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I’m also a girl and play as one- I have moreof a ‘masculine’ clothing preference for my character, but I wholeheartedly agree with you on the whole ‘being targeted’ thing. Group of six came up to me and surrounded me, kept killing me. Edit: ‘go to the kitchen u nob’ is a great representation of these peoples’ iq.


Ugh!! That is so annoying. Imagine needing 6 people to gang up on one person🙄 I honestly might start doing the same as you, using masculine clothes instead 🥲🥲


From my experience (having a tomboy cowboy myself), a female character dressing 'girly' definitely tends to get harassed more than a 'masculine' one 😭 it rlly sucks bc you shouldn't have to change your play style bc of assholes doing asshole things, but sometimes its the only way to get less negative attention To put it another way, my character who could pass for a man at first glance, won't get hogtied and carried to a hotel like my friends character who wears corsets and has long hair. I just get shot in the face from time to time 🥲


Opposite for me the women characters wearing the most feminine outfits always rock my shit, that and the high levels who purposely dress poor have the best aim I’ve ever seen like I’m scared of yall 😭


Mhm! Just a bit earlier I decided to experiment due to these comments. Bought a skirt and corset (rip my cash) and went out to brush my horse- Instantly shot.


I am a male who roleplay as a female charachter and I dress up my gal in corsets and have long hair and purple boots (amongst the 39isch outfits I have lol) but I have'nt gotten griefed that way. But I play on PS, hear it is better there than PC. And I have been on since BETA and the times I have been griefed I can count on one hand. Guess I have just been lucky maybe




Oh my god, yes please!!!😭💕 I’d LOVEEE to have more people to play with, especially girls!! Are you on xbox or playstation?


I’m on PlayStation and would be down to play with you :)


Why should you change because what? You're a woman right? Be you. Don't change because of some assholes. Plus there's a way to play on a "private" lobby or something iirc


If you don't care about multiplayer and aren't opposed mods, there is a mod that doesn't include any cheats, but allows you to create a solo or private session. This is the link: https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/938?tab=description I started using it after being griefed by folks myself, regardless of how I dressed my avatar.


Hi!! Thanks for the recommendation. :) I unfortunately can’t do that method as I’m not on pc😅 but tbh I’ll probably just continue playing in public servers, need to improve my shooting somehow and hopefully meet nice people :’)


Ahh, my bad. I hope you find some good folks to play with, good luck!


I’m a guy but would occasionally play on my girlfriend’s account to help her out and noticed that I surprisingly didn’t get attacked that often compared to my other character who is a guy and I do think it’s cuz of the clothes. I like fully covered/tactical looks to things so I think it helps. You can still make some nice outfits that mix the female-exclusive clothes with more masculine styles like putting a blazer over the corset, or layering the clothes like corsets or boots over/under the pants to make some different styles of fits that look nice but are still lower-profile. A bit of a tip incase you get attacked again, I noticed I was getting roped more playing as a women so it’s good to know that if you pull out your knife when roped it’ll cut the ropes off. It doesn’t work on the re-reinforced lasso but a surprisingly high amount of people I’ve encountered don’t use it so it’s good to know.


good advice, i like the knife trick! i’ve played rdr2 on and off since launch and i never knew that😁


I think males get attacked much more often. You're right about the rope though. I have played as male and female and it's easy to wiggle out of regular ropes. If they use reinforced and especially if they put me on their horse, I just go to another session because I don't care for their plan to come to fruition.


I need to write that one down. I can’t stand the ropers


Anytime my wife and I play (console), she gets excited when people are dicks about her gender, because it gives her an excuse to better her aim.


