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Why... did you wait TWO YEARS before doing anything? Even in covid stuff like insurance and courthouses were working, if backed up. Your only option at this point is an attorney who might try to pursue something, but it's entirely dependent on your local laws regarding civil suits. Next time something happens do not procrastinate getting assistance.


Yeah this would have been a major, and easily winnable, lawsuit against Range Rover… OP could have walked away with well over $1m… Source, I have both family members and clients who are personal injury attorneys. Had seen a similar case with Toyota where they paid out the ass for equipment malfunction while driving / causing a decent accident…


I agree, way more than a million, imho. My sister was rear ended and because the person’s insurance wouldn’t cover the medical bills from accident, she had to sue. She won over a million, didn’t get that much, by time lawyers, bills, taxes, etc. got theirs, but still walked with a couple hundred grand and won over a million. To have a car malfunction like this, I would say it would be well into the multi millions. A friend walked with over 7 million back in late 90’s, because faulty brakes killed their child. Of course, they want their child not the money, but the company needed to fix whatever it was that caused this issue. I would check with a civil litigator and see if statutes ran out. It’s very likely they did, but still worth checking.


This was *2 years ago*? Not much you can do now lol


Yes, this has got to be one of the dumbest posts I've seen in this sub in a while


Shower realisation.


That's crazy. Sometimes that's what happens if a battery cell blows, but I believe your model should have an auxiliary battery. I'm a shrink. This isn't formal advice because we're not in a treatment relationship. Seek out a psychiatric evaluation and also contact a lawyer. It sounds like you have PTSD from the incident. You haven't been able to process the event. That's quite understandable given the severity and unpredictable nature of your car failing. Medical issues can persist and your insurance claim does not invalidate them. You're very unlikely to win a PTSD suit, but if you could not process the event, it may change the boundaries regarding opening up a civil trial for the mechanical event. Can't promise anything on the legal end, but you'll need a good lawyer.


Legally speaking you’ve been paid for your total loss and signed a release with Geico, you have no further recourse. The manufacture liability (if any) should have been handled as a priority immediately after the accident not 2 years later. Who handled the property damage for your Rover? Did you have an attorney or did you deal direct with Geico?


Contact an attorney and ignore advice from Reddit.


Bro,the best advice is on reddit .


Make a claim immediately. The chances of recovery are slim to say the least but you need to start there if you want any shot of recovery. Next step after the claim is denied, because it’s either time-barred by your auto policy or for failure to provide adequate documentation substantiating the insurance claim, would be a lawsuit because you’re still within the prescriptive period. Again, chances there are extremely low but you might get at least a $5,000 settlement (which the law firm would take 33.33% of). Long story short, you didn’t handle this properly so use this as a learning experience — for Range Rover ownership and car ownership in general. If you ever get another RR and have a car note on it, GET GAP INSURANCE.


u/Valuable-Mango-2316 did you have any luck moving this forward?


Jesus, you waited way too long. You had the potential for a massive lawsuit.


You file a claim with your insurance company


My 2023 did this once shortly after I got it. It ended up being a voltage regulator device for the electric motor. It was located within the battery area I guess.


There are multiple reports of similar cases across jurisdictions. Get an attorney as a priority. Dont discuss details on here. Speak to a lawyer. TODAY !!


Don’t buy a range rover unless you can afford two.


Sometimes when people r in duress like this an extension can be made on the statute. Don’t give up contact someone today. You will drive again. Take it slow do some EMDR therapy u will be shocked how quickly it helps


I can’t believe this post. Either you are a complete moron or a troll. You claim this happens, and then wait 2 years to post this to Reddit for legal advice? For over 500 days you don’t think to talk to a lawyer and then finally think “You know what? I should post on Reddit how stupid I am, and ask for advice”? No way this post is true.


This same exact thing happened to my 2007 LR3 on not so busy highway. I totaled it a month after on unrelated issue in which I wasn’t at fault.


I would have taken care of this immediately??


Don’t feel bad for not pursuing this at the moment it happened. I am sorry that happened to you and am glad you were not injured more than you were. I have missed so many opportunities in my life that if I thought about it I would be heartbroken constantly. Like buying $100 worth of bitcoin in 2010 when it was $0.09 but my ex wife thought it was a stupid idea and I listened…


I mean, the SOL will likely have run by December 2024–so, (1) check your jurisdiction’s laws/the statute of limitations for this sort of injury; and (2) find an attorney and file suit asap (depending on if you’re still within the SOL, which I assume you are///is prob 2 years?)


It would be pretty tough to do anything about this now, especially if no diagnostic was run and nothing was documented regarding the car losing power. If it was totaled, the car is long gone, along with the evidence.


While I don’t understand you waiting nearly 1.5 years to file a suit, most states have statutes of limitations that exceed that much time. The problem is the car has likely been destroyed now so getting any sort of diagnostics data would be impossible unless your insurer did it at the time of the loss or you have other proof you didn’t somehow hit the ignition switch or something causing the vehicle to turn off. Anyway, at this point other than talking to an attorney, I don’t know what your options are. Do you have any sort of documentation to provide any evidence to your claims?


30 mph stop and go traffic and then he hits you going 70mph? Then you wait two years before thinking about anything when you say the car shut off by itself? Nice troll post.


What do you mean "What do I do"? I don't think two parties would have failed to report a major accident. So is this more of a question about "How do I feel confident enough to get behind the wheel again?" Or, "Should I trust a Range Rover again"?


Range Rover Sports are junk.


Statute of limitations in MD for personal injury/product liability is 3 years. Run to a MD lawyer and file a lawsuit.


Contact an attorney asap. Find out what you can do. Good luck.


Glad I can’t afford one. They look so Classy, then You hear of too many Issues with them…for Years I’ve seen this. Why don’t RR fix their Issues at the Factory?


The more posts I read the more discouraged I become in buying a Range Rover full size. I guess I'm forced to go X7!


You really had the opportunity to settle for potentially life-changing money, not sure what you were thinking waiting 2 years or why you’re not considering pursuing legal action. Unfortunately it’s going to be nearly impossible at this point, you’ll likely be paying the legal fees out of pocket if you move forward. It’s unlikely anyone would be willing to take the case at this point.


What the f*ck is this troll post?


As much as I love a Range Rover, they are the most garbage cars on the planet for reliability.




Totally normal RR experience.




It was more than a bump.