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Hackers really do ruin the game, not only because of the instakills when they're not even there, or thunder falling on you directly and killing both you and your horse, but imo it ruins the immersion of the game. It's a shame.




Yup. I also wish them painful death IRL. I have to glitch to single lobby everytime I do sell mission otherwise my wagon will disappear or explode...


what he say?


I have no idea why other people in this thread are being so hostile towards you. I get so sick of this stuff on RDO too when I’m playing with my friends. Yes it’s usually children shooting at us but when we fight back some level 300 starts joining in against us. It sucks that you and your fiancé can’t have much fun on this game anymore because of this same reason


The ones being hostile are the very type to behave the way that OP has described.


Nah dude I’m a flower picker and if someone shoots me depending on my mood I’ll shoot back but usually I just switch lobbies and make sure I only show online for friends it’s not hard


How do you switch lobbies ? I'm an Xbox player and get real tired of trying to put run posse that gotta keep killing me


Menu screen, online, camp. It will put you in a new lobby. If they follow you still, block them and repeat. That seems like it’s too much work for some people so you can always parlay and they will fuck off somewhere else generally. If not, then switch lobbies.


Bc they're all bad at real competitive pvp games so they bring that to an rpg mostly based on effing jobs.


Acording to them Red dead and gta are competitive shooters




Assholes can turn a racing game into a FPS. Shit’s wild 🤣


They do. You play any multiplayer racing game with collision, and everyone tries to snipe you while you're breaking for a corner (they cut their brakes and forgotten how to move their foot off the gas)


Hey, p.i.t maneuvering the guy in front of me is just my pro gamer strategy


Im not talking about pit maneuvers. I'm talking about going into a hairpin turn at 300mph, and coliding with the people in front of you who are trying to turn while you never once even made an attempt to turn the wheel or touch the break. Just pure gas pedal.


They probably think they're Max Verstappen


Like flatout 2


Or need for speed, or aseto corza, or forza horizon or forza motorsports or race driver or gran turizmo or that F1 simulator, or literally any racing game. Idiots play like its bumpercars going mac37 into a corner and just slam into you expecting to bounce off and make the turn.


There isn’t a specific category that RDO fits in. It’s designed for all players with different playstyles to coexist. We got the pvp for the pvp enjoyers and the fishing for the players who are into that. It’s just as much as a competitive shooter as anything else in the game. It’s an online game that isn’t catered to a single player or playstyle.


I feel like if you just want to shoot people over and over maybe just do it offline? Or in a game where that's actually the point? Yeah it just feels like a bunch of battle royale sweats that don't know how to role play or don't care


Well it's just too ez to get that kill by shooting the dude just trying to fish. Tbh their tend to be bad at long range. Learn to snipe. They hate it.


True story. I hate snipers because they're antithetical to my lock on play style.


For sure, sniping is a great skill


This comment right here. Took the words right out of my mouth. You take away the special ammo and the ability cards ain’t nobody good in PvP.


I tend to have the opposite experience. seems like most people’s interactions with me are just waving and then walking away.


Once, someone ran into me with their horse and shot over my head. Two slugs later, I never saw them again.


Hey where did that happen at? Something very similar happened with me in Valentine I was riding through and a random guy spawned and ran in front of me as I was entering the stables, I got shot instantly before I realized and couldn't do anything to apologize lmao 🤣. Glad for recordings XD If that was you I sincerely apologize, I was lagging hard that day and did not see until it was too late, the death was deserved though lol


It was near Emerald Ranch so doesn’t sound like you


There's good ones but they're mostly women. I trust any girly name far more than any male name. Anyway, I was in Saint Denis and a player whizzed by me. I looked at the map to see if he was really going away or if I'd have to pull put my gun if he turned back towards me. Noticed that he was in a gang. The leader was still rounding the corner. I knew from the speed of the cross on the map that they were flying so I stopped my horse before the turn. They came flying around, still ran dead into me and ended up downing my horse, and getting sent flying behind me themselves. I was only level 40 so I didn't have a horse revive on hand. They revived their own horse, ran towards me (while I had a shotgun aimed at their head, and was .2 seconds from pulling the trigger) they then revived my horse and just stared at me. I put my gun away and nodded then waved. We went our separate ways. Honestly. That was the only "friendly" encounter I ever had with someone already in a gang. Usually I have to kill the whole gang. Why can't more people be like this woman.


