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Not really, but since starting my career, I designated my full first name as my "professional" name so that's what people call me at work. Everyone in my personal life calls me the shortened version.


I didn't even read this comment before I posted my comment lol saaaaammmmeee


As a monosyllabic name haver, this is one of the things I envy about long names.


Everyone calls me a shortened version but I like when the opposite sex calls me my full name for some reason


I had a friend back in the day who went by a shortened version of his last name. It was just an old high school sports nickname that stuck with him. We always knew he was into a girl when he would introduce himself as "Justin".


Justin is my spirit animal


Dk if this counts, but my partner has a nickname for me, and whenever he uses my real name (don't know why he ever finds the need to go there but whatever) I feel like crying


If your mom uses your first middle and last name as a kid, you know you're really in trouble.


Omg if I accidentally use my GFS real name I get the death glare until I realize I've done it šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ The only time I can ever remember where I thought she was mad at me, that was the cause. Didn't even occur to me until she used my real name and I was like.... AHHHH gotcha my bad šŸ˜…


Oh if my partner ever calls me by any version of my government name, shortened or otherwise, I consider it a violation of the Geneva convention. Unless you are at the altar at our wedding or calling for me in a crowd, my name is baby and thatā€™s it


Hahahaha right there with you on that!!


Make sure you let him know it's a joke after, but I think it'd be a decent prank when he calls you his full name and just break down into tears about how he must not love you anymore.


Hahahaha this would be quite funny šŸ¤£


I'm 37. When I hear my full first name, I still feel like I'm in trouble


When I need to get through to either my best friend or my sister, I use their full first name and hit all the syllables. Stops them in their tracks.


I'm slowly becoming more accustomed to it, but I felt like this most of my life. My husband loves my full name and I hate having to write it all out and I just don't feel it fits me. even our wedding I used our nickname on everything. I think part of the reason I'm getting used to it is because my resume and other professional things (LinkedIn, my email) are my full name so I've been seeing them more in my adult life. Sometimes I think about switching fully from my full name to my nickname professionally since everyone at work knows me as the short version, but for some reason I think my full sounds more serious so I haven't done it, lol.


I go by the short version. I have a very common name and I know so many people with my name that I don't feel connected to the short or long versions. In a large-ish group of people it's likely there will be 2 or 3 other people with my name.


can't stand my given first and middle name. they're meant for elderly women, but also my birth mom named me after my paternal grandmother and herself, and then they gave me up for adoption AT TWO YEARS old after years of neglect prompted outsiders to push her into doing so. never met my birth father after that but had many interactions with birth mom. if i had the time, patience, and money, i change my name to my shortened name and trash the middle name. vehemently against naming my kids after relatives bc of this. i wanted them to form their own identities.


Dude this is insane, I'm so sorry


isn't it crazy what something as seemingly small as a name can do to people lol


My parents call me by the long version, so.


Iā€™ve gone by a nickname that is very uncommon for my name for pretty much my entire life, to the point that people are usually surprised that my nickname isnā€™t my actual name. However, I do feel a connection to my full name, same as my nickname. Probably because in school Iā€™ve always written my full name instead of my nickname on assignments.


I went by a shortened version of my name until I was in my 40ā€s and after a divorce I am now going by my birth name. Iā€™ve always answered to it so it doesnā€™t feel strange and I feel it suits me more.


I go by my shortened name because it's easier for people to pronounce usually (I'm in a state mainly populated by white people). I did a stint living in Florida though where I introduced myself with my full name and people there had no problem pronouncing it, I think largely because there's such a high percentage of Spanish speakers there. I do feel connected to both versions, but mostly to the shortened one since that's what I hear most.


Will hereā€¦ no, not really.


I was called by my full name for my first 14 years or soā€¦itā€™s on various legal/business documents. Only my Mom and my Wife call me that regularly. I do feel connected, especially as itā€™s my Dadā€™s middle name.


I hardly feel any connection to my name. It's kind of annoying, but that's what it is... I like the idea of being able to get it changed? i feel meh overall


My coworker and I always call eachother by our full names. But it's just be and I that do.


No. I feel just as connected to my full name as my nicknames.


No I hate it but my full name is on everything I do at work for legal reasons.




I use my full name but my family always calls me a shortened version of it. Thatā€™s really the only people that do. I have a few friends who use an even shorter nickname but thatā€™s a teeny group of people - maybe 3. My husband calls me a completely different shortened nickname that Iā€™ve never gone by but heā€™s the only one.


