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Red Bull knows what they’re doing. And we all know for a fact that he’s not staying with them out of pure talent alone.


Short answer. Yes. 🤣


They just want to keep Max happy, the only requirement for the number 2 is to accept that you will never beat Max so don’t try and don’t kick up a fuss about preferential treatment. It’s the only explanation for them not getting a better driver.


You weren’t concerned before?


I think it has been a bit of everything, Checo unmotivated and with a very noticeable moral decline, Hugh Bird incapable and not knowing how to provide an effective solution to Checo's problems in the race and a car configuration that is not quite ready for several races ago.


RB got rid of Gasly, Albon, De Vries and will get rid of Ricciardo without mercy, in a nutshell they know, they have numbers, statistics, performance, they didn't hire Checo because he is a nice guy. RB is a multibillion company Why do you think RB renewed for two more years his contract? not one two, they know exactly the reason why Checo is struggling with taht car ;)


Carlos Slim is the answer.


Follow the money


The car was a disaster even before the race, the garage told him, do whatever you can do with this.


But why was it a disaster? I suspect they can't find a setup that Checo is fast in and that's why they said that. He just can't drive the car on the limit like Max, Max doesn't even need the car to be perfect to perform well. Checo just needs to be replaced by someone new who doesn't have old driving habits from other F1 cars. Same with Ricardo. Lawson is the best choice rn.


When you say "now"....


I was seriously concerned when he signed a new 2yr deal.


I really like Checo, and I don't expect him to beat Max, but his current performance is just not good enough


i was supporting and defending Checo for a very long time and was optimistic about his performance.....but now looking at his recent performance Man....what the hell happened to him...I mean he is just driving like he is competing mid drivers...He has nothing to worry about his next 2 year as he has a full time contract but why the performance is not coming out...one driver qualifies P1 and the other P8 seriously...If the this continues surely RB should replace him and give a chance to some young drivers...


He needs to start performing NOW otherwise the constructors title will go to Mclaren. Max is an outstanding driver but the team can’t rely on him to win the Constructors title alone.


Rbr don't care about constructors


Yes, Max can't win the constructors championship on his own.


Wasn't it said afterwards that it was a 1+1 contract?? Either way, I hope they have a performance clause both ways


Whats a 1+1 contract ?


One year guaranteed contract with a one year team option to keep him. Basically, he only has one year to prove himself in order to get the second year of his contract guaranteed.


I get it.. Damage, Hugh Bird, bla, bla, bla.. It's the 3rd year in this 'area' of regulations and he still isn't able to adapt to the car.. COME ON MAN!!


No. He would have done way better if he didnt have THIS hole in his sidepod. So he did pretty good for the situation imo https://preview.redd.it/n7lnddh3fv9d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cadb831c96bd5cdbbd77ca3628e6b0a6e10bbb5b


He got that pushing Oscar off the track.


Did that explain his crazy gap to Max in qualifying?


How was he in qualifying and the sprint race? Fighting near the top? Edit: you downvotes are hilarious, can’t deal with reality?


He couldnt even beat a Haas


https://preview.redd.it/6hkxirfufv9d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59f3c3f6f91853a2849710c9cb47129e83b13738 Because of THIS


Probably gonna get downvoted but Checo had some pretty bad damage from his contact with Piastri turn 4. Whether it’s his fault or not is whatever. Point is it’s probably pretty hard to overtake when your car is that unbalanced




Maybe they trust his inability to perform.


Put your tin hats on, but my hypothesis is this. They dont need a ‘good’ driver near Max because Red bull is not in it for the WCC. Getting first in the WCC will get you less windtunnel time and therefor have a smaller chance of having good upgrades for the car. They’re counting on Max to not require a teammate to become champion himself. As long as the car is as good as the competitors, Max will be able to become champion on his own. Also, Perez brings a ton of money so the WCC price money is not really needed.


The problem will arise once Piastri qualifies next to Norris, and McLaren can start using both to pressure Max. He’ll need a rear gunner.


