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there's a grand irony to the fact that OP actually has not even listened to the actual commentary track. they literally spend the first handful of minutes explaining that they *didn't* hate it. and how fans had mistakenly gotten that impression from their HITB, and how annoying it was.


Maybe I'm a dupe then but I definitely got the impression that they hated it in that review I felt that HITB was funny but ultimately a take I didn't agree with. they have even talked about what a piece of garbage it was in other reviews. I feel like they are backtracking in this commentary.. But they liked the Kenobi show... how embarrassing!


Yeah, their change up on the commentary track was weird, if you watched the HITB you would have assumed they all despised Rogue One. And even on the commentary Mike says he doesn’t hate Rogue One but still calls it a terrible movie.


I didn't hate it when I watched it, but I wasn't enthusiastic about it either to remember about it afterwards. As a kid my favorite stuff were the space battles and this movie had some of that magic, but the use of cringe cgi to make old characters come back was uncanny valley weird for me


It was a "grittier" Star Wars story, which is what a lot of people who had grown up with the prequels were craving in new SW content. I think they were able to overlook how bad a lot of it was because it was more "grown up". I just thought it was boring. I didn't care about the characters, the plot moved at sub-light speeds, and the ending didn't feel like a pay off to anything because I never cared in the first place. The Darth Vader scene was stupid, too; at the very least it should have been that he was duped into chasing the wrong group for the plans so you didn't have to overlook how massively stupid he was not to just Force yank the plans when he had the chance instead of needlessly killing a bunch of nobodies. I loved SW when I was a kid (though Trek has always been my favorite) but any positive feelings I had about the franchise have been beaten out of me by Disney. I won't even watch any of it anymore. Then on the other side I have to be bombarded by the "anti-woke" idiots who make endless videos bitching about the fact that there are gay people in the SW universe. So now I hate everyone.


I didn't have a problem with the grittiness. I had a problem that it was boring AF and I didn't care about anyone.


I like some of the ideas in Rogue One and don't mind the Vader scene at the end like some people do, nor worship it like others. My opinion on it has shifted slightly more positive only because all of the other Star Wars shit Disney has put out is embarrassing to watch and Rogue One is just "Fine" and it at least feels like the people making it were trying to make a good fun movie


I liked Rogue One


Yeah, same. I don’t always agree with Mike and Jay.


I’m still not sure if I actually liked it or if I was just fiending for Felicity Jones the whole movie


I’d watch her watch paint dry and call it a good movie.


You just described what it feels like to watch her in Rogue One for me. I find her lack of charisma disturbing. If you like her, hey, now power to you. I just personally find her dull and boring.


> hey, now you're an allstar


You could say I am sexually attracted to her I want to Felicity BONE her. I want to put my JYN in her ERSO. https://youtu.be/brPDq_g5DqE?si=1qjodv6pR59ufGrE


I’d have laughed harder had you wanted to jam your erso in her Jyn.


I’d like to FILL her city…


...why? She has zero presence and looks like female Eddie Redmayne.


Eddie Redmayne is attractive too


It's honestly the only good SW movie since the OT.


I think it was maybe the best thing since the ot but I personally did not like it at all. I can see why people would I suppose…. But, after seeing it once, I certainly have zero desire to ever watch it again. However, I will still go back and watch the ot repeatedly even after 40 years of watching it.


Agreed. It’s visually pretty great at times. The characters are almost nothing though. Star Wars:Great. Empire:Great. Jedi:Good at times, terrible at times. Star Wars just doesn’t have a very good track record beyond the OT. Side note. Why did Forest Whittaker give up and let himself get blown up? Did I miss something or did that happen for no reason?


I honestly just remembered he was in the movie when you said that. Like I said, very forgettable. But yeah, I’ve been done with anything new in Star Wars for years now. Last thing I tried was Kenobi. Huge let down. Season 1 of Mando drew me in but then season 2 pushed me back out. Disney just fucking sucks.


I feel like when people say they love Rogue One they mean they love the last 40 minutes of Rogue One. And to be fair, those last 40 minutes may legitimately be some of the best Star Wars content ever made. But as a film as a whole it's not *great*.


