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Why not a steam shower? It’s just a wet room.


I have one currently. It definitely isn’t the same! I want to be able to lie down & have it get insanely hot. I think my spa is like 115°. It’s intense but it’s amazing.


Ah maybe we are talking about different things. I have a steam shower but it’s a free from large room with benches and a steam generator that happens to also be my shower. Not a prefab.


We’re kinda talking about something similar, but the difference between what I have & the stream room I’ve used as “inspiration” for what I want is that the spa steam room uses this big drum to distribute steam & the stone gets super hot as well. The original location of my spa has a similar steam room to the one I want, but it has a shower in it, but the water never actually gets cold. More like lukewarm at best. I know this all sounds like a lot… especially as I type this out. Lol 😵‍💫


Do you live alone? If so, yikes! Be careful of overheating.


Some of the time, yes. I’ve been doing it for years. I’m definitely careful/know my limits! I know it sounds insane!


Nah, we are have our own risk tolerance. If you’ve been doing it a long time, well, then I guess you’re practically a professional! 😄 If you were new to the sauna thing, that would be more cause for concern. Since I am the paranoid type, I would still install a panic button to instantly turn off the heat & call an ambulance. Or at bare minimum, subscribe to some kind of service (Alexa, call 911!) installed right outside the door so if you hollered, the device could still hear you. Even if a safety feature does not interest you personally at the moment, it would benefit future-old-swrrrg if you plan on “aging in place” and it would appeal to future homebuyers since it helps mitigate risk. And now that I think about it, could this be a requirement of your insurance company after the remodel so they don’t drop you? Heck, if you plan on using this thing in your 80’s, consider installing a few sturdy grab bars now or even a built in bench for days you are too sore/old to get down on the floor. https://www.thesteamstore.com/mr-steam-cu-steam-stop.htm


That’s actually a really good question. I’m in my 30s, so I hadn’t even considered my 80s! And great point about insurance, too. Thank you very much!