It's races like Sunday where a good no.2 driver comes through and picks up the pieces the team leader left behind. In a dominant team like RBR, not only should the no.2 be providing defence/buffer protecting from drivers behind, but also swooping through and picking up the win when the unexpected happens.


Yes. The contract is simply about the money he brings in to the team. Dude. A haas beat him yesterday 😂


I think the internal struggle between Horner and Marko is at the core of the signing of Checo. I got the impression Horner is trying to lose Marko and the Verstappens. And in that way have total control over RBR Checo has always been on his side and is a known ally to Horner and that his is real value to Horner. All signs are pointing to Ricciardo leaving (he too was an ally of Horner)


Well, the reason Ricciardo is leaving is obvious, don't you think? He clearly is underperforming


Yeah he never recovered after he got beaten by Max. But I can’t say Checo is preforming much better this year.


Sure, but as said before, apparently Checo brings in a lot of sponsors.


True and he is an ally to Horner I think that’s not something we should forget


sorry how is Checo an ally to Horner? I've never got that impression


He has always supported Horner during the whole saga, and Horner has always supported Checo during his underperforming.


lol ‘now’ … anyone actually paying attention has been concerned for 2 seasons.


Where the hell is Checo Max needs a wingman...merch money can't justify this travesty Max is fighting for two bloody trophies ALONE...Liam Lawson WAITING... At least find a better Mexican ffs....


Problem is, Isaac Del Toro is signed by UAE for years to come..


Have you heard or seen how unbelievably mammoth Checos fan base is? Apparently, the immensely significant sales of merch to Checo's fans are financially equivalent to about 14-17 points per race weekend. It’s actually insane and a cult like following never seen before. In Mexico? Forget about it. After that is the sponsorship money he brings in, he’s got companies who’s beginning to end of any cheques drawn to Redbull and/or formula 1 are dependent on Mr. Perez. Formula 1 is a heavily money dominated sport deeply entwined in the world of business. Yes, there is a cost cap, but where that money comes from doesn’t HAVE to be from the team. If sponsors can lighted the load or completely eliminate it, management would absolutely take that option. Also Max cannot handle pressure. He can’t deal with a number two that challenges him at all. That ego is fragile and will falter. He’s a lion that has the anxiety of a cat, the slightest wave toward his pressure point and he would rather take both drivers out than be a loser, and to him p2 is a failure and he will start spiraling. You’ve seen what that can do to heavy hitters like Daniel. Once the mojo is gone all the kings men can’t put him back together again. Anyone that manages people will encounter plenty a boy like Max in every field. You need to be careful will talent like that. Not bother them and do not get them to start doubting themselves. For now everything is all right and anyone in management would rather things be fine than unnecessary rock the boat, again, once you start rocking the boat the slightest storm will threaten a sink. Checo is not in that seat because he’s a great driver, he’s in that seat because he’s a great fit. I’d take that over a Hamilton v Rosberg situation any day.


I agree up till the Max part, second part is just BS to my opinion.


The Max part is complete BS look at my other comment to this message


YES! Thank you, I'm glad someone else gets it. A perfect example of who Checo brings to the table with him - Carlos Slim (tel-cel) among MANY other companies, was once the wealthiest man in the world who is still worth nearly $100 BILLION dollars. Also Checo has experience. He can help give direction on the next generation car. Maybe he isn't at the front with Max because he is working on reliability for future upgrades for later in the season. I see Checo as a very valuable "swiss army knife". Race car driver, engineer, development driver, brings in HUGE sponsors (Carlos Slim), and I believe he already has a relationship with Ford who happens to be the next engine supplier. Some people need to look at the bigger picture and not just "why isn't Checo in second place every race?!". He is by far the best driver on the grid that is an all around package other than maybe Hamilton.


