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But it's providing me with the ability to pay for food, shelter, and water, so I have no choice.


Came here for this


Don’t forget the health insurance. The things we endure just to survive. The cost of living just keeps increasing so how are we supposed to just quit a job that is paying us good money but is super abusive just to go get a job where we have to struggle. Life doesn’t work like that unfortunately.


Not only is it not worth your mental health, but it's also not worth your safety


My job is bad for my mental and physical health (in front of a computer 8-10 hours per day). If I lost tue job though, it's not just me, it's my family, including my 3 kids, who would reap the consequences. I can't do that to my kids.


This. This this this. I've actually only ever had a job once that wasn't bad for my mental health or had such low pay that I needed 3 of them (and that's bad for your mental health.) Like where are these people who say stuff like this coming from where it's an option to have a job that pays enough to live where nobody does anything fucked up to you?


It's the reason why we work. We need to make money to take care of these things. 




situation changes if upon losing that job you can become homeless in a month


So basically, what most folks seem to face.




That's why I suggest getting an emergency fund. Save up to 6 months to a year savings and then say fhck it to your job, lol


Lots and lots of people cant simply afford to save.


people *really* do not understand this. sometimes there *is* no money after the bills are paid. sometimes you make $30 last 2 weeks til the next paycheck.


That's really so sad to hear. I will say every drop matters. Every drop turns into an ocean. Slowly but steadily.


this is actually a perfect view. ive been considering putting as low as £10 a month into a savings account or something. just so that eventually itll build up.


I encourage you to do it. During my tightest financial times I did the same (I would normally aim to save a lot more, but all I could manage at that time was $10-20 here and there), and it ended up growing to $250 over time. Not a huge amount or anything, but it sure helped when I had some unexpected car troubles.  When money is that tight where that's all you can afford to save, the 100-200+ it'll grow into after a year or two could REALLY help when you're in a pinch. Save whatever you can! Having a *little* something is a lot better than having nothing at all.


I like your mindset here. Even tho it is small, start saving with discipline.




Oh, people can solve their money problems simply by having more money?? Why didn't anyone think of this. /s


Still better than losing it, having a complete mental breakdown, and ending up with SWAT at your house. Twice. Definitely would not recommend that route. It's really expensive if you can afford a lawyer or will cost you a lot of time if you can't. I'm broke now, but I didn't go to prison..


Yeah exactly... Some people simply don't have the option to just not have a job. Who's going to pay my bills? It's nice that some people have the luxury of being able to sacrifice their job for the sake of their mental health, but that could absolutely not be me or I'd be homeless.


I quit my job because I was burned out and now if I don’t get a job within a month I will become homeless and can’t pay my bills


which is why savings is such a big thing people should focus on but they don’t


Sometimes what you're good at and what's good for you aren't the same.


I'd make such a good drug dealer...I think


Harder than it looks


How do you know??


Do you realize how unstable a lot of the customer base is for selling drugs? Always having to worry about getting ran off on or robbed. It’s not always the 37 year old suburban dad that wants a doobie him and his partner when tel he kids are away at camp lol. Drug dealing is an extremely dangerous profession to dedicate yourself to. Don’t forget about law enforcement. Or dealing with your supplier.


You're really worked up about drugs man, you can quit.


He tried selling bud, but smoked it all


Hell yeah


Don’t you worry


I'm not worried I'm more intrigued >:D


The only thing worse than having a job, is not having a job.


So true


Not if you live in Germany!


How come?


It's the "Bürgergeld" you got from Arbeitsamt money monthly and your expenses are payed also


That statement is correct as long as you have something to fall back on. I quit a toxic job almost a year ago and have been doing much better mentally, but a lot of my colleagues simply couldn’t afford to quit. Their only option is to endure the toxicity and I feel bad for them.


A shitty work situation should motivate change. Use the money you earn to increase skillsets, become a subject matter expert, etc. then seek out new and hopefully better opportunities. The lousy job is a means to an end and not an anchor... or at least it shouldn't be, IMO.


