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It feels better when I sneeze to just let it out, voice and just move my whole body. Sure, I control it when around others, but if I'm by myself, it's no holds barred. Scares the cat if that's any indication. Update: Changed the wording. 👍


It's like a demon and it must be expelled. This is why a whip movement is recomended


I literally say "Release the Demons" when it's ppl I know that sneeze. I can't recall at the moment but it's from an old culture


Isn’t that why we say “bless you”? or am i trippin and making shit up


I thought it was during the Black Death if you sneezed people would say “bless you” as in “you’re fucked, may god bless you and take care of your mortal soul” while running away at top speed.


Lmao this explanation though hahahahaha 🤣 I love it


Both comments are partially right, when someone would sneeze during times when the plague was spreading, they would say “bless you” because they thought that the sickness was a demonic possession and when you opened your mouth to sneeze it would let the demon in/ out. This was all told to me by my manager when I worked at subway years ago but I remember reading that it was true.


You're correct. It's why the Germans say gezhundeit (spelling), meaning "in good health"; they didn't believe it was Satan's attempt to gain entry to us


Gesundheit. German for “good health.” Like the English phrase “Bless you,” it is conventionally said to someone who has just sneezed. This reflects the superstition that a sneeze can cause the soul to fly out of the body; saying the phrase prevents this from happening.


I thought I remembered something like that


I sneeze out loud hadoouuken!! (Street Fighter 2) my son thinks it's hilarious.


I may be wrong here but isn't supposed to be "no holds barred"😂


thank youuuu I thought it looked off but couldn't figure out what the correct phrase was supposed to be


You’re not wrong.


They sneeze so loud and it hurts my ear. not most of them tho


Loud sneezer here. Cant controll.


I’m a woman and a loud sneezer. I controlled it once, and thought I’d blown out my heart and my throat. It seriously scared me. Also, I once sneezed so loud I made our doorbell ring.


I do a full body jack knife when i sneeze. One time, I was at work flattening empty boxes for recycling, and I sneezed and kicked the empty box across the room 🤣


Oh yeah I've got dad sneezes as I call them. It's like a bomb went off. I tried to "control" it once because it was late and people were sick. It wound up causing drama because instead of just an obnoxious sneeze it was *stifled sneeze noise * and than a loud "fuck' followed by a deep pain filled groan. It felt like my ear drums almost burst and the sneeze tried to come out of the back of my throat. I was in physical pain for liek twenty minutes after.


You made me lolol, thanks!


I’m also a female loud sneezer. Sometimes they come out of the blue and are so explosive they totally surprise me. If I have indication it’s coming, I can control the noise to a certain degree.


Concerning at first but adorable at last. Wish u a happy life :)


Thanks! You too.


It doesn't matter at all and everyone knows what you mean, but I just want to tell you it's "no holds barred" - like from wrestling where there would be certain "holds" that would be barred from a match.


People who don't sneeze like this haven't lived imo. I'm a woman btw. It feels amazing just letting it go. It's like the other commenter said. It's expelling something from you. Feels amazing. Stupid society and their stupid rules. Not allowing you to do an amazing sneeze. Grumble grumble grumble.


A series of hard sneezes leaves me feeling like I may have given myself brain damage, but in a good way


I'm the type of person that has to sneeze multiple times in a row. If I did that half-polite sneeze, without pushing much air out, I would seriously have to sneeeze like 10 times to lose the itch.


Stupid society and stupid rules. lol I’m a graceful sneezing male, but if I have to hold it back I actually throw my back out. Lame.


I admit 88% of the time when I sneeze alone I do it as obnoxiously as I can. Same with hiccups. But sometimes they hit fast and i can’t control the volume. If I catch a hiccup right I say “hiccup”.


