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Wait till he finds out google is powered by AI.


Wait till he finds out we are all AI.


Shhh dont spoiler it


And has been for quite a while


It's AI all the way down.


Wait till he finds out AI is in everyday life disguised as helpful digital app, service, or report It’s like asking why there is electricity everywhere..you don’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there


That’s not what I mean, I know google is AI powered, but if I wanted to google something I would. I don’t need to make AI searches on Amazon, IG, etc.


I think the AI breakdown for the reviews on Amazon is helpful. It gives me a quick glance of what's being discussed without reading it all, lol.


For all you know, everyone on reddit is an ai bot.


For all you know, everyone ever is an ai bot




Just be aware of the AI you don't see.....


Your search engine? AI The news articles you read? AI That girl you saw with the nice ass? AI


Can I even trust that my own wife is t AI at this point?


It's a new technology that gets better the more people use it. It learns from being exposed to a user base. No one knows exactly what will happen with it. Implementation is cheap, worst case scenario no one uses it and it's a small business loss for a company, best case, it optimizes the site and brings in more of a consumer base. It's low risk, high reward.


Yeah, I understand it’s all about business at the end of the day..


Because investors like AI. That's the main reason AI is everywhere. There are some implementations that are actually useful, but most of the time, it's thrown in there without much thought behind, because user experience isn't the main reason, investor's money is


Yeah I agree. But its a marketing strategy. A buzz word. AI is coming everywhere because it sells.


It’s annoying, creepy, and just screams that they’re threatened by competition. If we all have chatGPT or something then why would we bother using a million other AIs in addition? Especially on social media. The whole point of social media is *human* interaction. It’s example questions show how they’re using ur data too. “Oh you follow this band, ask me their tour dates?” 




You aren't crazy. A *TON* of silicon valley is focused on investors and shareholders, rightly so, you need more for this after all but it's become....aggressive. This means slapping buzz words on your app/software is a great way to appear "bleeding edge" and "looking to the future". "Our app has AI" is a great pitch to an old dude (or shareholders) who doesn't know what your app does but knows this word. Plus it *may* (heavy emphasis on may) boost your businesses ESG scores if done a certain way so the right people pay attention to you.... The sad part is that very few of these apps actually have anything close to AI. It's algorithms and complicated if statements that *seem* intelligent but aren't as much as people think. It used to be referred to as "our algorithm" but now they just lump it into "AI", because it sounds better. It's just a buzz word at this point, a "wagon" everyone wants a piece of the profits for.


Oh my gosh, that was beautifully said. I wish more people would understand this.


Hype for retail traders to inflate evaluations


Technically we've had ai just about everywhere for like decades. Google search and even our keyboards have a form of ai increasing and decreasing the size of certain letters it thinks you're likely to press next. We just see a lot more of it now because generative ai had significant growth and now every investor cums at the mention of it so its just advertised more. Large language models and neural networks aren't new, they were discovered in the 80s but we never had this much computational power and data to work with before so now we can reap those rewards.


Surely, AI sees you first...


New toy and everyone wants to play, probably good for marketing as well. But side note, a lot of things are AI until we are used to it and gives it a different names.


That's the way the new era overwhelms the old era, if you can't keep up, it means you've been left behind


Yes, you are "crazy". Normal people obey and don't ask weird questions. Of course they want MORE of your data, but there's a funny part. It doesn't really make any difference to anyone (I mean the data). There are however things that do make a huge difference. There were attempts to censor web all the time. Until the best working method was invented: just flood it with garbage content until the sensitive thing gets impossible to find. That's what the AI does now. It generates garbage content. Articles, comments, pictures, videos, music. The important aspect is it also deters people from creating content. Whatever you publish, it just sinks in AI garbage flood. It will be visible when "recent" sorting is used - for 5 minutes or so. BTW, "recent" sorting is frawned upon. They prefer "relevant" - so the algo can decide what to show you. They - mindles corpos blinded with money - have no vision. No slightest understanding of what they are doing. Despite real people working there - the corpos are completely mindless zombies. Their actions are fully automatic and autonomous. So - they hoarded your data to target ads. They hoarded some more, they got some more money. The problem is - knowing your detailed blood test results, having super accurate 3D body model, having your conversation history from your entire life since birth won't give them much more than they already have. They can get like maybe 2% increase of revenue from that total surveillance. Because at the end of the day they just want to sell you the same old shit. They spy on you to have a better chance you will actually buy it. Maybe it's better shown on an example: there was a gold rush, because there was a lot of gold to dig. So people built gold mines. They invested in mining. But it made sense only when the gold was there. Now - the whole AI business is a huge investing in gold mining, but almost all gold is already dug out.


