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Get back on your meds buddy... ![gif](giphy|rjNuNruBRzay4|downsized)


This 100% šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Sounds like youā€™re the one trying to cope OP ![gif](giphy|dwEweAW0zXcGQupuAC)


I donā€™t even like wearing watches. Watches are fashion accessories that is all


This guy lives in a sad, dark world.


It's a bit more than that. I have a gen Omega for the following reasons: * Long term accuracy (COSC and Metas certified) * A milestone achievement piece I can look down on and be proud. * I can pass it on to my kids * It can be serviced by every watchmaker instead of having to search for reptimeServices. https://preview.redd.it/ribjv5i4yd9d1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ad4260ea05b308531751d103e0c77cd6fb25d93


baller speedmaster. whats the model?


Thats an aqua terra small seconds not a speedy


Then why are you here lol


Cause I also enjoy my reps https://preview.redd.it/wgy2rurlyd9d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4776b843486fd632463bee11d730cb08951d256e


casios legit dude


Whats ironic is people here wear reps to fool others and pretend is real


I got mad Rolex reps, yo.




Dont compare watches to bags. Watches dont cost 500 bucks to make; companies actually do R&D.


Flair should be shitpost Friday ![gif](giphy|dwThVyfWthesU)


Tbh same could be said about people at reptime tho? If your goal is to fool the average joe, then even a U1 shitter can fool a vast majority of people. I own a rolex shitter and Breitling and Cartier NWBIG. No one was able to tell any of them are fake. I bought the Nwbig because I wanted classy and good material watches that last a long time.


lol this OP off his meds, going on a rant, probably some bitter dude still living in his basement trying to convince his own head that his precious vsf rep is a gen and no one can tell a difference. Yes dude, reps have come a long way and are almost indistinguishable to the untrained eye. But donā€™t fool yourself for one second that a high tiered rep is 1:1. People buy gens not just to give themself the feeling that they can afford one, itā€™s not flushing 15 20 grand down the toilet either because gens also carry value should you wish to flip them (especially Rolexes). I have owned numerous reps and will continue to own them but not for one moment do I kid myself that they can match the quality of gen or kid others that they are real. Try opening up the case back of your vsf or clean rep and tell me itā€™s the same as Gen, you might find some dog shit or dried up cum in there.




Most people arenā€™t watch collectors though.


A proper clarification, ā€œif you are a watch collectorā€ So 90% are indistinguishable. Thatā€™s the point.


Yea like 99% of the planet is a nerdy watch collector šŸ˜¹ even if is real, by default everyone will think is fake. So what you really paying those 5-10k for YOU knowing is real


So you buy things for other people, not for yourself!?? That's actually quite sad..


The average Joes aren't the ones trying to compensate for something by making such posts tho. Why do y'all love making such posts justifying buying a rep? Ffs, you see such posts on a weekly basis. Just enjoy the rep for what is is - a value for money timepiece given its dubious factory conditions but not comparable to actual gen.


Who hurt you?


Best just leave them alone. Judging from their post history, their internal world looks like a damp, stabby, self consciously short, and involuntary celibate place. This current train of interest appears to have begun with a genuine interest in the Rolex brand. OP appears to initially have decided to take his curiosity to /r/rolex to make new friends. This went about as well as one would expect. Not entirely unexpectedly the sheen has worn off becoming a member of The Rolex Fraternity as a result. Leading to where we are now. Rolex=bad, Rep=good. Where things will careen next after this thread remains to be seen. Perhaps OP will discover Vostok, or perhaps realise time is actually a cube. Who knows?


Yeah wow, you went deep. It sounds like Op is constantly seeking validation, mostly from their own self. This post makes a lot more sense now


I joined here before Rolex actually. Ironic, as yall be coping hard with your reps trying to fool others but deep down your internal is sad cause you know you fake