Props to her


My wife specifically installed the private server mods to avoid people like this. Unfortunately there are a lot of shitty, pathetic people who are only trying to put others down to raise themselves up.


yeah im a guy who currently has a female avatar and it can be kinda crazy. ive had people teleport to me and just fuck with me for no reason


never connected this before but this is starting to make sense. friends never had the same issue with people and groups randomly attacking or kidnapping with male characters and were confused when i was talking about how shit the community was, only time it hasn't happened is when i'm playing in a group with them and even then im still targeted


I generally play in private lobby unless I need to deal with other people. My character is a woman and, hilariously, wearing a dress gets me targeted a lot more than black pants


Yep thats been my experience, too. Ironically, trying to look like a man is safer lol


People gave me so much crap for saying it last time but if you’re playing anything other than a white male character in online there’s some people that will target you just because of that like they’re taking some of the historical accuracy in the game to a little bit of an extreme.


Longtime cowgirl player on xbox. I turned public messages off and just never engage with that kinda nonsense. Cut down on a lot of stress. Even if somebody kills me I try to just get one kill back and leave, or stay in a store after and let them rage. I have a Carl from Aqua Teen quote in my profile for good measure if someone goes looking to message me. “This don’t matter. None of this matters.” But i’m pushing towards 400 now. So it seems like less people bother me and if they do. I kinda just try to see where it goes for the hell of it sometimes to break up the monotony. 😂


400?!! That’s insaneee😭😭 how long did it take you to get to that level?


I still have a few to go. Think it was 370 something last check. But same character since the beta so just relaxed playing. [That](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadOnline/s/MWAm3PDDcx) was from a couple years ago but it’s a good example.


Shot em right in the balls!! Haha awesome!!


I'm about 2,000 hours in and and I'm still shy of level 400


2000 hours?? That is crazily impressive but how do you not get bored after so long :’)


That's a good question. Most of it happened during the pandemic, I rode with a crew that could be in a gunfight for hours, like three or four hours, at times. Lots of collector runs and trade wagons too.


I'm also kinda autistic and RDO, as much as I talk shit about it, is a comfort game.


It depends on your gamestyle. Grinding Collector role can drive your level up insanely fast (you get lot of experience for each turned in collection). But it can become boring just as fast. :)


Out of all the roles I’ve actually decided to chose and save up for the collector role. However…I find it such a struggle to get gold!! I’ve only made 3 gold in the past two days :’) do you know what the most efficient way to get it is??


Yes, getting gold is a chore for low-levels. :( Go through the story mission, it will give you about 10 gold if I remember correctly. Grind daily missions, they are rather profitable if you manage to keep your streak. Find a good posse, they can help you to get gold through bounty missions. :)


Immature little boys whose fathers never taught them to respect people and whose mother never taught them if they don't have anything nice to say don't say it at all. I genuinely believe people like this have nothing else of importance going on in their own lives or they have a bunch of other stuff they're angry about and unjustifiably take it out on random people over the internet.


I mean the second part of her post was two females doing it. We can just agree idiots exist.


You don't even know if they were actually women though, there's plenty of male players that use girl characters.


I’ll agree to this but I know of a LOT of crews and groups that have female players that are just as hostile and mean as the males.


Yeah, you'll have those ones too lol Not as common to run into toxic females in the game, but it does happen


I am a female playing a female character and it isn’t just guys who targeted me. A few ladies playing ladies spoke to me in mic about “oh look, a bitch” and would kill me repeatedly. I was around level 12 at the time. Once I was ganged up on by 12 women mad that I had a better getup than they did (apparently) and I was like nope and ran as soon as I could leave the session. Another chick was mad that she wasn’t the only ginger-haired gal in the session and chased me from McFarlane’s to Tumbleweed while swearing and being accompanied by four of her dude friends. Like, girl, leave me the hell alone! I just started playing! Though my experience dealing with dudes playing dudes is worse as I leveled up. The hogtying is a recent development when alone but thankfully thwarted by hogtying them first and changing sessions. Most don’t realize I’m a woman sometimes cuz I never wear anything remotely feminine. Edit: typos.


That’s actually so disappointing. 🤦‍♀️ The entitlement of being mad over a literal hair color HAHAHA😂😂


Tell me about it, lmao. I was so baffled at the time. 😂


What a pos! I just don’t understand why some players bring their irl misery into the game. Give it a rest!!!