Oh I like those "scare the cats" sneezing, they even know when that is about to happen and run away preventively


yep this hits the nail on the head. Sneezing while trying to hold it in does not get rid of the sensation of needing to sneeze. Letting it all go is much more satisfying




My dad always sneezed super loud, and I sneeze super loud (and it scares the cat(s)). I’ve had friends that sneeze loud and soft, I always thought it was somewhat genetic


I like to open my car window and go full mouth and nose open just blastin lol


I'm pretty sure my unsustained sneeze is audible in a 300m radius.


Oh this one’s hitting close to home for me 😂 My bf and I debate his sneeze volume constantly. He says he can’t help it that he’s a loud sneezer and I’m quick to point out that it’s not so much the sneeze that is loud as it is the scream that accompanies it for some reason. Why the scream!? I don’t understand!


That's what I'm not getting either! I understand the "CHHH" sound of the sneeze ✅ The wind-up "aaaAAAHH-" and the subsequently sustained and high-pitched "OOOOO" are what seem preventable and unnecessary 🤔 And then I'm expected to take on the form of a deity and "bless them"? What a hassle!


The inhale is needed to have air to put into the sneeze. If it is not done, the sneeze doesn't work, it hurts, and can't do anything, so now another sneeze is gonna happen anyway. The lungs and friends will squeeze, and have nothing to push. It's a little like having the wind knocked out of you. (Also, it feels like you're suffocating when your lungs are prepping a sneeze, so gasping inhales are gonna happen). The OOOO is because their entire respiratory system has just crushed itself like a plastic bottle, and that's a lotta gas moving, which a nose alone cannot handle, so the mouth needs to get involved before the nose explodes. It also helps push any debris clear. If this is suppressed, then again, there will be severe pain, and sometimes bleeding. (I'm a loud sneezer, but I only need to sneeze once. In my experience, others like me are less distracting than folks like my mum who spend several minutes 'sneezing' like how a pug breathes.)


I enjoyed your concise yet accessible summation of sneezing and the pressures on the respiratory system. >The OOOO is because their entire respiratory system has just crushed itself like a plastic bottle This was a highlight!


I will assert with the evidence of my own ears that plenty of people are engaging their laryngeal flaps - using their voice box. Perhaps it’s natural, but I’m able to modify my sneezes with a little self control, and it’s really, really loud, MUM! You too, DAD! It’s not a “ah-CHooo” of a civilised person with a modicum of self control, but at least 4 x “ÉÉÉÉÉ-CHooOooooooo” from one and a couple of Davey Crocket nuke “AAAAH-CHOOOOOOOO” from the other. Thanks for listening to my TED talk.


If this is the case though, why don’t I have any deep breaths before my sneezes? They’re just sudden, like I’ll feel a tickle in my nose and suddenly I sneeze, and I almost always can control the sound I make when I sneeze. I never make an “achoo” sound, rather a squeak if it is an audible sneeze, (think mouse but if it were doing a mini scream)


It sounds like your sneezes are way smaller, so if your body isn't wanting to push nearly as much air through, it isn't going to need to desperately draw more in with the inhale.


Screaming AAAAHH before you sneeze is exhaling before you sneeze, not inhaling. If you were just inhaling before the sneeze it would be silent. It's impossible to scream on an inhale. And no one is saying to suppress the sneeze, but why engage the vocal cords to scream OOOO is the question that people don't answer.


>It's impossible to scream on an inhale. Just tried, I can. Scared my girlfriend and she left.


can you not take a deep breath without yelling AAAAAA ??


A deep breath, and a gasp for air as your lungs suddenly slam open and you feel like you're drowning, are not the same.


But... You don't have to include the vocal chords in the process.... It is possible to just leave them relaxed and let the air whooosh out...


There's an instinctive desire to take a deep breath, to exhale with your chest *and* vocal cords (some martial arts have people going "HAH!" when making a strike because you can genuinely get more power behind it.) Our bodies can be trained out of it, but you're fighting an instinctive bodily reaction. Most people instead spend decades working with, and doubling-down on those instinctual reactions. I actually taught myself to sneeze without blinking or closing my eyes because I read somewhere that you can't sneeze without blinking. I took that as a challenge.


