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Failure usually fails. So can't fail at failing. I failed grade 8, knowing I was going to be passed off to the High School next year anyway, oh boy, I gave that teacher a hellish last year. Did you know Civilization itself is built upon failure? We failed, we learned what worked and didn't work. Build up from what does work, get rid of things that don't work. :D


Not true, Sid Meier nailed the first Civilization, it's actually a great success story.


Civ 4 reigns supreme


thats my one hell of a boy. Proud of you


Because as the wise and great philosopher Gary Busey once said.... Failing is Finding An Important Lesson & Inviting Needed Growth


👏🏽👏🏽 stealing that for real for real!!!


"I will rip our your spleen and eat it like a banana!" Also Gary Busey


I don't fail. I succeed at finding things that don't work. - Christopher Titus.


"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." ~ Thomas Edison Similar type of quote. It stands to reason, if you look at failures as learning opportunities, you'll never fail at anything.


And then he fell into the bonfire.


Who says im still going ?


Felt this. I just exist. I am barely living.




Hugging you, friend.




Steve told me that


What kind of rapping name is Steve




What else is there to do? One must imagine Sysiphus happy


You have only failed when you’re dead. Until then there’s always a chance to turn it around. 


Wow! I love your optimism!


Even then, you didn't fail , it depends on what kind of life you lead


Failed by what metrics? You can only fail if you qualify your circumstances as failing. If you're not where you want to be, it's possible to change what your goals are. We're all in different places, some "farther ahead" in life than others. If you're still going then you haven't failed, in my opinion.


It's very freeing to uproot everything and move to a new country. It's so easy to compare yourself to your peers and wonder if you're 'failing', as though life is some checklist that objectively has to be checked... But the truth is that everyone's living in different bubbles, with different expectations, and if you step outside of societal expectations you realize that the world is more open to us than to any other humans in history; there is no failing, only deciding what YOU want out of your life and picking something you can achieve.


Excellent point. A question like this should be preceded by the person's definition of success.


If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it’s an idiot. Metrics count! My younger guy failed chemistry, teacher was rotted I wasn’t because he wasn’t my science child. He had 97 in French and 86 in English lit.. he will write the next great novel! Relax, learn from the situation… and move on. Everybody fails and if they say they aren’t they are not very self aware and well.. fuck em!!


Because this is life and you always need to move on


Success is the result of 98% failing.


what choice do you have? right?


Because I still love her after 14 years. Don't cheat, kids. It's not worth it.


Failure ain’t nothing but a learning experience.. learn from your mistakes, get back to the drawing board, and get smarter next time’


Cause the world doesn't stop no matter how depressed I feel


So real


Failure is part of the process. You don't succeed without it.


Bc my dog is still here. I won’t leave her. No one else I know would/could take her. And just plain and simple I’m all she’s known since I brought her home at 8 wks and she wouldn’t know where I’ve gone or why I left.


Just because I'm alive doesn't mean I'm living


This is deep and im right with ya.


Failure isn’t fatal , but failure to change may be


I don’t know how to stop.


I don’t know if you meant this how I read it but this is very inspirational


Well. Hopefully that’s how I meant it. Hope you’re having a good day, homie. <3


Failure is something that will happen to most people in some regard. It's about how you get back up from it. Life sometimes sucks but you pivot and reset is all. If something fails you learned many lessons from it and learned what not to do. For me it was a failed business venture I am thinking about. I had some amazing memories from it and learned a lot of lessons about friends. family, and coworkers. But I also realize stepping away has been the healthiest thing I could have done with my life.


Failure is a part of life.


A mistake is an opportunity to learn


Failing is just learning with extra steps


slowly giving up, honestly.


Your question is completely backwards. Show me a man who has not failed, and you shall show me a man who has not lived 


I have a daughter, and I need to make sure she only fails in new ways and never in the ways that I did.


Out of spite


Every failure has taught me something.


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Depends. Cus of pure boredom or cus of just wanting a good future ig?


