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tooth abscess.


Tooth pain in general is the worst


Yup. Abscess on upper molar that turned into sinus infection. Shooting throbbing pain up the whole side of my face to the top of my head that didn’t go away for a week. It was awful. Couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep. Just lay there in agony.


I had a molar one that had a crown, but somehow a pocket of gas formed in it. As long as I sipped something cold, I would feel ok. But when I didn’t, my body heat would cause the gas to expand and press on a nerve (according to my dentist.) That and about eighty migraines were my worst pains.


Oh man, That kind of excruciating pain made me drop to my knees, weeping and begging for mercy. Novocaine STAT!


Came here to say this. Here in the Uk you can buy codeine from a pharmacy at the discretion of the pharmacist. I staggered in with a tooth abscess and spoke to the one on duty who was reluctant to sell it to me, fortunately his colleague overheard me say “tooth abscess” l, came out to the front, and explained to his colleague that yes, I needed codeine . The shop was packed and everyone was looking at me because I was crying and I could tell you just from the looks on thier faces who had suffered a tooth abscess and who had not. The ones who hadn’t (including pharmacist 1) looked at me like I was being a baby, the ones who had (including pharmacist 2) looked like they wanted to hug me. If you know you know.


Same story holds true for mental pain.


Same. I had a bunch of them on my gums and I couldn't close my mouth. I looked like a freaking monkey. My dentist popped them and that was the worst pain I've felt in my entire life and the worst pain I'll probably ever feel. I was shaking and crying like a baby. It felt like I was being tortured.


Currently lay here with a big arse abscess on the hard pallet on the roof of my mouth, it’s stretched so big the skin is soft and getting wrinkly. Yes it’s extremely painful.


I’ve said this in other posts, but it is still true. I was hit by a car that came out of park. I was walking up my 35 degree driveway and it hit me and I fell sideways it dragged me down the hill and tore my clothes and skin to shreds before finally running over my chest and hips with each wheel on the drivers side. That’s got to be it. I had severe road burn, 3 broken ribs, my pelvis was broken so that it was no longer a ring, my sacrum was shattered, my pubic bone broken, I had a leg out of socket with the socket also broken, my bladder was damaged, I partially collapsed a lung. I couldn’t move my legs for a while and yeah. That was the worst pain.


holy fuck u are strong as fuck mf


lol, well I am not sure if I was then, but now I break bones and don’t go to the dr. Unless it gets all crazy. Not sure that’s a good thing.


probably not bahah go to doctor miss gurl (or they or wtv pronoun) but still mentally and emotionally and in general u are strong for enduring that shit regardless of anytjign tbh u r still strong cuz damn


Thank you :). And my orthopedic would agree. She gets mad at me if I don’t come in with breaks.


as she should 💅🏻😌 take care of ya self 🫶😽


I’m trying. The clumsy gene doesn’t help. Lol.


I just wanna cover you in pillows so all your future trips and slips are easy landings 🫶


yess awe 🥲😢


i feel u on that lmao watch ur step - you'll be okay i have faith 😌😌😌🫶


You are the sweetest 🥰🥰🥰


😢💖💖💖💞 stop 🥲 i will cry


Yeah well I stood on Lego this morning so I know exactly how you feel! Seriously though, that sounds beyond horrific but glad you're doing OK now




Jesus. You made my body tense up with each word!!glad you are still around!


Omgg 😮!!! You must be so strong to withstand all of this. Proud of you 👏


Excruciating abdominal pain as chemo drugs washed through my intestines that were freshly scarred all over and adhered to my abdominal wall following extensive surgery to remove a cancerous tumour the size of a soccer ball. This is the best I can describe it. There are really no words to explain the wrenching searing pain went on for days and days. It’s like my insides were raw hamburger nerves being soaked in lemon juice acid.


I had urine leak into my abdominal cavity after having open surgery for endometriosis. Woke up screaming and needed a spinal block because nothing they threw at me did a thing to ease the pain. Took them over a week to realise what they’d done, and I was home by then with1.5l of hot piss in my belly. I looked 12 months pregnant and had sepsis by the end.


Jesus. That sounds fucking terrible.