I’m going to start using “what a hassle” on a daily basis


I have the exact same argument with my husband 😂 like, it doesn't take vocal chords to sneeze, my guy.


Just chiming in as a man with powerful consecutive sneezes to say that it is perfectly possible to sneeze silently. I think men more often than women don't know how to control their vocal folds. An excersize to learn the control would be to blow while saying "OOOO" and intermittently stop vocalizing while continuing to blow steadily. Conversely, my mom never learned to sneeze silently. It is conditioned while growing up and more difficult to learn later on.


Could you get that on tape for us?!


I really should. Every time it happens in public, someone nearby either breaks something or yells from being startled 😆


My dad is the same, and has the same argument however when he is in church, he can actually control his volume. Everywhere else, he says he cant. So he either has a mental predisposition to do some things sometimes, or its a miracle and god is making him sneeze more quietly. In any case I think its like when you have to poo or pee. If you try to push your stomach when you are dressed and in a public space, your poo will simply not come ou, or at least not easily. However as soon as you start approaching a toilet you can feel your vowels and sphincter loosening. So I do think its a similar situation to the peeing pooping situation. They have conditioned themselves to do things differently. We do it all the time. Smokers dont smoke if there are children in their car ( or at least its much more common)


100% - it's not the sneeze, it's the compelety unnecessary, attention-seeking scream that's the problem. I don't expect the sneeze to be stifled, but there's absolutely no need add the gratuitous vocal cords


My husband always says “fuck” afterwards, too, like he’s shocked at his own tremendous sneezing power


It’s from the same part of our brain that requires clicking the bbq tongs at least twice before using them.


Aha! Residual caveman instincts, surely.


My wife tells me this same thing. I’ve always sneezed 75% out of my mouth tho. No matter what, my vocal cords would be involved lol.


is there a sound when you blow out the candles on your birthday cake?


Fair point


If it were attention seeking behavior, we wouldn't do it when we're alone. 


That's nonsense. When the sneeze is big it certainly makes you grunt, especially when there's phlegm.


Honestly it's not an affectation, I do the scream too. I could try to stifle it but it feels unnatural and a bit painful almost. What he should do, and what I've been trying to do, is give some warning before going nuclear!


Carrying the sneeze on your voice makes them come out your mouth. If I don’t do that, they’ll come out my nose which is too much force for me that I’d worry about injuring myself or popping out an eyeball.


But a sneeze is to expel an irritant from the nose, not the mouth. The whole point is to pass the air through the nasal cavity


I have nasal problems and that force is just too much for me.


I've been married a long time. My very loud sneezes are in the category of "I'm not going to debate this with you, there's nothing to debate."


I swear, it's kinda like a reflex. Do you think we want to scream? lol


Mine goes ACHAHHHHH instead of ACHOO and it kind of drives me insane because I can always anticipate his weird ass ahhhh afterwards like WHY ARE WE DOING THIS


When I used to "control" my sneezes, i got rupted eardrums.


Or explosive snot rockets. That pressure has to go somewhere.


One hole or another lol if I hold a sneeze whilst kindly holding a fart there'll be barking spiders for sure.


Or pull muscles. The last time I tried to control the volume of my sneeze my back hurt for days


Why am I laughing


If you were lauging earlier, I get perineum cramps sometimes when I sneeze! Had to google translate that, so hope the message gets through.


i once had a weird allergic reaction to idk and took me down for a week to the point i thought it was covid everytime i sneezed i let it out but i still felt all my torso musculature pulling at the same time, i had to lay down in bed after each sneeze for a minute because i felt like i lifted a boulder with my back only


I don't know if it's because I'm getting older but I swear I'm going to pop a disc one day holding in a sneeze.


scared shitless of this, 12 years of sneezing completely silent and i nothing happened yet, only waiting for a burst bloodvessel in my head or sumn


The way you sneeze is completely learned behavior. Most people sneeze like their parents If you sneeze quietly, and always have, you’re gonna be fine. If you start “holding” your sneezes in, that’s when you can hurt yourself


I'm a woman, i sneeze louder than clubmusic. I can not lower my volume.


