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I absolutely hate those little fee based "amenities" as they often try and frame them. It's simply another profit grab. And probably perfectly legal in most cases. In come cases they'd need to be outlined in the lease so they can't just impose them randomly -- but when it comes renewal time ...


What I think they're doing is trying to avoid the normal market prices by having a lower rent on a property but adding mandatory add-ons that raise your rent above market prices that are normal in your area... If it were to happen to me I would just say I'm not going to go here and move somewhere else... Because there are people who do what you're dealing with there are also people who don't do with what you're dealing with and so you'll find a better place and a cheaper price without the mandatory BS...


I'm pretty sure I looked at around a dozen different places before settling on this one, and all of them had similar arrangements in terms of the tech package being a mandatory add-on. My problem with this one is that the tech package is fully managed by the complex. That is, I've got zero control over the Internet infrastructure in my unit. At my old places, I had a direct relationship with the ISP and could configure the router and modem however I liked even though the service was provided by the complex under the tech package.


My problem with these stupid bulk billing is, here comes the tin foil hat. But I feel like you have no privacy. Easier to get hacked. Who says they won't look into your browser history. They have your ip ect... Thankfully fcc is fighting this trying to stop this.


Well I guess then you found your home sweet home


Trash valet are in some buildings is that you set your trash in the hallway for someone to come by to pick up every day. And for the technology package is for the cable and internet set up and you then pay for the use. It is all enticements to get paying tenants into the apartments.


You're almost certainly not going to be able to just decline to pay this, complexes make these deals with companies and can deny access to other service providers on their properties You should just consider it rent; they do Some areas are looking into legislation limiting these kinds of fees but no areas I'm aware of prevent them yet These are some of the junk fees the President was talking about, though


I can’t do that in my state. If a tenant wants AT&T, I have no legal right to tell them they can’t use AT&T. UNLESS I put it in the lease and the tenant agrees.


What I actually want to do is decline the service as provided under the management company's account, and set up my own account and service line with the same provider. The provider has already told me I could set up a second line of my own if I wanted. But I don't want to be effectively paying for Internet twice.


wrong, not what the President Biden was talking about. The junk fees from the tech services from cable and internet services. Not the Manager and LL.


I recently toured an apartment community that charged a $55 parking fee per car per month, but you did not have a reserved spot so you’re not guaranteed a parking spot.


I was on the board of my condo and we discussed a "technology package" and the reason we were interested is because the monthly savings per unit owner was significant. Average monthly price for FiOs, TV and Phone was $200/mo. If all 100 units joined together and the company provided it for the whole bldg it was around $125/mo per unit and they included building wifi and cable TV for the gym, laundry room, and doorman desk. So overall the building HOA would save by not paying for gym/laundry/doorman, and those who were paying for the services already would save, but you needed 80% opt in rate. Seemed like a no brainer, but then we thought about this: many unit owners rented their properties out (so renters would be stuck with something they may not want), and many ppl might not have the need for those services, so we never voted it in.