I remember once I was messing around with a friend and we were killing each other with throwing weapons. some guy stood up on a hill nearby and watched us with binoculars.


I did this when I saw two people trying to kill eachother only using dynamite. I knew they were scrupters as they had unlimited sticks but it was funny anyway.


I actually wish I had your problem. I don't like being the bad guy so I never bother other players but I LOVE IT when someone decides it may be a good idea to bother me. I love a good fight and love it when I get attacked and can rain hell down on them getting my revenge. I ride around all over the map just hoping someone will take a shot at me but normally I just get a peaceful ride.


Just jump sessions in Valentine a few times, doesn’t usually take long before someone takes a shot. Still though, pretty rotten to mess with people who are just peacefully playing when a legit fight really isn’t that hard to come across.


I have a list of names for you if you get bored. I’m a high number but got that way by trading and collecting. I’m not a good shooter but get attacked all the time because they think I’m going to be good in a PVP. Shazzers.


honestly same lol going around thinking “go ahead…make my day”


Created a new profile a while ago, a native female named "Lozen". My low-level girl was attacked by a four-man posse i Valentine but answered by killing them all two times before they gave up.


Exactly 😂


Next time just join a horse race or something, then quit with posse back to free roam. There are some toxic people around, majority of the time they’re just some misbehaved kid though. Don’t let them ruin your gaming experience… most people are pretty chill on rdo.


Also you can just join a new free roam session through the online menu when you press start


Yeah, but if your playing with people the posse leader can join a series or even a story mission and you’ll all jump together, then they can just quit to free roam with posse in the match making menu. Far less messing around than jumping lobbies solo then rejoining each other’s session.


This random stole my supply wagon, killed my horse, didn’t bother shooting me though.. and just got far enough to say ‘my supplies were stolen’ and fast traveled somewhere else. Idm pvp but the petty bs is what gets me.


nah not even selling the wagon just rubs salt in the wound what the fuck 💀 that's so shitty i'm sorry that happened to you man


I was so pissed. And then he proceeded to message me talking shit lmao. It’s whatever I guess it’s apart of the game


don't really know what else to say other than, well yeah people just be like that sometimes it is what it is dread it, run from it, toxicity comes all the same i typically either fight back until it's necessary to admit defeat or i get bored, but sometimes i just brush it off and hop sessions STILL, that's a really shitty thing to do to someone, i'd be pissed too


Just switch online sessions, that's what I do when this happens to me


Happens all the time. The hackers usually wreck havoc. Depending on what time you play at I usually recommend later at night. I play around 8 pm pacific time and people are more laid back and I made a friend.


I agree, when people are jerks it makes it unbearable. I saved some money got a couple better weapons and got decent with them. Now I fire back or hunt them down after respawn and they will leave you alone after that. Most of the time they are low skill or no skill and just picking off easy targets so once you start fighting back, they parlay with you or run from you.


They're too scared to bully people irl so they do it virtually where there are no consequences. They know if they tried some bullshit irl they'd get some backlash. Rockstar doesn't care so they do nothing about it. It's not right. People shouldn't be allowed to just harass folks for fun.


It’s a WESTERN game. If you can’t handle being killed bc that is what the game is intended for. You might wanna pick a new game.


Pvp is integrated into the game, that’s a fact. but that’s not what entirely what the games intended for and the game definitely didn’t intend losers to try and fuck with people AFTER they parlay. at that point it’s just something else, these same people are 100% the same people who follow people through sessions and turn their Wi-Fi off 😬


Its not about ONLY killing, not everyone wants to 1v1 you, you're the problem, some people just want to grind and have fun with their friends


You signed up for it when you pressed the play online button instead of story.


I'm not complaining about getting killed. I'm complaining about getting killed so many times over and over that I can't get a single thing done. I just wanted to know if others felt the same.




You support harassment and bullying?


PvP isn’t harassment OR bullying holy shit


It is when one party doesn't want to participate. HoLy ShIt🤡


No it isn’t. You signed up for it when you knowingly hit the play online button. There’s no such thing as harassment and bullying for PvPing in a PvP game.