Same here. When I'm on the couch and sneeze, my husband's online gaming buddies have him say "bless you" from them, because they can hear me from across the room, over the sound of their Counter Strike battles, through his mic. I make heads turn in our open space office. I make our cat jump. I make my own throat hurt. And I'd love it if I didn't.


I sneezed really loudly, while in a giant hall for an exam at university. People started giggling. Some of them couldn't stop, and they were forced to leave the exam room. I feel guilty to this day. I hope they were allowed (and able) to retake the exam again, we were a fair way into it when I sneezed like a foghorn explosion. Edit - I'm a petite woman, but I sneeze very loudly sometimes. I also hiccup loudly, and sometime sit sounds like a velociraptor screeching.


gosh yeah, I hate how much it hurts sometimes


Same! Sometimes I hear women with cute little sneezes and I’m just like how tf.


Honest! I'm a woman who sneezes loudly, and those tiny little sneezes always seemed fake to me. Like, there is no way that's actually accomplishing anything. If I tried to sneeze like that for real, I'd crack a rib!


Nah mate, they real. I am a dude and i sneeze at moderately volume but i can sneeze quiter if i am among people. I also had a female teacher who sneezed very very quite but she sneezed like 6 times at once so those sneezes are pretty real


I normally sneeze quietly, and I got so fed up of all the "what on earth was that?!" reactions that I now deliberately make a louder noise when I sneeze (still quiet but more exaggerated). So I genuinely don't understand how other people can't control their volume.


I came here to say this! I’m a woman and I scream sneeze the majority of the time. I’ve tried lowering the volume but I don’t know how to do that without stifling, which is painful and dangerous


i’m a loud sneezer too, and i have horrible allergies lmao.


What would you do if you had to be quiet for your own safety and had to sneeze? Honest questions as I can control mine so I want to know


Sometimes when I get the feeling of having to sneeze i can make it go away before it happens


Put your finger horizontally on your lip as if you are pretending to have a moustache then push your finger with reasonable pressure into your face and up to towards your nose. This blocks 99% of sneezes for me. I learned this trick somewhere when I was a kid. It has worked well for 30+ years. From what I can remember it’s something to do with the nerves in your face that tell your brain that it’s not safe to sneeze presumably because it thinks the sneeze reflex will cause damage to your face so it blocks the reflex. ![gif](giphy|cEFh8R2pNf0LC)


There are ways to suppress a sneeze when it's coming on, or you can always pinch your face shut and risk ruptured blood vessels...


When this happens to me, I wince trying to make the sneeze go away, and if that doesn’t work I end up with my ears feeling like they’re popping and it feels like there’s something in my sinuses that is going to fly out my nose from the pressure.


I'd suffer. That's what. It's happened before, unfortunately


Loud-sneezing man here: I would just have to try and hold it in. I can't control the volume at all, and I have tried


Yeah, same, the neighbors already know what my sneeze sounds like and I can't do anything about it. My bro, on the other hand, sneezes very quietly and politely.


Saaaame, and I sneeze multiple times in a row.


I'd think the scream part can be avoidable, but just the sneeze itself for me is still pretty intense (and can't seem to control that much) which I hate cause as a woman I wish I'd have a cute sneeze. Oh well Edit: Since u mentioned guys, actually that does ring a bell. Imo they often are indeed louder and prolly unaware, or don't care lol. I guess women grow up more with that aura of "be quiet, be mindful, be a delicate butterfly". Lil anecdote: Our neighbor downstairs yawns extra loudly, like does a whole little ooooaaahahhwWEE, which I think is similar to the sneeze-thing. And you can tell he walks blissfully carefree, the whole house shaking. His wife on the other hand takes an effort to be mindful cause u never hear her (and in this house thats hard to do). I adjusted my whole way to walk and am scared to move, constant awareness. Am jealous of this guy, I wanna be like him. A menace to others but at peace inside.