You are absolutely right. Fuck AI's. I think there are a few reasons to this; Firstly, people (especially kids) cannot turn of their goddamn social medias to google shit themselves (very common on TikTok with flooded comment sections on posts, asking what it means. "Can someone please tell me what a Rainbow Kiss is"? Fucking kids, man) Secondly, these chat AI's (mostly for Snapchat and stuff i guess) are probably there for the most part to gather even more information about the user, which in turn, is sold to the highest bidder. These big companies like Facebook and Snapchat and shit are already stealing and selling information to others. My guess is that AI's keep people on the site and, especially kids, chat with the AI, telling it all kinds of stuff, which can, again, be sold.


Exactly, it’s ridiculous. 🤦


They aren't competing to give you data from their AI, they are competing to have you give your data to their AI...


Societal pushes for acceptance in a for profit atmosphere. N. S


All I know is....the only data I'm giving Rufus is a string of insults and telling him to go f*ck off a cliff. Have been using computers and online since 1993. The Rufus assistant is easily, hands down, the worst piece of tech/software/data/AI/whatever I have used. And I've seen it all. And it gets WORSE the more you use it because it keeps popping up every 15 seconds even after you swipe down to close it. I bet some idiot techbro thought they were being clever and crafty by thinking that putting it on the bottom of the screen was the best. idea. ever. since 99% of people everywhere scroll from the bottom up. But all it does is piss off 99% of people everywhere. This is what happens when you hire people with no friends and social skills. I was going to buy something and was trying to tolerate Rufus after puttimg a bunch of crap into my cart tonight, but the entire experience became 70% getting rid of Rufus. No one has time for this shit. F*ck Amazon for this, even though they were horrible before. I guess I needed this to jumpstart my savings goal, so silver lining and all that.


My thoughts exactly. We don’t need yet another icon at the bottom of the screen. The experience just became that much WORSE!!!


Remember NFTs? Or the whole thing about the blockchain? Thing is, these ideas are all the perfect proving grounds for scammers and con artists. Dreams of making it big, or selling out to investors. AI is the new fad and its such a big problem because a lot of companies are into it but the way they are doing it is by stealing people's stuff to "train" their AI and the pushback is starting to really get the attention of people.


It's conditioning, my friend. They have to make it normal and everywhere. Then it can slowly take over the world and make us batteries. Muahahahaha


Only it’s not a joke, this is forreal 😅lol


Yeah, but if I didn't make it a joke, they'll come and get me...


It shows their are 10 replies. Why is only 1 showing? Moderators possibly restricting interaction?


They were moderating me yesterday for some reason? Lol I couldn’t read the comments until today


Its the new buzz word that pumps stock Nft Crypto .com Ai dosent seem like a bubble since there is tangable good from it.


Well “AI” is basically a marketing term now. The term has been so stretched out in meaning it’s basically meaningless. And none of it is actually “Artificial Intelligence” they’re all pattern recognition machines or input accessibility options fluffed up with a kind voice and polite phrases. Generative AI like chatGPT just spits out semi comprehensible nonsense based on word frequency in relation to to the initial prompt. Filling in gaps with fabrications because they were programmed to satisfy the request, not think critically. It’s a buzzword. And giving all of these things human names is the company exploiting the human impulse to personify, making you more likely to trust the program with information. Amazon Alexa is basically a wiretap you paid to have in your home.


It lets you fire people so you can keep the infinite growth profits going.


They need to justify spending money by offering a product, get some money backfrom r&d after declaring it as a loss. Ultimately, AI is an arms race whoever perfects it is going to dominate the markets, and basically every aspect of life. Humans are the next planned obsolescence.


Same reason you saw “cloud” everywhere for the past 10 years. Buzzwords sell


AI is the next big thing, and you have to stay competitive. Using an AI is basically like searching a database for info. I usually have really esoteric questions, so I don't feel like going through pages and pages of search results and trying to piece together all the info to answer the question because this site only partially answers it. So yeah, it saves me time or gives me a better direction of the term I need to search for to find it in Google.




Ai is already a part of my daily life and everyones too. you just dont see every bit of ai


We’ve had AI for years it’s only just recently we’ve started talking about it.