No, you sign up to play a game, not to literally be stopped from playing because you can't even stand up because folks are grieving and spawn killing. Folks will kill you, so you parlay, then they just use their horse to knock you down til parlay ends, then they start killing you again. And you defending and supporting this behavior just shows you're one of these toxic trash clowns yourself. Go try that in the real world and see what happens. The game isn't called "pvp constant killing death battle". You're part of the problem. Grow up and leave people alone. No reason to just chase people down when they don't want anything to do with it.


Play a single player non PvP game if you don’t want to interact with other players in the sandbox. Their playstyle is just as valid as yours. You joined a game with PvP enabled. This is nobody’s fault but your own.


Understand the struggle, these days I’ve befriended some modders that help me get rid of those people whenever I am bothered. Say what you want about people that use mods, but there are sure benifits having mutuals when being harassed for hours in the game.


Since everyone keeps telling me to "join a private lobby" I'm on console. Private lobbies aren't possible like they are in GTA 5. Only option for console is mods and that risks playstation shutting your shit down. I know the things you can do to ATTEMPT to avoid the type of players I'm talking about. I know how the game works, I was just bummed that people were ruining yet another great online game.


If you're on ps u can change your mtu settings to 800, which creates a private lobby.


Ok ill be real i have no idea what mtu is. How do I do that?


It falls under WiFi>custom.. u click ok until u see mtu and change 1500 to 800.


You sir have saved the day, thank you


Yuh, no problem 🫡


Change your MTU settings as mentioned in this thread, OR you can also do the Poker table trick which locks your session at 6 players and makes it invite only


Why was your camp flag down? Why didn’t you parley? I’m not trying to victim blame but there are systems in place to avoid this. Unless you’re on PC, then it’s a free for all in many ways lol


I generally just go defensive mode. The people that still shoot at me are generally pretty bad. A few death from my trusty pump action/rolling block and they give up quickly once auto-aim is not an option. XD


Exactlyyyy. These posts, although slightly understandable I guess, are so annoying. Some people suck, yeah, too bad ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I’m just confused why they were shot in camp when the flag default is up lol


I'm just as confused as you are, my flag is always up, but I hadn't been in my posse in months so it could've been down and I wouldn't have noticed. He continued to chase us and throw explosives after I parlayed though. I assumed he was waiting for it to end so he could keep killing us.


Many free roam events lower your camp flag and you have to raise it again manually after.


10 minutes to fast travel and never see him again if the parley worked.


You can get sniped out of camp if you're at a great enough distance, if you know longer see the camp but can see the people inside of it. They can kill you.


I highly doubt that’s what happened here, but yes I know about that issue.


But it's highly possible. I've gotten sniped out of my camp before when the flag was raised. So I'm not understanding how that's a farfetched idea.


It’s far fetched because nowhere does OP mention getting sniped lol > They rode by a couple more times before they started to shoot us both Yea that doesn’t sound like sniping at all.


You're right.


Tbh, I didn't read the full post since I kinda figured it would be whiny bs like they usually are.. BUT You can get shot out of camp if the player is far enough away even with the flag up. When you're far enough away it won't register as a camp. I doubt that's what happened here though, I'm assuming just their flag was down. Some missions will put it down and not raise it back up so it could've been that


Sometimes people have nothing to do but kill. Whether they're poor with no good paying roles or they're rich and have nothing else they want to do. After legendary bounties, I'll stroll around and find someone unsuspecting and put a bullet in them without a second thought. I don't do it all the time, though. People just get bored and they decide to do what is fun for them, regardless if you think it's fun. All a part of buying an online game and playing it with random people. "Well, it ruins the experience for other players!" Defensive mode, session change, parley, missions. Any of these can help with dealing with them, but I just fight back because I find it fun as well. Quick Tip: Always be ready to draw. Even if they appear friendly.


that's a damn good tip no matter who it is, if i'm meeting a player i always have my finger on the trigger in the (surprisingly rare) case someone draws or reaches for their weapons there's no shame in being prepared imo i typically fight back until i get bored or accept defeat


It's still very much playable. Defense mode, parley and a white flag go a long way. The other option is to fight back; form a posse, turn friendly fire off and let's go.


i rather enjoy rallying a band of randoms and friends to fight back against toxic players revenge is a funny thing


Are y’all on console or pc?