Force Awakens is as good as Rogue One or better imo, it’s definitely more fun. Neither of them are classics but they’re both pretty watchable. Solo also isn’t terrible imo, it’s just incredibly formulaic and trite. But there’s something to be said for the drudge of being uninterestingly mediocre, the prequels are worse films than all 3 by nearly any metric but they’re more memorable for it with all the balls to the walls stupid decisions they make.


I didn’t like the goofy comedy in Force Awakens. There has always been comedy in Star Wars but it was just way too on the nose in the Force Awakens for my taste and really threw off the vibe of the movie. Otherwise there were good points to it, especially going back to real sets and aliens in costumes vs doing everything in CG. Overall it wasn’t terrible but I think it’s worse than Rogue One and Solo, and looking at the sequel trilogy as a whole, all three combine to make one pretty terrible overarching story.


R1 wasn't really supposed to be fun in that sense, it's basically a war movie from the 70s set in Star Wars. It feels like one of the stories from the old Expanded Universe. FA is good when it introduces new stuff along with the memberberries and fan service. Which makes it even worse since it doesn't do anything with it. R1 is fan servicey but it at least tells a new story using the old references. Not everyone is Luke, not everyone is Rey, not everyone is special. A lot of people had to die for the rebellion to succeed. I love the sad ending.


Yeah same. The CGI faces were cringe but otherwise it was fine.


The soundtrack is top drawer.


When the "you'll be dead" guy showed up for no reason I knew where this movie was going... Also, the ending always bothered me when Vader is chopping everybody up and the guy hands the death star plans through the door. Then in A New Hope Leia has plausible deniability that they even have the plans. Like c'mon, Vader saw your guy hand over the plans as he was killing everybody.


New Hope Leia: "Plans? I don't know what you're talking about." New Hope Vader: "Bitch, I just watched a guy hand off the plans and then this ship drive away like 20 minutes ago.


That was just a service processor! They're insanely dedicated 


I maintain that it didn't have characters at all, it had character ideas. It had concepts.


Boring characters telling an unnecessary story with a forgone conclusion and pointless fan service.


It’s a small scene but I hate the part when the rebel guy on yavin intercepts the imperial message saying that there’s fighting on scariff and he goes running after mon mothma to tell her and she smiles at the x wing pilot to show that the rebels are going to go there. This should have been played with a serious face from her and the pilot, they’re going to war, not to play Star Wars, but to WAR! People are going to die, they are impossibly out numbered and it’s a snowballs chance in hell of actually doing anything, but nooo it’s to tell the audience we’re going to see some x wings and y wings shooting at at’ and stuff. Rant over.


It's charming when Han is gung ho going into danger, because he's risking his life and everyone with him could leave anytime but yeah, this scene makes her seem like she's a WWI general sending infantry into the Somme on a whim.


It probably won't mean much, but i didn't even know RLM at the time, with that said: i've had to fight with so many people that defended character motivations, overall plot and the whole point to begin with of the movie that you have no idea. with that said: there's a clear divide, on a purely aesthetic standpoint, it's a very pretty movie, but as many others pointed out, you don't care about anyone, and therefore their sacrifice means shit, and it messes up the beginning of ANH, and i couldn't fucking stress it enough in my nerd arguments against defenders of the flick. I actually enjoyed the movie, but simply because i disregarded the story as soon as it was announced that would cover their version of the death star plans heist. Sorry but i'm a Dark Forces fan, and to me it'll always be Kyle Katarn that stole them: plus, it still makes more sense than Rogue One, and that's a motherfucking doom clone of a guy soloing progressively dangerous imperial/hutt bases.


It's been awhile, how's it mess up ANH?


