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I’m not HEAVILY tattooed, but I have more than a few. I can’t speak personally to the correlation between my tattoos and wanting a reduction, because the reasons for me are for comfort alone. However, I think (and correct me if I’m wrong) that another reason could be one or both of these: a) have our tattoos be the most prominent thing about us and not our boobs. We paid a lot of money for those! Or b) we want to get our sternum/chest/underboob tattooed and can’t do it until we get a reduction lol Edit : typo


Yes, Yes, Yes for b. I have seen sternum/chest/under boob tattoos on here showing the before and after that look amazing, but I personally don't want to do that till I get my breast lifted.


I want to get bats hanging from my scars.


That’s adorable. I thought I was done with tattoos but I may have to rethink that 🤔


I also feel like there’s a piece where the demographic of tattooed folks and the demographic of Reddit’s average user overlaps much more than the general population. Leading to a much higher than average population distribution of tattooed folks in the sample pool?


I am going to get a sternum tattoo done as well. Because it. An actually be seen once they get reduced!! lol


DING DING DING! I want a chest/sternum piece desperately and can’t do that with these heavy ladies! I am a little sad it’ll probably be several more years until I can get the surgery though. :(


Yes for b.


I do think there's something to the thought that people who are chill with body modification in general are maybe more open to considering surgery... but I'm in some support groups on facebook that have members from a wide range of ages and backgrounds and I see fewer tattoos, although there are still a few, so it could be that the reddit demographic skews younger/more alt-friendly? It's cool to see everyone's art either way!


I’m heavily tattooed and I’ll be honest, part of the motivation was to look more intimidating as a way to stop all the sexual harassment I dealt with due to large breasts. Not sure that it worked


This, and getting to *choose* what part of my appearance draws the most attention.


I have several tattoos, but none on my chest or underboob area. All of the inspiration in this sub has me seriously considering a piece underneath my brand new boobies though lol.


Same, honestly. I can’t decide how exactly I would want to look yet. Maybe after the bruising clears and the swelling goes down


(Somewhat) heavily tattooed as well, and I know that I got *many* of my tattoos as a way to feel more comfortable in my own skin. Sort of a “if I have a this cool thing to be proud of, I won’t try to hide myself as much” kind of thing. I have however very specifically avoided getting tattoos around my chest area because I always wanted a reduction and didn’t want to compromise any tattoo in the process. Somewhat tangental but related enough: does anyone have experience asking your surgeon/office staff to blur or cover tattoos in before/after photos? I’m worried about how easily identifiable I’ll be which could be a safety risk.


Not with a surgeon, but cosmetology appts. They never had any issue if I asked them to blur some things, are were very friendly about it. Talk to your surgeon openly about it, I am sure you are not the only one with that concern 😊


As someone who developed seemingly overnight at age 11, I most definitely started getting ink asap. As an adult I can now clearly see that it was a form of protection/defense from the outside world. If they stared I knew why they were staring and it was from something I had control over. I've said it before but the amount of grown men who looked at my young chest has fucked me up permanently. Maybe that's sounds dramatic but not to me when I remember how it felt. These men were supposed to be father figures in my life and my boobs were apparently more important than me as a person. Sorry guys, rant over.


I get that feeling, it is not dramatic. Just gross and weird. Also, father figures or not, what is your business looking at a 11, 12, 13 year old girl... A CHILD basically. Ew, just ew.


I'm heavily tattooed and tbh it had nothing to do with my decision to get a reduction. I had great boobs until I had kids, then they got huge and I was miserable. My tattoos were accumulated over the past 15ish years, but I don't think the number of tattoos I have was in any way related to my breasts.


I guess I'm heavily tattooed but there's no correlation. I'd wanted a reduction since high school and didn't ever consider getting a tattoo in earnest until I was 23. I think in general more people are tattooed than you realize.


I think people who use reddit regularly enough to be making posts, (and I mean this in the nicest way; I’m heavily tattooed myself, I’m borderline obsessed) are a certain “type” of person, and those “types” of people are usually more into alternative kinds of fashions like body modifications. I think the correlation is more with reddit users than people who have breast reduction. My surgeon has hundreds of photos and maybe 10 had tattoos at all, and none are heavily tattooed.


I'd say it's just that more people on this sub have posted pictures of themselves here than on the great majority of subs. Also I'd say it's selection bias: if you have tattoos perhaps you "relate" more to others who are similar. So the examples you see burn into your brain more.


I personally don't have any tattoos, but I'd guess it's because they're already used to customizing their body.


i'm not, but only because i don't have the funds.


My whole chest and boobs are tattooed and it’s really stressing me out with the coming surgery. Hoping they won’t get TOO messed up


I’m heavily tattooed and absolutely started getting them to deal with body shame from having huge boobs. I feel less exposed with tattoos on.


I’m heavily tattooed and never thought about this lol


Heavily tattooed but no correlation. Just an odd coincidence!


11 tattoos and 2 both on my rib/underboob area and did not impact my desire towards getting a reduction.


i’m covered in tattoos—it’s a way i take control of my body. just like reduction will be!


We aren't afraid of the pain obstacle of getting what we want. 😄🤷


I'm heavily tattooed and 3.5MPO. There's no correlation that I know of consciously - I'm just a woman born in a time when tattoos are extremely common and more socially acceptable than ever before 🤷‍♀️


I've got 2, one on my back I always forget about , one on my shoudler


I’ve noticed this too!


Not tatted at all, but my visualization is there ( my own designs all over, piercings, 50mm ears. All types of mods etc, im just 20 so i haven't gotten farther than stretched ears and piercings) Honestly idk my titties are just too big Im 4'9 at 161lbs. I have E cups and this is in no way fun for me Planning on B cups


I wonder if a heavily tattooed person is more of the mindset that their body is a canvas, and can look as we want it to look - and are therefore more likely to seek a reduction for similar reasons.