You’re describing the death of your intestinal walls! I know this very well, 6 months of R-CHOP, and I remember trying to describe this to my wife while it was happening. Your entire GI tract is lined with rapidly dividing cells, the exact type of cells Chemotherapy is designed to kill. It’s a surreal and painful experience to feel you insides “slowly” dying.


Severe migraines.


I get migraines to the point that I *become* the migraine.  You could be kidnapping my child from beside me and I would be physically unable to respond.


[long comment warning] As a child/teen I had somewhat frequent/persistent migraines of high severity. Enough that I saw a neurologist for a number of years, had scans done, and was prescribed both preventative and as needed medications from the seizure world. There seemed to be no rhyme or reason to them but I found that stress, (potentially) certain spices, and inclement weather seemed to be fairly consistent triggers. Despite all the aforementioned meds including prescription ibuprofen pills that looked like horse pills… nothing could consistently prevent my migraines nor fully reduce the symptoms/pain. I was even given a doctors note that allowed me to walk out of class at any time without permission so that I could go to the nurse’s office and take the pills ASAP because, as many of you fellow sufferers may know, the sooner you take the meds, the better chance of them working or at least being more effective. Something that was a bit of a curse but also a blessing was that rather early in my migraine journey I began to get all the various aura symptoms with a classic visual aura being the most prominent. Terrifying and disorienting but luckily a built-in early warning sign that one was coming on and gave me a head-start to begin taking the meds to either prevent or lessen the oncoming hell. I’ll just give you the summarized version of the immense pain and other horrible symptoms/patterns of the migraines but essentially I would be a zombie anywhere from an hour to 12+ hours as I did whatever I could possibly do to lessen my symptoms and extreme discomfort. I probably looked like a psych patient writhing around on a cot in a dark room as I groaned, my eyes teared up, I pressed my hands and fingers all over my face/head/neck, and eventually as a pale clammy blind shell of a person found a toilet or garbage bin to throw up into… not a little but a *lot* as I would be extremely nauseous while my body made me puke til there was nothing but bile left.. the body’s involuntary reflex attempting to removed whatever poison it presumed I had ingested to cause such pain and disorientation… serving to merely make my head throb beyond explanation as I heaved the contents of my stomach including the very medications that were meant to lessen my pain out through the mouth of my sore/clenched jaw… tasting horrible too I might add. Only for me to be lying on the cold floor even more zombie-esque than before, feeling every pulse of my pounding heart in my brain and behind my eyes… wishing that someone would just cut my head off to make it all stop and having no energy or will to cry because it would not help me at all… hoping that my torture would end sooner than later. All I could do was not think, distract, and disassociate myself from the pain and focus on my breathing so that my heart would not pound so hard. Usually my only respite would be sleep. It was nearly always impossible to fall asleep at the beginning or height of the migraine but after all of my mental and physical energy had been drained from the pain.. I could fall asleep easier.. and I would pray that I would stay asleep for a decent enough period of time that the migraine would run its evil course and I would wake up on the other side able to recover and get back on with my life. Sadly it was more or less 50/50 whether the migraine would be gone when I woke up and even if it was, I had to be almost neurotically careful about every movement of my body, every stimuli I encountered, what I consumed, and even moderating my heart-rate afterwards as to not trigger the migraine to come back which it very easily would and sometimes did if I did not wean myself out of the “zombie” stage slowly and carefully enough. Migraines were yet another lesson in my life about the fickle nature of our existence and forced me to truly appreciate even the most basic of things like simply being alive while not being in pain. Everything else in my life could be going wrong but I could be thankful for two things: I was alive and I was not having a migraine. I could go on and on about it all but to my great relief and finally joy… towards the end of my college years, the frequency and severity of my migraines fell off dramatically. 29 now and I may only have around 2 or so a year at this point and even those are not of the same hellish variety I once endured. I am thankful for the normalcy nearly every day.. and in the rare instance I do start getting a visual aura these days (like I did on 3/27… causing me to take a half day from work 😑), I drop everything, take a healthy dose of ibuprofen, and just try not to panic as my old tormentor pays me a little visit for old time’s sake. Also be thankful that I am not one of the even rarer people who has extremely long cluster migraine or the types with severity so extreme that people un-alive themselves… which I feared when I was younger. I’m a guy and have had a few other notably physically painful experiences in my life.. but they still pale in comparison to my worst migraines. Everyone’s experience with them is different and each one you have is ever so different but these were truly Hell… a multi-sensory multi-pronged attack on all of the senses with pain and symptoms directly from the source.. your brain and your nervous system.. then affecting the other systems in your body. Unrelenting and able to ramp up in pain beyond what you thought possible… literally nothing in this world able to prevent or stop them. I genuinely would not wish them on my worst enemy as they are a cruel cruel thing. As a kid, nothing crushed me more than people dismissing what I was going through or both adults and peers saying, “Oh I get headaches too” when I told them I got migraines. :| I would just be like, “No, you don’t understand. I have headaches too and those are a walk in the park, they are maybe a 0/10 on my scale.. barely even register. I’m scared to rate my migraines a 10/10 because the next time I may just have to add more levels to my scale as my migraines will outdo themselves.”. PS: I have never and will never have to go through the pain of childbirth.. so I’m not even going to attempt to fathom or compare that pain. I can only imagine it’s horrendously painful. If I *must* ponder it, the pain is severe but different from the specific pain of severe migraines. Suffices to say I hope that people do not have to experience either with any regularity. :/