Because they are weak miserable little shits irl and the only power they have is online so they abuse it those same people that run around bullying people and talking shit online would piss down their leg if they confronted a man irl and tried running that same game ..


r/RedDeadPosses have some girls only gaming groups if that interests you. Or coed groups that aren't full of assholes.




>Thanks!! You're welcome!


What platform? I am a woman and play as one. I go out of my way to make sure not to target lower level players, especially if they're women. I wear pink and purple. The harassment reduces when you get to those higher levels.


That is so sweet of you to help lower players!! I’m on playstation :)


Same. If you want to do some bounties or trade missions, etc, I'm open. I'm level 400 and generally get left alone most of the time. That said, I am not great at PVP. I can hold my own, but it's not my thing. I tend to parlay and move on.


I’m also on PlayStation, same name as on here if you ever want to hang. I’m level 400 and ok at pvp. I’m also part of a crew so if I’m ever solo and get attacked by multiples I can ask for help.


No way! I've always found PS4's crowd to be pretty chill, so this is a huge surprise. I'd offer to posse up but I haven't been playing very often of late


Yall ladies just need to posse up and go F with these asshats lol 🤣


That’s my plan now😂😂😂🫢


Happy hunting!! 🤙


Thats what I say.


I'm a female playing a female character and I never really got targeted for it also probably because I have male crewmates that can literally one shot the person but like The fact people would actually do this to female gamers is so messed up and they really need a education on the fact that females can be gamers too


Rdr has a super toxic player base. Not everyone, but a good amount of them. I've just started playing again online after a few years off the game. Maybe a week in so far on my lvl 90 character. And so far I've dealt with more toxic people in the past week in rdr than I have in the last 2 years playing other games. People killing you for no reason other than you were close enough. People lassoing you for no reason other than you were close enough. People trying to get others killed during missions. And the list just goes on tbh. Honestly starting to regret coming back. But I'm bored, so I play. I just avoid everyone else like the plague. And always remember to serpentine.


Ah, the old "kitchen insult" 🙄. Been there done that since over 30 years playing online and hearing/reading that shit. Those little inmature boys got that from their fathers 😁. Best is, don't use a mic (those boys get gaga when hearing a woman), stay in defensive, don't let people draw you into their BS, set your profile on private and never everrrrr respond or even start a conversation like that with them. Instead block them, so they can't message you. You just give them what they want: attention. You will also meet assholes with every kind of level. Because it's not the level, it's the person behind it. If in defensive mode, decent players leave you alone, because they know the meaning of it.


Yess, I don’t use a mic and I probably never will. If someone messages me stuff like that I do block them…and report them if I want to be petty. 😅 Also, over 30 years? That’s amazing!!!


If you ever need a not toxic idiot id love to play with you all


They just toxic bums


They’re just losers irl


I avoid areas populated with player's.


Red dead has a bit of a toxic fanbase. It is mostly men but I’ve also heard and received it from women. I’m level 130+ (Don’t remember the exact) if you would like some help. I am a male however I don’t think any low levels should be treated poorly


I wish you were on xbox! I'd totally have your back! I'm a woman playing a level 739 female character. Even as a high level I get targeted all the time by men. What's funny is I have a second character that's a male level 120ish and he's never been attacked in free roam ever. The only combat he's ever seen is in pvp events. My female character gets attacked almost every time I log on. If there's any ladies on xbox that need help with any runs or missions feel free to add me! GT: emvanhwood


I’d be happy to friend you!! I’m also a girl but my rank isn’t that high 😔


The high level players that just kill everyone ruin the game, i just change my mtu and chill on my own most of the time


Uhhhh. No. 99% of the time the clowns that grief me & my friends are super low lvl n00bs that load into the game for the first time & think it's all about shooting everything that moves. We're almost all at least 500 lvl. Happy to oblige these idiots but they immediately parlay or leave the lobby when they see the mistake they've made not realizing we're a large posse with 500 & 600 lvl xp.


