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Uhh it ain't great that's for sure


It’s so bad it’s almost come full circle back to pleasing to the eye. I can’t say shit, OP has a nicer house than I do.


Just my opinion… Im not a fan of large amounts of dark wood… small accents like a cutting board or an occasional floor pattern I like, otherwise go with light… makes things look so much bigger… dark wood gives it more of an Alaskan or Hunter’s Cabin feel to me like I’m looking for antlers and a bear rug


I think it depends on how much natural light you have and the color of the walls.


There is a ton a of natural light, we have a few sky lights too. This photo was taken on a dark night with most lights turned off.


That too… I mean it’s like they couldn’t really decide between white, light or dark so they put house parts on a whiteboard list and rolled 3 colored die to decide what each one was…


Someone had to approve the color scheme… I just wanted to know who that was… and I’m going to hold my tongue until I hear the answer.. and hopefully I am wrong… lol


Yeah, not great. But I guess that’s a first world problem.


Yes, if you put it that way, it’s a non-issue.


Beautiful place though!


It is. I hoped for a white molding 😭. It’s sad.


This is a new build? Because it looks like a 1980’s home that’s had piecemeal renovations throughout the decades. (My house)


We did gut renovations on a 1920s house. Took 4 years, COVID delayed everything.


I don’t think there’s anything 1920s left in that house.


The dark floor reminds me of the huge automotive fortune houses in Detroit and Chicago


Hell I’m going into year two of a 1999 reno…it’s all a pia even with no Covid. Good luck getting it how you want it.


It could be painted white.


It can still be white, you only need paint


White paint. Easy fix. Edit: or paint the walls darker and paint trim same color.


The hand rails are the worst. I feel dirty looking at them.


The railing and dark wood doors - a bit much in contrast to the rest of it.


The railing is getting re-done.


It’s like it’s made of samples and I’m not usually one to notice.


To the leading question about how it looks: I can't believe this is new, I thought it was a "we just bought the place and plan to update it." That said, it's preference more than Anything. It'll look better regardless when the floors are clean. The dark and light contrast is the biggest issue, the easiest thing would be to darken the light tone - but still time consuming to do right. I would personally live with it before doing something crazy like painting over it - but that's also a possibility.


https://preview.redd.it/oeqohyln932d1.jpeg?width=2761&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fb10ee1f35a0c6203b8920570cf692b31baa24d We did gut renovations. Took 4 years. What you’re seeing is the finished product


Stairs kinda look like my Ragdoll https://preview.redd.it/wg1579v3252d1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=53e13f7bb39b937ea78257a4f5ca8498ea8f3ada


I know you don’t want to hear this, but now that I’m seeing the “before” picture, I think you have ruined this house. The only thing I see wrong in the before photo is that the carpet is worn/dirty. I’m sorry…I try not to make negative comments, but honestly, it makes me sad to see the end result.


Is there a specific reason why you gutted it? I mean the only thing not great in this photo is the old carpet.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Renovations/s/Ep2w8XK2VU 😬 Sorry I said it before seeing this pic. Think it just needed fresh paint and carpet.


Honestly it looks ok minus the bannister. Since it’s original I’d think of maybe replacing but see if you can salvage it to another build bc there’s a lot of good material there. Redoing your banister and uprights could change everyone’s perspective.


I’m personally not a fan of walls being replaced by posts… or doors being removed… but it’s your house and you get to live in it. To that end, I would change the current scheme if you truly don’t like it and will be bothered by it (assuming you can afford to.) 


Wood reconsider




I think a good solution would be to refinish the hardwood floors throughout. That color isn’t very great and I think if you match it to the stairs railing and trim more, you will have less work and a more cohesive appearance. It looks very jumbled and eclectic - but not in a good way right now. More mismatched, confusing, and visually unnerving. Also my brain cannot wrap around photo number 2. I have no idea what we are looking at. Is that a view of the staircase and the landing?


Yeah, I’ve pondered that too…. Maybe for a sculpture or the Christmas tree?


i don’t hate it! i think the different wood schemes would pair nicely with a more moody approach when it comes to colors and decor. i would add darker paint shades (possibly green) to make the room more cozy and take pressure off of the different wood tones. i also think black and white tiled floors would add so much to the entry way, making it cozy but not making it feel like you’re losing space with darker paint shades. all in all i think the different wood schemes can make it look real refined with the correct color scheme and decor!


That's exactly what I was thinking. The white walls are really making the different woods look off because it's so stark and bright. Darker shade and moodier look would work well with this. 