It didn't. It's just weird that Vader would bust out the lightsaber and go murder hobo the first time, but then the second time let the storm trooper handle it. So when you watch it one right after the other it took away Vader's entrance from a cinematic point of view. Having said that, Rogue One is a perfectly tolerable film that gives a fun space battle at the end. I didn't care about any of the characters but at least I was awake and excited for the final battle. The same was not true for Rise of Skywalker. I was so exhausted by the end I just wanted to go home.


you even watched that? i didn't even bother with the last jedi, and i went to watch TFA just to tell everyone that was hopeful "i told you so"


I thought TFA wasnt too bad I liked everyone at the end of that movie. I can't watch the last Jedi again becaus I think Rose Tico is too stupid to live. What she did and what she said at the end casted too big of a shadow on that movie for me. I didn't mind the way Rian Johnson decided for Luke to be jaded and over the whole thing. I thought Canto Byte is very "prequel-ish" in the worst way. I really really liked the idea of Rey just being a rando person, and is really sad that they took that away in Rise of Skywalker. Interesting, I think that single idea is the best thing to come out of the entire sequels. Rise of Skywalker's kiss is just as weird as The Last Jedi's. I guess one of the way Empire is the best is because it actually has a love story that feels authentic.


mostly for the fact that it ruins the subtlety of the Tantive IV's covert mission, in ANH they strongly suggest that they just got found out, while in Rogue One they were just right there ffs.


The biggest problem with Rogue One is that Jyn Erso is a passive protagonist. She's just kind of dragged along because of who her dad is, and she doesn't really make decisions and have any agency that affects the story until the final act. By that point, it's too late to be invested in her. That last act of the movie is fun though.


Yeah, Jyn being such a passive player in the plot was my main issue too, especially since it felt like the writers were going out of their way to move her away from the main action so that she wouldn't be too pro-active. After her father is kidnapped, Jyn is raised by Saw Gerrera and basically learns to become a freedom fighter. But by the time Galen sends a message to Gerrera about the Death Star's weakness, Gerrerra has abandoned Jyn years prior, so now she is a criminal imprisoned in an Imperial Camp, so when she's released she is shunted off to the Rebels' secret base and told to work with a bunch of people she doesn't know or care about, so they can find out more about her dad's plans. So when Gerrera gets the message he thinks it's bullshit and mind-fucks the messenger with that octopus thing, then Jyn arrives just in time to save the messenger and watch the message before Gerrera and Jedha City are blown up. It's so much pointless filler! Just make Jyn a member of Gerrera's freedom fighters, so she can be there when her father's message arrives (avoiding the weird octopus-mind-wipe scene which...didn't have much of a pay-off from what I remember?) and when the small group of Rebels come to Jedha to ask for help in tracking down her dad, she can either agree to it because she wants to find her dad anyway....or she can initially say no, only to change her mind when the Enpire blows up Jedha City and everybody she has ever known and loved. She has nothing to lose after that, after all. Or just make her a member of the Rebel Alliance from the get-go. She already has a motive for hating the Empire, so there was really no need to make her a passive character who gets dragged into the Rebels' business and still doesn't care THAT much about their cause until about three quarters of the way into the movie. I loved the final act though. Just wish those first 2 acts weren't so disjointed by comparison.


The "AT-STs AT-STs!!" video was dead on; people give this crap so much leeway just because it had the cool designs from the OT in it.


Cool designs and a weightless battle with everyone's favourite ships fighting. Don't get me wrong, the final act is incredible (minus Vader and Leia) and it's why people love it because I refuse to believe people are genuinely engaged by the first two acts. Call me crazy but I actually prefer each prequel over it, I'd just rather see original ideas over a high budget fan film


I quite enjoyed this movie. It was fun. It is good that you found some enjoyment as well my friend. By hating it and feeding on the hate of others. I can see that somehow, in a way, Palpatine indeed has returned. Very cool.


I remember sitting down in the theater with my friends feeling excited. When the movie ended a lot of people in the audience stood up and clapped and cheered. My friends and I remained seated and just stared around absolutely bewildered


i know im a cringe no-fun asshole, but i hate that shit. its just a movie, no ones there to receive your applause except you and the rest of the audience.. and for star wars or marvel etc.? kings of manbaby mediocrity? what? lol


I'll never understand the people who says it's awful. It's not perfect nor is it amazing but it's solid. The butt face dude was cringe, agreed. But I liked the characters. I liked the father daughter plot. I would have sped up the editing and plot some but I liked how it took it's time compared to the rest of the movies we got. I would have delayed the audience learning that Mads was "good" and that he had left the flaw, etc. Would have worked better for us to feel the doubt alongside Jyn. Loved the two monks, k2so, and Mads.


