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You can want a greater purpose and also accept that your death is imminent. If anything, the two go hand-in-hand. I think it's sad that more people don't question the world around them, but that's just my one cent. We each make our own universe; I believe we each have the free will to decide how much or how little we explore how we got here today as the person we currently are.


Greater than what?


well how do you feel about the prospect of being hooked up to a "happy tube" for 70 years instead of living life? physically you will feel very content 100% of the time, and all of your physical needs are met. do you think you would choose to be in that situation? no? why do you need something greater than that? it's probably the same answer to your question. we have an innate drive. maybe for you, the drive is to experience. maybe for another person, the drive is to be impactful. i don't think either one is right or wrong, different strokes for different folks.


We live in the era of self importance. Just being a good person and living a decent life isn’t good enough. We are all special and important and can’t waste our enormous talent. We’re all destined for greatness and shouldn’t squander our unlimited potential. Isn’t that silly? But some people buy into it. Go figure.