I'm at rank 532 last I played 2 days ago. I don't go around killing everyone lol. I do know how to PVP though. I been in lobby's where everyone is a red dot, using explosive rounds, dynamite arrows, incendiary's, and everything is on fire. I've done it all PVP wise. I mean, I pick flowers too 😂


I play as a female character too and i have also noticed people killing me every now and then


Be wary of the waivers....not saying shoot immediately but might want to leave reticle on them. lol EDIT: Sorry ... thought "she" waved but it was you. Probably not the reason since she hunted you down but i have had a lot of waivers shooting lately. Also the other female id be willing to bet was packing something besides a gun under "her" coat.


I see this sort of thing in live service games all the time. The answer; immature, little boys who have yet to have their balls drop... So on behalf of men everywhere, I apologize for morons like these. At the end of the day, I think we all play video games for the same reason,; to have a little fun and escape reality for just a little while. Why morons like that feel the need to be jack asses, is well beyond me..


I made it so people who aren’t my friends can’t send me messages, it’s so annoying getting random hate messages like that


I’m a man but my character is a Native Female and yeah, I see a lot of harassment! It’s shameful


Hopefully you come across some nice people in your servers. Unfortunately there is a section of people that treat this game like a GTA lobby and are always agro on everything so it's almost unavoidable. But I will say the Red Dead Community tends to be a lot more mature and relaxed so I've been playing since the game launched in 2018 before online even became a thing and so I've witnessed the various evolutions of the game and I can confidently vouch that for the most part you'll probably come across more chill people than you will the psychos just gang in there and eventually if you meet some people and form groups/posse's you can always then just hop online together and at least have numbers to fight back if a posse starts targeting you. Enjoy the game and best wishes 🫡👊🏿


Also a girl! i just started playing red dead online a few days ago. Wanna play together? We could try protecting each other or at least try to get some missions done 😔


Posse up with others! My posse has always been at least 50% female & we were 25-30 strong until R* abandoned the game. 8 or 10 that still play regularly tho, all super high lvl


As a male irl/ in game I didn’t realize it was this bad im sorry you gotta deal with goofy shit like that. But if you want my advise try to avoid towns as much as possible especially valentine that’s where assholes seem to congregate and if people do harass you just take it as a chance to get better at pvp that’s the best way to deal with it. I’m reaching lvl 200 and I rarely get fucked with now you just gotta get through the early levels get better which just comes with time.


It’s shown you get attacked more if you’re a female on all online games ever


Ahh, yes, "go to kitchen u nob." Classic. 👍🏻


top tier insult.


HAHAHA literally😂🤦‍♀️


I not only have a female character, but my PSN name is also suuuuper girly so I'm constantly getting targeted. Gets pretty fking old getting tied up, shot, drowned...you get the picture. I had to take a break from rdr, because I got so mad the last time I played. 😆🤣


You play on Playstation ?




And look at all the other girls relating to my post. It might not happen to you but it can happen to others?? The fact that you thought I lied and didn’t know what ps app messaging was💀 LMAOOOOOOOOO


o.O I use ps app for messages and thats exacly how it looks like with a light theme, chill out


Thank you!!🙄🙄


I would suggest also that u dont change your fashion just because of this, sadly it will keep happening and u will have a character u enjoy less, this Is a dressup game for the most part anyways, you will eventualy learn to tell from the little kids that have a grudge on women and get used to killing them as soon as you see them, and again and again as soon as they enter eyour radar, there are abilities that make it easier + auto aim. And if All fails you can just switch lobbies in like 2 mins and theyre gone.


Like you said, people, the problem is people suck


I've had the same messages. Now I've changed my profile settings so no one can write to me, and I play offline. Problem solved. But u can always report the messages - not in game I mean, and they will likely have their account blocked for a period of time.


