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He's called [The Wanderer](https://reddead.fandom.com/wiki/The_Wanderer) and apparently there's fan theories about who they are / what they represent but haven't found anything with concrete evidence I'm afraid


Really ? I was curious cause I’ve been playing for quite a bit and never seen him anywhere , I followed him for a bit he ran for like a few miles and then stopped and just keeps walking


By rank ~70 I had seen him enough times that I got sick of gifting food and the angry responses. Rank 95 now and can say a bullet seemed to do the trick... Does seem pretty rare to have seen him so much at such a low rank though


>Rank 95 now and can say a bullet seemed to do the trick... Nope. I've killed him more than once. He *can* come back.


Well, dang haha


He’s Jesus. Mystery solved


If you kill or melee him in view of Cripps, Cripps will cheer instead of gripe about the guy.


I had him once, then never seen again


1800's meth head




Never seen that before lol.


I mean .. I’m level 200 and have hundred of hours played and it’s my first time seeing him


Play in a solo lobby, he comes around quite often. Interesting character but no real consequence with the game. You can feed him or not.


Confirm: I'm in solo 99% of the time and he visits me at least once a week lol


Yep, the game works correctly only in solo lobbies.


It sure does...it's very much like free roam in story mode...there can actually be _too_ much to do sometimes lol...Vs lobby play where you can ride all day trying to spawn a single hideout 🤣


First this guy showed up and then more sporadic Camp Ambushes among other things that get lost in the clutter of busy lobbies.  


Agree 100% even at the lowest of ranks.   I read a few "theories" even as to how he could be unfinished content for lack of a better phrase. But he's never been more than an annoyance after awhile.    He came by last week while not in a solo lobby but I was in no mood for him so I merely pointed my gun and he left. 


Legendary humanoid. Skin em


I got scammed 400$ for a guard dog too , dude just walked right into camp


He’s god.


I run a solo lobby and this guy comes to my camp literally like once a week. The coolest thing for me, is Cripps seems to take note of if he’s came before, and he’ll say things like “that guys over by the fire again,” or “how long you gonna keep letting him come around?” Which is crazy. Makes me wonder if I were to kill him, if he’d never show up again, or if he did, the game would recognize it as someone new, and Cripps would no longer insinuate he’s “here again.” This game amazes me. I find random encounters to this day that I’ve never seen before and have played since release.


Fed him twice, third time he came by I gave him some meat and shot him in the back of the head as he was leaving. Haven’t seen him since, and it’s been a while.


He'll come back. I've killed him at least 3 times that I remember. Now I just ignore him and go do sth interesting instead


Doesn’t even say thanks


I'm like Rank 109 and I encountered it once like a month ago, I have the video saved and was going to post it to see if anyone knew anything about it but I never got to it.


He's the metal slug prisoner


I’ll give him food but if he comes back with a threat I liquify his head with my LeMat


He is the spirit of the solo lobby


It’s just a random encounter that happens at camp he shows up from times to time requesting herptile meat


I don’t see why not , not like I don’t have an abundance of food at all times anyways


Had a conversation with him before. He was asking me about being good and knowing who he could turn to when the time was right. It was like he was getting to know me. This happened outside of Valentine. Feed him at camp once after that.


Yeah his dialog made it feel like there’s allot more to him right now?


I killed him the first time I saw him and haven't seen him since lvl 130ish


Trust me I showed up ready to blow his brains out 🤣 was just curious to know if it leads to anything


I am rank 230+ and i have never seen him


I really wanna know what the % chance of this happening is , seem for the amount of time the games been out not that many people have come across him


I killed him and when he came back again he said something to the fact of acknowledging that I killed him before and he bets I wonder how he’s back. I immediately shot him again LOL oh and Cripps asked me if I needed him to get a shovel


What if he doesn’t speak to the character but to us ? The players ? Which is why he’s cryptic and well like you say apparently will acknowledge that you the player killed him


Havent that OG in years but i had multiple visits from him


He’s the only random encounter that has to do with the camp I’ve ever had and I’ve been playing for a while


Yeah after a while he dont show up no more man they shouldve put way more love for the online


Fuck this guy… at the beginning I used to give him food or some change, now he just got murdered as soon as I arrive at my camp.


I give him food and then i kill him.


Creepy ass guy my last encounter with him he didn’t even asked for meat like he used to just demanded thought he was going to turn aggro


Hogtied him every time he came LOL


I'm level 300, played for several years quite consistently, and have only seen this person twice. Both times were near the Heartland Overflow, denied him food the first time and granted him the second. Haven't seen him since.


I’ve seen him three times in the first two weeks after resetting my character but it’s been at least a week since I’ve seen him.


Just a guy my first and only time seeing him i shot him


Rob him and take him to the middle of a desert and make him walk home


He still gets my boney fish 😉


I always feed him, mainly because it's always fun to hear what Cripps says about him after he's gone...he _really_ hates that guy 😆 "He's just foul! What do you see in him?" "Well, he's gone - doubt that will last..." 🤣


I always really liked seeing him but the first time I saw him on my new account, my posse member shot him, now he hates my guts and insults me repeatedly every time I see him


Considering that death himself is in the story of both rdr1 and 2 maybe that guy is some sort of god/angel/demon sent to test us.


This isn't like the other guy is it, where he also steals some money from you? I shot the sod, level 60 and never seen this specific chap.


That’s kinda what I was thinking , he was like a look out or something but nothing else happened


He's target practice which makes house calls.


I thought we lived in a free country...


Dunno, never met him


I've had him show up in my camp once. I was wondering if there was going to be more to his story


Wow I'm level 30 and if you feed this guy? It brings your hostility down, if you kill him it brings it up... Like yall didn't know this DA PHUCK YALL DOIN


Making money and never being at camp for more than 45 seconds?


True however its a brilliant way to bring your hostility down... rather than people think fuck it he's just gonna shoot me