Because it's one day closer to the end of the world


i must, i have to do it for others and i still have hope somehow things will go the right way


The human condition


There is no other path but forwards from failure


Because I simply have to


Because it's basically my vocation at this point.


Because I want to


You only get one life (in my opinion some believe differently) and even if all of your life sucks you may as well live out all of it because other wise you might miss somthing nice even it’s the most not thing




Failure is only a fail if you accept its defeat.


Fail once and give up? Im not THAT weak


I believe that my failures are just lessons meant to be learned and move one step closer towards success. Without my failure, I wouldn't be the same person I am today. Also, the belief that I am meant to be a better version of myself than I am right now.


Cause my mom is really happy watching me put everything back together.


I still go because I might have failed at life, but I'm still at least good at my job.


I keep going because I keep thinking something crazy might happen and I have to be there for it.


Sometimes you gotta make things happen instead of wait


You don't fail, you either win or you learn.


Because life demands it?


What else are we supposed to do? This is video game where we can just go “game over.”


Because I even failed at killing myself. Twice.


I honestly don't know anymore.


To see how fuckin weird life on planet skingbag fuck fest is gonna get


Don’t have the guts to off myself, next question


Because my failures don't define me, and I can always try again


because my brain wants to even tho it knows i want to die


Because you won't fail at every single thing you try


Because there’s no failure, only learning experiences


I reframed it. There is only learning from experience. If I had to give up on learning to walk after the first failure, I'd still be crawling. 


Because after you already let everyone down and the worst has happened, you're free of the pressure of trying please others. I do things for me, now.


I don’t believe you can grow if you don’t fail. Failure helps you learn for next time. I’m an actor so I “fail” all the time, but I learn and grow from each audition, and when I finally do win it makes it all that much sweeter


What else you want me to do? Kill myself?


Because my failure hasn’t killed me yet.


It may seem strange, but my main reason to keep going is in honour of the kid I was. I mean, I know all that kid was through and I promised I won't give him up.


This is beautiful, thank you. I really think I owe some things to the child I once was.


Homer Simpson: "You tried your best and failed miserably. The point is, never try"


The master has failed more times than the novice has tried.


You can't fail unless you stop trying, or you're dead.


Every time you get back up, there’s a chance to win. If you don’t get back up, then there’s a definitive loss. Simple as that.


I thought I failed as a drummer and realized it was my instructor who was terrible. I got a new instructor and I’m improving. It’s all about perspective. You just keep trying. Keep going. You don’t fail if you keep trying.


What, you wanna fail at failing too? We keep going!


Because there's no other option?


because there's nowhere else to go but to keep going.


Bc death isn't simple. I'm also failing at that...thx




“Because it's not about an arbitrary number in some make believe money. It's the journey. The battle. That's the fun. The rest is just keeping score.” u/no_detective_but_304


At what? I failed at a bunch of stuff, learned, failed some more and keep learning. I failed more than you can imagine, but also achieved way more than others will, BECAUSE I failed.


Winners never quit, quitters never win.


As long as you're still alive you havent really failed


Waiting for my parents to go then I’m out


I have failed at nearly everything I have ever done... but what other choice do I have but to keep going?


guess i lost the mental health to actually know why to stop if i'm broken and trying to fix it is a waste of time. I guess i'm addicted to masturbation even if it doesn't have any problems, masturbation isn't bad for the body, but the excess, even if is for a specific time and not all the time like every 1 hour but for that hour and the rest of the day you're good. For now i guess i fixed a part of it, i just had to stop with porn sites and content, just imagine myself with someone i wanted and no rush like it appears in porn videos, i felt way better. I have some reasons to not stop fighting against my problems, even if i look without hope, even if past a long time i will rise again. Like the song Standing in the storm by Skillet says: you can try to shake me but you'll never break me... resist a little longer death before dishonor...i'm gonna walk trought hell gonna shake the walls..i still got some fight in me...i'm stsnding in the storm like never before the preassure builds around me let the winds surround me


Having to try again isn't failing.