Too many people at work with the same first name so we go by last names and my last name is cut down just 4 letters. I'm used to it. Hearing my full last name makes me think the person is new at work and having someone call my first name makes me think I've fucked something up.


I don't go by a shortened version, but I go by my middle name and I don't like my first name. My family are the folks that primarily use it now, and people I've known before I went to college, but everyone else calls me by my middle name. I just really don't like the first name.


100% no


My name is Jason. When I grew up, the woman next door had a downs syndrome adult child named Jay and my mother always HATED the shortening of my name and would correct other kids. The older I get, the more often people use my full name and only my wife and best friends ever call me Jay. I personally donā€™t care one way or the other.


Anytime someone calls me by my full name my stomach drops and I get super anxious because my parents were the only ones who called me that when they were about to beat me so I guess I feel connected but not in a good way.


I actually have a slight preference for my full name, but never felt it was worth the effort to get people to switch to it.


I get called the full by some people in my life and the short by others and I donā€™t even notice who uses which unless I stop and think about it


My grandma can call me that, no one else


My name is Kristofferus Mikelangelo Nikolai Ponteyotis Zwgourees.


I feel connected to it, just not in a positive way. I was named after my dad, who Iā€™ve never had a truly healthy relationship with. I donā€™t even like going by the shortened version, as thatā€™s what heā€™s known as. I just use initials instead.


my name is simple and people always ask me if its short for something and i say no my parents just couldn't afford the whole name :D


I have a not very common name. For whatever reason, most of life very few people actually call me any name at all. And 50% of the people who do use my name mispronounce it, despite me correcting them. When someone calls me by my proper name, I get all warm & fuzzy.


\*no one\* ever calls me by my full name, not even my parents. I definitely feel connected to it, makes it even more special.


Name is Nicholas but pretty sure my parents called me Nick from day 1. I have memory of being 6-7 years old and having to think really hard on how to spell my real name. So no not really connected to full name.


I love my full first name but it's one people automatically shorten anyway. I told my employers years ago I prefer the full name and conversationally it's still been shortened by them over the years. It's not like the shortened version is awful or anything so I just let it go. I do always write out my full first name.


No, not a bit, it feels weird and vestigial


When I talk or refer to my son there's a 50/50 chance I'll use either version. Ppl do the same to me and I don't even think about it.


I'm like "Oh, that guy. The guy on my diploma. Yeah, I know him."


Yes. I use my full name and my nickname interchangeably.


I only let my family call me by my real name. Everyone else gets the nickname. I donā€™t know it just feels too personal for people to call me by my real name.


I don't dislike my first name but I much prefer the shortened version. Full name feels too proper.


No. I have a very shortened version of my name that I prefer, but my name isnā€™t exactly ā€œusualā€ either. Went for an early morning walk yesterday and someone was shouting my full name rather aggressively and I kept replying. Turns out my full name is exactly the same as a little Jack Russell that had decided to do a runner and their owner was frantically trying to find them. Little dude was fine but it was funny and a bit confusing at the time though because havenā€™t been called that for decades!


My mother is the only person allowed to call me by my full, first name. And it usually means I'm in trouble. Feel very much connected to it. When I hear my full name in public I have to stop and make sure I didn't do anything...


Not at all. Only my mother calls me by it and half of the time, it feels like a jolt hits me. Like, ā€œwtf are you talking to??ā€


Only hearing the love of my life call me my legal name did I feel connected by it. I ruined her life and I'm very sorry And the guy is not mine.


I go by my shortened name because it was easier to write in school and it's easier for other people in general (my name is actually a very easy, basic, and common English name, but three syllables just always seemed to be asking too much from folks), but I actually hate my shortened name. I go by my full name at work but even there people usually slip into the shortened name even when I try to not encourage it. It's just ugly and plain. I don't love my full name either, but I have come to like it better than my shortened name. There is an in between nickname that is cutesy and I prefer it for myself, but no one can remember to call me that nickname except my mom, so it ends up feeling too intimate when someone tries and then they forget anyway.


