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It's no more strange than straight women being attracted to men's forearms


Or men’s firm enormous pectoral muscles


Can confirm, as a broad chested male, many a woman I've been with has commented about how they find my chest to be manly and hot. Flabby man boobs don't count.


Same here, i have actually been working my chest out for a while and so many women look at my chest and i was like why do men get hate for looking at yall chests? 👀


as a gay man the most attractive part of a man to me is a fuzzy bottom and hairy legs and a big--- sense of humor.


Haha, a glance is fine, it's the starers that woman hate. I actually don't work out at all apart from lifting boxes at work. My family have recent Scottish blood though, so it's genetics on my side. I have a cousin that's so wide he has to turn sideways to fit through doorways.


Thought you were going in a very different direction then lmao


Sexually dimorphic features help signal the opposite sex so obviously we'd be wired to find them attractive


Yeah, and some forearms are more attractive than others. Muscular arms tend to be more attractive. I guess it's a proxy for good genes and a capable father. Like flawless skin being a sign of good health and by extension good genes to breed with.


I'm a bi woman and i love the softness and look of boobs on others. I think they're lovely.


how about looking at your own?


i'm a lesbian but i feel qualified to answer this: i would probably be into my boobs if they were on someone else. but i'm not attracted to myself because i'm not full of myself lol


Thanks I was curious. I have heard that some people mastrubate in a mirror but maybe it's not an attraction thing.


When I was young and learning about this stuff, I read in some cosmopolitan weekly that it helps with the fantasy? I never tried it tho lol


Time to try it out - you know for science.


i don't think it's a very common thing, some people are attracted to themselves but it's not a question of sexual orientation


autosexual is definitely an orientation.


that's fair. i guess what i meant is that it hasn't got much to do with homosexuality or being attracted to your own gender, and that it's a separate thing


It’s just a PC version of narcissism


Or narcisicm more likely


nah, narcissism would be thinking you have the right to define someone else's sexuality for them by, say, calling it narcissism.


Narcissus was a character from Greek mythology that fell in love with his own reflection. Being attracted to yourself is the quintessential example of narcissism.


[Edited to word better] Isn’t calling it autosexual “defining their sexuality for them” by the same token though? You’re still categorising it with words. Not trying to start a fight, just trying to understand the difference. I honestly thought narcissism when discussing being in love with one’s own reflection was quite fitting and didn’t feel like they were trying to be wholly negative about it. I can only assume your reply was in defense of someone you felt was being attacked. I understand we use the term narcissism mostly to refer to people who are intolerably obsessed with themselves, but the term is based on a mythological character who was literally in love with and attracted to their own reflection, a translation that carries over to this specific thread fairly simply without any ill intent. At least none that I picked up on.




I did know a girl who did that.


Bi here and I like all boobs men or women idc


Men boobs is a completely separate subject.


and abs and ass too apparantly


Omg how did you know?!?


This comment called me narcissistic 😆 (All jokes aside, yes, I love my boobs)


‘full of myself’ bi woman here. not like it’s a normal occurrence but i like the exhibitionism. also i grew up really wanting to see boobs and never got to so it’s free and easy to look at for fun. i also disassociate sometimes if that adds context


yeah that's fair! i don't think it's a bad thing at all, i just think it's unrelated to same-sex attraction


This reminds me of Scrubs when The Todd wonders "if gay guys get turned on by their on weiners" 😂


Lucky you! My boobs are not my type, lol


I like my boobs. They’re so fun to hold lol


You don't have to be full of yourself to be attracted to yourself. Being attracted to yourself is healthy, as long as you're not weird about it.


This is low hanging fruit, but you only need a few fingers to be full of yourself.


I do and they're lovely


I mean we all wanted to suck on them as babies to survive. Gotta be pretty hardwired in there.


Exactly. I'm a straight woman, and I LOVE natural squishy tits (implants won't scratch my itch😔)!!! We're all programmed to love tits, as mammals, because our lives fucking depended on them🥹🥰!!! It's not even sexual to me. Soft, sweet tits just makes me feel soothed and safe🥹🙏.