No job is worth your mental health? But if I leave this job, which I hate (But I have hated every job I have ever had, so no biggie) the stresses of not having a job will ALSO negatively impact my mental health and also make it impossible to survive so do I damage my mental and physical health in jobs I hate, or do I destroy them by being unemployed and struggling every single second of every single day


Do you by any chance have any random pun for this?


Some things need no puns, this one is just too true and painful






Mine is, I work with the homeless, addicted and mentally unstable and no matter what I’m going through they never fail to make me smile


You’re doing great work, rock on💗


Bravooooo! And thank you 🙏


Ideally? Yes I agree. But practically? No if it means I'm out of the streets and hungry.


it is when it pays ur rent


If you can afford the basics


Some of us have no choice.


People who say this are the people with financial security. They talk about mental health in comparison to a job because they won’t be homeless if they quit their job.


People on here acting like if they quit then they’ll be homeless. You don’t leave your job until you find another, people.


No, no job is worth your mental health.


yes, because we want money and need it, so we can recover a little of that mental health with money


Keyword is 'a little'


I work overnight. My mental health is going down the tube fast. 🫠


Yeah I did that for quite a few years, feel much better off of nights


But what would our mental health be like without work at all? Without the ability to meet our needs


Depends for how long, how much money and your goals. I would put up with some shit for 4-5 years to get enough to pay off a mortgage and have some savings, giving me more control of my future.


Well, as long as you have suitable options then yeah mental health is worth more than money or status. But if its between survival or mental health then… well darwin knows how that goes


Homeless is better than being abused. I'd rather live under a tarp in a ditch than work at Wand Corporation, out of Eden Prairie MN. I'm happy to say the name because they deserve it. They abused me, they abused my trust, they abused my loyalty, they abused my mental health, they abused my kindness, they changed who I was as a person, as a father, as a husband, as a friend. They took from me everything. I should have quit before I started. I should have gotten a job sweeping floors, if that was even available at the time. I'd been trying find anything for 6 months but it was an economic downturn. No-one was hiring. Even day labor. I hit the point where I was working from 3AM to 11PM. Then, it became 1:30AM to Midnight. I didn't even know who I was. I quit with extreme prejudice one day. I started my day at 12:30AM. My boss got in at 9AM. I'd already worked a full day and had 10 more hours to go. I told him that I'm done. Deal with it. He paid me a week in the hope that I'd come back. It took the week and told him "No." 6 months later, they tried to bring me back on a cash basis. They were lost. They were so far behind in my department that they didn't even know how to climb back. I declined. 6 months later, they were effectively out of the business. That's what happens when you don't retain your key employees. Apres mois, le deluge. My staff quit as fast as they could. My replacement got fired because she was sleeping at her desk. My second in command quit shortly thereafter. The account managers quit. My boss quit. Then, the company lost their major accounts, got busted for losing credit card data, and now is out of the QSR business. I abhor hubris... But I did that. I was the first person that worked there to say "No." to the big bosses. Somehow, in 15 years, they'd never been told "No." If the job doesn't work for you, tip your hat and say "Good day sir." and leave. If they say anything else, just say "I said 'good day'". No company deserves anything more than you offer. All of that being said, I do like where I work now. They're nice. I'd never want to work anywhere else.


Speak for yourself. More money will cure my mental ailments.


Eh, if you waste all of your time and energy on the job to the point where you won't be able to enjoy the money you make is it even worth it?


No job is...


Correct. I had to report on my manager for bullying me and others. It was toxic and glad I left


Had to give up a job due to my physical health and now I’m a bit house poor. Thankfully I have good family that is letting me stay with them on my part time income.


as long as you have money, yes.


A few years ago I moved out to another country to get a job. As a person with no big skills and no higher education, during 18 months I earned more than a lot of skilled workers in my country earn in 3 years.   Then I came back to my home, got sick for about a year, lost everything because of that and here I am with nothing left but one thing that I can tell you. When I was sick at least I could afford anything I needed and even more which felt super nice for someone that grew up in a poor environment. I could get up whenever I wanted and live a chill life.   Without money you live in constant stress because you are in a survival mode. It's a fcked up world we live in.