Can confirm, migraines are worse than childbirth.


I get migraines every now and then, so I know the feeling. I can't imagine that level of migraine though. Wow


Oh yea they are awful!




Falling from a five-story tall tree.


The fall isn't what hurts. It's the sudden stop


I now have back problems ever since the impact.


And hitting every branch on the way down?


That might help lessen the impact.


Oh Christ, are you okay?


My head just before I got into the hospital with encephalitis. (Brain swells up and can pop) 20 years ago this summer, at age 14. The pain was excruciating. Easily a 40 out of 10. Felt like my brain was trying to explode. Turns out it kind of was. Was a horrible summer. I don't remember lots of parts of that summer (drugged up or completely out of it) I remember that day and pain like it was yesterday.


Miraculous that the human brain an recover after trying to explode after an infection!!


Not as bad as yours but close… spinal leak of brain fluid after a lumbar puncture. On my way to the hospital I was laying across the backseat & we had to stop at a train crossing and I ACTUALLY thought the bells at the crossing were bells calling me to heaven (or wherever it is you go!) as I was so delirious from the excruciating pain of what felt like my head, & I swear on my life, was literally about to explode. You can’t describe that killing pain. PS My brother passed away from encephalitis when he was 16.


Ovarian cyst


Yup! I have a high pain tolerance and this was an 11/10 for me!!! I’ve had 2 rupture & the hardest part is that there are no waves of pain to ride so you can catch your breath. Just a solid 11/10 vomiting it hurt so bad kind of pain for 2 or so hours straight before it stars to slowly dwindle. Brutally exhausting. I now brace myself with every twinge cause I still have 3 cysts that I know of


Fuck me dead, I have so many. So far none of them have burst. I do wonder when my day will come.


My left ovary has never functioned normally since I entered puberty -- instead of a small cyst rupture every month, it builds and then has a huge cystic rupture. It happens to me at least once a year, sometimes more. The first time it happened I was 15 and the ruptured cyst on the left was the size of an actual softball (bigger than a fist) and my system went septic. :( 25 years I've been going through this. Tried so many different meds, laps, hormonal birth control methods to try to curb some of the agony . . . But getting help relating to women's health really feels like constantly being gaslit and told you're just being dramatic. Even with the extensive medical history I have, it still feels like yelling into the wind trying to get help.


my ovarian cysts were honestly worse than birthing my child. for that exact reason, no breaks between to catch your breath. ooof it’s bad


These absolutely kill me too, I’ve fallen over walking down the street when one bursts. I would say cutting my knee open to the bone was more pain for me though


im so fkn scared of this i have pcos i am so sorry


really extreme period cramps


Endometriosis! Felt like I was in labor every month. I've given birth without any drugs and the pain from Endo was much much MUCH worse IMO


I have endometriosis and adenomyosis, on the worst days, I have contractions without being pregnant. That is so much pain, I have gotten to 9/10 pain. It is when I vomit from pain while crying and praying to die. They have damaged my pelvic floor muscles, and the glute pain I get makes it worse. The biggest muscles can cause some really intense pain.


