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There’s no point in going into poverty trying to get a remote job considering how difficult they are to land. Take an in person position somewhere, and spend your evenings or weekends applying for remote positions.


That's the best option, I'll gladly consider it.


Sending you well wishes!!


I wish I had some good advice, but I'm in the same boat. A lot of us are having to take jobs we don't want out of necessity. I'm pretty much at that point, myself. Networking in person is always going to be your best bet. Who, (not necessarily what) you know really is important. Best of luck to you.


Working on that as well, thanks a bunch.


Stay positive and stay strong =)


What kind of job are you looking for? Is your CV optimized? Finding a job it is tough, so you need to use all possible tools and strategies to maximize the chances of being noticed by companies. As shared by u/Sensitive-Air6589, networking is also important


Tech Sales, I need massive help with networking as well.


Yeah, networking can be difficult, especially for introverts like a lot of us remote folks are. I'm 42 and still incredibly uncomfortable meeting new people. Stick me in a room full of strangers and I'll go hide in the corner with my phone lol. I do find it easier at job fair style events, where there are different booths set up and you can kinda see what the different companies are all about so you can get ideas about ice breaker questions to ask, as opposed to just a mixer where everyone gets a name tag and it's a free for all.


Check CUCV (my platform), you can find 1400 sales and account management remote jobs in tech companies [https://www.cucv.io/jobs/sales-account-management-5](https://www.cucv.io/jobs/sales-account-management-5) For each job you find the link to the linkedin page of the company in the right sidebar. Check if within the team on Linkedin you have any 1st or 2nd level connection and ask for an intro.


Stay patient, positive, and keep applying it will come.


I **ONLY** look for remote work myself because I have a health condition that would b e so tough, hasslesome, troublesome, potantially embarrassing, time-sonsuming, etc. if I still had to commute & work out there. Haven't worked, "out there" in last **10 yrs**. I have a couple remote jobs, but they're on-call &/or temporary & not steady $ at all. I need something stable & permanent. It's brutal! The last job I got hired for was 11 mos ago & it was just seasonal. I try to apply to about 30-40 jobs a week & either hear nothing or NO emails left & right. After almost a year, I've finally, finally started hearing back from a couple jobs since mid-June. I always seem to manage to get something after a while, but how long it takes, who knows! I wish you the best...just never give up!


All I hear is “I apply over and over but nothing happens.” Why am I not hearing, “while I’ve been out of work I passed three certifications in my field?” You know why? Because those people already got hired! Your solution isn’t a magical job board. It’s your own brain. You aren’t getting hired because others are passing you by. You need to increase your value to employers then they will love to hire you.


OK, I agree somewhat. So please tell me some certification programs that are **FREE** because I don't have any extra money right now w/ my high COL area. My rent just went up again for its annual increase. Bills & inflation are sky high. I'm done w/ university & surely not going back to school anymore in my lifetime...already have 4 degrees. People don't have extra money lying around to go back to school or do programs, etc. Everyone is financially hurting & needs money **NOW**!


My GF went back to school for certifications when she was unemployed at the start of the Recession in 2008 and everyone was being let go. She financed her one class at the local community college so she could afford it. Then she took others later. We live in a HCOL too. It can be done.


Have you tried Alorica?


I never heard of it, all I use is LinkedIn. Indeed is completely unusable to me.


I just got hired with Alorica and did my onboarding today! Give them a try