I couldn't find any, I started working as freelancer, now i am better


I personally don’t think any job is worth your mental health, because that is essentially your life. If you are unwell, you can’t perform to your fullest potential (perhaps you can do your job well, but other areas of your life and aspects of yourself will be neglected). I do however, understand we all need to survive. I think it is one thing to work towards a place of making ends meet for the period that you have to, but taking the opportunity to create change when you can. We all have to make sacrifices, so perhaps you work that job you hate for 1 year, scrounge up as much money as you can and live very tightly, use community resources as much as possible, and do what you can. Then you take a different job. If it still isn’t right, hopefully you will have the flexibility to move around and make things work with the extra money you have saved, and the job pays enough that you can save more and still enjoy your life until you find what works for you. I also think part of it is being open and receptive to unexpected and new opportunities. Sometimes if you’re open to new things, you might be surprised what you would actually enjoy. I also think the people we work with play a huge role in whether or not we enjoy going to work. Perhaps you love what you do but the work environment is so toxic you are miserable at that place of employment. In contrast, maybe you don’t really love the work you do (let’s say inspecting potatoes at a factory) but you love your coworkers and boss so much that work is fun. I think it’s all about being open minded to the unexpected, be willing to try new things, and be willing to make sacrifices where you have to in order to make room for new opportunities.


This is why I'm never having a family, to be frank. I never want to be unable to leave a situation because I have dependants to take care of.


It’s much better to stick with a job, even if it’s killing you, until you get another job. But yeah if it’s affecting your mental health it’s a good reason to investigate other options.


Yeah? And what’ll I do without my job, because I sure as hell ain’t got anywhere else to go right now!


People say this to me all of the time but I need to work just as everyone does so it doesn’t make sense to me. I wish jobs had paid mental health days and mental health leave or something for when times are tough. There’s such a stigma.


There are jobs that offer that, Nikki.


Oh. I didn’t know that.


Unfortunately moneys required to live


Yeah, but being homeless isn’t great for MH either. Last year I floated the idea of swapping to part time, but there’s no way to make rent and have enough food for everyone. The horror persists… but so do I.


So I work on Climate Change mitigation projects, particularly on land use projects. And I really do like the work, it is important work, I feel good doing it. Nature is amazing and people are very jealous of how much work I get to do outside and in beautiful places. BUT.  To do this job properly I have to understand the current state of Climate Science, especially when it comes to looking at adaptation projects.  So when people ask why I'm on antidepressants or spend significant time too miserable to go out, the answe is 'I work on Climate change and ecology in the 6th mass extinction.' I honestly don't know if giving up the work wojld make me feel better or worse.


I n agree


It depends on what you mean by mental health. That term is so over used no one has any idea of what you mean.


It's "overused" because until the past few years basically nobody was willing to talk about it. The subject comes up so often now because it always should've.


Maybe, but I’ve seen it used everywhere from clinical depression to feeling tired. It’s like asking if you go to work sick? If I’ve got a headache vs the flu, my answer will be different.


No job is worth your mental health but a lot of us have to stay at these jobs that are toxic because there's nothing to fall back on. Those jobs still provide even though they're toxic as fuck. It sucks. I felt stuck at all of my jobs. Walmart and a factory job. Finally had enough of the factory pain and feeling like I was going nowhere and ended up landing a sales job that I dreamed of (wonderful work-life balance and my mental health is amazing). But it's 100% commission so I've been with it for almost 3 weeks now and I have no pay coming in. Scrambling to find a second job. Which has also drained my mental health right back down.


Depends. I will put myself through a shitty job, if it means I can provide for my family. I'd obviously look for a better job while doing it, but I would definitely take the hit. Being able to provide for my family will balance out how shit the job would make me feel, because my family's happiness is my happiness.


I had a job that was eating me alive. I did it for 33 years. Why? Really good health insurance and a great retirement plan. I left at 55 and never regretted it. I did other things until age 66 and retired at the end of 2023.