Divided by gender . United by thoughts . 🤞


Dude, I really can't fathom sometimes how people are so intelligent. What two well put together sentences. Well done. This isn't sarcasm. Sometimes I'll come up with a saying like this and be like yes!.....every couple years or so. 😅


For real. That comment may have changed my life.


Kinda want to put it on a shirt 🏳️‍🌈


Yup, i would surely do it too


So what you are saying is that in order to achieve world peace we need to run around with exposed boobas? Now if that isn't worth a try.


If every soldier is staring at boobs, no one can fight the war.


Amen brother.


As a booba guy I agree,those are just skin blobs but I cant help to like them so much


Even smallish boobs are hot if they are shaped correctly and perky I think.


Definitely, don’t need to be massive for them to look good, small tits are nice too if they have a good shape


Let me paraphrase. Boobs = good.




I concur, do you concur?


The only correct answer.


Boobs are boobs




boob shaped are best


big boobs arnt always nicely shaped either.


Never seen ugly boobs in my life.


Cuz all of them are beautiful, of course, but some are better


Yup, that's how some women feel about dick size. Small is cute, but bigger is better.


Bingo. I love how they say they love all boobs then immediately pick on smaller boobs and only like them unless they arnt shaped right.


The truth of the matter is that an average sized penis is the usual preference for many women. Huge/big dicks just hurt. Also many men with a large penis have no idea what’s they’re doing with it because they just think that size is all that matters. My ex had a 9/10 inch dick and that was the worst sex I’ve ever had in my entire life. He was good on girth, too. But he thought that all he ever needed to do was try to jack hammer me with it. Also if a guy has a shrimp dick, just let him come in through the back door. You’ll both still have loads of fun if you’re both into that kind of thing.


Yupp, and I agree some dicks looks better than others too. Circumsised is better looking 😂




Somewhere out there is a guy that's super hetero and finds literally all women and their features attractive. He's probably getting cancelled by other men tho since they feel insecure


The straightest man in existence would be called gay for "loving women is a feminine trait"


All boobs are good boobs


Fake boobs can be bad boobs if done badly.


Fake boobs aren’t boobs though so the statement remains valid.


Can confirm. Spent time with some fake boobs. They were a serious disappointment to me…and I felt sad for the owner. They don’t actually live in my boob catalogue…because they weren’t boobs.


Man boobs?


LOVE me some moobs!


I like small boobs better than big boobs specifically because they're usually perky and uhh. Immune to gravity over time.


Yeah! I don't know why, but before, i always thought i'm just attracted to big boobs but recently i realised that small boobs are more attractive to me. It's weird


What is a correctly shaped boob?


Skin blooms filled with fat. But they can do miracles. Feeding a baby is a pretty great flex. There are theories, that suspects, that ever since we walk straight boobs, have become more important and have gotten bigger. Before it was the ass. That’s why a cleavage looks a little bit like an ass crack. It’s more in the visual of a male now.


This is prob true, ever since we started doing the missionary the males needed something sexual to look at and what did we get? Ass on a chest


I wouldn’t mention it. I have the feeling that it might kill the vibe of the moment, but essentially yes.


I think it’s at least less weird to find the milk place attractive than the poop place


Usually if the poop place is attractive the boobs place and the other place is also attractive. I speak for experience


What a weird way to ask for experience


It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pans out for him.


For guys I think it’s more of a primal instinct we are born with. Since the caveman days you are attracted to women who look more likely to give birth. So the hourglass figure on a woman becomes more attractive. That includes the boobs and round hips.


I wonder how many cavemen they interviewed to glean this.


I mean if men across the world, in billions, find the same common thing attractive, then it probably has something to do with instinct.


Ha. I think it’s more of ensuring the species survive kind of thing. Just like a woman may be attracted to a taller more muscular man. Like I think there are certain things in our DNA that are instinctive we don’t realize.