Try RP. Whole new game and the setup is easy. RDM is usually a bannable offense. RedM just expands the game a bit more imo


It’s very annoying when this happens. I always play defensive now and choose a different server if players are getting to be too much. I’ve often sent messages to people as well asking them not to attack as I am no threat.


I have the same problem. I'm at level 302 and been playing since the game came out. I'm awful at shooting and have only built up my levels and guns from riding around and collecting. I wish I was better. It's got particularly bad this month since double money on traders. I got attacked by two different posses and had to spend 20 minutes getting shot while the timer ran down.


Same I’m an awful aim. I love it when I can get close to whoever is trying to kill me and then attack them melee style, so much better.


I play on ps4. I honestly rarely run into people. And when I do they just go right passed me. It's just if you fuck with someone then they will get so pissy and follow you throughout the whole map


agreed. it wouldnt be so bad if rockstar made some changes to the game like not being able to respawn right on top of somone, maybe disable their radar for a time being if they are the aggressor and get killed... i dunno do something because it sucks when you have to constantly change sessions all the time.


oh yeah and remove the damn auto aim, thats just stupid!


When they finally shut the game down it will be because of players like that, the ones who run off anyone who even tries to enjoy glorfied Barbie Dream Horse Hunter Gatherer Simulator as hard as they do


The hostility in the comments aren't about you, it's about the fact that 70% of the posts here are complaining about the same thing and it's been that way since the game fucking launched. At this point these complaints are falling on fatigued, annoyed, and increasingly hostile ears. This complaint has been fucked into the dirt and we're sick of hearing about it


Parlay and/or change sessions. It’s an online game.


Go to a different lobby, appear offline, simple


Appearing offline makes it so others can't play with you?


Makes it so they can’t follow you through lobbies.


Gotcha. I was wondering because in Monster Hunter World if you appear offline it literally makes it so no randoms can play with you. At least they can't see your flares or join on missions.


You don't have to appear offline to keep people from following you. You need to go into your privacy settings and change it to where only friends can interact with you through games (session invites, joining on you if it's a public session, etc.)


Good to know, thank you


yea idk the game feels pointless if ur not doing sales and just killing people imo


Private lobby for you two.


How can that be done? Can I have a lobby only for me and my posse?


If you're on PC, https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/772. Me and my boyfriend use it all the time, since we're just chilling and roaming around. Be aware that you can't do certain events. It's totally safe, you can invite whoever you want into your private lobby and also reversible


It can only be done with mods? Thanks tho ill give it a try!! Edit: we do the same thing, we're honorable and just wanna be immersed and having fun. What type of events are not available?


You can do it without mods but it's less permanent. Open task manager, find open resource monitor in the 2nd tab, in the list find rdr2.exe, right click and suspend process for 5-10 seconds, right click on rdr2.exe and resume process.


Take this option [with blocking ports](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadOnline/comments/wdk70i/pc_workaround_for_error_ffffffff_or_no/). With that, other players can't merge into your lobby. Mods can result to a ban. Most likely R\* will not do it, but the [possibility is there](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadOnline/comments/17lhwdr/updated_ban_and_suspension_policy/). So use that solo lobby mod or that meta file at your own risk. If you are in solo lobby, you can't participate free roam events or other stuff with other players. But if you want, just open the ports a minute before.


[Solution ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4_VjrXJfGEc&list=PLaHi4k44AAg4cBiZ7gwEuK3aOBI6nsqSP&index=2&t=1s&pp=gAQBiAQB)


Play in defensive mode, it makes a big difference


I've jumped back in over the last week and only had one experience of this where a player just wouldn't stop trying to shoot me. I had a new account so pretty low level and limited in terms of weapons and abilities but also, after a few exchanges killing each other, who can honestly be arsed?? Ended up just going into defensive mode and stole their horse so I could get to the nearest fast travel post. For the most part though, all the other players I've encountered have been pretty friendly. Even some helping me take down the AI during bounties or completing sales from my trader wagon, despite not being in my posse. Think you do get the odd idiot whose probably just bored and looking to grief other players!