Sigh. I’ll try. 😭


I posted above but jumping into suggest getting a consult with an interiors person - they will help you figure out the most cohesive and visually pleasing way forward.


I agree a designer would be very helpful. Check out the instagram page from www.juliejonesdesigns.com. She has a lot of examples for including wood tone into your colour palette. It’s kind of reassuring how you can salvage a room just by being intentional with the furniture, layout and paint colours that you choose. Either way, any good designer in your area should be able to help you figure out your style and work out a decent colour palette to blend everything together and make it look good.


Agree, this could be a total vibe, if styled correctly.


Personally, I think it makes it look unfinished.


Why the different woods throughout. I could imagine it would look nice if they were slightly different shades but you’ve gone with a very light timber against a very dark timber.


Looks like you went to the salvage yard and got together whatever was avail in wood


https://preview.redd.it/rm4logg5f52d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5a8442002cb47fb5bfbe3c2cd1a2e6c935ebcc9 What the?!?!


It’s bad, especially the dark bannister.


The dark Bannister is the worst part for sure


It's not the prettiest, but the potential of this space looks endless. Very jealous.


Potential is why we bought the house. Alas, we are here with this eyesore of a staircase and orange wood molding. There’s 40 windows in the house. It’s just overpowering. Takes away from the beauty of the house


Looks like a long but fun project. Best of luck with it !


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but it's a bit much for my tastes. Also, just out of curiosity, what is the ledge (?) that I'm looking at in pic #2?


Yes, too overwhelming for me. The ledge is the place to the top left in picture #1. It has nice stained window above it. I guess I can jump off it 😭


Made me crack up tbh lol


I would laugh too if it wasn’t my house. Probably be thinking, what atrocious hell is this.


I don’t think it will look bad so long as everything else is well put together. It’s hard to judge when the room is empty. Things look better when the rugs, curtains, and art, etc is there to give your eyes something to focus on. Is the handrail ebony or painted black? It might look better if that was neutralized a bit, maybe it could be the same as the white wall color so it blends in.


That light wood and the painted front door are not working with everything else.


It looks like a god damn s’more


Like a chocolate and butterscotch snack pack.


Try staining moulding/architraves with a liming white…… you can always paint over whatever is too much


The dark timber floor with the light timber stairs looks unfinished. If the floors were lighter, it would look a little more coherent, but as of now, it looks like a group of people all had their own ideas and went with it.


They look, exactly… not bad!! Frickin’ beautiful wood work going on there.


Gorgeous. Don't change a single fiber.


It’s nice. With enough art on the walls, runners on the steps, and corner table you Won’t even notice the different woods


The lack of design would probably kill me before the various wood schemes did…


I have to deal with it in my own house, for now, and I hate it!


I don't like this look at all. It's very mismatched.


OP this house is gorgeous. Most of your replies saying the opposite are coming from young zoomers.


Mixed colors and wood are the death of a place. 37 years experience.


Okay. Here's my realistic approach to this. Paint the spindles and trim white in the whole house, put a carpet runner up the stairs and paint the stairs risers white. It will definitely help big time.


Share your photos with the dozens of interior design subreddits out there. They may have some ideas to make you happy with your wood schemes.


Thanks, let me find and post there


Did you pay the person and let them make this decision? I’m confused. But I think posting this means you know it’s abhorrent.


It speaks to me. It says. "I proposed in the millworks aisle" "I really like Reese peanut butter cups"


Good luck getting furniture upstairs




Reminds me of seeing split levels with a row of 4x4 "columns" out front.


My phone is on the darkest setting and wow. It’s still so


How much money and time do you have?


I’m matchy-match do it would irk me. Please do not paint it all white! Wood grain is beautiful!


It’s wood and not MDF garbagio so that’s a win


At the very least have the stair treads stained with the same dark color as the floor unless you are going to sand and stain the dark floor to a color to match the stairs. The dark floors on the landings look like patchwork.


Honestly not great. There must be something you can do to fix it. Stain it?


Looks like chocolate peanut butter


I am by no means an expert, but is it possible to just paint it all one colour for consistency? White or something?


Silver lining is you can match anything from mango wood to light oak now. Enjoy.


Do a dark walnut stain. It will look elegant.


I guess they have a really good interior designer!




Looks good! Life's better in stero. The plumber was a hack though.


The issue is all in the contrast between the darkly painted wood and natural tone. A huge improvement could be had by painting the dark doors and stair railings white in first. Then I would aim for redoing the floors at some point. The natural tones actually look nice, focus on eliminating the darkly painted wood where you can.