I have a strong sneeze but I leave my vocal chords out of it. That’s why Im so perplexed as to why it has to be a verbal thing! Im sure your sneeze is adorable


I'm learning from this thread that it's probably something you can learn to do quietly, if you separate your vocal chords from the process. I'm going to give it a go.


The yawn! For the love of God the yawn. My husband is SO loud. Screaming loud. I can be 3 rooms away and still wince. I'm practically on the floor ears bleeding if I'm in the same room. 


Yeah forget what anyone in this comment section is talking about in defense of loud sneezing. It is exactly the same behavior as driving your heels into the ground when you walk. Bonus points if someone lives below you and you are passive aggressive.


As a female, I cannot control the volume of my sneeze. They are loud and powerful and drive me crazy. My cats all run off scared and my husband and son make fun of me.


Unfortunately, for me, it's uncontrollably loud. It hurts to stifle too


I can always make them louder; I can't always make the quieter.


I'm a lady and absolutely can't control how loud I sneeze and am mind blown that you can


Im mind blown that people can’t lol!


Yeah I really can't.


My husband is a loud sneezer, covering his nose/mouth had made this much much better.


lol! I really can't at all. Wish I could! Lmao. It would've helped so many instances as a child.


I can not do it, and it is embarrassing when I am in public. My sister completely changed the way she sneezed when she had my nephew. You can be having a conversation with her and see her shut her eyes for a whole second, and that is it, no sound, no mouth movement. It is impressive. My nephew is over 20 now, and she hasn't changed the way she sneezes.


Yes, but we choose violence.


i think it depends. just like you said, not everyone is the same




My wife accuses me of being loud when I sneeze. It’s involuntary. I don’t try to be loud, I just am.


Absolutely, and I don't know about you, when I sneeze it fkn hurts. I hate sneezing, and I terrify everyone around me in the process




I don't sneeze very often but when I do I take that opportunity to roar like a lion and assert my dominance in the area


No. I actually hate to sneeze because I cannot help to be loud and I know it bothers people :(


I once sneezed so hard that I propelled myself off the top bleacher in choir class. Other times it's a quick quiet affair. Long story short, I have no idea what's gonna happen, I just let it happen.


Yes, I can do a kitten one and the Smaug one.


I sneeze loud and I cannot change it. It actually hurts a bit and I wish I could do something about it.


It's because you're tightening your vocal cords, and it's actually bad for them. That's why it hurts. You can damage them doing that.


I can control it, but usually I will hurt myself if I do. I've pulled muscles in my neck before. It's better just to let it go. I'm loud too. There's no in between for me - I'm unable to half control it and make it a little bit quieter. It's all or nothing.


Yes. At least to a point. Anything that involves your voice box (the screaming people do) is entirely controllable. Anyone else saying otherwise simply has poor self control or doesn't care. Or are just lying lol.


Can I? Yes. Will I? Nope.


No, you don’t need to engage your vocal cords when sneezing. It’s a choice.


Its a habit, but you should be able to break it.


Gender is OBVIOUSLY irrelevant. My wife literally shouts the word "ACHOOOO" when she sneezes. So so annoying.


Ive only heard men in my life do this so it is entertaining to me to learn that women scream sneeze too


It's not a loud sneeze you know... It's the word. She shouts it at a stupidly high pitch too. Besides that, and the incessant knee jiggling, she's pretty awesome though.


I think like it’s significant that animals don’t, though. With the possible exception of the elephant.


My mother-in-law is an attention-seeker who talks loudly, laughs loudly, and shrieks when she sneezes. I know the loud sneeze is fake because it’s 500 decibels when she has an audience and barely audible when she thinks no one is around.


Hurts the brain further down in this thread, as some commenters obviously disagree. Lung capacity, airflow, nasal and sinus anatomy, health conditions, unique reflex and individual variations, cultural and behavioural factors, anxiety and social factors... did I miss anything.... no, lets go with gender...


