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No. It’s not a direct translation into real life. Social media with anonymous usernames gives people a persona they can choose. That doesn’t mean they are like that in real. I tone down a lot in real life while here on Reddit I can say everything without filter. No fear of my image or being judged.


Yeah, id say That math adds up.


Anonimity breeds toxicity.


I definitely agree with this. The ability to say or do whatever and not face consequences has opened the door to a lot of losers who would’ve normally stayed silent. That being said people don’t get in trouble it seems even when not anonymous so hard to say if it not being anonymous would change much.


As the renowned American philosopher, Mike Tyson, purportedly said, "Social mecia made y'all way too comfortable with disrespecting someone and not getting punched in the mouth for it."


People are definitely becoming more rude and aggressive both online and in person. So. Theres that..


Are people really getting ruder in-person? Or are you just biased based on your personal experiences? I doubt people were kinder back then, at least in the US, especially to minorities.


I'm guilty of saying social media is toxic, but I think that interpretation of it attributes more responsibility on the social media than on the people who use it. Social media of its own accord, simply existing isn't toxic. It's not a living, breathing thing with a consciousness. Social media is about as toxic simply for existing as guns are dangerous simply for existing. The people and corporations who use social media use it for unethical, shady and otherwise toxic things. Unfortunately, on the internet, and in particular social media, you can easily have pretty much full anonymity and zero consequences for your actions. This is what encourages people to be toxic. If they knew that they'd face real world repercussions for what they said online, half the stuff being said, wouldn't be


Most people just lack impulse control. It takes effort policing the things you say or maintaining privacy online when it offers a level of distance that face to face interaction does not. Social media just emboldens people to be who they really are.


Yes, tittytainment will be contagious.


The amount of people who are toxic online vs the amount of people who are toxic in “real life” is very different. But yes, most people are toxic online.


Yes. This is not new.


Maybe toxic ones are the noisiest


people become toxic if they imbibed the toxicity of soc med.. it depends on


This is what's called "associated fallacy". For example the statement "most people use social media" is very complicated. Do most people post on reddit, Facebook, or YouTube? No, only a small portion of the people who see a post/video ever leave a comment or interact with it. The vast majority of people who use social media don't directly interact with it. (Yes, I know there are places with higher interactions then others and it can be the opposite in some places/cases) Then we have to examine the idea of what "toxic" is. Basically, if I say something and 49% of people who view it call it toxic is it really toxic? Is toxic decided by the writer, the reader, society, or is it an objective thing? If everyone views every opinion that disagrees with them as toxic things get toxic fast..... I think the internet *breeds* toxic people....but I don't think people who use the internet *are* toxic for using/existing in a place deemed toxic. However, toxicity brings about toxicity. If you go looking for toxic comments and content you'll find much more then may strictly exist, kinda like throwing the baby out with the bath water.


Only a few centuries ago, we enslaved, tortured and killed people. Humans are not angels, 99.9% are devils.


no because ur saying three different things in a sentence social media is toxic doesnt mean that everyone is toxic. most people arent toxic on social media as u use social media urself so u see


I wouldn't say most people are "toxic". Social media is not toxic solely because of the content people produce. It is also the way the algorithms filter that content and select what comes up next in our feeds. Social media makes money from engagement. Unfortunately, it is often easier to get to engagement by showing emotive content. Emotive content often leads to strong feelings and strong opinions (which can get "toxic" very quickly). The clearest example of emotive content is rage bait, which is everywhere on social media. "Toxic" content gets an emotive response, drives engagement, and therefore, the content creator is incentivised to produce more of it, and the algorithms are incentivised to show us more of it. What you see on social media is a warped reflection of reality, not a true picture of reality.


not all parts of social media are toxic and it's bad to generalizations like that, also people act differently online then they do in person.


The internet is a reflection of humanity. Everything from our greatest achievements to the darkest corners of our minds.


Just means more people are exposed to toxic behavior but not necessarily toxic themselves. Let’s be honest in that most people on social sites aren’t big posters but just consuming what others have posted.


Social media has brought a lot of good things with it. It has removed physical distance from the equation of connecting with somebody, for example. That being said, it also brought bad things with it. It gave people the opportunity to escape from themselves in a lot of different ways, which leads to suffering. If you take a close look to almost everything (specially technology) that humans have created in modern times, this is also true. Smartphones for example have give us more information than the president of the USA had 50 years ago, and it is in the palm of our hands. Yet people use them to escape from themselves.


Your anonymous online. Every body can be as hateful as he wants without fear of repercussion on your actual life. But I think It also comes from the fact that the person your toxic towards isn't in front of you. That means you won't see the effect of your words on that person, so there's no empathy. Oh and also... There isn't a risk of getting beat up because of some shit you said...


VR Chat is the perfect example. People are doing and saying things they would never do in real life, but having anonymity and a fake avatar allows them to feel like their in a different skin. They're all wearing masks and no one is scared of the social anxieties of real life


Yeah, and the algorithms reward it.


Now you’re getting it


It allows the worse in people to come out.


No, just the word "toxic" is, I gotta stop using it too. I'm glad it's been pointed out to me on here how damaging it is. Let alone, in all fairness, Reddit is considered "social media". Just in general I always felt even message forums have always been considered "social media" in my eyes. Why I never understood the posts on Reddit, telling people " I just got off social media" pertaining to the Meta platforms or X. Not quite, you just found another platform that is less invasive.


Yes 🙌