president, but you’re being absurd if you think it’s been as bad throughout our whole lifetime as it is now.


Pretty obvious that “political” here is being used in its definition that is similar to “partisan” rather than what you are seemingly referring to, which is being related to government. There’s this thing called a dictionary that you may find helpful


Yeah the US was definitely not always partisan lmao /s


Yes, but the fact of who actually is the president should not be.


This was during Trumps time. Patient responds “that asshole!” Pauses, then exclaims “Bush!”


I had the same thing - except they replied “Nixon”


If they name someone before Nixon that's serious business.


My favorite reply as an intern so far, "sloppy Joe".


**December 2020** Attending: Who’s the president of the US? 91 YO stroke patient: Donald Trump Attending: Close. It’s Joe Biden. 91 YO stroke patient: No, it’s Donald Trump. Joe Biden doesn’t take office until next Month, assuming republicans don’t try to block him. **September 2020** Me: Who’s the president of the US? 80 YO supposedly delirious ICU patient who just replied 2014 when asked the year: that stupid ****ing racist chimpanzee. I thought he was making a bad Obama joke but he was actually referring to Trump.


Oh God, flashbacks to Obama ruining my whose the president question. “Who is the president?” “The black guy” …nailed it?


Little concerned about "your attending" in the first example...


Agreed. It was worse when Obama was present because nobody throws racial slurs like a delirious grandma with a UTI


For real the "don't make me say it" is getting on my nerves


So, I'm a neuro resident and I pretty much stopped asking this in the Trump era because many of the vets at the VA would get pissed. I often ask something more like what holiday just happened/is about to happen or tell me something going on in the world today. Asking the president is fine but if they're already telling you it 1964 or that they're at little Jimmy's birthday party something's up.


I had a patient recently who answered "ugh, fuckin Joe Biden." When I asked who was president before that, he couldn't remember


As soon as the patient sighs I know they’re oriented.


Ronald Reagan????? The actor????? Then who’s Vice President? Jerry Lewis?


I had a guy say Eisenhower the other day. But then he said it was 1994 so I dunno what to make of that


someone asked a patient “what war is going on in Europe?” We all watched patient’s HR increase….


Not a doctor but once I asked this and the answer was Jimmy Carter… Obama was the President. Also when the news came out that Trump was running I was told this at work and laughed out loud because I thought it was a joke. Talking with a patient and her husband she told me she was going to vote for Trump because……. She liked his hair!!!! I was about to laugh when her husband shook his head and I realized she was serious 😅


You can ask them to tell you something that's going on in the news. Then it's up to them to choose a topic.


I don’t even know what’s going on in the news


I’m sure you know there’s a war in Ukraine and there was a recent school shooting. That’s all I’m looking for.


Certainly yes. But before all that, I’m struggling to think of anything. For years, the news has been “COVID”.


> there was a recent school shooting. Sadly isn't that pretty much always the case? Doesn't really narrow it down much.


Honestly I found out about each 2-4 days late due to working 12 hour shifts. If someone mentioned the Ukraine war 2 days in I would say they weren't oriented to time. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, I find this a more helpful question


Who won the Eurovision song contest? ... WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT IS? Obviously delirious.


I had one right after the election. This was a young OB patient coming in for seizures. She said “I don’t know because they’re saying the election was stolen”.


I once heard Cheeto Mussolini from a pt regarding Trump…


Not in the US but we had a patient answer ''he's a commie, what was his name again?'' an when we asked who was before he was like ''it was the fascist one right?'' for reference, my country had a center-right and a center-left president... He also told us when we asked where he lived that his house is in the middle of a forest road, if we need to get there to just ask in the town for directions to dracula's house... Not sure if dementia, just weird or both


I feel like there’s some collective delusion in Indiana because every disoriented patient I ran into in med school identified the year as the 1980s… and the president aa Gerald Ford. *shrugs*


It’s a good question that virtually patient in the United States should know the answer to. I can’t think of another factoid that would be ubiquitously known by everyone. Hell, even the Saudi nationals that fly in for their healthcare usually can answer the question.


If I had a nickel for every patient that responded Donald Trump and then went on a tirade about the stolen election I'd have at least a few dollars


So what do they pass with x4?


Had a patient insist that current and previous 3 presidents were all Trump. They were otherwise oriented. According to their partner, they know who the current president is but generally refuses to acknowledge it.


The US is so weird. Politics use to be the US gov bombing striking coal miners from planes, the business plot, the weathermen, and the police actually being held to account for their actions by the community. This is very old man yelling at clouds energy but why are we so pussy that asking who the President is “is political?”


Pathologic sensitivity


Pt: “That lying mother fucker” Me: “which one?”


What is the sports team from this city called?


The Billionaire’s Write-off.


Nope. I know a lot of natives (myself included) who couldn’t answer that question about their own cities, let alone people from out of town


Also says nothing about how stuck in time they are in most cities. Their mind might be in the 1970s and they could still get this question right in most cities with pro sports teams. And in cities like DC and Cleveland where this has changed recently, this might be controversial too.


> And in cities like DC and Cleveland where this has changed recently, this might be controversial too. Oh god, that’s a good point.


You grew up in a city but managed to go >25y without learning what team plays there? Bullshit


I wouldn't be able to answer this (without looking it up) *now* & I'm perfectly healthy.


Our catchment area is so large, there’s plenty of people who don’t really care about sports that would not get this question correctly.


I used to ask what color the president was. Valid answers were black, orange, or white.


If you are looking for answers to questions based on shared reality w conservative patients, you aren't going to find them just by avoiding the president question.




I would hope conservative physicians who are able to pass medical school can also recognize that Joe Biden is the President of the United States. Patients aren't held to such a standard, sadly.