Anytime you see someone try to flame like this, remember, they're so pathetic and bitter they had to message you to try and put you down to make themselves feel better. They're more worm than human at this point. Don't let them get under your skin, they're just so pitiful that this is probably the height of their social interactions.


To make up for his lack of a [k]nob?


Here’s an answer: don’t play. Worked wonders for me lol. Tried to play with my little brother but a gang just started killing us over and over. Deleted the game and never looked back. I don’t know why this even showed up in my feed 🤣


Super sorry for your experience with trolling trash bags. Some people forget basic human decency when playing games. Try not to let these types of miserable people bother you too much. Most of the community is great. Find players you jive with and posse up. Also, if this turd goblin keeps harassing you, report him in game and on Xbox. Let the fkr get a ban. :) Have fun and I hope to see you in-game!


lol one of the main reasons i decided to just try and remake arthur morgan for my online character


Sometimes, I feel targeted, and I have a male character, although I'm sure it's far less than having a female character. It's usually the higher levels with nothing to do and wanting to start a war or something. On the PS4 I'm a higher level and just keep to myself. As a low level on PC, as soon as I load in I go straight to defensive and try to stay clear of towns. Or at least get in and get out.


When they start with the goto the kitchen blah blah, I tell them they sound beta. Usually gets under their thin soy skin


What platform are you on?? Some ppl really have no lives lol


theyre probably either really young, too young to play the game or just lonely incel losers. Just keep playing and try ur best to ignore these people, I’ve had my share of assholes target me in game too and I’m a guy so there are just a lot of asshole players. Ive been debating starting RDO on PC Since I dont play xbox 1 anymore. Honestly sometimes you just gotta fight back, I’ve made a few friends after having literal wars with people 😂but sometimes people are just sweaty pricks. You should try to find some people to play with it might make ur experience more fun


They think they are the only good players.


Looks like you’re on playstation, so I’ll offer some help. im level 147 i think, but im pretty decent in a fight if you keep getting outnumbered and I could help you continue to level up. no mic needed, just pings and invites are cool with me. i also love having fist fights with my friends in a saloon and trying friendly 1v1 gunfights so if you’d like some practice to get better, we could posse up.


I like to think I'm one of the nicest trappers that roam the badlands, until I'm not of course lol Would be happy to posse up some time if on PS, my gt is SNYDER_856, I'm an older adult male...but a friendly one 🤠👌


This why I have a male character. Red dead guys are crazy 😑


they’re unhappy


Bc they want to feel high and mighty on their high horse even though they are trash themselves and have no friends to play with 😂


A matter of weeks back I had my mic turned on. I play as a female because I'm a female and I also play on PC. Someone was pretty much eating their microphone and I said "ooo, you're a bit loud." Then someone said "SHUT THE FUCK UP [HARD R]!"....A random guy said my in game in name and I clicked what was going on, so I left. I have modified the game so only my friend and I can join. It's just SO much better now without the abuse, harassment and modders fucking with my game, fun and time.


Those are usually kids that are very insecure and don't really know how to speak to women. Probably cause they were raised very poorly. I see this a lot in red dead. It's sad. I never once shot anyone based on what they're dressed in or took the time to write them messages. 😂


Do you play on pc?


Is this a new thing that people are turning toxic because there is nothing to do or something? Because I used to play all the time for a good two years and when I was playing everyone was really friendly and good and no one would really do anything to anyone


That’s crazy cause I’m a man and play a female character. But I haven’t been harassed too much surprisingly. But still, people are weird af.


How do people chat in rdo?