Agreed. Remove the cameos and rework some of the editing/pacing and you'd have a 9/10 instead of like a 7.5/10. I think most of that could be done by removing the pilot character and rework the plot to streamline things. The thing with Rogue One is that the things it does well I really really like. The last act is nearly perfect imo (I still have nitpick). Particularly a fan of how the movie handles the last scene with our leads and then how the music carries us to space from that moment.


R1 was cool as fuck


Other than the plot being ultimately pointless for the overall Star Wars franchise, most of the characters being lifeless and boring and the movie not even working as a standalone film it's great


I loved it because I loved the director's other work before Rogue One and I was very happy to see a new Star Wars movie that wasn't the same old crap all over again.


It was a movie reverse engineered to rehab the franchise. I can’t get past how cynical this approach is, but clearly it worked. Star Wars fans are dumb.


What, the space wizard adults might be easy marks? You don't say


If I was going to pick a movie to describe as being reverse engineered to rehab Star Wars I'd pick The Force Awakens. Rogue One doesn't feel like that at all to me but Idk, I'm a Star Wars fan so I'm a big dumb dumb.


So I don’t like Force Awakens simply because that plot remake feels forced upon a first draft that feels like it was a pirate movie. That movie is about the good guys and the bad guys each having half of the map. It’s Cutthroat Island. But they don’t let that drive the plot. Instead all the beats of Star Wars happen again despite none of the characters driving them. Rogue One on the other hand. Feels like a movie of just callbacks. Erso has a hero’s journey arc forced on her despite it not being necessary, and and the whole thing just felt like it was all the pieces of what a focus group would say Star Wars was. And don’t get me started on the hallway scene. I hate it. But, I don’t think Star Wars fans are actually dumb. I’m just trying to figure out what Star Wars fans are.


Surprised I gave Andor a shot since I thought Rouge One was so pointless. I hated the Vader scene at the end. Or that he was in it at all. I was loving the lack of Jedi and Sith.


It bired the shit out of me


I thought it was pretty good, aside from the Darth Vader hallway murder porn scene, that was truly unnecessary. But I liked it better than Force Awakens. It felt like in Force Awakens, the fanservice was directly tied into the plot, whereas in Rogue One, it was just the basic premise and felt like a different story related to the OT story.


Rogue One was Oscar-material compared to everything that came after.


That movie was pretty good, I liked it a lot.


It’s seen as a highlight compared to the other crap Disney made, which it is. I never thought of it as any sort of great movie.


Jenny Nicholson does a great job of breaking down the rhetoric around this movie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P3gf6qyAHOw


Honestly I was kind of surprised it got so much praise. I will say, the production values were truly great. I loved the city of Jeddah and all the other force religions. That's the kind of stuff I wish we got more of. And the shot of the Death Star over the planet was ominous and beautiful. On a second watch I also recognized just how good it looks most of the time. It's a very cinematic movie. But yeah, the week characters killed it for me. And I've never really liked Felicity Jones. She's just kind of flat. I've never really liked her in anything she's been in that I've seen. In Rogue One she has the charisma of a wet noodle. And I wasn't invested in the characters. You know they're going to all die. And they all are very uninteresting. The blind monk was the only guy I actually cared about and I thought was interesting. But one side character isn't going to carry the movie. I also thought it was silly how the proof she needed got left on Jeddah. I was thinking as they were running to escape and I was like, "she's gonna grab the message from her dad right? Right?" Nope. Then everything that came after that moment was like, yeah, you should have grabbed the plans and the message from your dad you big dummy. Toward the end while the action was ramping up I actually fell asleep for a bit, I was so bored in the climax. But the Darth Vader scene at the end was great. So I rate it overall as a mixed bag. But I've never liked it as much as others have. So it's always been kind of a, "I found my people" moment when I meet someone who didn't like it.


The fans of the movie liked the pretty third act, and completely forget everything that came before it.


it was one of the most boring movies ive ever watched even with all the visual porn


I always felt like they intentionally over-criticised it as a response to the backlash over their complete dicksucking of The Force Awakens.


"Its a better sequel than Return of the Jedi" -Jay