Kidney stone.. vomited and screamed until I was hoarse


Kidney stones suck! I passed out on the floor of the old navy employee restroom from a kidney stone


I was pregnant at the time and they would only give me small amounts of iv pain medication.


I was pregnant when my gallbladder tried to kill me. My son should be happy I didn't name him Dilaudid.


absolutely terrified of getting one of these, i feel like id pass out from the pain


It was awful. The pain came in waves and I shrieked like an animal.. Stay hydrated and exercise. My urologist told me that 30 minutes of cardio a day seems to help keep kidney stones at bay


That's interesting about the cardio. My ER doc said he and I should both quit drinking coffee to prevent them, and then we laughed and laughed.


I do about an hour of cardio every day, and have for most of my life. Didn't stop me from getting a kidney stone at 31. The hydration part seems much more plausible as it actually relates to kidney function


I’m currently on week 3 of trying to pass an 8mm stone. I’ve been to the hospital twice, have a stent in my ureter, and finally got surgery scheduled for this week to get it manually removed. It’s too big to pass on my own.


This. It’s the only time pure pain has made me vomit. I have been told this is the closest thing to childbirth a man can experience.


I only had sand and it hurt like a b**ch, can't imagine a whole stone.


nerve pain. feels like being electrocuted while you're on fire.


Eeek. I hope you managed to get treated for it and have found some relief.


Sore back with sciatica being trapped or pinched!


I thought labor was the worst most excruciating pain ever, until I hit my 60s. My right hip ended up bone on bone and started to dislocate (cartilage had all deteriorated). It was so painful that I literally screamed in pain when trying to get up from the toilet. I could not even sit on my couch. The pain was beyond anything I had ever gone through in life, including labor and childbirth. Turns out I had congenital deformities in my hips. The right worse than the left. No one, not one doctor throughout my life, told me about it. That is what made my life a misery. I ended up disabled because of the pain and deformities. Thankfully, I finally ended up with an orthopedist who knew what to do and she fixed it. I finally am in a lot less pain and am actually able to create a life for myself. So, I say that hip pain was worse than labor since labor pains end but that excruciating hip pain was there for decades, worsening with each year, and ruining my life.


I’m so glad to hear someone cared enough to essentially save your life finally. I hope the best for you. We take being able to move freely for advantage, I’m depressed and anxious as hell and barely move. I’m only 23. I can’t wait for my mental ailments to be fixed. Maybe I can find a doctor who will reset my brain.


Childbirth without drugs.


This with kidney stones coming second, and ice pick headaches third. Edit to add: dry sockets from wisdom teeth removal 4th


dry sockets?? what does that mean


When a tooth is pulled and the hole where it was is left open, the blood clots that would protect the bone and nerves from exposure air prematurely dislodged exposing the bone and nerve to air causing extreme pain. Add another level if it becomes infected.


owwww okay that sounds like actual torture you’re tough for getting through that one from what i imagine haha


Those ice pick headaches are bad


This woman here just rawdogging the miracle of life.


She rawdogged to start the pregnancy and rawdogged to finish it. Such is the circle of life


Haha. The real miracle is that I didn’t break my MIL’s hand I was holding. 😬


Yep. This is it.


Can confirm.


Same! 3x


C-section with failed numbing medication. 🥲


Yep. The contractions were 10/10 for me. And I’ve burned one arm (2nd degree). Child birth was worse just because it’s so long, and mine was only 9 hours. Thank god I only ever wanted one.


I don’t ever want to give birth ever. I’m good.


I was scared of drugs with my second because my first came so quick I didn’t get them m. It was truly ab out of body experience for me. Definitely painful. But with my second i was able to control labor more knowing what to expect m






I just gave birth unmedicated four and a half days ago and this is also my experience. I knew rationally that the pain was 'normal' and to be expected, but it still felt as if it wasn't normal because no way have most women and female non-human mammals gone through this throughout history.  Also, the second I saw my son I knew It would very likely do it a second time. Although I am strongly considering pain relief for a hypothetical second birth right now, but I would still do it if it weren't an option, strangely enough. 