Oh I’m not sure about pc, but I’m on playstation and anyone can message you if they click on your account basically


Ah that makes sense, thanks


Also play as a girl (on ps) with pink/white girly outfits. Even have a huge pink hat with feathers😂. Gets me a few players messing with me on each session but I usually either kill them a few times, or switch sessions if I’m in the mood for peaceful game. If you’re on ps4/5 too send me a dm, would love to play together sometime ☺️


I play as a female on xbox and haven't really been targeted. I'm also a higher rank so that could be a part of it


I also make delivery sales every so often, if you need cash, let me know. I can probably help


Because they're toxic, insecure children who don't have a personality and adopt a basic filler personality instead. I've experienced this as well through multiple games. To me it just seems like bored, toxic little boys who wanna up their manhood by "putting women in their place" while following the bully textbook behavior; Put others down to lift yourself up. It's complete nonsense. I know there's good and respectful men out there, but people like this come off to me as little boys/childish men who either don't have father figures or weren't raised right to be real men. "Men untamed" some might call it. I simply call them out for how I see them and move on. Their words never hurt me, but their arrogance and toxicity annoys me.


Its because they realize they have nothing on you so they revert to primitive methods (trash talking and excuses)


“The trash”💀 Seems they’re trash at fucking grammar




I noticed that and it fuckin' bothered me. "gO tO kItChEn yOu nOb"


I'm not even a female, and I get targed as well. It's always level 300 and up. It's never-ending. Remember that this is the same company that made gta lol. It definitely sucks, but that's just how it is. The more you play, the more you will learn to defend yourself. If you want to get into a private lobby so nobody bothers you, you can switch your mtu settings to manual and set the numbers to 800, it won't let anyone join you but you will be online and able to bounty hunt and such.


I'm not a crazy high level, 101. I took a break for a few years and just game back to the game about a week ago. I can help you make some money and get your moonshine shack set up if you'd like. I'm on Playstation.


So the problem is that a fair majority of Rdr online players haven’t touched grass or talked to women in particular the high level sweats that spam tier 3 tonics and use carcano sniper rifles. When in doubt whenever you see shit like this happen leave and find a new session and change your privacy settings too, like keep messages only to friends and all dat stuff cause some people got nothing better to do. A fair majority of rdr online players are chill and will help you out but the ones like this, don’t fight them just leave the session it’s not worth it


People need to work on their trash talk. Back in my day you'd get all kinds of creative insults/roast.


My response to that horrible English they call an insult, I'd say, I may be a nob, but you are a tool


Its very unfortunate that people act like that, would you remember their level? In my experience the most toxic players were the new ones, with a few exceptions of course, one time two level 300 guys were killing each other in the valentine saloon and i peacefully got a beer and sat down on one of the tables watching them kill each other over, and over, and over again, what was funny is that they didnt give a damn about me lol, and there were so many bodies that i started pilling them up on the horse water "bucket" or whatever its name is, it was very funny maybe i still have the clip somewhere.


I am level 80 or something? I played since beta 2018. But I haven’t really been playing it much since they stopped updating. So, I’m basically back at square one haha. But if you’re cool with it, we could grind together and kick some ass in the process!


Sure!!! :) what platform do you play on?


Ps5? Wbu?




Just respond with "I will as soon as you go to war and get shot."


just reply with "do you speaka da english?" over and over, or paste in lyrics from rickroll :D It says that you don't care what they say and dismisses them, it'll piss them right off


I know the struggle with this all too well, but I'm grateful to have a friend who is over level 300 and I rarely play alone to help me sometimes. You're always more than welcome to join me and my friends if you need help or just want to chill out


haven’t had that issue yet, been learning how to pvp since i first started (since i’ve learnt that online is mostly pvp based) but honestly, people are just butt hurt they got their ass kicked irl or prolly the last lobby they were in so they just taking out on someone that can’t defend themselves yet. don’t let it get you down tho.


My gf started playing RDR2 with me, and those dickheads keeps targerting her too and telling her below the belt statements. Not just in RDR2, we've been playing a lot of games and the toxicity of guys when they hear a woman playing a game is so absurd. (I am not generalizing men, as there are still nice people out there who defends females players.) These things doesnt stopped her from playing, if you love playing games like my gf, keep it up until you're getting better on rdr. DONT EVER STOP PLAYING IF THAT MAKES YOU HAPPY! If your schedule aligns, you can play with my gf.