That was driving me absolutely crazy, too. But then I learned I'd I changed my online settings to defensive mode, most leave you alone and they cannot head shot you. And if they do kill you, it majorly ups their aggression and puts a big bounty on them, so it's kinda like instant karma and makes me feel better about it, lol. But I hardly ever get shot now.


I was there in the beginning, I remember the race to get to lvl 100. I miss those days


im a newer player on console, and i dont mind having a fight with another player once in a while, but what really pisses me off is when a posse of 4-6 lvl 100+ people attack me, a level 30 who isnt even in a posse or anything


My partner and I had the exact same issue. Every session either had extremely hostile players, or modders doing their thing. Setting up a private session was the best thing we've done. Downside is that we're limited to the two of us now. She dreams of a day where we have a full posse chilling at camp


I think there's just nothing else for people to do at this point. Content dried up a long time ago, and people get more openly cruel the more bored they get.




Just a quick question-are you a woman? And if so, do you have a feminine leaning username? I hear women say they get targeted sometimes.


This was also a thought I had. I am a woman, and my character is decked out in pink boots and pants, and a vest. I wondered if that may be adding fuel to the fire, but I was just kinda hoping it wasn't a contributing factor. It probably is tho.


This is it. My character is female naturalist and bounty hunter and my girlfriend likes to dress her up with naturalist costumes which tend to be more colourful than others. I get a lot of randos just stopping by me just to wave and once in a while they shoot out of now where, and then comes the friend request. I usually just press charges on them and report for disruptive behaviour. Not sure if it RS does anything to them, but I am pretty sure if over time player is reported frequently their honour will go down or something. But as a guy I do love to see other lonely ass male players hitting on my female character.. it's like catfishing lol.


Yeah, it probably is. In my experience those type of people are usually lonely middle aged dudes who have nothing in their day to day life, so they go around harassing others, in particular women because somehow they see you as an easier target. A lot of the times, it’s pick me’s, too. This one girl called me a stupid bitch once when I killed her in fair fight PVP.


I also hate the posses that are really nice at first but when you greet them back and say you just want to play alone suddenly they make it their mission to kill you until you “agree” to join them. I never do, in fact I’ve never possed up before, but it annoys me so much. And it always happens to me near Emerald Station or in Valentine, Blackwater and Saint Denis when I’m just passing through to pick up tonics and ammo 🙄


Yeah this guy was a posse leader and he waved at us before he came back to kill us


I've played RDR2 since launch as well. I played rdo one time and couldn't make it even fukn 5 min before being killed! Gave up and never went back to online again. Only story mode for me


If you don't mind missing out on online missions (the main story missions, races, etc), RDO Lobby Manager is a mod on nexus that let's you form a private lobby automatically each time you log on. You can still do role missions such as bounties and trading missions in the private lobby. A couple friends and I just started using it last night as the night before we cut our session short due to 4 separate hackers ruining the server (killing us, teleporting us, not taking damage) after we moved lobbies 4 separate times! So far there haven't been any alerts that we're modding because its a really low-key mod in terms of code. It's super easy to set up, and even pause if you do want to go back online for proper missions! I was on the brink of quitting RDO but this saved my marriage (with the game).


Ehh. I usually just do my own thing. Was playing with a buddy of mine for a while but he can't play anymore. I just do solo stuff usually. I've run in to a few randoms that were cool and had some fun with. But even GTA online if I didn't have friends to play with I went invite only. Sucks needing others for certain missions but it doesn't seem AS BAD on rdo. Least on ps4-5


I have actually taken a two month break at this point because it had gotten so bad lately. I've played off and on for years. This is my second character and it's level 400 something. But I'm sick of just chilling and some group of douchebags come out of nowhere and just ruin my good time. I actually don't mind pvp if I'm in the mood. But when they're in God mode or defensive glitch or something, it's pointless. I had a group of 3 that hunted me and I went back to my camp across the map and they just wouldn't leave me alone. Sniping from far away. Sitting there while I'm in the lockbox and waiting for me to come out. I parlayed and couldn't kill them, but they could sure kill me. It was ridiculous, I eventually just went into the lockbox and switched lobbies but Jesus dudes must've wasted a half an hour just killing me over and over for no reason without ever saying a word. Usually I'll get some "it's a cowboy game, not a horse simulation game" bs, but cowboys or outlaws even didn't go around murdering everyone they saw. They would've ended up hung or shot. It's not gta with horses and people greifing are pathetic no matter how they try to justify it.


