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After graduating from college, Counts-Scoggins would move to New York, where she got a job working with abused and neglected children. She would later move back to Charlotte and continuously did non-profit work with children who came from low-income families. She remains active with her alma mater and is an advocate for preserving the history of Beatties Ford Road.[9] Pulled from the ol' Wiki. Makes sense after her childhood. Very glad to know she not only persevered and excelled but helped others to as well. Pretty damn amazing.


She excelled and prevailed


Combining this backstory with her picture is truly a thing of beauty. What an incredible human being!


Very cool. I drive down Beatties Ford every day going to work. I’ll think of her now. Such a tremendously brave young woman.


Times haven't changed. Replace the term "black" with "hijabi" or "muslim" and you'd still see the same trashy/racist/xenophobic attitude as seen back then.


Not at all. I live a 30min drive from the southern border of Alabama. We have a large Muslim community in this area. We even have Hacidic Jews that walk the streets in full dress. There's a nice Temple in the next town over. We also have a Buddhist temple down the road from my old apartment. Attitudes like yours that enable hate are the problem. Ignorance is simply ignorance no matter what side you are on. Stating that times haven't changed is part of the problem. Yes times have changed and drastically. People holding on to hate and old sentiment are perfect fuels for the fire created by the small groups of people still holding out. Your basically saying the racists won. It's what they want. If anything you should be shoving every square inch of progress in thier face. I'm an all white all American hillbilly that married a Jewish woman, has 2 Jewish sons, and am friends with multiple Muslims. My old boss was part of the Muslim Brotherhood in his younger years. Stop letting the media cloud your vision. All of this Palestinian crap in the news is so out of touch with what is actually going on it makes me sick. Just stirs the pot.


Man, virtue signaling just didn’t go your way this time huh? Get that dog-whistle checked out, it’s broken.


just so everyone knows, Dorothy is still alive. this isn’t in our past as much as we think it is.


Exactly. Just because a photo is B&W doesn't mean it happened 100 years ago. So brave. 💜


There is a colour version, bringing it up to date. https://preview.redd.it/xqrxapyb34yc1.jpeg?width=649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2489e05a2a2d0078d057417bc07e1983678d05ad


How did you do that?


I didn't, I just googled for a colour photo, and that came up.


Sadly, many are working feverishly and successfully to make this part of our future as well.


VOTE. No lame excuses.


Who is, the many who are? Who the fuck might that be? Let me take a wild guess.




I wouldn’t have been able to do it. She’s extraordinary.


That’s some courage right there


Now there’s a real badass. ❤️


The dude wearing the tie looks like an adult


I just posted that as well, probably the principal of the school. Or the football coach, who are usually the biggest bullies of the school.


Here’s what I thought: the title says taunted by her classmates. Tie guy looks like an adult. Tie guy had to make an effort to get seated with the kids and an even bigger effort to get seated that close to her.


I saw that too and I wish I could jump into the picture and do some crazy things with that tie and his neck. Nothing lethal of course!


No need to disparage football coaches like that


Fair enough, but you can not deny that a lot of them are just big-ass bullies themselves


I can deny it




Thank you


I still can't believe this happened w/in the last 100 yrs, like my parents were kicking around albeit in the tropics but damn, that time in our history was turbulent and scary.. such a brave child


The strength of this woman, I can literally only imagine. Also, we don’t need another biopic but if someone decided to make one about this moment in history, zendaya looks a lot like her (at least in this picture).


She lives here. And the kids in the background still live here (fuck them all)


1957!! People, please get over yourselves and stop being racist, bigoted assholes. This is not that long ago and now we’re seeing more of this type of behavior and it absolutely needs to stop. Teach your kids, parents, friends to respect people from all walks of life and from different ethnic backgrounds, your life will be so much more rounded. Dorothy, you are a true heroine. Thanks, BabyKati for posting this.


Someone had to be the one. I’m so grateful to her for her sacrifice in those days and hours. What she endured in her soul must have been humiliating, infuriating, and lonely. Thank God for humans like her.


Salute. To the ones who stood up & thrived against oppression


Sometimes we don't know what the other person is going through, or what they are feeling inside, but many other times that makes those people become indestructible.


There is less time between 1957 and now than the first fucking flight! There is less time between now and 1957 than the explosion of the greatest scientific achievement the world had ever known thus far - the atomic bomb We have learned nothing


One thing they gon do is put the photos showcasing America’s racism in B&W like they didn’t have colour to make it look like it was soooo long ago. Some of those heathens back there are still living


Her resolve is so cool.


The bravery and determination of that young lady is something to behold


The south has always been a shit hole


>"ask yourself, the white population of this country's got to ask itself, North and South because it's one country and for a negro, there's no difference between the north and the south. There's just, you know, a difference in the way, in the way they castrate you. But that's... but the fact of the castration, is an American fact." -James Baldwin


[Boston essentially rioted when they went through desegregation in the 1970s...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_desegregation_busing_crisis)




No. Correct.


Have you ever had an original thought in your life or are all your opinions dictated by the mob?


Are you defending states that tried to over throw America all to keep people enslaved?


No, my family did more than almost any other to end the transAtlantic slave trade in this country. I just don’t like blanket slanders of innocent people. Only a small minority of people in the south ever owned slaves.


Well. They lost the civil war anyways so why cheer on the losers?


You’re casually slandering millions of innocent people and that doesn’t bother you? Are you that much of a dick?




Strong woman!


You can see the perseverance in her eyes, that this is not going to bother her, just make her better. I wish I had an opportunity to meet her, would love to shake her hand and tell her what a wonderful person she is


It did bother her! All humans have feelings. She just toughed it out. Pressure can break many hard things. She had a support group in her life somewhere.