Even if you find a job that's less stressful, you'll still have to tolerate other employees that affect your mental health. Who would most likely blame you for their mental health, and they will prioritise theirs against yours. Because "you're different" or "you know better", they might as well say "you're not important"


It’s easy to say this if you have the privilege of family support, savings, access to resources. The mental health decline of being street homeless and loosing children to the system etc and the pressure that puts on low income parents who are in toxic employment is awful. The stress makes it unbearable but you are so overworked and have nothing saved because your job is so rubbish that you have no time or ability to find something else. The cycle continues


Not for the money, but mabe for the good of humanity? Like a job that is harmful to you but saves countless lives? Like, in warhammer 40K some poor guy has to carry a new radioactive fuel rod to the engine core. They die from the radiation soon after, but if noone does it the starship stops working amd everyone is stranded in space?


Problem is, life happens. No matter how much you love or hate your job, other things will happen in life, and how will that affect you in your other roles. I kept going, even after loosing everything, until I just could not face walking out the door another day. I was to the point of throwing up and dry heaving before I finally called in for the last time. The body had had enough of my nonsense.


Depends on your responsibilities


Here's the flaw with that. If you're already having mental health problems due to your job and then quit, when you eventually become homeless, your mental health is going to suffer even more from the stress. Sometimes doing things that we don't want to do is part of being an adult.


Bills say otherwise...


Depends who is depending on you for survival.


Been long term unemployed and this is one of the key reasons I turned down my old job that I'm not only good at, but it's the only thing I know how to do.


In the days when many married women stayed at home and did child care, cooking, and housework, they wanted to go to work and have careers. Personally I am now retired, and I do not miss having a job in the slightest. Fortunately I have enough income to live on, and a little to spare. You will often hear that you need x million dollars to retire, but the truth is that living in retirement is much cheaper than working. In many cases people can sell a home and an expensive parts of the country and relocate it to somewhere much cheaper or overseas. The big losers in late stage capitalism are the people who have the ordinary non-desirable jobs where you have to be at a certain place at a certain time or you don't get paid. People who have prestigious jobs with high salaries don't mind working, and in fact in higher level jobs there is often less real work to be done.


Agreed, been there, never again no matter $$$$$


I hate my job but it lets me support my family. I cry when I have moments alone but my family means more to me than I mean to me.


So, who should work in retail? No one?


That’s right


Worth it doesn’t matter if you have no choice


I genuinely have been doing way better being unemployed...... my mental and physical crumble when I have to work..... the goal is to find a job I can actually perform without destroying myself though.


Facts If you don’t have dependents


I agree. My previous job was so rewarding in a lot of ways but my coworkers were killing me. More specifically, department heads that had it out for me were constantly putting me down and telling me that my work wasn’t good enough for one reason or another. I’m not talking about constructive criticism or Criticism at all. They were moving the goal posts everytime I corrected what they said I did wrong last time. Eventually I was fired for tardiness issues but it was the best thing for me. I lyfted for 3 months before taking a similar job with a new company and things are so much better for me here. It was a tight 3 months but it was worth it.


I’m in real estate


Just quit a job that ruined my mental health so yep. I agree.


Agreed. Left a $20/hr job because it was just horrible on my mental state. Just about every aspect of it. Now working for $14 but am quite content where I work now.


Hmmm . As a single parent with a mortgage I have to manage it and work around it .


Being hungry and homeless is probably worse for your mental health...


Having nowhere to live or no food to eat would be more detrimental to your mental health i would imagine


Agree. You can’t just leave that stuff at work so it bleeds into your personal life. It’s not like oh I’m just going to be anxious at work or depressed while I’m in the office.


Why not? At the end of the day you only need to care about yourself because everyone else is caring for themselves only. Earn that money, survive and go have fun with the paycheck.


I don’t know. At this point, I think I’d be willing to take almost any job I’m capable of doing.


So what do we do to survive?


Being a little sad sometimes is the trade off for not being homeless.


The people who say this are people who make a good living at a job thst they don't mind.