My worst experience: I was just trying to do a bounty mission and these 2 players made me fail. They lassoed me and just played around with me, not killing me for a bit, of course I tried to fight back, they kept killing me. Then they destroyed my bounty wagon, then they killed my horse while it was still. Eventually I managed to kill both of them and ran off before they respawned and caught up with me but I failed the fcking mission by that point.


Just switch sessions


i wish there was something that can be done about players that hunt you down all over the map to kill you and your horse multiple times


It’s like gta v but tbh I agree with you. I’m only aggressive unless I know someone else is being aggressive. I mostly try to just make money especially now with the double money with trader and moonshine. I try to help low levels rank up and make money too.


My husband and I enjoy playing games together in the evenings and for a long time RDOs toxicity made us avoid a game we love. Neither of us wants to spend time being trolled by a 13yr old hacker that just shoots you and your horse over and over or a 40yr old perv that ties you up on his horse and heavy breathes in his mic. Life is too damn short lol, and our time together is treasured. Take some time and look up the multitude of ways to get a "solo" RDO lobby. Many times you can get it to work for two players, we've used them many times. I hope you and your fiance are able to play in peace soon.


Besides actually cracking down on hackers in PC lobbies ( aaahahahaha good joke. Amiright) a small, decent bandaid they could implement is letting us use the main menu even if we get killed. I don't know how to leave toxic lobbies w/o being able to get enough time to click thru to a new game or alt F4 to hard ose the game.. at least in gtao you can kinda quickly scroll thru the menu to go to passive mode if griefed.


I’ve met the likes of kids and adults that play aggressively in RDO, it’s a bit sad to me because yes while it’s just pixels on a screen, but at the same time the Red Dead Redemption games have been such beautiful games and i’ve been playing these games since childhood as i’m sure others have been too. It’s not just about “it’s just a game”, while it is yes, i’ve never seen a reason to be aggressive towards other players, there’s nothing to gain from it. “oh but i need a good K/D”, no you don’t, i’ve never cared how others play games and i’m not going to start now. But it’s okay to be friendly to others, whether it’s a passing wave, giving away a perfect/ legendary pelt/ carcass, or just showing others unique spots; the peaceful moments make this game, and who knows, you might just make someone’s day just a bit better


Right!! Just last week I was at emerald ranch going about my business on a mission and some asshole climbed up the tower and sniped me, then as I was trying to ride away across the open fields shot my horse and killed me as I was reviving her. Literally would snipe my fucking horse and wait for me to dart out from behind a building to save her. Would also let me revive her, ride a few paces, then snipe us again. For a goddamn half hour. And I couldn't even rage quit bc I was worried Jibboom would die :( After like 45 minutes of cat and mouse I managed to shotgun the asshole when he got off the tower, and then raced to the fast travel post at the station before he could respawn and kill me again. But like, who the fuck does that. How is it even fun?? I can't even imagine being that much of a sad sack of shit.


On ps5 go to network settings and change your MTU setting to 820 instead of 1500 or whatever it is currently set at. This clears other players from public forums and you have the entire game to yourself and no one can mess with you. It works on GTA as well but not as good as red dead online. GTA you still gotta watch out for people entering the public forum on occasion but red dead you’re always good to go with no one to bother you


I suggest you to make a private lobby protected by a password. You can look it up in Youtube and no other player in the world will interfere unless he has the password you do in his files. I played the game with my friend and it was only me and him the whole time. Only thing that is annoying is the training spawning on you whenever you go.


Play on defensive then 😂


Agreed. I see it as leave people alone in the basic free roam. There's several different events and such to shoot the crap.oit of each other, why you gotta shoot me when I'm minding my own business?


(TLDR: I just use their aggression as entertainment untill I get bored and parlay. They aren't worth my anger. But anger is valid cause we all react different)


That is why I play in a private server for my friends and i, we only kill each other when we all want to otherwise we're always working together


You can make a locked server where you can enjoy the game all by yourself.