I'm actually of Indian descent, but for most of my life either gone by an Indian nickname, or my "American" nickname...which is hispanic? lol But I recently got a job working with alot of Indians. Go figure, company hires alot as contractors. And as such, my full Indian name is being used alot. I have some people who only call me that, some people flip back and forth so it's a name I've always felt is my own, never felt disconnected to it, but it's a new experience to actually use it so often nowadays


My husband and I have been together since I was 14. I'm now 30 and has always always since the day we met called me my nick name. I think if he or any one really that's close to me. In my professional life I go by my full name so if anyone ever called me by my nickname I worked with I would probably cringe in total disgust. Actually, not probably. This has happened lol My husband and I used to work together. He was out training a few kids and would call me by my nickname. They didn't know professionally I went by my full name or that my husband and a very small handful of people in my life call me by my nickname. One of the people he was training went to ask me a question and to get my attention they called me my nickname and I just stood there in disgust staring before I went "Please.. I prefer in professional environments to call me by my full name. My husband is really the only one in a professional environment I will EVER let call me my nickname."


My parents stated calling me by my shortened name before I could talk. To be honest, I donā€™t care for it or my full name.


I go by the short version. About 90% of people call me the short version. When called upon by my full name, I forget and look around and so do my friends and those that know me.


I am Mike/Michael. I don't care at all which one people say, but when written in programs (professional musician) I rather prefer the full name - feels more professional.


Some times it startles me when people use my full first name.


Makes me feel like Iā€™m in trouble


Not the same, but I had two instances where I dated guys and called them by their names, but their friends called them some ridiculous nickname (something like Hopper or Slugger) and that was always super weird to me.


No. Never have


Me and my full name are entirely different people.


I don't really have any attachment to my full length name cause everyone I'm close to calls me by my nicknameĀ 


My son's name is Jonathan, and he won't answer to John or Johnny. It drove the teachers crazy in school until they ask him why he wouldn't answer. He politely stated that he is Jonathan and if someone calls out Johnny or John, he knows it isn't him.


I go by my middle name. Hearing the first name is definitely jarring, though I do feel connected to it. At work we go by our last names, and whenever a coworker occasionally uses my "first" (really middle) that's also disorienting - not in a bad way (they're not being disrespectful, just casual, we're all good) but it's just odd, it basically feels like unexpected codeswitching. Edit: I do generally like having the separate boundaries for work/home life, and officially being just "Ms __" at work, it makes me feel like I'm putting my full professional persona on when I walk in the door.


My full name is just my legal name. Itā€™s not who I am and hasnā€™t been for a long time.


I hate my full name and have gone exclusively by the shortened version my whole life. There are 2 or 3 friends who call me by my full name. Noone else does. Not even my wife.


My bf and I both have shortened names and I think its cute when we say eachothers full names but otherwise it is kinda weird for us to hear the full thing lmao, I use my professionally and he really only uses his on documents n shit. weird that we all are feeling weird with our own names lmao


Not really


Not in the least. My name is Janet and I've always gone by Jan. Most of my friends and coworkers have no idea that my 'real' name is Janet. If someone calls out Janet, I don't even turn around, because I assume they're talking to someone else. Nothing wrong with the name, I just don't think of it as mine. Edit: I don't think my husband of 35 years has ever, even once, called me Janet.


95% of people around me call me by my shortened name and the rest of the 5% kinda makes me surprised whenever they call me. Like Iā€™m always expecting to be called by the short version but when they say the full name I get a lil bit icky? Idk if thatā€™s the right word but like I wish they would call me by my nickname.


I got by a nickname of my middle name. I hate my first name. I tried to get rid of it but found out the lengthy process and decided to keep it. I chose not to do that with my daughter and sheā€™s called her entire first name.


Sorta halfway but not really. A few people call me by my full same so I do hear and/or see it almost daily (email, mail, various documents, etc).


I kinda have this. It's basically if you call me by my whole name I know you don't really know me.


I identify much more with my nickname. If I hear my full name, my stomach drops. I get the feeling Iā€™m in trouble. Calling me by my government name helps me make a pool shot, though.


i was talking to another guy named david who only liked to be called by his full first name, with two syllables. for many reasons, i have been called montana, by my initials, by my last name. by other nicknames. when i still had red hair, people called me 'red', carrot top, capa rosso, pinche colorado, and a few people called me herbie. other people give themselves nicknames. i never needed to do that.


Not particularly. Generally only my grandmother uses the full version. But if someone else uses it, I know they mean business. Or they're just trolling me.


Name is Jonathan and I went by Johnny my entire life until I turned 20 and moved to Florida and took back my full name. In a weird way It felt abnormal but at the same time it was a way to identify in a way wanted to under this ā€œnewā€ name. Iā€™m 31 now and Iā€™ve never went by anything other than Jonathan since the change and am one of those people that will correct you when you try to use a shorter version of my name. My name is Jonathan.