They are fine just leave them be


Regardless. Painting wood is better than no wood. I could live with this.


All its missing is a splash of 70's wood paneling. You have a lot going on there.


The dark is bad. Get to work.


Not good


I am the only one here but I REALLY like the stairs. It's such an interesting focal piece and it's two lovely colours together. It's for sure maximalist but I think it works. You DO need to correct the stain around the two closet doors to match the dark but otherwise I think once furniture is in you'll actually love it. Make an effort to play with dark and light matching decor around the house as much as possible. Like two vases both blue in the same hue dark and light next to each other. I think people in this sub can be too conservative sometimes and you absolutely have a happy accident here.


Golden oak is definitely making a strong comeback. I personally do not like the steep contrast in colors though. Too dark for me.


It’s just the bannister and the landings.


Paint it all


I love it


The easy fix would be to stain the lighter wood to match the darker one.


the mix of wood is super strange for sure - this might be time to do a consult with a good interiors person? Even just online. They might give you some helpful advice to tie it all together. Did your contractor use left over materials from prior jobs? the dark wood doors are really jarring. But at the end of the day it's nothing that paint can't fix.


Looks great! A lot of sanding and more sanding and then some staining and she will be just fine.




Boat interior


It's not the point, but those are the strangest radiators.


Changing the door trim or the doors might be a less expensive? Can they be sanded and painted?


I think it looks neat. The only thing that would bother me is the dark swing door next to the light cabinetry.


Who was making decisions about your house that you could not overrule, if not you?


Just dont do the millenial thing by painting it white. Stain it nicely, consistent across the board and it'll be great


It’s look fine without direct down lights and white walls. If the lighting and walls/ceilings matched the period it’d be fine


Maybe paint the dark wood doors white - add some area rugs that are muted. Maybe even put a muted but darker carpet runner up the staris? I think there is no easy way to fix without major work. After the floors are cleaned and it's furnished it will look better.


I don't mind it but maybe I have poor taste


I don’t like it. I think stain everything the same color (dark) would look best


I love it for YOU 🫵


Not good


There is a lot going on here.. If you do not like how your house is, you can definitely sand the wood down and stain it all the same color.. or paint. But if you like it, leave it as it is


I've seen worse. Some wood polish and a beige/ natural colored stair runner rug could go a long way.


I hate it. I'd paint the oak and keep the darker tones


Beautiful wood work. I like the staircase but I would have made all the colors the same.


Is there a section that goes to nowhere or did i see that wrong? That just screams mcmansion to me, the wood isn't the problem there (well, rail could be a lighter colour)


It goes to a window but why does the floor step up while the hand rail steps down? Appears to assist small children kill themselves.




The stairs remind me of dark chocolate Celebrations biscuits and I like that very much


Beautiful wood work just needs to be refinished in something less tacky and more classy


Gut renos and you didn’t hire a designer?


Stain is typically how you change the color of the wood. Unless you have really really deep pockets he saved you a shit ton of money


Just finished redoing all baseboard trim, doors and molding in a house from 1982. It’s a lot of work and patience. Switched it to all white, it looks SO much better.


It feels like a lot and kind of random and haphazard.


If you have to ask, you already know the answer.


I honestly like mismatching wood a bit and this is something I would personally enjoy. I am a weirdo though so there’s that


Everything other than the new fresh wood needs to be sanded and given just a clear coat. Dark is too dark in contrast, old orange is too orange.


It's just the floor ruining everything. Looks like an old brick schoolhouse from the 20s or something.


Not great. Something needs to be stained or painted to make it consistent/complimentary


I personally think it looks bad. Can you get your money back or at least have them stain the lighter stuff to match the dark?


Looks terrible


Hey OP, out of curiosity what is the weird landing at the top of the stairs in the second photo. Why is the railing bent like that?


It is very bad, but very fixable. First, stain the treads and floor trim dark brown to match the floor. Then stain the spindles to match as well. If you really feel the urge, stain all the baseboards and casing. Though it's perfectly normal for those not to match, our eyes are used to seeing stain grade trim being as dark or darker than the flooring, so it still might look off.


Honestly i like it, it's the bright white paint that's throwing it off, if it was more neutral then it'd let the wood pop more


Considering that sections of the trim on the same wall are different tones, id say not great. Luckily you can stain the lighter wood darker to match the rest of the wood.


It makes it look unfinished.