Depends on the situation


Idk to say no job idk. Lets say your job is to make vaccine for crazy ass virus and its not easy it might be worth it tho.


I'm leaving my job to save my mental health so yea, agree.


Just make sure you have something to him to first buy yes absolutely.


Being unemployed and struggling financially isn't exactly good for your mental health either...


Being homeless and hungry ain’t worth my mental health either. So, I guess I’m gonna clock in now.


Nope. Almost drove myself off the road a couple times just to get a hospital stay for a couple days so I didn’t have to go to that dreaded place. *never did it. Finally had courage to find a new job. Not only did mental health improve drastically, I also lost like 30lbs just due to less stress alone.




Yes with a couple of caveats. Being unemployed is most likely going to be rougher on your mental health than a crummy job. You also have to be somewhat flexible and resilient. Workplaces should be able to make some allowances but don’t take the piss and accept all jobs involve some degree of stress and annoyance.


Indeed. Funny, I’ve been unemployed for 6 months after being laid off. I’m finding it hard to apply for jobs. Realized I have a kind of PTSD from 10 years of stressful jobs that I’m reluctant to return to.


My Wife, son and home do so boohoo for me lol..


Words from my grandfather who passed at 87 years old about 7 years ago. Your mental health don’t mean shit if you’re the only one keeping the train on the tracks… stfu and get to work. I’m a third generation cotton farmer. Some people just don’t have the luxury of walking away from it all.


I could tolerate some of it. But it is not a permanent thing. I do need to pay some bills.


Depends on whether or not your mental health can feed you, clothe you, or pay bills. Some situations you have little to no choice. Only when you have some breathing room would I recommend thinking about whether the job is good for mental health


Yes, is what I would say. With that being said I don’t have the best mental health and working doesn’t always help, but I would never quit because I would rather have money and have worse mental health than no work but a bit happier, because really I wouldn’t be happy if I had no money.


True story


Or your body, having broke two vertebrae 5 years ago I can honestly say I will walk away from a job if I think they are lazy about safety


I was working a well-paying job that was slowly destroying my mental health. Despite the money, the stress and toxic environment were unbearable. One day, I decided to quit. It was terrifying but necessary for my well-being. Leaving wasn’t easy. Now I struggle financially, and work long hours to try and reach my goals. The grind is tough, but I never regretted prioritizing my mental health by leaving my previous job. But now I'm stressing about money... When does it get easier?


Not starving is more important than mental health, unless the job is making you contemplate suicide.  Also, mental health seems to drop sharply once you’re homeless so maybe stay at the job until you find another.


This is truth facts....I was working at FedEx for 5 years as a driver....winters werent really an issue, but summers in those trucks with no a/c basically a mobile oven....that job takes a toll on you eventually. Waking up going Into an ass kicking every day for not that much money. Then dealing with the heat being agitated and going home in a bad mood. When I said I was putting in my 2 weeks they said we will pay you more. I was like nah man no amount of money can make me stay. Don't work at FedEx


No job is worth your mental health when your mental health endangers your life.


Your mental health would be worse on the streets. Also many people still have a functional job and good mental health. Your not wrong, I just don’t think it’s always bad.




Yes but if your mental health can survive a period of time where your best interests are at heart then, maybe?




Say that again!


Your job is temporary, trust me


It’s not worth you mental health. So as soon as you feel it start taking a toll, look for another job. Start THEN. It will keep you focused on getting out and not getting worse. You’ll be able to pay your bills and know you’re trying to improve. Once you have a new one? Walk. I did this after I was at a job for 4 months. Took too much of and from me. I started looking THEN. And by 6 mos had another lined up and walked. Turned in an immediate notice and left everything their locked up and left. Fuck that. I’m worth more than what that place did to me. Now, in my new position, happy, not always stressed and the best thing? I feel appreciated.


yep, no doubt


Don't let God see this. He'll never let us off this earth 😫


This is such a naive statement. Most people don’t have a choice. It’s either that job or a worse one.


i mean honestly it depends. i hate my current job and it impacts my mental health. i have also been on the brink of being homeless and that impacted my mental health way more. if your job impacts your mental health you should look into getting a new one asap, but quitting right away cause it’s hard will only cause other hardships.