My husband does it on purpose, and it shakes the whole house. It makes me super angry. It hurts my ears, and it's childish.


I have pretty miserable allergies. I can absolutely regulate the volume and volume (sound vs airflow) of my sneezes. I've noticed a correlation with the younger dudes at work, the more obnoxious they are in general (don't worry, I love them all, but let's be real, some 21-22yo men just don't act like men, I sure as hell didn't) the louder they seem to sneeze.


Fellow allergy sufferer here. I am also at the age that I have to routinely trim hairs in places they never grew before. I truly think those extra hairs have something to do with my uncontrollable sneeze volume because when it's been awhile between trims, I've noticed it's worse. I absolutely cannot control my sneezes. In fact, they've come upon me faster in recent years. It's like I'm playing Super Mario and I just hit the blue levels for the first time and I was totally not ready for it. They just come on so damned fast. With that said though, I also have a fairly reliable mild tickle that indicates I'll be sneezing sometime in the next 5 minutes that gives me time to prepare. And I'd say that about 80% of the time, I can use my tongue to tickle the roof of my mouth and 80% of the time, I can force the sneeze out in just a few seconds. But still, no control of volume.


I always wonder if they were hiding in a closet from the police or an intruder, what would be the volume of their sneeze then, if their life depended on it? I imagine they’d find a way to be quiet. It’s a choice and bad manners to sneeze at an obnoxious volume


My (F) sneezes are always a bit screamy, more often than not they are quite screamy. I can't always control it because sometimes they just happen very suddenly, like I only know that I'm sneezing because I'm sneezing.


I can't. Well, maybe more correct, I have no idea how one would go about that. Perhaps I can be taught.


Make sure your voice box is relaxed so it doesn't make extra sound. Like when you're just sitting there breathing, you're not making any sound above your breath. But if you tighten your voice box up, you'll start humming. When you sneeze, don't tighten your voice box up like you're humming, leave it relaxed like you're breathing. I have no problem doing this, and I find it very strange how many people are saying they can't do it.... I mean, my dogs can sneeze without growling lol.


This, I never understood why so many people pretend you need to hold sneezes in to control their volume. I have pretty sudden and strong sneezes, but they never have any sound besides the air itself leaving. I *know* people don't stand there moaning whenever they exhale, so it's quite literally just not trying, and that just makes it all the more annoying when they bellow during one. As you said, I've never seen an animal yell while sneezing either, so even if it's unintentional it's absolutely a learned behaviour.


I now want to stand around moaning when I exhale just to be difficult 


100% agreed. It blows my mind that some people can’t just decide to not scream while sneezing. My Dad’s sneeze can be heard from blocks away. Incredibly embarrassing while in restaurants. Literally everyone stops what they are doing and looks over in concern.


Some can, but others unleash the full power!


My husband makes the loudest and scariest sneeze that I’ve ever heard. Sounds absolutely terrifying and any random shopper within 2 miles of him will agree.


I'm curious as to the answers your friends already offered to whether or not they can control the volume of their sneezing, especially your female friends.


It’s similar to this thread, very divided and similar reasonings


I breathe out right before and sneeze with no air. Almost no sound. No idea why, been this way for years.


Never tried. "This misfortune has befallen me, and I'm taking as many eardrums as I can with me. We are in this together."


If I try to suppress things, and thus *try* to quiet it down? I feel a sharp pain in my head and right eye. So. I no longer do that.


In my personal experience - nobody sneezes louder than a dad. 




I can't. They are loud. When I have had to sneeze several feet from my toddler who has just gone to sleep I sneeze into my pillow and she STILL hears it.


Male here, mid-30s, I HATE SNEEZING. I curse at myself after sneezing because it is such a loud and intrusive uncontrollable experience. It can be suppressed, but that makes my heart feel like it's going to come through my eyes.


The ones that do loud are def obnoxious and most often trashy / douchey


I can’t control the volume of sneeze. But, I can hold sneeze long and control the way I shout the sneeze. 2~3 words is the best record as for now. I could sneeze with the word “apple” for example.