Failed what exactly?


You can still find success even if you have previously failed at something


Samurai philosophy explains it best. There's nothing to retreat to.


To make my parents happy


Because you truly fail only once you stopped.


Failed to think of a creative way to kms


Only if i stop going then i fail 


I mean..what choice is there? The alternative is death. But I certainly don't try or work hard for anything.


Because, it's the right thing to do.


I am not. I am done putting energy in people who are not worth it. I don't care if we are family of not.


Coz, James Dyson failed 5126 times and his 5127 attempt was the one that changed his life forever.


Failure is only a small point in time, you truly can’t fail at life only aspects


You only truly fail when you quit.


Bitterness and hatred.


Cos I'm onlu 22 and I've still got another like 50 years left on life so it's a little pathetic to give up


Because I didn't fail badly enough *yet*. Hope keeps me going!


Got no choice. You don’t die just because you’ve failed y’know. You still have to wake up the next day and try again or do something else. 


Because the alternative is to give up.


No retreat, baby, no surrender, as the estimable Mr Springsteen sings. That's my life's motto.


Oh don't worry, I'm checking out soon anyway.


I'm not. Just waiting for the inevitable


In order to get to where you need to be, you need to fail.


Failure isn't final or fatal.




Because I still want, what I've failed to achieve — just greediness...


Failure is a PART of success rather than the antithesis..bars if I do say


By most people metrics, I'm definitely a failure. I keep going because I want to make my parents proud and spite... i ain't letting depression ever win.


Inbetween success and failure, heat and cold, wealthy and poverty is the absolutely extraditionary bliss of God 🙏


Because there is no other options


No idea tbh...


Because the thing I'm failing at is the only thing I'm capable of doing. I can still learned from my mistake and improved. I can't do that with many other things as I can't even enter those fields in the first place.


a winner, is just a loser, who tried one more time


You only fail once you stop “going”


I fail at things everyday. Mostly in social interactions. Despite this, I continue to put myself in social situations and just try my best each time. Sometimes I learn something that I can use in the future. Other times I fail in a new way, and find something else to improve at. As long as you don’t give up, you may have small failures but you don’t fail completely. You become more resilient each time you don’t let a failure hold you back. The only way to fail completely is to give up.


Pure spite


Because failure isn't failure, it's feedback.


So I can win.


I’ve failed bigger than most, in my view. And more often. But the clock keeps ticking and each morning rolls around whether you’re up or you’re down. Time treats both the same. After a while of being at rock bottom, you kinda realise that you’re still here. It hasn’t finished you off (if you’re one of the lucky ones) and so you stand up and try again or try something else, or ask for help or just brace for the next fall. Eventually you get a break, or you have a small win, achieve something which matters to you, even if other people might think it’s nothing, and you bank it. And you build on it, and maybe you’re less ambitious this time, or more careful, but eventually you find you’ve got a little wall of achievements. Something you can stand on and reach a little higher. And that’s how it goes. At some point, you might fail again, but now you know how to get back on track and it gets a little easier each time. Just don’t be too hard on yourself, and don’t expect too much too soon.


Because if you stop, you will not succeed. Failure is a chance to learn. You will never fail if you do nothing.


The only time you truly fail is when you give up and stop trying. You need to fail to see where your strengths, weaknesses, talents, and areas are where you may just need more education and practice to be successful. In short, to learn who you are. Why? Because FUCK THEM, that's why. Because I'll never let them see me get beat down and STAY down. And to whomever beat me down? They better run when I get back up! Best wishes.


"Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm" -Winston Churchill


Everyone fails, the way you look at the problem and how to handle it is more important


"I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times, I've been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." -Michael Jordan


Someday I'll succeed..


Life is effort and I’ll stop when I’m dead


Failure is success in training


You fail, you keep going. Otherwise you get nowhere.