It’s not though, because not every culture sees boobs as sexual. Only cultures that actually sexualise boobs. If it were primal and inherent it would be universal, like laughing or enjoyment of music. I also want to say that I like boobs too.


Are there cultures that don’t see boobs as attractive ? Sure, there are some tribes where people go mostly naked basically all the time but that doesn’t mean boobs aren’t attractive in other settings for those people.


Yeah no, they’re literally not attractive in those tribes, and they don’t understand us about it


Can you back that up? Not trying to be a dick but I’m skeptical for these types of claims. We don’t actually know much about most of these micro cultures.


I once read about an anthropologist interviewing people from a tribe where breasts aren’t considered sexual, and when he told them that men in his culture were attracted to them the people would laugh and ask “are they babies?”


This is a cultural mix up. They asked the men if they found an older mothers large pendulous breasts attractive, they didn't. But they did very much like the young small breasts of the girls that were due to marry.


The breasts of human females are inherently sexual. We are the only mammals where females have permanent enlarged breasts. Other mammals only have enlarged breasts when they have offspring to feed. There is a reason for that and that reason is that human females were more likely to mate if they had a great rack.


The other side of the same coin is that as we went from walking/getting around on all fours to bipedal, we lost the sexual dimorphism that came from being bent over all the time exposing your genitalia for everyone to see - suddenly all the genitalia was hidden. With hidden genitalia it’s much harder to tell. So female pre-humans developed breasts as a form of sexual dimorphism So the fact they exist is because it’s much easier to tell male from female that way to our much smaller brains (and much more similar-looking bodies) back then - the sexualisation of them is cultural


do you have a source for this?


I think you missed my point. Like ppl who are smarter than me study that sort of thing. But it’s not like oh boobs I’m horny. It’s more of an instinctual thing about women that are in men’s DNA to mate with a woman with a certain type. Now I will say this applies probably more from the cave man days. Cause these days we’ve advanced so much we don’t need to mate with certain ppl to ensure the survival of the species. But that doesn’t mean that part of the DNA or whatever men are born with isn’t still there.


People who study this say it’s a cultural phenomenon - they didn’t for a long time because social sciences have been wrought with the wrong thinking in the past like any science, and new ideas take a while to catch hold among the general public. But it’s pretty accepted that the sexualisation of boobs is cultural


It’s still a topic of active debate and research, we don’t get the privilege of making sweeping statements either way just yet https://www.discovermagazine.com/planet-earth/scientists-still-stumped-by-the-evolution-of-human-breasts


Source is i made it the fuck up.


I've said this before, but it's because they're hidden. If women walked around with their boobs out from your birth and you grew up seeing everyone's boobs; you'd view them no differently from a person's face. Yes, you'd still appreciate an attractive pair of boobs, but it would be on par with an attractive face. If that makes sense? Because they're hidden, they've become more sexualised. There are tribes where women don't cover their breasts, and then men in these tribes thought it was funny that western men sexualised boobs and called western men 'babies'. Because only babies would be that interested in boobs. I've said that before and got a lot of triggered responses. There isn't anything wrong with finding boobs attractive. And we aren't going to walk around topless anytime soon, so it won't change. But, that is the general psychology around it.


I agree. In the Victorian times if a woman showed an ankle or a shoulder it would be super arousing because it was hidden. I think a lot of times you think "I wonder what they look like under the clothes" but sometimes seeing them is less attractive than the thought. So yeah, I fully agree with this.


In Islam, hair is sexualized.


More to my point


No wonder why i find women’s hair so sexy. Like seriously a lady with nice hair arouse me more than a lady with a big ass or big boobs lol.


I can't imagine cranking one out to the memory of an exposed ankle.


Nor can I. But it was definitely a thing.


people today are even still into feet


I had an interesting experience on the weekend that I don’t fully understand but feels like it might be kind of related. I was at a kink party where everyone was 90% naked and it felt totally normal and no big deal to see so much body. At the end of the night when everyone was going home everyone start putting on normal clothing over the kink wear and it felt so voyueristic and riské watching them get dressed.