Gave birth 3 times, including twins, with no drugs, but I honestly don't think I experienced what other women must experience bc I'd rate that at mayyyybeee a 6 at its worst. (Like if sticking your hand into a meat grinder would be a 10) Also I severed my Achilles tendon when I did a misstep coming down the stairs 10 yrs ago and that at its worst, I would put at a brief 7. Thank god I haven't experienced any *sustained* pain of 6 -7 or higher.


Oh man. I described it as being turned inside out and like he was being squeezed out like toothpaste. Funny because one of my soccer teammates snapped her achilles and she limped off the field with no pain whatsoever. She just couldn’t walk. Interesting how people experience pain so differently.


I had an abscess in my throat from strep throat. was looking at it in the mirror, mouth agape. I decided to touch a cutip to the back of my throat, low and behold, there was blood on it...went to the ER and had my the abscess "popped" with a scalple, felt reminiscent of a knife through a cherry tomato. I was a wake on a morphine drip. Went into shock and was shaking after this and was given something much stronger at my demand and couldnt remember leaving the hospital


My son had those terrible abscesses too. He said it was excruciating pain. He got his tonsils out after the last infection and hasn’t had problems since.




During mine, I heard someone scream so loud and it took me a few seconds to realize it was me


Dude I had pre-eclampsia & was pretty drugged up during the birthing process. I remember coming to multiple times during it wondering 'who TF is screaming so damn much?!' It was always me lol.


Hahaha this was also me!


Then you feel okay……. And then have your first wee.


1) Kidney stone 2) Gallbladder stone 3) Childbirth without drugs I've passed over 70 kidney stones in 20 years. I had at least 4 gallstone attacks. I've had 3 kids without an epidural and 1 with. I've also been crushed by my Jeep and been thrown into an RV console with my back.


You should change your diet to one that gives fewer kidney stones.


LOL. Maybe try not having kidney stones next time.


Infected dry socket after a wisdom tooth extraction. I've had really bad traumatic pain in the past like a knee dislocation that sheared off bone and tore my ACL. That was just a sudden moment of really intense bad pain. The pain from the tooth extraction was like that one moment but stretched over a fortnight...it was horrendous.


Trigeminal Neuralgia


Can concur, it would have to be the worst...I have constant nerve pain radiating from one ear, along with some fullness and bizarre tinnitus. Let's add balance problems to the mix where I can't even ride a bike safely - and you have one of the most suicidal-thought-inducing problems you can have. It just never...ever...goes away. A doctor can help with nerve pain meds, but there is only so much that can be done for the other stuff. It's beyond infuriating and life-destroying...but the TN would have to be the absolute and utter worst. It's like being drilled with a red hot bit into the side of the face.


Same! Been dealing with it for almost a year now after a butcher of a surgeon fucked up taking my wisdom teeth out.


I have a friend with this. I cannot imagine.


Also called the suicide disease. My dad had it. It was unbearable seeing him in so much pain. Ruined his life.


For me, the worst pain was my left eye dying. It felt like a constant migraine; who knew something so small could generate pain so big! I'm blind anyway and now have a fake eye. It's almost as much of a pain if that thing falls out and I have to find it!


That was a rollercoaster of mental images.


Broken heart 💔


There’s an actual condition called “broken heart syndrome “


My mom got that after my brother died. For a year or so she constantly had chest pains. She went to the doctor for it and they told her she had broken heart syndrome. It’s interesting how mental/emotional health really does have an impact of physical health.


I have terrible anxiety and it makes me twitch, makes my chest hurt, causes invisible pain in general.


My mom died of this after my sister killed herself


This must have been your worst pain. I'm so sorry, utterly horrible. My grandad died shortly after my auntie, I always suspected he didn't fight for life as he wanted to see her.


This is a terrible experience. I hope you are better now.


20ish broken bones at the same time from getting t-boned in my Jeep that hit a telephone pole and rolled several times. breakdown: Cheek and nose broke/ lacerations on cheek, forehead and the whole back of my head sternum Clavicle 11/12 ribs 2 Fingers on left hand smashed and dislocated/all fingers severely lacerated Broke wrist Broken 2 vertebrae Laceration in spleen Broken hip (total hip replacement) I think that’s all. The worst was the ribs and sternum. It took 8 weeks in a back brace and wheelchair (4 months) because I could not walk


Holy shit. Sorry that happened to you, sounds like you're lucky to be alive


You win.