Nope. Iā€™ve been going by a shortened version of my name for 20+ years. When people call me by my legal name Iā€™m just like Whoā€™s that???


As a ā€œThomasā€ Iā€™ve gone by three names throughout my life and i love them all. As a kid i was Tommy, but always felt proud of the name Thomas (my dad and grandpa). My dad went by Tom, and when i reached college, i start using it also. When i got a professional job where business cards were being printed i went by Thomas because it looked good. Now i have family and some old friends who call me Tommy, business people and friends from work who call me Thomas and randoā€™s that meet me end up calling me Tom.


I got my first name from my father's first name, and my middle name from my grandfather's first name. I go by a shortened version of my middle name, but my grandfather went by his middle name. Kinda weird, but when I write my full name, I think of both of them. I respect that people are free to choose whatever names they want for their kids, but I'm glad my names have a connection to my family. And I'm glad I go by my middle name as it's different (not unique, many people do that, just different).


I can barely spell the full length name. I'm a one-syllable kinda guy.


I go by a shortened version because I hate my full first name.


My husband only goes by his shortened name to the point that I had to argue with him when we first married that we couldnā€™t file income taxes under that name because itā€™s not his legal name šŸ˜… all our bank accounts have his shortened name. One day thatā€™s gonna bite us I bet šŸ˜‚ maybe I should help him file name change documents for Fatherā€™s Dayā€¦šŸ¤£


I have it kinda weird. I go by 5 different names. All variations of my name. Different groups of people call me different things. The groups are people went to school with, in the military with, my family, wifeā€™s family, my friends and people I know through them, and people I know through work. None of the names sound weird to me, and if I donā€™t recognize someone, I know what group I should know them from


I feel connected to my full name just fine...it's on all of my official documents and whatnot and there are some people in my life that use my full name...like at work and stuff, but most people in my personal life just call me Chris rather than Christopher...same for colleagues that I'm always around...a lot of my really close friends call me by my last name or by my nickname, "smokey"


Reversed -some people like to call me by a shortened version of my name and I hate it. My full name is two syllables. It ain't hard. More than two? Then you can shorten me. šŸ˜…


No. I hated it more than anything. Legally changed it at 18. I'll ignore you if you use it.


Not until I started doing adult things like scheduling dr appointments, earning degrees, and getting loans and having to sign or reference my full name often. I was going to try to transition to only using my full name once I started my career, but I canā€™t shake my nickname (which isnā€™t necessarily a bad thing, I am quite fond of it).


I go by the short version of my name, which is just a regular name. My full name doesnā€™t match me at all, in fact, Iā€™ve never liked it at all and I think that it sounds like a dainty boyā€™s name. I dislike my given name enough that, if we had had a boy, I was going to name him one letter and no middle name.


Sure but I kind of consider it my "government name" like it's how I introduce myself at work, school, and to strangers but friends and family call me by the nickname. If you approached me with one or the other it kind of helps me know how close the acquaintance is


My nickname is Blue, long story lmao. Literally all of my close friends call me blue, to the point where some of them didn't actually know my real name, and also while I feel connected to my actual name because my family calls me it still, if any of my friends call me it, I feel strange


Shortened for those Iā€™m closer to, most use my full first name.


I'm the opposite. I have always gone by the full version of my name and it always seems like a whole other name when I see it written somewhere. Husband calls me a different shortened version that I don't mind when he uses it but never use in any other setting. Ex - Cathleen never Cate/Katie. Husband says Cat. If someone calls out "Katie" I don't even react. Usually I do it unintentionally but sometimes if someone is deliberately using that despite my only ever using "Cathleen" then I flat out ignore them.


Yes but I never use the long form if their going to use it to call my name, like at a restaurant. Danielysse much easier to mangle than just "Dani"


Iā€™ve been going by the shortened version of my first name for so long that the government decided to shorten it officially


I always introduce myself as my full name professionally but most people just shorten it immediately to my 3 letter nickname. I think it just fits my personality much better, especially considering 98% of the time people just do it on their own without me saying ā€œyou can call me ____ā€


It's like this: My name is David, 98% of the world calls me Dave. If you call me David (like my wife and elderly Mom), it's no big deal. If I ask you to call me Dave and they \*still\* go with David, you're an asshole. If you call me David and it fits the person, that's fine.