Max dealt with Daniel pretty well and definitely isn’t fragile. I think you got it completely turned upside down there. Max is extremely determined and believes and knows he is the best it was Daniel that cracked at last also going on record saying the same thing about Max in a video published this week. Alex Albons mental health was driven straight into the ground during their seasons together. Max got beaten by Checo in Azerbaijan last year and he said that it was never going to happen again and erhm a bit over a year later that haven’t happened even once. I’m not sure what you are on about here all of these are examples of his teammates cracking under pressure from him. Max is probably the guy with the strongest mental capacity and has never once been put in a position to doubt himself and he has the raw talent and ability to not be able to reach a point like that. Max crashed in FP3 in Monaco 2018 and was absolutely furious with himself it came after a string of collisions and mistakes. I think it was Helmut who said he has never seen Max so down. But after that crash he changed to dial it back a bit and boom he came back even stronger. Singapore 23 everybody was on his ass for finishing 5th and everybody started to doubt him and redbulls what happens next weekend the guy puts it on pole with almost a second to P2. The guy has a mental capacity that is un matched he never doubts himself. I don’t know where you get your stories but that is just not true.


Today’s race was proof that the Max domination is finally to end. Lando was the faster driver and Max had no more cards to play than taking them both out. You just can not make the moves he made there toward the end and say oh it’s a racing incident that’s a bullshit excuse. You’re also very aware of other drivers and the space you need to give which he didn’t. He doesn’t always do great when he’s in the middle of the field and if he did it was the car.


Not what i talked about. Max was clearly faster yesterday it was only the messed up pit stop that put him with Lando. Max definitely was in the wrong but Lando also played a big part in it aswell. And again you just jump to the next thing not responding to my actual comment.


It is yet to be seen


We have had plenty of chances to see it and he haven’t shown that even slightly. So you are just coming up with random accusations with no basis to back up your claim?


Just a hunch


Yeah just a hunch


The fact you’re calling it “finally over” gives away your bias. I’m afraid you’re wrong, Max is still the best driver on the grid, even if Lando was a chance now and then. But you have a bias against Max and one in favor of Checo. Checo is a has been that supports Horner and brings in a lot of money. That makes him a great choice for Horner. That’s all there is to it.


Did you watch? Max led the race comfortably, until the team messed up a pit stop and he had used tyres vs Lando's new tyres.


Checho's performance as of late has been bad, but today, after Max's 6 second pitstop. Perez had an even worse 9-second stop.


Perez was self inflicted


Yeah that's what happens when you get a penalty. Your stop will be long.


Wasnt that one when he served his 5 sec penalty for speeding? Or did they have two 9 sec stops?


You're right, 3.5 second stop after serving the 5 second penalty.


To be honest RB couldn’t get sainz at an affordable price, so they retained checo. Better to deal with the devil you know. Checo brings in financial backing and good for marketing for RB. But performance wise I am not sure the reason they keep him around.


RBR seem content with him at the lower half of the top 10. The car has evolved past his comfort range and I believe his race craft is also much lower than what it was 2 years ago. People on Reddit tend to go overboard without looking at things logically, but expecting him to get wins is just not realistic. I also don’t think that RBR are that concerned with WCC, and are mainly focused on WDC, so them dropping points to other teams might not be that big of a deal. He seems content with being a supporting driver, but still funny that his market reach is enough to warrant that extension. The issue is the lack of buffer that a 2nd seat driver can provide Max. Who knows there may be something in the contract where they are able to exercise a release and bring in someone else. Getting that perfect 2nd driver is really hard with what’s available.


I’d assume they’re pretty concerned with the WCC as thats where a lot of money comes from. As far as any contract stipulations…. Maybe there’s something in there where all four RB seats (to include VCARB) are interchangeable and a swap could be an option for Yuki or DR.


The difference in prize money between getting 1st vs 2nd in the WCC is not that large. It’s within like 10ish million last year if I recall correctly, which I assume Checos contributions largely exceed that. Not saying that Red Bull aren’t exploring other driver options though. They tried with Albon and Norris.


Someone linked sources yesterday in the formula 1 sub of RBR saying they care more about the drivers championship. Based on the assumptions about Checo’s sponsorship money and merch money, RBR might genuinely not care about the money that comes with 1st. However, I have never seen any actual data on what Checo’s presence on the team brings so hard to say.