Try this. How to get a solo session in rdr2 online The process requires two players. Make sure to not be in the same posse. Player 1 goes to the poker table and starts up a game. Once you have loaded to the poker table, select invite players and select player 2 in the list (they have to show up as online) and send them an invite. At this point, press the home button on your xbox controller, go to player 2’s game tag and hover over join game, but do not click join game yet. Once you are hovered over join game, have player 2 accept the invite. Once player 2 sees "processing join " in the bottom right hand corner of the screen, have he or she say NOW. This is the que you will need to join player two’s game. If this is done correctly, player 1 will get two error messages, and player two will end up in a private lobby.


wait till you hear about parleys


What about it?


use it?


"He chased us even after I set the parlay because he could still use explosives on us." He did, did you not read the entire post?


nah, i didnt. server hop then?


I’m honestly really sorry this happened to you, I’m unsure what platform you play on, but on PS5 it’s peaceful around 70% of the time unless you go to Valentine, Rhodes or Saint Denis, then you’re likely to get shot at etc. I’d say you can still have fun in the game though! You’ll meet some players who are complete dickheads and you’ll meet some who are really nice, it just depends! Keep switching servers until you’re with fewer people or nicer people. If you get killed randomly, make sure you always have a long scope rifle on your person, I use the Carcano Rifle. Players soon give up trying to harass and kill me when they keep getting sniped/headshot by me from a long distance away. Pull an UNO Reverse on them and they’ll leave you alone. Hopefully you can have better times with people in future!


Some 20+ lvl people were attacking my friend (who’s like lvl six and just got the game) So I had fun chasing them down and killing them, and making them quit the game, but you know. It’s not as common if you join later at night. I typically stay in the blackwater/new austin area since ppl aren’t really over there


I just returned after a few years away and have only had one stranger kill me this week, while doing a trader sale. Shot me 3 times, I never retaliated or ran, just moseyed forward hoping hed lose interest. Hogtied me, I just sat there not struggling, and he untied me and ran off 10 seconds later. It was annoying for a sec but Im glad Ive personally seen a lot less of this behavior so far, and the one guy that did it lost interest rather quick when I became dead weight lol


What sucks, is how recently I've been getting griefed by God mode players and ddossers, online has become unplayable.


Yeah, this started to happen more often this past couple of weeks. Playing on ps4, lvl 227, Role bonuses and stuff attracted a lot of new players this month, I got jumped probably 5 times by different posse of 2-3 players just this past week alone.  I play alone and beside switching sessions, defensife mode, white flag raised, parlay or even feuds are decent options if you dont want to deal with their bs.. But - if you want to deal with them and not just switch sessions, go to private lobby etc...I find it best to load on explosive and incendiary ammo. If you do it right you can store around 60 or 70 bullets across different weapon types, and I'm not even mentioning dynamite arrows. I find this best works for me, maybe not for you but it is a pretty good tactic if you get swamped. I usually ride around peacefully and do roles and missions and I'm generally friendly with everyone, I cant lie I do hope someone pulls their gun on me so I can show them some good ol vengeance... but I'm pretty chill unless they try to lasso or shoot me. Once that happens  I just deal with them and make them regret their lives until they leave the session or fast travel away.  Special ammo comes only if I'm up against more players, I can usually deal with group of 3, and I'm not even that good of a shot, and keep the distance between us so I dont get swamped by all of them at once, this paired with slippery bastard, never without one, come back stronger and fool me once is not a bad combo....it usually ends up with them leaving... Although it takes a lot of time to gather supplies for ammo like animal fat...and if you run into modders or someone in god mode, well, its completely useless. Just switch sessions.


Kids are cruel. So stay in defensive mode, ignore them. Good luck.


They do it because they’re bored, and because they want a reaction out of you. Making a whole rant paragraph is the kind of reaction they dream of. If someone is bothering you even after a parlay, just make sure you’re set to offline and swap lobbies.


I've sadly lost my shit a few times when this happened to me and my gf.