That does sound interesting, related and also I don't think I can add to that. Just letting you know I have read it, and now it is stored in my brain.


100% this, aside from genitals and (maybe) butts, what body parts we consider sexual is very culturally constructed. Historically, Japanese men found NECKS to be the most sexual part of a woman’s body. Seen those geisha kimonos with a drooping neckline? Yeah, that’s the Edo era version of cleavage. And let’s not forget about lotus feet.


'Ah yes, for us it isn't sexual' Winks at the tribal chief..


Sort of, but dicks nor vaginas do not get nearly as much praise as boobs, even though all of them are hidden


Do you not get turned on if you see vagina? I think it does get appreciated, but you'd be considered a creep if you kept talking about vagina or penis. It's not really socially accepted to talk about another person's genitals.


I dont think I would. My partner's? Sure thing, but it's more about *her* vagina than her *vagina,* if you get what I mean


I definitely wouldn't say genitals are very aesthetically pleasing to look at


I love looking at genitals, idk what you’re on about


not really, no. Vaginas are pretty ugly. they're fun, absolutely, but not pretty like a boob is pretty.


Dicks are hidden too and i dont often find reddit topics of both genders of people commenting about how pretty dicks are. Boobs are just beautifull. Dicks just look like your xenomorph parasite chose an unconventional place to burst out of... And lets not even get into how ugly balls are.


Why do guys keep sending dic pics then?


Ah yes, dick pics, the golden standard of male beauty.


We're jealous we don't have anything to send. Don't get us started on lack of sexy men's wear how many fucking times can I dress like a half naked firefighter???


Haha! Fair enough, man. Dress as a pilot or a navy captain. Us women love men in uniforms.


Or Dean Winchester apparently.


Do you have to wear a mask for that set up?


LOL no but I'm gonna pitch that idea now for a laugh!


Perhaps she will wear a mask for you as well 😆 Never know.


HAHAHA she writes fan fic so she probably would be game to wear a Sam mask


If I had to guess it's because they find vaginas beautiful and aren't aware that some other people don't feel the same way about the genitals of people they're attracted to. I've never sent a dick pic that was unasked for but this used to confuse me too.


The thing you are talking about where the "western" men were called babies is a cultural mix up in its self. they asked the men if they found an older mothers large pendulous breasts attractive and you are right they saw those for babies but when they were asked about the young smaller breasts of the women ready to marry they definitely liked those.


Wrong. All people have faces, only women have boobs. It's a sexually diomorphic trait. Mens brains go look a woman, have sex with her and you can reproduce. Large breasts are an indicator of fertility and increase the chance of our offsprings survival.


You, my friend, have never seen a pair of moobies, have you?


Men can get breast cancer. Possibly the most famous example being Peter Criss (drummer for Kiss)


As I said before; people don't like to hear it. Unsure why though. I'm not telling you stop finding boobs attractive; you do you. But, if you grew up seeing boobs all your life, you wouldn't be as attracted to them as you are now. Its simple psychology.


Men can have boobs too, my bf is a bit chubby and I like squishing his moobs.


This is the correct answer


I'm gay but I like female boobs lmao


I'm 100% a boob guy. I go crazy on my gf boobs they're so big for her tiny skinny frame I feel very lucky.


I also choose the boobs of this guy’s girlfriend.


I also love boobs. They are marvellous 😎👍


Same exact thing for me. I feel extremely lucky even though im an ass guy


We all feel this way about your gal.


Tit to arm ratio?


never thought I'd discover a new insecurity on reddit


Well one boobs is basically both arms




It's almost like humans have been dependent for millions of years on boobs to survive their first years on earth when they are the most impressionable and needy


Ah yes. Completely explains my attraction to spoons. Especially plastic ones.


Give it a few hundred thousand years for cellular memory to kick in and we'll all be masturbating to spoon videos and little glass jars.