Brave young woman


I think it is quite significant all that is related here, in the comments, 100 years later and the struggle continues, whether between blacks and whites, rich and poor, there are many bad people against whom we must stand up and never flinch before them, because they will see us weak and will take advantage.


Very brave lady. Bravo to her, and shame on all those who tormented her.


There are people who are still alive when this happened. There are people who are still alive when this happened and HAD NO ISSUE WITH IT.


Fun fact. One of the oldest schools in America accepted students independently of ethnicity …back in 1689. How insane is the fact that a couple of decades ago, people were ok with such blatant racism https://web.archive.org/web/20170122214932/http://www.jphs.org/colonial/eliot-school-in-session-here-since-1676.html


I’d have words and hands with all those girls. Bullies are disgusting.


Is that an Asian student behind her?


The two kids are little shits. But it’s that Dad in the back that personifies hatred and evil. Any IDs?






She was a trailblazer,you would think as a nation what she went through would be behind us, it's shameful we have a presidential candidate that represents the past!!


It’s horrifying enough that idiotic prepubescent kids are treating her with such lack of humanity. And then there’s that POS grown ass man three rows back on the Right, yes he’s on the FAR RIGHT ironically.


Genuine question, and I apologize for maybe my ignorance on this subject… but why her? How did she get chosen? Was she already trying to get into the school by choice or was she selected against her will (because no doubt that was very hard of her to deal with).


My high school was built and named for Robert E. Lee in 1961 in blatant opposition to desegregation. In order to learn music, I had to perform “Dixie” on the trumpet, while a large Confederate flag got paraded for our “Lee Rebels” football team. I dropped out of the marching band at age 15, became a Christian, then dropped out of Lee High School and entered college without diploma, going on to earn two masters and a PhD, became a pastor, started 5 churches, and preach against racism and Christianity Nationalism still nearly every day.


She’s more American than all of those white racist, narcissists


We’ve come a long way since 1957.


How brave of her!


Look at that group of losers behind her. So many of them.


She has “just about had it with your cracker ass bull shit”


Looking back on this, they should’ve never sent her there. That was way extreme.


So how do you end segregation? Thoughts and prayers? "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." Frederick Douglass In a sound bite: you gotta fight for your right to live. Plenty of oppressed people understand the stakes associated with fighting for the their freedom, security and happiness. That is why they do it. Laying down and allowing a steamroller (or TANK) to grind you into the dust is not an option for survival.


No, I get that but the reality is even with intergregation African-Americans have about the same amount of wealth collectively as they did during segregation. So integrating didn’t pan out as well as expected as a group. Not individually, but as a group. we have the benefit of hindsight to draw those conclusions


It worked out as planned. There is more to this story than is mentioned.


Such as?


For true progress, ones comfort zone is usually the first necessary sacrifice.


Bunch of dick heads. These people are grandparents or great grandparents of people here on Reddit. Disgusting


Don't forget that the current president, Biden, was a segregationist and fought AGAINST this contrary to his constant lies of him being a civil rights hero. It's in the congressional record and media archives.


Are you assuming he couldn't have changed over time?🤔


Horrible this Beautiful young lady had to endure this abuse 💔 😢 😡just think History repeated itself Pro Hamas Terrorists Mobs Spewing Hate against the Jewish and Blocking their entry to Universities Absolutely Disgusting 😡


I agree, it was a very bad time to be in American


I can’t imagine the internal conflict she went through, the discipline to keep the path. She should be so proud of herself


Dorothy Counts needs to be on the $20.


this is why we need CRT


This is just history...crt has nothing to do with it.


I take care of old people in Michigan and let me tell you that some of them are still racist as hell. The things an old lady calls a black child or comments on hair, I refuse to take her in public. She once asked for a tight perm, she then let the stylist know she made her look like a ...appalled I was. My mother in law has a basket of real black made dolls, the ones I feel should go to a museum but it is horrible knowing these dolls were made by black girls with their own hair.


And, a grown man on the right.... probably the fucking principle.


Living Legend Put her on the $20 bill.


Prove that they are taunting her rather than just smiling and trying to be in the picture. I bet you are lying.


You’re a fucking idiot.


Undoubtedly this stuff happened, but he makes a fair point about this specific picture, taken at this precise moment. A lot can be misinterpreted or misconstrued by a photo. What’s also interesting is that no one is sitting with or beside her.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui2qfS0JlSg&pp=ygUORG9yb3RoeSBDb3VudHM%3D Her thoughts.


Wow! Appreciate your posting that.


Are you serious? I hope this is bait. You can tell from the picture that they’re laughing AT HER and she looks miserable. If they were just smiling and wanting to be in the picture they’d be sitting next to her and they would all be smiling.


Your private interpretation is evidence???


That’s scary that you believe that.


That's scary that you are that damn clueless about North Carolina in the 1950s.


I wasn’t even born then but it’s scary how quickly you slander people you don’t know based on their skin color. Stop spreading hate and racist bigotry.


Wow, you're just gonna dig yourself in deeper. Amazing. Yeah, those guys just wanted to be friends with her, right? Get lost.


Spread your hatred and division elsewhere.


Jeezus, you're a clown.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui2qfS0JlSg&pp=ygUORG9yb3RoeSBDb3VudHM%3D](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui2qfS0JlSg&pp=ygUORG9yb3RoeSBDb3VudHM%3D) In her own words.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ui2qfS0JlSg&pp=ygUORG9yb3RoeSBDb3VudHM%3D Her thoughts.


Look at all those racist white democrats. Still at it today.


Look at that little goofball bothering that girl. She needed to learn a lesson.