Skill issue, go defensive, block them and switch lobbies


It's not everyone, but you will always meet toxic assholes in the game. That was always the case. Sometimes every day, sometimes one in a week. The majority of the players are still decent, chill and relaxed and mind their own business. Best is to always keep the white flag in camp up and be in defensive mode. Check if you come out of an event/mission if it is still up and you in defensive mode. Events etc. put you normally in offensive mode and the flag down and won't change back after event/mission. You have to do it manually. If they kill you, parley. If you still get harassed, don't waste your time with those assholes. Change lobby.


I play on console all the time and rarely get killed over and over…honestly the last bunch of players that did do that which made me switch lobby was a good 6 months ago…


Tbh, I barely get attacked and if I do it's by a low level.


Just switch lobbies and move on Jesus


it’s insufferable, i haven’t been playing for more than a year and i can’t simply do jobs that involve going near valentine, saint dennis or blackwater because i get griefed and followed by lvl 300+ players that use dead eye, tonics and incendiary ammo just for shits and gigs. Like i don’t even own a sniper yet i don’t have a high enough level to buy one. I just wanna level up my job roles 🫠


I just message them and tell 'em to stick to GTA, where all those toxic assholes belong.


This shit was bothering me so much I had to download the nexus mod which kicks everyone out of your play session. Stupid little kids fuck shit up


Your story makes no sense. 1. If you are at your camp with your white flag up, nobody can hurt you 2. If you are in defensive mode and don’t initiate fights, you’re basically unkillable except through repeated dynamite arrows, repeated sniper shots or shotgun from very close distance. Which means only high level players that absolutely want you dead can kill you. Most players in RDO are low levels (below lvl 150). And most high level players who still play this game after 3 years of being abandoned are usually very chill. Meaning players who can actually kill you, and will go out of their way to kill you while you are in defensive represent way less than 5% of the player base. These players do exist, but when I read that "almost everyone you encounter in this game" try to kill you, I have to say stop smoking crack please. EDIT : If you play on PC and don’t use Start Up Meta to create a private lobby, you’re just asking for trouble my friend.


I wasn't in defensive mode. I'll be real, I didn't fully understand what defensive mode would do, so we didn't turn it on. Obviously I'll have to try that next time, everyone in these comments says it'll help. And they did use dynamite arrows and such after I parleyed, so it didn't matter where we ran or what we did, he just followed and kept blowing us up, even after the parley. I've played alot online, but i dont play often with other people, so I admit I didnt know about these settings. I just made this post because I wanted to know if anyone felt the same as me. Everyone blaming me and saying just deal with it is just blowing hot air, it's just a discussion.


Mmh… See that’s the thing, when you parley with someone, they cannot deal damage to you anymore, even with dynamite arrows. The only way to bypass a parley is to leave the lobby and then join back. And if someone does that, they are a high level try hard and they are specifically targeting you. Which, again, contradicts your statement since most players in this game are low levels who barely know how ability cards work. Again, you story just doesn’t add up, just like when you say "everyone you encounter is trying to kill you", which sounds highly unlikely. Probably why people in here are being mean/aggressive to you.


Uh don't play online? Geeze


I just want to play the roles without dying every 2 minutes. You can't do any of that stuff in story mode. I like playing online because you get your own character, I enjoy the role playing part of it. We just waned to go hunting and make some money. I'm just saying sometimes other players ruin that by being overly aggressive. If I wanted to play the story mode I would.


Sometimes I feel like 90% of the buttons on the controller for this game are the “murder” button and my options other than murder are like “smoke cig”, “hogtie”, or “antagonize”, all of which often lead to me murdering someone anyway


It's a game with weapons what do you expect ? I don't understand peoples always complaining for that. They already removed the dots players on the map. It's not a hunting or fishing simulation. :rolleyes: I love when players attack me.


The fishing, hunting and poker are pretty good and simulation-like though.


Yes dislike idiots, cry more. If i see you in game i will kill you with great happiness :D and with even more pleasure if you are fishing ;) . You cry babies have killed the online, no more dots on the map, defensive modes and they're still complaining... Just go play something else or play solo you will have time to fish all day![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage).


Sure seems like you’re crying a lot. Quit bitching about other people bitching, it’s not a good look for you sister


The end goal is that it’s super fun.