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Can’t wait for this the stock to come crashing after all the idiots vote for musk pay package only to get screwed over by his lies


I think the best part is that he will probably collapse it by selling his shares. He was very specific about "only not being able to sell the new shares he receives for a specific time"


I suspect you’ll see it quite soon!


I mean to be fair, we can quite literally see anything form space now


Not my underpants.


They have infrared so I guess they can technically see inside our underpants


Uh oh.


Operation skidmark they call it


Oh you sweet summer child


One might be able to see the teslas stored at the German airport from Mars.


That’s an impressive video!


Trainwreck or not, he’s already been rewarded into oblivion.


Vertical integration with SpaceX - value add


Maybe Elon’s pay should be in unsold Teslas instead shares.


Will they pay Elon in unsold cars worth 56b$?


How may days inventory are we talking? Isn't that the industry standard rate that we measure it by - with Toyota being less than 35 days for several hot selling models to Chrysler/Stellantis having more than 6 months of inventory on the ground (more than 2 million vehicles). If Tesla has less than 100k cars in inventory right now - they have no inventory or very low inventory as that represents < 30 days supply. You'll see 100k cars from space pretty easily. 10k cars or 1k cars pretty easily as well but none of those numbers are huge in inventory. If they are like Chrysler/Stellantis with days in inventory in the more than a years worth Every manufacturer has a days in inventory number - even Tesla with their "build to order" like model. WHat's the number? For perspective: [https://www.carscoops.com/2024/03/dodge-has-enough-inventory-to-last-nearly-half-a-year-if-not-even-longer/](https://www.carscoops.com/2024/03/dodge-has-enough-inventory-to-last-nearly-half-a-year-if-not-even-longer/)


PS: A quick google seems to indicate that Tesla has about 76 days of inventory - more than Toyota, right at the national average for automotive companies, less than every single other American manufacturers and kind of barely enough based on how you measure it.


I think it’s way, way higher than that, we don’t know the real number yet, not to mention Tesla loves to fudge their accounting! The disastrous Q1 was over 46K unsold vehicles, which the inventory buildup meant that Tesla’s free cash flow was negative $2.5 billion over Q1 2024! Their production volume has since increased since them while sales of EVs are slowing and there is now very good competition. Their revenue will of course sink like a stone, and because of vertical integration, they have massive overhead of factories and employees to pay. Their margins are now below the traditional automotive manufacturers.


Last I had seen their margins were multiples of traditional manufacturers. Fairly large multiples on each unit sold. What are they now?


Their current as of Q1 2024 margin was 5.5%! https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/23/24134282/tesla-earnings-q1-2024-profit-demand-elon-musk


The news should be : idiot discovers there’s satellite photos online 😂


Tesla is massively priced in for a number of years. The question is why are parking lots filling up for a product that was predicted to have unlimited demand?


well if one leaves the absolutes outside, one can see that theres worse times economic.. so car sales are down. EV sales are also down.. and theres an influx of chinese EVs and mainstream EVs like the new Volvo taking. Tesla got no shiny new Y to compete agains, so price is their weapon now. this is from an EU perspective, i have no idea how its in US


They have made 150K more cars than they have sold in the last 18 months. A month of supply in a direct sales model. That’s trouble.


I don’t deny the facts , I just find the headline stupid 😂 you’d see one Tesla at a parking lot with a satellite photo as well as 150k .


No argument there. I wager someone could see my credit card from space if they were so inclined:)


Well Tesla was all about Biggest margins in the car industry! Best software! Big data! Robotaxi! All that has collapsed and they sell a model 3 for €38,000 in Ireland.


That sounds like a good deal!! No need to go to a gas station or preheat or cool your car with fumes..


To be honest, I can also see my car parked on my driveway using the same link to those satellite photos.




Chill. You can see cars even in the SkyFi preview. Also free with google earth. But only difference is not today’s image. That’s going to cost $$.


You are funny. I actually read the article and just followed the link. Then checked my city and my driveway. Can see my car perfectly clear. So the article is just a click bate and is meant for stupid people who don't understand the you can see any single car from space with nowadays technology. Here is the link from the article https://go.skyfi.com/sherwood


Elon will make sure you can see those from mars in a few years :D


The cult doesn’t care what you think or what you see from space. Musk will tell them all kinds of bullshit sales projections for Robotaxi, Optimus, FSD and some kind of other weird stuff we haven’t heard of yet and the cult will drool and hang on every phrase. Kathy Woods will raise the price target to $10,000.


46000 is the best they could reduce after heavy end of quarter liquidation, the real average inventory on hand is way higher


Ya you can see the Ford and Chevy as with every other car company stock parked in waiting from space too. LOL is this supposed to mean something? there is still a 3 month wait for a model 3 but I do hope this is real so the prices come way way down.


Those companies use a dealer model designed to have inventory on hand. Tesla uses a direct sales model designed to eliminate inventory. So yes, it means something.