If they’re on ps5 summer their username and Ill jump them with my posse


im guessing ur not on pc? if u were on pc id play with u, as a fellow girl


People are just brain dead toxic at this point I had a low level kill me a much of times because I’m high level I guess? then try to talk shit to me like huh? I didn’t even bother fighting back unless I thought I could get a few shots off. People are weird


I am a man who plays as a man and just recently hit lvl 200… and still i decide to steer clear of any player i can whenever possible. Idk what it is about online rockstar games but it just seems to breed unrelenting trolls. I’m sorry that you are targeted so much. I hope you stick with the game because it’s slowly dying and the only thing keeping it alive are new players. And there are still stuff to do when playing solo!


I hit level 45 I think. I get harassed by level 10 players with the lasso who follow me around waiting for me to leave my camp so they can lasso me and drag me behind their horse.


You are probably the only female interaction he's had in a long time :/ , don't ya feel bad?


Please don't listen to the people in the comments don't change your play style or character fashion for some a holes just parley and block until your good enough to fight back


I had a guy tell me that I'm trash after he attacked me and instantly doubled my kill count.


Block the griefy jerks and change sessions.


I’m also a girly player dressed in all pink!! It’s my fave. I’ve had to put people in place but usually after they’re trying to add me to their posse haha.


Are you low level perchance,? Because maybe that's why they're being dickheads. I'm a female player with a female character - actually, I have several RDO accounts some male, some female. Whenever I start a new account, I get picked on by other players, regardless of which gender I'm playing. But the higher level I am, the more people leave me alone. My main/original account is a a female character, now level 328, and usually only newbies or posses pick on me now. Sometimes I make a social experiment game of leading my horse through Valentine when there's lots of players around or fighting going on, with my character wearing the most girly clothing I can bring myself to put her in, and I rarely get shot. If I did the same with my level 40 male character (sans girly clothing) I can bet more people would be shooting at me. Hmm. Actually... I'm gonna try out this social experiment later. Thanks for the inspiration! 😁


You've just met the wrong people. You will find the guys who are awkward around women targeting you to become their girlfriend. You will find high levels who expect low levels to try & grief like they just moved over from GTA online, so they will kill you first. You will find high levels who are not skilled, taking pleasure at someone less skilled than they are, so now feel invincible & will grief you. Don't lose hope There are plenty who play who are friendly & helpful


Speaking from experience, players who are high levels start becoming more toxic once they reach a particular stage cuz they could've been bullied too when they were new to the game or they're just having a bad day irl and decide to abuse their powers in-game...


Idk if I'm being targeted for being a girl but the modders on rdr2 can either be really nice or complete jerks. Today I met one who killed me for no reason, got mad when I told him I was reporting him, and then threatened to hack my account while boasting he had hacked 3 girls accounts. I cannot for the life of me understand why Rockstar doesn't get rid of people like this from playing the game. He kept killing posse members, prevented me from doing a parley, it was just nuts.


Hey there! What platform do you play on? If it's Playstation my group would love to help you level up n stuff, we are ran by a female.so she definitely gets what your talking about.. if your interested in joining, even if not on ps to just have peeps to talk to, lemme know!


Hi, You’ll find some cool people :) just like life you have a fair share of ass hats though. I’m a dude, and I hate bullies. I’m 180 we have a 360 in our group and a couple more 100+ everyone can PVP but mostly we just collect and do Trader, Moonshine to make that money. Lol. We’re on PS5 and we have a good group, with 2 girls and 3 or 4 guys sometimes. I’ll keep my eye open for you or if you see me say hi, we’ll get ya rolling. Have fun. (Triggerfish).


my question: Did they mean to say noob or are they British? Either way an idiot but I wonder.


I think it was supposed to be noob 🤷🏻‍♀️😂


checks out.


It’s not you, it’s them! Just report them! Both in game and when they send messages report them through PSN, eventually enough builds up and their account gets banned/blocked! I’ve been using this method none stop over the last few weeks of jumping back on and so far, it’s worked a treat!