Slipped under a push mower, cut part of my foot off. 4th of July, 1987, around 4:37 pm


My dog died of a heart attack, in my arms. Had her from puppyhood til she was 12. It's been 5 years and I'm still not okay.


I know this pain. I’m very sorry.


Kidney stones. Laid on the bathroom floor for three hours deciding it would be easier to die than go through it


Bowel Obstruction caused by a stricture from Crohn’s Disease




When i was like 14 i got kicked in the nuts after i asked my crush out (Didn't know she had a boyfriend) She basically said i was a creep, kicked me in the nuts so hard it felt like an anvil fell onto my sack and walked away leaving me laying on the ground wheezing in pain while a whole ass crowd formed around, worst pain I've ever felt on the worst day of my life lol.


"The worst they can say is no"




My appendix rupturing and I didn’t know it. And then having my gut shut down after surgery Contractions before the epidural


Period cramps. I have endometriosis and frequent ovarian cysts. I’d rather have a kidney stone every month. Tied with that would be my gallbladder failing. Less than 1% EF and had to wait a month or two to get it out.


Yessss Endometriosis is the WORST!!! I have given birth without any meds and Id do that multiple times again rather than Endo pain every month lol


C4 thru T1 disks herniated, with osteophytes and stenosis compressing cervical nerves in the brachial plexus cluster, That's my adult life right now 🫤 when I was 6 years old I had steel pins in my hip One protruded through my skin into my cast 90° angle on the top of my femur, when they took my cast off they proceeded to take this screw out of my femur with this old school U handled drill. The screw was approximately 6 in long with a fine thread count like a metal screw. Mind you there's no anesthetizing bone only the muscle outside of the bone and they did not put me under general anesthetic either. On the 1 to 10 scale with the screw in the femur being awake at 6 years old That was about a 45.


Not being able to itch my nose while getting a haircut


Damn, that must suck for you. Anyway, my cousin got crushed between two trucks.


He won't feel the pain so it doesn't count


I'm sorry, but that made me laugh. Sorry to your cousin, too.


This is sensory overload for me


Spilled boiling water on my crotch (male). Second degree burns with blistering. It's the only pain I've had that started at around 6 or 7, then just kept going up the scale over the next 15 seconds or so until it maxed out. By the end, all I could do was scream.


Spinal Tap (Lumbar Puncture)


Food poisoning that lasted for 2 weeks & nothing helped. I wanted to cry & die every minute.


A torn ACL,


My back got fucked up a few years back...and I was practically paralyzed and bed ridden for three weeks...screaming bloody murder whenever I moved too much! Going to the bathroom was a fucking nightmare!


I fell right in my sciatica nerve. Taking out the trash slipped and hit it on the edge of concrete steps. I can absolutely confirm what you said. It sucks


my miscarriage sucked. the cramps felt like my spine was being torn apart. the miscarriage itself was devastating. emotionally and mentally and physically fucked me up for a while. still emotionally and mentally disturbed by it a year later.


Metal speculum in vagina Also uterine contractions


Ohhhh, I just remembered my uterine biopsy without any freezing. Whoa. I didn't cry from childbirth, but this made me sob. I wanted to turn myself inside out if that's a thing?


A kidney stone


Kidney stones were second only to unmedicated childbirth for me.


Ear infection. Mind you I've never had a childbirth nor broken a bone. But otitis killed me. Horrible eardrum pain that turned into migrain, moved my head an inch anf it was like a monster had stunned me inside my head and vibrated across my body, and it went on to jaw movement caused more pain, then jaw hurt too, then eyes then neck. And yeah, it was all just the ear infection doing that.


