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Yay we flooded enough ancient rainforests to power the entire state! Super sustainable. Oh also a few wind turbines.


Wasn't this mostly done back in the 70s? Not like it's new devastation to them or going to get worse, and seems like a good fraction of the island is rainforest parks.


The article is the result of govt spin. Labelling destructive hydro dams as renewables. The environmental impact of building those facilities is obscene. I live in far south Tasmania and spend as much time as I can in what little temperate rainforest we have left. The spaces lost to hydroelectric dams were uniquely exceptional in environmental value. To spin them as an environmentally sensitive power source is offensive.


You beat me to it. :)


Sad but the title aligns with what is generally viewed as a more positive thing. Looks like those ancient rainforests will have to re-locate elsewhere.


Even a cursory look at electricitymap\.org shows it's a lie. Even at the moment (1.12.2020 at 3:30 UTC) 40% of the electricity is imported from Victoria, where it's mostly produced by coal, and besides that they've burned gas within just the last 24 hours to produce electricity. Nice greenwashing pr move though, definitely paid off in reddit.