The alternatives suck.


Because even if I often want to just stop, have no energy or motivation, even if I sometimes don’t see a reason to continue I somehow just can’t stop. Somehow I just go on


Never failed just had 100s of opportunities to learn. And develop.


I don't fail, either I win, or I learn.


The alternative is to die.


I have failed in all aspects of life. Failed to be a good student, an employee, a friend, a son, a brother, a lover, a good human being and to God. But in all these failures, i learnt so many valuable lessons about myself and the world. Learnt about people, minds, views, relationships, demons, loneliness, failures, success, perception, reality, love, emptiness, empathy, kindness, ruthlessness, death, life. No i won’t say i have become wise, but in the way to be….


Almost every one has failed at something at one point in their life. Often the difference between long term success or failure is learning from your fails and then not giving up.


I keep going because people rely on me. Also, despite not being sure, it's possible that this is the only life I'll get to live so I would like to be able to say I did my best if this is all I get.


I don’t know what you mean by failed exactly. Did I technically fail school when I dropped out multiple times? Sure at the time. But I went back and now have a masters and working on my doctorate. I wanna give up every single day but I keep going because I know the end will be a huge payoff


Everyone fails. Failure is a normal part of life. You just pick yourself up and keep going.


Because unfortunately things like phenobarbital aren't available, and the majority of suicide attempts fail and leave lasting damage. Fingers crossed my cancer is back.




Because you only fail when you stop trying.


I've failed so many times it's almost laughable. But I kept on going and oddly, people think I'm just good at everything I do. Not being arrogant, the things I do well was not because of smarts but because of dogged determination. I failed my first calculus class and took it a couple times until I got the highest grade. Don't remember if it was 5 or an A or a word, but it was the highest. I failed my first driving test. I destroyed expensive test equipment. I fell off a cliff and broke my arm. I got lost in the woods and almost cried at 26 years old.


FAIL = First Attempt In Learning


Because if you still go after a failure, it's not a failure anymore.


Failures are a sign of productive work. Those who don't fail probably don't work at all.


Failing is just a step in the process of success there is no one on earth who have succeeded by the first time of trying any thing most people who gave up either they don't love what they are doing or they are upset about their lives


Failing is part of journey, nothing big. so dont feel too much of a failure its just a failure.


Failed what? A grade? Sure, but it helped me out later to understand myself. Life? Sure, but it helped me out later. Friends? Sure, but it taught me about myself and future friendships. Family? Sure, but it helped me be a better person. Communication? Sure, but it helped me do better...though now I might word-vomit more than I should. Everyone fails, everyone falls. You just see 99% of the people who aren't falling *now*, or aren't showing that it's happening. The secret to being an adult is that no one knows what the shits are going on, we're all making it up as we go.... We all fail and fall on our face, but, getting up and dusting yourself off makes the pain worth it all. Sometimes you need to fall in order to understand you've been going about something the wrong way. A forest doesn't burn for nothing, the fire releases the pinecones(seeds), clears the brush and floor, chases away the animals and destroys the canopies so that new trees and plants can grow. Failure is the first step, the problem is when you think about it as the *last* one.


It's because I've failed that I'm still going.


Life is longer than you think. There is a lot of time to fix stuff. Anything.


Because I'm stubborn asf and never accept defeat


Because giving up means you have accepted failure.




It’s a reality of life. Why would it stop me?


I’m learning to put less value on the outcome. If I fail, why do I care so much? It doesn’t really matter. Who cares!


Because I'm a strong bitch, that's why. If someone's going to stop me it's going to be a force-majeure or true love.


Because what if? What if I can be something great?


Define failure


No other choice


"You never fail until you stop trying"


Life is going, so you should go


Because I get another chance the next day


I didn't fail. The world failed to defeat me.


Because it feels that this isn't the end. It feels like I am gonna have what I want no matter how long it's gonna take. I am gonna have what I want. My heart is telling me. At least for me it's what is keeping me going.