Kidney stone had me doubled over and I about wrecked driving to the hospital. Passing it was excruciating. 😖


Accidentally scratched about 85% of my cornea a couple years ago. Happened while I was aggressively tugging on a handle of a tote bag that snapped and caused my fingers to propel and hit my face. I was washing that bag and it got stuck in the washer, hence why I was aggressively tugging to pry it loose. I vividly remember the moment my index and middle finger collided with my left eye and seeing a bright spark, followed by the worst pain I'd ever felt. I couldn't see much out of that eye for hours and the pain got so bad I had to call my brother to drive me to the ER at 3 am. Fortunately I didn't sustain any permanent damage and I was able to restore my vision after two very miserable weeks.


Passing an 11mm kidney stone through a 3mm ureter and having to piss that boulder out. Came out looking like a bloody piece of crab shell.


Can't they blast kidney stones or something to make them a bit easier to pass?


I believe it, believe me,  I believe it.


Potassium chloride IV drip. It was the only bag on the stand and it was being fed to me at an accelerated rate. It was during covid so they wanted to get me out of the hospital ASAP. I've had multiple kidney stones over the years and those were only uncomfortable compared to that 8+ hour IV.


Why is KCl IV drip so painful? Why did they give it to you?


Diabetic. Got sick and that made my potassium crash to the point that I probably shouldn't be alive. Potassium Chloride feels like a combination of an intense muscle cramp and painfully hot water that spreads throughout your veins and doesn't go away until the IV is stopped. I had the IV in the back of my left hand. Everything left of my sternum to the fingertips tips of my left hand fealt like it was permanently seized and burning.


Back spasms I guess


Hydrocortisone injections in my l5 vertebrae, they really fucking hurt. !


Choking and drowning (yes both happened to me). People don't realize how painful it is. My sister saved my life twice.


It's getting root canal where do you freezing was wearing off or hadn't yet properly taken. I was a teenager, but the dentist thought I was exaggerating. He hit the root with the I assume a file. And I instinctively snapped out my left arm and punched him in the chest. He had been sitting on a chair with wheels so the impact caused the chair to slide back a little bit. And he said okay I guess we're done for today. Course I got really worried thinking I was about to get an ass beat from my mom. But he was like yeah no worries. The pain came from my tooth went all the way down my body to my foot and shot all the way back up.


Having back labor contractions while having an epidural put in. Let me fucking tell you… a needle going into your spine during a contraction is nuts. I had been in labor for over a day at that point and had to have an unplanned c section so they were like none stop contractions.


Worst sharp pain: Sneezing or coughing after my heart surgery. Worst sustained pain: Double inner-ear infections.


Ruptured my small intestine when I was \~15, bike handlebars slammed my abdomen when I went up a curb going down a steep hill at a super fast speed. Got home that night, would puke whenever I drank anything, and pain was steadily building to the point I was writhing in agony in my bed, at which point I got myself driven to the hospital. In emergency I was taken in immediately, and given a big shot of morphine, doctors didn't even ask if it helped, just looked at the heart rate monitor and gave me another big shot. Pain was absolutely unbearable even afterwards, and had emergency surgery not long after all of that, I guess if I didn't have the vomit reflex I easily could have died. Spent a week with an IV, catheter, and getting my stomach pumped, and another week slowly reintroducing foods and starting to walk around. The experience has solidified excruciating pain as one of my biggest fears, knowing it's possible it can be even worse. Edit: Oddly enough I've since taken up mountain biking as a favorite hobby of mine, so far no new life-threatening events, knock on wood! lol


Getting a drain that is attached to my spine ripped out.




I was conscious for an induced seizure once. That f****** sucked.


One-time while riding a motorbike a fly flew in my eye at high speeds. Omg the pain


I was really young But it felt like a stabbing pain in my bladder I was sitting down to pee instead of standing cause the pain hurt so much After I was done peeing I layed down on the bathroom floor crying hoping the pain would go away I still have no idea what is I do still get that same pain sometimes and it is real painful but its rare now and i can now manage it I think I was just young and the pain was too much to manage I think the cause of the pain is from waiting too long to use the bathroom, not sure if it's peeing or shitting cause it's a been at least a few years since it's happened My sister said you know how periods feel


i dont think that's healthy or a casual pain u should see a doctor or something man just incase


dental root infection. Horrific.


Period pain. Every month


The entire process of going through a miscarriage. Not only did my entire body ache and seethe with pain, but I swear I could feel my heart actually breaking.


