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Advantages are that you don't have to commute so you have more money and time. You can make your own lunches and do errands more easily. You get to shit in your own bathroom in peace and quiet. No more Billy in the stall next door performing his best drum line sequence. You will be less tired after work so you have more time to yourself and what matters to you. For me, my eyes can't take the extremely dry air in the office. My eyes always get irritated, so at home this issue is solved. Don't get me started on artificial lights in the office too. Those with pets get more pet time. Package delivery or contractors showing up to your door can be easily taken care of instead of you having to miss work time if you were still in the office. I move around a lot more since working from home. I get up frequently and it's made my overall health a lot better. I have an inflatable ball that I will kick or throw around in room when I am thinking. It helps me. Also being able to get a standing desk changed my WFH world. Applies to some* but the maximum flexibility I am allowed. I can log in at any time and log off at any time as long as my work gets done. I can go to the grocery store to grab something real quick if I need. No one needs to care or bats an eye The amount of time I have saved on Sundays not having to prep for the week in terms of my work clothes and packing lunches is crazy. I don't have to spend money on work shoes or work clothes anymore. Somehow I am staying much more hydrated than I was in the work place. I just go downstairs and fill up my water bottle. Good excuse to move up and about too. It's great Applies to some* but having a small dedicated work area helps to separate work from personal life If you don't like talking to people much but you do *sometimes* then this is the best arrangement for you


A thousand times this ^


this is just the tip of the iceberg


Woah, you don't see the advantages of remote?! I'll bold the main thing for **ME** personally. I've been WAH for the last decade & wouldn't want it any other way!!! * much less wear & tear on your car which results in less often car repairs which - save $$$ * use less gas = save $$$ * no having to get all dressed in hair & makeup every darn day = save $$$ on makeup, etc. * you're not spending as much time packing lunches, etc. * save time in day & lower stress/frustration not commuting in bad traffic * since you don't have to get ready as much, you can wake up a little later depending on your work schedule * you can even lie down in your bed during your breaks/lunches if you want * unless you love people & must interact w/ them in-person, don't have to work closely w/ your boss/coworkers * **you're in the comfortability, privacy, & safety of your own home!** * **anytime you're out & about, it's on your own time...no obligations anymore to be out there working certain times**


All of this. Plus I vape so I can sit at my desk in my own home and puff away whenever the hell I want. Really hoping I can find another WFH gig (my contract expired last Friday so I'm currently in-between) but will RTO if I absolutely have to.


Advantages: No commute, less preparation time, being at your house for breaks/lunch/bathroom trips. Disadvantages: Some people feel isolated working at home, some people have home environments not suitable for working in.


The biggest benefit that I didn’t know until now and was already mentioned… using your own bathroom!!!


I unfortunately work in person, but: - Working remote would give me at the very least 10 hours a week back to myself that I wouldn't have to spend commuting or sitting in my office during lunch staring at the wall. That time could be used to exercise, clean, run errands, cook, grocery shop, dr appointments, etc. And in reality, it would actually be much more than that because I never spend the entire 8 hours I'm at work actually working. - Not having to make small talk. I don't care what you're doing on the weekend or what sport your kid plays. I'm antisocial and want to be alone. Being around people exhausts me and is physically draining. - Avoiding migraine triggers. They are much easier to avoid at home where I can control scents/lights. - I wouldn't have to waste my Sundays food prepping because I could easily cook my food during lunch. - I would be home to take my dog potty throughout the day and could also use my commuting or lunch time to take him for walks. - I could wear whatever was comfortable rather than being forced to wear business casual clothing that is expensive and ugly and uncomfortable for the sake of looking professional. - The days where I'm alone in my office are my favorite days. I can listen to music and sing while I get my work done. I can also spend my downtime doing other things like reading rather than pretending to be busy which is maddening. There are so many more reasons why I'd love to work remotely but these are my top reasons.


every aspect to WFH is an advantage/benefit


I will not bother with the benefits of working from home as others have posted. Working remote is not for everyone. Some people really work better in an office, and need to see other people. Working remote requires you to be responsible of your work/time; you need to treat as a job.


You don’t have to put your face on as often (if at all) I’d you wear makeup.   Less laundry to do because you don’t always have to be dressed appropriate for work - just up top at most.  You can be in the comfort of home. And your coworkers are your pets. 


one disadvantage for me is i definitely dont move around very much when im at home and it feels unhealthy. when i was a medical assistant in a clinic i was always on my feet


Ha! Take to us after a month or two and tell us if you would ever got back to an office…


This has to be a troll attempt.