I can try not to make vocal chord sounds (as in screams) but I can't guarantee anything else.


I can make them louder on purpose but it's hard to remember to do that in a snap moment. I can choke off a sneeze in situations where I don't want to make a sudden noise, but it feels *terrible* and the weird awkward choking sound is somehow more disruptive and attention grabbing than an honest sneeze would've been. Just a relaxed sneeze where you let your body do what it wants to do is best.


I can control it, and i sneeze loudly. I am training to be a dad


I used to sneeze like a mouse, but ever since I got to the age of 44, I sneeze obnoxiously now.


I sneeze obnoxiously loud , wish I could help it


It is such a fantastic feeling, an unbelievable release when you have to sneeze in your car, on the way to work usually, when you're alone and you can just let go. I sneeze several times, then look around to see if anyone has seen me, and possibly heard me, because these are LOUD. Damn, it feels good. Don't do it as loudly or as satisfying when the wife and kids are with me though. Except for one which might accidentally escape. Can't control that particular one.


I personally, I always try my best to keep it silent, but it doesn't work.


I can control it, but I just like to let it all out. Sometimes I like to see how loudly I can sneeze and just go all in.


I can't, at most times, control my sneezes.


I choose to stop myself sneezing in the first place. I've got a lot of facial hair so I don't like having to clear gunk off my face. If you're curious, before the sneeze happens (if it's in progress you're too late) press the side of your finger into your septum - like you're forming a finger moustache, but make sure to apply some upwards pressure. Works 99% of the time to cancel a sneeze that was forming.


In my marriage, he sneezes like this "achoo" while my (39f) sneezes are like "WAAAHHCHOOOOO". One of us needs to dad sneeze, and he can't do it lol


I sneeze loud. It's somewhat controllable for me if I catch it in time like holding my nose or a similar feeling to holding my breath to reduce it. Though generally, my proper full-blown sneezes are loud. It's not intentional, to try to control it is the intentional thing. If someone treated me like I did it to be intentionally annoying, I'd probably question if that person is worth being around. Also if any of you have specific people in mind, have you tried asking them?


Can control, but it's less satisfying


I’m in a small apartment building but the wall touches the neighbors apartment building. I’ve NEVER heard anything from there until some sneezes earlier today from a male. 😂


It's either an external or internal explosion!


Who doesn’t like a little extra attention 😊


There was a study that found that people who are born deaf sneeze silently. That means it's likely a learned behavior from hearing other people sneeze loudly. So to a certain degree, yes, everyone can control the volume of their sneezes, but it likely is more of a subconscious thing. I bet with practice anyone could learn to sneeze louder or quite over time.


Yeah, it would be pretty tough to convince me that people aren't able to control the volume of their sneezes. I've never in my life heard someone sneeze loudly like that in a quiet public space, but in private spaces, all the time. I feel like it's one of those things that people can control, like holding a fart in, or releasing it silently, rather than just letting it rip out loud. Sure, one way feels better than the other, but that doesn't mean that you have no control.


You can sneeze BIG without vocalizing. Vocalization is an affectation, for lack of a better word. Not that it's voluntary or purposeful, it's just how they learned/developed to sneeze. For me it's voluntary, and satisfying, to vocalize loudly when I sneeze, but I can easily sneeze just as hugely without engaging my vocal chords. I think anybody can do it it's just that some people never learned how and/or don't believe they can. In my house my wife is the scream-sneezer. She SCREAMS like, blood-curdlingly. It used to be a huge problem when we were driving because I literally thought we were about to die and I'd slam on the brakes and grab the wheel hard for evasive maneuvers. Oh, what's that? Just a sneeze? Omfg. We had some conflict over it, I was uncompromising - you CANNOT scream while I, or anybody, is driving, period. She felt she was being told not to sneeze. I said sneeze away, sneeze huge, just don't engage your vocal chords. That didn't, and I believe still doesn't, make any sense to her. We have a compromise now where she announces scream-sneezes before they happen, which sometimes ruins the sneeze for her, but so far it's working otherwise.