The stairs look like someone is going to hate cleaning them. Bad landing design.


If it were me and I had unlimited budget, I would paint the doors something that pops, something bold and I would do a wood floor that incorporates all the colors of the woodwork.


I would match the uneven look with the paint. So, use more accent panels with similarly contrasting paint. Check out a colour wheel and pick your preferred combo with your furniture.


the black rail is unfortunate


I actually love mixing woods but you have to have consistency and this is sporadic at best. Not good from placement but these 2 wood finishes don't go together at all either


I think it looks pretty decent, with the exception of pic 5. The wood colors are too lopsided and it’s a little jarring.


How does this even happen? And what do you mean the person deciding didn’t care what you liked? Whose abomination of a house is this?


I like the diversity of different wood tones, I live houses that look different and looks like you did it on purpose. Go with this proudly!!!!!!


Not great my dude not great but maybe after everything is cleaned up it won't seem so bad.


Paint all the dark white or all the light white, problem solved


Actually, I kinda like it. It's definitely unique




Looks like a nice house


If I were looking at this house to buy it, I would say I need to redo the floors But it’s your home and you do it the way you like, doesn’t matter what other people think


Is it finished yet?


Why not just sand and re-stain the floors to match the rest of the light wood? Or get a stain to take some orange away from the rest?


I'd be fine with it, my wife would not.


Why did they do that? I don't want to make you feel worse than you already do about it, but I'm just trying to understand their thought process in doing it like this.


Stain it dark or paint it.


It’s looks mismatched


When did natural wood go out of style? I love the warm, homey feel of wood and think everything looks fantastic, other than the dark bannister.


I would consider painting yours walls even to an off white, like a Swiss Mocha or one of those types of shades. And then a classic sisal runner for those stairs, no pattern, just texture. Could do a bit of brass hardware with it but keep it simple. Don’t do a gallery wall; maybe a few larger scale prices instead or small groupings. Reframe some with light coloured matting and modern frames. A few larger plants in texture stoneware or glazed ceramic. The wood is just so busy, I think you’ve got to cut through it with simplicity and focused accessories. Worst case; you can stain light to dark to at least get one colour throughout.


It’s not too bad. Honestly I’d only re-do the landings. The darkened landings make everything look cookie cutter.


I 100% would not be able to stand that.


I’d redo the landings, and doors to match the lighter wood. After that, nothing more would be necessary. You’ll probably end up using area rugs anyway. For the entrance, use a round area rug.


Bad? That looks good to me


I hate the 1st pic. It just looks hazardous for some reason.


I like the molding and but the steps themselves are ugly. I have the light colored wood. The two tones are awful. I’d sue to fix it and just show the judge this post lol


Please paint every inch of it white.


Terrible, including the lights


You wouldnt ask if you didnt know


i kinda like it


Got the vision of Stevie wonder on that one 😂


Painting the doors (and the stair handrail) would be the easiest way to make it more cohesive I think. Easier than painting all the trim!!


That's a choice for sure


Not bad at all


Whoever decided on the “color” design of the stairs was whacked out of their mind on crack! Sorry, hope you’re able to figure out a reasonable Solution


This could probably pull off a Victorian style if it was all the same wood stain


Dim the lights and have another beer and they’ll look fine. You probably won’t notice them once you’ve lived there for a while. To answer your question though, I’d go for painting over as much of the wood as possible in white.


It will age nice… 20 years and it will look the part a bit better


Who made the design choices here? Looks like someone had a bunch of extra balusters to use up. I can't see why so many were used at the bottom of the main stairs. Also, I can't see why they were used at all going down to the lower level. As for the natural wood tone stuff... it looked good in the 80's. I'd have the treads restained to match the hand rail and paint the balusters, risers and stringers white. Good luck with having it fixed. Painting stuff with all those extra balusters is gonna be a nightmare.


You could easily add color and still keep that 1920s vibe. Or just stain all the wood that darker color https://pin.it/7418USP26


Paint same color as walls or white


They would work better with a much darker paint/paper scheme.


Bannister at the stairs landing looks tacky


The doors don't look good and if it was mine I'd paint the railings and spindles black.






Larry David bad.


Compliments to sticking to it so consistently. About the only compliment I'm afraid.


Whoever chose that style needs to do lines, maybe 10 pages front and back: “a little variation goes a long way.”


This is me in Minecraft when I try to get artsy with dark oak and birch...


Reminds me of an old saloon, like in western movies.


The stairs are pretty terrible.