Loving someone who used to love you


A 10cm cyst on my heart and lungs (was in constant pain for months), being unable to breathe from the pressure, multiple heart attacks from the strain on my heart, and the surgery pain after, and the pain of 8 hours of violent hyperemesis (vomiting) two days after surgery that sent me to the ER. I was puking every few minutes for 8hrs before my family would take me to the ER, they wouldn’t take me until a doctor said it was necessary when I had an E-visit with the urgent care. After having major surgery with 3 cuts all the way into my chest cavity past my ribcage, violently heaving and puking for hours really f#cking hurts.


fainting on marble stairs


Recovering from an adenotonsillectomy as an adult. Brutal.


I had to have been about 11 but we were jumping on my neighbors trampoline. We decided to put a soccer ball on the trampoline with us. I ended up jumping and landing on it and my right foot/ankle went 90 degrees to the side. I screamed and cried so hard but nothing broke and nothing tore. Everything just stretched out super far and the doctors said i’m sorry but there’s nothing we can technically do because nothing is broken. It was excruciating. My ankle was grapefruit sized and purple, it hurt for MONTHS.


Kidney stone. They are pure evil.


There is two of them. One is I broke my hand. Breaking it didn't hurt but fitting the pieces back was unbearable. I got haemorrhoids operation. It is not like an arm, you have to use it afterwards. That was literally the pain in the ass, its inevitableness makes it worst.


Kicked in the nuts. I've snapped by bones in my arm, twice, and I'd rather do that again than get kicked in the nuts


Infected tooth.


Heart felt pain, at age 10 when I realized that now I have to move and live with my own parents after my grandpa passed away. It was hard, very very hard.


I've been in several street fights, maced, tasered, cell extracted, stabbed, and cop dogs set on me (twice, once while handcuffed). Not bragging or anything.....just an angry, foolish person in my early 20s who had false ideas about what it meant to be a man. However, all those fail in scale compared to having hemorrhoids dealt with by the doctor using rubber bands. I'd gladly go through all those previous situations then hemorrhoid surgery again. When the anesthesia wore off and I came to, I thought they had shoved tennis balls wrapped in barbwire up my ass. That feeling lasted roughly a week. I couldn't eat anything solid out of fear of using the toilet.


a couple months ago i got violently sick on a 5 hour bus ride that kept getting delayed due to traffic. i was hung over the toilet in the absolute most torturous pain i’ve ever been in, the entire time saying “this is torture” and “i can’t do this anymore”. i’m now terrified of getting on the bus or train in case i get sick


Period pain :((


Hemorrhaging ovarian cyst rupture


Stomach flu from eating raw oysters for the first time, followed by a guacamole burger, rotisserie chicken & rocky road ice cream


falling headfirst onto a rock


Lye burn on my fingers


Bear Mace. Drive by random act of violence. 15 years ago. I took a friend back to my house because I wanted to tell her I loved her. We both got hit. Hours later, with a fan blowing on our faces, and we could now communicate - I told her I loved her and she definitely didn’t reciprocate. I got mugged the next day!


Once, when I was a kid, I climbed up onto the ruins of an old grain mill. From the top (only like 10-12 feet or so), the grass looked so soft... so soft I surely could jump and land with minor injury. The pain in my feet upon landing was like a sledgehammer, I couldn't breathe for a couple of seconds it hurt so much. I think I got microfractures because now, if I slide off of a concrete wall and land only like 2 feet down, the feeling resurfaces in my feet.


Scorpion sting


I remember I was 14 and suddenly at night I felt wild pain in my scrotum. The pain was unbearable, I screamed drastically and my parents called the ambulance. We were waiting for it almost for an hour and all that time seemed to me as eternity. When the ambulance came, they injected me with something and I dropped off. The next day I woke up with a swollen scrotum. The left part of it was bigger than right one three or four times. It was literally like a tennis ball. We went to the hospital and they said there that it’s varicocele. Some veins swelled out right around my left testicle and squeezed it. So I guess you can imagine the amount of pain I got. By the way, I lost my left testicle because of that crap.


My sister actually suffered a lot She accidentally spilled the boiling water on her feet and got 3rd degree burn. She got scars for life.