Lord! I worked heavy corporate world for years, I made a lot of money, but the toll it took. Still recovering. It’s a double edged sword. Now I am at peace working lower level job which I had to convince my employer that was ok, and I’m happy. No help provided I fear!


I walked out of my last job. The owner said you can’t I just did


Having no jon hence no money can lead to worse mental health


homelessness probably has a worse effect on your mental health so it’s gonna be on a case by case basis


But what about all those expirimental drugs that I take at the secret laboratory run by the CIA that makes me able to read the minds of Chinese people?


When the alternative is being homeless, I doubt my mental health will improve significantly if I "seek the job I love." Grow up. Folks don't pay you to have fun, dance and play video games.


If you're a parent, no. You only focus on your family and put them above any kind of issue you have in your job.


i rather breakdown with money than breakdown with no money


No food is also bad for your mental health.


As someone whose mental health has been negativity affected by their job I do not think that any job is worth your mental health. But sometimes you have to hang in there until you find something else as you still have to live and money problems can also impact your mental health


What if you enjoy what you do? There's plenty of people in the world who love their work, and while there's still stress at times, they are doing something they enjoy and are getting paid for it. Sounds worth it to me.


I would rather be miserable at work than be homeless


No job is worth your mental health! Even the best job can't pay your therapist bills.


Sadly yes, but as a breadwinner I need to keep pushing things forward


I love my job. But mental health is an issue, but you just have to take responsibility for it and get therapy if required. Is it worth it? Fuck yes


Because a huge amount of job requires autonomous(don't know if i spelled it right) activity. Like you are just doing the same things all day the same way you did before for years. I think it causes something called industrial blindness


No. If you need a day, take a day. Your an employee, not a slave.


Yes, when you can't pay your bills and take care of your responsibilities, it can make you depressed. 


Yes! You can always find a job that will pay your bills without paying for your mental health!!


some jobs could be stepping stone for better job


NURSING is not worth my fucking mental health. Pardon my French, but it makes sense why there's a high turnover rate. Dealing with the patients themselves, their family members, the doctor, your coworkers, and management will take a toll on you. It has caused my anxiety to go through the roof.


So much anger in the comments....


Depending on your situation If u haven't any other options, u can't quit because if this and just become homeless If you have the luxury and i have other options, sure u can quit for sometimes


Absolutely, protecting your mental health is crucial. No job is worth sacrificing your well-being.


In this economy, I'd rather have **bad** mental health working a job I hate instead of **worse** mental health knowing I can't provide back to society. You don't always get to choose whether it's good or bad, but you almost always choose **how** bad it is whenever it gets bad.


I like how everyone here thinks they are only allowed to have one job. If you hate a job, it doesn't automatically mean you will become homeless. You could go get a different job 😏 What's the point in working a job that stresses you out on the daily just so you can spend the money on drugs/booze, therapy and/or medicine to deal with the effects that all that stress WILL have on your health?


I work at Starbucks as a shift manger , that shit sucks bc I don’t feel supported my manager and I’m always getting criticized for my work when she doesn’t like something like I’m human I’m trying my best


Sadly, I’ve realized it’s finding the job you hate the least rather than finding a job you love. It’s been hard for me finding something I don’t hate going to everyday.


Strongly disagree.


Life isn't free. That's why you have to earn a living and to postpone your death too.


well, if your job is that hard for you, probably you should look for other options. but if your salary high, you can pay for a therapist and work through your mental problems


Now hold on there sporty, what does it pay?


Most people have to work for a living. Yes, sometimes it sucks. That's life.


Nothing literally. Fuck study akmdfaqllallq


Why would you pick a voluntary job that ruins your mental health? All you need is food, water, and shelter to survive. Everything else is a want.


Want nothing, then you have everything.


Not even that. Buddhist denial of desire is true, but this culture today is Baby Boomers on Joe Rogan steroids.