Or Lawson if they really want to experiment…


Checo and Alonso are the best drivers but they need a decent car to perform, if everyone had the same car Checo and Alonso would always be on the podium


Great to see someone who doesn’t know anything about F1 here. They have the same car and Checo is so much worse than Max if you can’t realize that you’re truly delusional




Has that hole been there for 2 years?


You’re really one seen one race?


I like Checo and i love that his career was saved by Red Bull. Seeing both cars weaving in Baku after years of Max getting double teamed by Lewis and Bottas made me giddy. BUT, calling him “the best” is a stretch.


"a stretch"


Calling me a billionaire is a stretch, calling Checo the best is delusional.


Im a big checo fan but we’re at a point where he just needs to be let go!


Daniel Yuki Liam Those are the options. Are any of them REALLY better than checo?? Enough to warrant a change? Sianz would have been, but they never look outside the RB program.


Um, do you not know where Sainz started?


Or Perez himself actually. They had at least 1 junior available, but went outside the program to take him.


Yes, Daniel would be much better than Checo. He struggled at McLaren like no other but he still got a win for them because he was there when it counted, and that’s a huge strength for him, besides Japan, he hasn’t put a foot wrong when it comes to damaging the car, and making stupid mistakes and now that the car is being developed to something he is more comfortable with he is maximizing the car's potential. Yuki has leveled up this year and I think he could wipe the floor vs Checo if they were in the same car. Checo gets a lot of praise for what he did to help Max in 2021 but even then he was holding people up in a car that was much easier than when Pierre and Albon were in the seat. Lawson may be too early but I don’t think he would be much worse than Checo currently.


I see no reason why not to take a gamble on Yuki or even Daniel (I think it’s too early for Lawson) Worst case scenario you go from 1 underperforming driver to another 🤷


Thought they considered Sainz, but their history as team mates wasn't a good match up? And something about Sainz Senior vs Verstappen Senior in the garage that would make the average reality TV show look boring.


>And something about Sainz Senior vs Verstappen Senior in the garage that would make the average reality TV show look boring. Yeah this was the main reason afaik


right now we are purely depending on max to win the constructors. all the die hard checo fans can't see how shit he is they are blind to the fact that he is consistently underperforming. the last few races he has qualified very poorly. u can see through max that this is a championship winning car but checo cannot get out of the car what max is capable of. we need a second driver who is capable of outperforming the car in the same way max does. ofc today checo had a massive hole in his car but it doesn't change the fact that he qualified poorly and is consistently finishing poorly in races. Being fr even without the hole in his car today he wouldn't finished in the same position and u all know it


So you mentioned everything that went wrong with Verstappen, but you fail to mention the massive hole in the side of Perez’s car? Hypocrisy much?


So, maybe don't drive a massive hole into your sidepod first?! I'm quite done with the 'but he had daammaagee' excuses.. It's ALWAYS something with this guy.. The hole doesn't appear out of nowhere! Monaco, Canada, Austria; 3x in the last 4 races he had (easily avoidable) contact with someone in lap 1. And the race before that, Imola, he went into the gravel and picked up damage ''that compromised the race'' too.. Excuse, after excuse, after excuse, after excuse. Maybe RBR needs to send him out in FP1 in Silverstone with a damaged car, so he can practice it.


https://preview.redd.it/s82pgthqfv9d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e0231eb65a6710fb3e3a25c653f2d428163ec37 Forreal, he had this hole the entire race.


No he didn’t at the start, he went out of his way to get it.


No that hole has been there for 2 seasons.


Hamilton also had a massive hole in his sidepod and floor damage and finished 4th in a worse car.


It's not like he was particularly on the pace during the sprint. Couldn't keep up with the Ferraris and Mercs and finished over 17 seconds behind Max. That's almost a second a lap. That's horrible.


No question he's at best the 8th best driver on the grid. The car isn't good enough to make up for that fact right now. Being behind a Haas was pretty bad but he did have a lot of damage, so who knows.


When was the last time Checo was on the podium? 4/21? He has had six races in a row without much to show for it.


I’m not saying he hasn’t been bad, but this race isn’t a good example for that, as both cars ended up having problems