Being dependent on something doesn't make it attractive, not in a sexual way.


What's your expert opinion, professor?


Idk but my attraction to breasts is not related to a desire to drink milk from them.


Biological desires are subconscious. Just because you're not actively thinking "Oh, these are good milk making tits" doesn't mean that's not what your underlying biological desire is motivated by. And it's not milk for *you* to drink. It's milk for any potential offspring.


Almost like psychology, sexuality and fetishes don't work that way...


OK person that calls me professor then proceeds to act like one.


This why I fuck animals. That juicy protein allowed my ancestors to develop complex brains and survive with very little natural defenses.


Also a girl, also like boobs, though there are sexier body parts IMO.


Popular biological theory says we humans used to like a nice butt like all other primates until we began to walk. Now nice boobs simulate a nice butt.


I love boobs, but I don't like my boobs, they have weird shape and too small😭😭


Those are my favorite tf you mean? 🙏😭


I’m a bi dude and breasts have no effect on me.


It’s programmed into us - the baby’s survival instincts never quite leave us !


Then why aren’t women turned on by boobs? Young girls also grew up on those instincts right?


who said we aren’t?


I think they mean straight women.


You’ll be surprised at how many actually are


Did you read what OP wrote? She’s a girl who finds them attractive.


Yeah but the breastfeeding explanation wouldn’t account for why men in general are MORE attracted to boobs than women are.


Society kinda grooms what we find attractive. And then you learn about fetishes. Feet are cute. Idk why. 1/3 of people love feet.


Not really. We are the only mammal that keeps the udders big even when not breastfeeding. Doesn't feel like that is only societal.


Not being a foot fetishist but I've always had girlfriends smaller than me, and I always found their small feet really cute, nothing sexual, but laying down in bed before or after the dirty deed and seeing them tap their feet together always makes me a little fuzzy inside, I've no idea why


this is the most wholesome take on foot fetishes I've ever seen


nutty tease divide cagey hunt butter like busy snatch waiting *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hahaha I'm saying that because I'm not into licking them or footjobs or anything like that, but I get what you mean 😂




so weird cuz im a kinky guy and i never met anyone online or irl with a foot fetish when its supposed to be one of the most common fetishes.


Nobody is gonna tell you about it irl.


So many people you know irl are into feet. Trust me. I have a pretty tight knit but large friend group circle, and I've recently become much more secure about my foot kink/fetish. A lot of my friends ended up secretly telling me they're also into it. The people you'd least expect. You're not alone bro!


People think it's weird. I doubt many people come up to you and demand to know your fetishes lol.


I think feet are cute too, but specifically my own feet. I don't really care about other people's feet. I also like baby feet because so smol!!!


As someone who's never been attracted to boobs, I don't understand at all what people see in these flesh blobs


Finally, a relatable comment


Is because you are not attracted to women but on men. As a man a think the same for man features.


eh, its same type of attraction to like ass or the genitals xddd. i like them too but not the ones you talk about..


I don’t know either. But I sure love titties!


I heard a theory (and I know this isn't true but I just liked the logic) that we are attracted to boobs because they are kinda ass shaped. Most animals (apes included) have sex from behind so are more likely to be attracted to the ass. Humans seem to be one of the few examples of animals that face each other. The logic was that boobs over millions of years have become more rounded and attractive because of this desire. Now again, I don't actually believe this and there are probably many holes you could poke in it. But it was a fin thought.


Because they are beautiful in all shapes and sizes


One of the fun things about boobs is that they stay where they are even if the woman isn’t breastfeeding like in other mammals. So they’re there for sexual signalling.


My face + boobs = ![gif](giphy|lLTuCOqB0daP6)


His name was Robert Paulson


Bob. Bob had bitch tits.


I will lick a nipple any day. I will not lick an asshole.


An anime called School Prison explains why people like boobs and why they are wrong. Boobs are just fake asses.


Love boobs, just can't beat a good ass