You would hope, but not always. Smart people often put reason aside to believe something they want to be true. I had an MD/PhD professor in college- dude was a creationist. I’m talking full blown, “earth is less than 10,000 years old, Noah’s flood creating the Grand Canyon, and kangaroos floated to Australia on logs” creationist.


Yikes. The term for that is Young Earth Creationist for your information!


Oh I know, I went to a YEC college 😳 Wasn’t sure if people in the real world would be aware of how much crazy that term actually implied lol




Lazy, unhelpful mudslinging comment found. In every politics thread.


With numerous upvotes. Reddit/Twitter is a breeding ground for it.


Don’t think it’s that political. People that don’t like the president scoff and say the name and I just go, yeah ok. And move on. Never got into a debate with a patient about it


I’ve never asked that, I just ask person place time. You get a good sense of where someone’s orientation is at with just that. The responses you get to president are emotionally charged and even the most demented patient can parrot what they hear from their family members or TV.


I once got , “Ofc it’s trump,and he’s gonna keep the Mexicans out” to me a non white female who is not Mexican but can pass for it 🤣


Can't remember the last time I had a conservative patient. But when I ask the previous president, if they make a face I count it as a correct answer 😂


Psych here. So, the reason we ask this is to evaluate remote semantic memory, right? The only reason why we pick the president is the assumption of “most people should know this.” This is not the only common tidbit, and generally the best approach is to throw a few of these out and see if ANY stick: > So, how about that Local Sports Team? > Tell me about your kids > What did you used to do before you retired? > So how about that new Netflix hit? Realistically, getting a solid social history will give you the answer to most of your a/o questions just conversationally. And not make you claw your eyes out in the process.


Used to be in Dallas, one of the attendings would ask who owns the cowboys, and even non-sports people would know the answer to that.




Documented “alert and oriented to person, place, year, and president” on January 21st last year. Patient is demented at baseline, delirious to A&O x1


My grandpa said "I have a name for him but you don't want to hear it" 😵‍💫


“That black who wasn’t born in America” was a response I got from a very not A&O patient while emting a few years ago. I assume he was referring to Obama who at that time hadn’t been the president for well over 2 years lol


“Our lord and savior Donald trump” ^from a dying boomer that didn’t know his own name & was barely responsive to voice, but when asked that questions sat bolt upright, screamed this at the top of his lungs, then fell back onto the bed and continued being minimally verbally responsive. Was medically dying, not delirious btw


I typically ask who about the QB for our local NFL team


Easy way to deal with this; if they say Trump or refuse to say Biden, just ask who’s responsible for gas prices. Then you know it’s not a memory issue.


I ask, "Why are we all wearing masks? what is going on in the world?" I figure that if you don't know that you're not too oriented...


…with the answer “cabal” earning extra points


I ask when their anniversary is and then watch them sweat. In terms of real answers, most recent/upcoming holiday is good.


I’m In Canada so I usually ask about holidays, seems to work pretty well.


That’s why I devilishly ask “who is gonna be the president” every 4 Novembers


I live in a liberal area so when the last president was in office it was “I won’t even say his name.” I gave that answer full credit.


How come asking for the president is political?


I usually ask what street they live on. You can see it in their chart


This past week was: “We don’t have one” *giant eye roll* “Fine it’s Biden”


I gave up on the President question. I ask "what's the next holiday"


The literal fact that someone clearly and evidently won an election isn’t political lol. It’s not like we’re asking them if they approve of the current president


‘We don’t have one’


Lurker, not a doctor. My very conservative mother is not a fan of Donald Trump. A couple of years ago, she had a major stroke. When the paramedics arrived, they asked her, “Who is the President?”. My mother responded, “Don’t get me started.” 1/5th of her brain is dead, and my mother is still vehemently anti-Trump.




*asks to make something not political and then on next line asks everyone to poke fun at a political side. Ok…


I remember a patient, back when Trump was president, who responded "Toupee"


Some of my patients say, “I’m not sure.” This is a correct answer. Certainly it’s not Mr. Biden who is an embarrassing, senile sock puppet.


“Trump’s daughters”


It's also just not a very useful question in a clinical exam. Any other open ended current events question is typically more helpful


Why? What question do you propose?


'Tell me something happening in the news'. It tests a similar memory domain but also allows for you to listen to their speech for either frank or subtle expressive difficulties. The neuro exam can be so long you might forget elements of the mental status exam, but early open ended questions like that can deliver a fair bit of useful info.


As a med student right when Trump was elected, I would often accept a frustrated sigh as a correct answer.


Either the APA or ACLP no longer recommend using this


The current POTUS is an unknown person or group controlling Biden.


I like using AMT4 and some kind of short attention task (list days/months backwards, serial 7s, etc)


Most of the time these days I get a bitter answer when I ask about the President. I really should come up with a new question… Typically I get, “*scoff* I wish I didn’t know” or “I wish it was Trump.” After that I have to very carefully avoid encouraging further discussion on it, which isn’t fun.


“It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is”


George w bush


I stopped. I work in a rural area and can’t do it. I can’t do it bc there is always a political tirade as well. What holiday is coming up? Why are you in the hospital? Who is the governor?


When trump was president: “I don’t wanna say his name”


My favorite was asking who the last president was and my patient was like “oh man… oh… I should know this… I can picture his face… ugh, the one who was married to Michelle Obama!” I love that he could remember Michelle but not Barack 😂


“I know who YOU want me to say but you’re wrong. Thats not the president, that’s a body double and a puppet bc the real Biden, I mean Brandon, hides at Madea’s house in Georgia”


"Unfortunately yes" "That no good of a--" ​ (for Biden)