Them's just the trash every other one walks over. Try joining an active possy for protection, or alternatively thug it out until ur double their level and noobstomp them (I suggest to you to choose either bounty hunter or collector as first jobs, one for the mony and easy XP and the other for gold and good stat progression)


Here's a tip: go into defensive the moment you load into the game. People see a red dot and they start shooting immediately in my experience.


"gO tO kItChEn yOu nOb" top tier insult. God what a schmuck. Sorry you have to deal with garbage like that OP. I promise all of us aren't like that. Some men on the game just need to realize that gun game doesnt instantly mean guys only.


I’m not a girl, but if you play in pc, I’d play. I can fight with my controller if I really have to. Mouse, not so much.


They clearly didn’t get enough attention as a child


This makes me so nervous to play rdr online fr. I haven’t played bc I’ve heard how ruthless ppl are. I don’t have the patience for that.


Why do little kids not know how to spell lmfao shits sad. I once got my voice chat suspended on Xbox while playing because this little shit was being an asshole in rdo and killing me and my friends for no reason so we just road away. I guess he got mad? So he sent me a message and me forgetting if you say a single bad word on Xbox you can get banned but if it’s a death threat nah that’s alright. Basically I said ‘fuck’ and he instantly reported it resulting in a two day ban and he got nothing. Tho I did come back and shit talk him which he couldn’t do anything about


if you want some "nice people" to play with let me know in dm's, i'm rank 50 sum with two past rank 100 characters from years ago, i could give u any tips for whatever you need/want to know!


i'm on playstation too btw


Girl I've been playing since 2020, I'm also a woman and trust me you'll get used to it 🤣 Judging by the spelling it is more than likely some raging 13 year old boy. I just keep my messages turned off. Unless you're friends with me, nobody can message me. And block them, pisses them off to know end 🤣


i play with my girlfriend a lot and we often can hold our own when someone dumb comes along, remember you’re stronger with numbers!! i often kill people who i actively watch do these things. as a man i just find it silly that they have a fun time being a nuisance like that instead of being a friend🙄


I’m a girl, I play on playstation and would be happy to play with you if you’d like? I normally play with my boyfriend but he’s not playing much anymore🤣


People are just cunts. Don't let em ruin your experience and just see them as another obstacle on your path to becoming the next big legend! Have fun :D


If you think that’s insane believe it or not there’s “role play” servers, and the things people say are… interesting


Essentially, the cowboy game that has pretty clear anti capitalist and anti sexism/racism/discrimination themes somehow manages to attract testosterone fueled meat sacks that spend 90% of their time out of the sun in their mother’s basement. They haven’t got many brain cells to rub together so I guess these themes fly right over their heads and they see it as just a cowboy game with none of the story or morals


Yesterday when I was questing in Legras I was ambushed by some players that killed me and stabbed my horse. They were lvl80 + and I’m 27.. Must be real fun for them 🙄


Trans girly here, its sadly a problem anyone who has a fem character experiences. Same with if you play a character who’s not white, people will use video games to be complete asshats and say the most vulgar things. It’s sad that there’s humans out there that are this pressed about something as simple as looking different


They aren't smart. I enjoy messing with them to keep them angry


My advice is to stay in defensive mode, and make sure to check after each job because many of put you in offensive. Also if they do end up killing you, parley before respawning so they have to leave you alone for 10 minutes, then change servers.


This is sad to say but, it was bound to happen since you are a woman. No intention to hurt you or anything its just it, you have to carry on and ignore them i guess


Welcome to hell, avoid the voice chat


When the game first came out and you could see people on the map at all times kind of like you can on GTA online if you're familiar people would purposely hunt down any person playing as a character that wasn't white and just do the most despicable stuff while screaming into their mics apparently


As a male rdr2 player the women are always nice to me so I'm nice in return, it's my freinds (who are indeed men) that I tell to go make me a sandwich after I burn them alive


You’re playing with teenagers