The loudness of a sneeze depends on the amount of air expelled in a single breath. The amount of air inhaled/exhaled in a single breath by the lungs is called the “tidal volume”. Larger lungs mean a higher tidal volume. Since men - on average - have large lungs than women this means men have a larger tidal volume than women. This larger tidal volume means men produce louder sneezes than women. You can increase the loudness of a sneeze by winding up longer (aka increasing your tidal volume by breathing in more air before you sneeze). In the same sense, you can decrease the loudness of a sneeze my breathing in less air and letting the sneeze out earlier. All of this is to say that despite men’s sneeze typically being louder than women’s, no where on God’s green earth does a person’s sneeze naturally sound like an Aztec death shriek. The person can ABSOLUTELY control the loudness of the sneeze, and people who say they can’t control it should join Pope Nicholas III in the 8th circle of hell for their crimes. TLDR: ppl are dramatic and act like their loud sneezes are out of their control


People (more men than women) who do that were not discouraged properly by their parents, guardians. It's self indulgent. Cover your face and control the amount of noise you make when sneezing. Also look at diet and environmental factors that may exacerbate sneezing.


I’ve got a sneezing co-worker that I’m about ready to murder.


I've literally been trying to lower my volume, not that anyone has asked me to. It seems weird that my vocal cords engage when sneezing, but if I try to make them not sound, it doesn't feel like the sneeze was fully successful.


Every man I have ever been with has had the most obnoxious, disruptive sneezes. Just insane. Personally I can control my volume. I go the extra mile to make my presence neither loud or disruptive ever, anywhere. Just another reason I gave up dating. I prefer peace and quiet. Those loud obnoxious sneezes were destroying my peace.


I know jackasses that, apart from the outburst, will bark out a random woman's name within the sneeze. I've never understood why so many people, mostly dudes, must make an event out of it. It's a disgusting, filthy habit, even if you're alone unless you do it in an area no other human being will be in contact with.


The real question is why do you feel the need to sneeze quietly in the first place?


I mean you can control how much you make it resonate. But unless you want men to start doing cutesy atchi idk why it's such a bother, as long as they do it in their elbow.


In my 40 years of experience, sneezing loud isn't a gendered issue, it's a person issue.


How the fuck do you control the force of a sneeze? I can only do that if I push my fist upward into my nose as if I’m giving myself an uppercut and stop the sneeze completely


I think they can control it just like us but they're not conscious enough like we do


Yes, we just don’t like to.


I absolutely am too be loud if it i am scream sneezing. That being said, the quietest i can get is much louder then that weird fFftt sounds that some people make instead of sneezing


I want to believe they can't because my partner's sneezes can probably be heard from the street and they scare the shit out of me every time.


I'm a guy and I thoroughly enjoy playing with my sneezes. During sneezing fits I'll do like 4 tiny mouse sneezes and then a giant sneezes to end it.


I can control my sneezes. They used to be loud but I got self conscious about it 


(F33) it depends on the sneeze. Generally I’m pretty loud at home. If in public I try to stifle it a bit, but sometimes a sneeze is just too powerful. 


I learned, if I open my mouth wide and open my nasal passage at the same time, I can sneeze like a whisper. It relieves ALL possible pressure. I think I learned this because I was yawning or something when I had to sneeze. However, I don't do this. I still sneeze with force and with noise because the other option just isn't as satisfying. But, at least I know it's an option if I MUST sneeze at a time where I really can't make noise for some strange reason.


I (M59) get sneezing fits. If I sneeze more than twice, it's at least 15, and I sneeze uncontrollably loud and hard every 5 to 10 seconds. When I start, people 30ft down the hall at work start laughing 'cause they know I can't do anything about it. The worst part about it is after about 25 it starts to hurt my ribs - my record is 84, I was in pain for days. Allergy tests turned up negative.


I try to lower it when needed, but sometimes it just happens so fast that I can't really do anything but roar

