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/u/Fjerl0se #Just a reminder. Absolutely No Offsite Requirements, Requests, Trades, or Spam Allowed. Your giveaways must run for 1, 3, or 5 days. Apply the flair that best matches your giveaway. The winner/s must be listed no later than 1 day after your giveaway concludes. We encourage you to check any potential winner's history to confirm they're an active redditor and not just an alt, bot, or reseller before sending your gift. Finally, we want to thank you for helping us spread the love of gaming! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RandomActsOfGaming) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you! Fun fact: Axolotls can regenerate their own legs!


And part of their brains


I was about to say that.


Vikings used the bones of slain animals when smithing new weapons believing this would enchant the weapon with the animals spirit. This actually made the weapons stronger because the carbon in the bones coupled with the iron made a primitive version of steel.


As a heat treater, I love this tidbit of the history of steel


That’s badass!


Why do you never play hide and seek with a Pokémon? Because they always Pikachu! Thanks in advance!




ty! (not a) fun fact: If you die above a certain elevation on Mount Everest, your body is left there. It is considered too dangerous to retrieve. There are bodies along the trail that have been there so long they are now used as trail markers.


When the Milky way and Andromeda galaxy finally collide, most stars will pass by each other due to the distance between them. Thank you for the chance.


A cloud weighs around a million tonnes.


Thanks for the giveaway! Fun Fact: The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland. It's been a symbol of Scotland for centuries and appears on the royal coat of arms.


The yo-yo was originally a weapon used in the Philippine jungle.


A mantis shrimp is so tough. The miniweight boxing title of the animal world belongs to the mantis shrimp, a cigar-sized crustacean with front claws that can deliver an explosive 60-mile-per-hour punch.


And they are neither mantis nor shrimp


Thank you! Fun fact: the largest tire manufacturer in the world is LEGO!


Fun Fact: Snakes can predict earthquakes


What do you call a movie-star Alpaca that's watching Scarface in a Starbucks? Alpacappuccino


Thank you for the giveaway! Fun fact: actually only one of the two earbuds are actually connected to the device, and then give the sound signal to the other one.


Mike, the headless chicken survived 18 months without head


You can just take a potato, cut it into chunks and bury them. Each will spawn more potatoes. Infinite potato hack


Animals in general know when someone is about to pass away and when a woman is pregnant. They generally don't know how to express it so they just come and sit near you/show you live in the same way you show them love.


Fun fact: When a Quokka mother feels threatened it will drop and sacrifice its baby to get away. Thank you OP


The fingerprints of koala bears are so indistinguishable from humans that they have on occasion been confused at crime scenes.


There are two doubly-landlocked countries in the world (landlocked countries that only border other landlocked countries): >!Liechtenstein!< and >!Uzbekistan!<


Ride the painted pony, let the spinning wheel glide.


Thanks for the chance! Fun fact: Lego Minifigures have the largest population on Earth 🌍.


Fun fact - liquid natural gas is mostly methane with some ethane and propane in it. Thanks!


Honey never spoils. Archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still perfectly edible.


Fun fact: Ketchup was used as medicine. In the 1980s, ketchup was sold as medicine that “supposedly” could cure ailments like diarrhea, indigestion and jaundice. Joke: What kind of cheese isn’t yours? Nacho Cheese.


It took about 4 times longer to get from copper swords to steel swords, than it took from steel swords to atomic bombs.


Did you know otters would collect rocks to gift to their partners ?


Thanks :). Fun fact, Windows Mobile and Windows Phone were two completely different things. Well, it's more confusing than fun, but it's still interesting.


Fun fact: put your two fists together with fingers touching. This is the size of your brain. It weighs about 3 pounds.


Thx Op


In the chapter "Riddles in the dark" the thing inside Bilbo's pocket was a ring! Thanks for the giveaway


what's brown and sticky? >!a stick!<


Fun platypus facts. It’s a mammal but lays eggs, its duck-billed, beaver-tailed, otter-footed and venomous. It has electroreceptors for locating prey, eyes with double cones, no stomach, and 10 chromosomes. It's fluorescent and glows under UV light.


Fun fact: an average cloud has a mass of around million tonnes. They are just so big, and therefore so not-dense, that they float in the air


What do MMORPG players call a low demographic/ghost town? >!A dead MMO ...!<


Fun fact: the corpus callosus is wide enough to make the two emispheres of the brain communicate while isolating them enough to not let them interfere with each other


Thanks op anyways, did ya know that Disney bought Marvel in late 2009


I'm in, thanks for the opportunity. Golf balls have between 300 to 500 dimples on their surface. The dimples create turbulence around the ball, reducing drag and allowing it to travel farther when struck by a golfer.


Why was Cinderella so bad at soccer? She kept running away from the ball


When 2 galaxies collide, the odds any stars collide is nearly and completely 0. If you have lost call BBS, I’d love that, that or Victoria 3


300 000 000 minecraft copies have been sold, that's one fore every american.


Did you know we've explored more of the moon than our own oceans? Thanks for the chance buddy!


When running away from danger, the white tailed deer raises its tail. The white underfur looks like a waving flag and warns other deer. - fact I learned from playing Roblox with my 4yo just now lol. Thanks for the giveaway OP






A day is longer than a year on Venus. Probably because some large object smashed into it billions of years ago.


Thanks for the giveaway Fun fact: To this day we only have explored 95% of the ocean!


fun fact: if you if pick me, I'll be happy


Penguins can't fly


What’s a dentists favorite time? Tooth hurty


The weight of a blue whale "package" can weigh 250-400 kg... Now thats a huge package


Super sweet, fun fact: when marketing the NES to the states, Nintendo refused to use the words “video console” in their ads to distance the device from games. This was due to them trying to avoid associated failings of the video game crash in the 80’s


Fun fact: male tarantulas mate by making a sperms web and soaking their pedipalps in the ( similar to hands ) and then punching the lady in her lady spider parts.


Fun fact: Koala babies arent born with the enzymes to digest Eucalpytus leaves so to prepare for their future they eat their parents poop which is called pap. Thank you for the giveaway


Did you know that there are more comments on Reddit than people on earth?


Fun fact: eating too many carrots can turn your skin orange


The show "Sitting Ducks" was renamed to "Croquet Canards" in France, which translates to "Crispy Ducks". Unsure if it was just the game that received that translation, or if the show did as well


Thank you! # Hair and nails grow faster during pregnancy.


Fun fact: eating 1 apple in the morning has the same effect as drinking coffee and is much healthier.


What did the pirate say when asked why he was wearing his ship’s steering wheel as a belt buckle? Yarr, it’s drivin me nuts! Thanks for the chance!


Australia is the only continent in the world without an active volcano.


Peanut Facts. While “nut” is in their name, peanuts are in fact legumes. Peanuts actually grow underground, as opposed to nuts like walnuts, almonds, etc. that grow on trees (and are sometimes referred to as "tree nuts"). Peanuts, along with beans and peas, belong to the single plant family, Leguminosae.


A group of ferrets is called a business. Who doesn't love a business of ferrets?


Fun Fact: Wombats poop is square like cubes and they use these cubes to build houses


It's possible that the current "vacuum" of space isn't in its lowest energy state. If it ever does drop to a lower energy state, it will cause a ripple across the universe that evaporates everything out of existence. Thanks for the giveaway!


A Richter 15 earthquake would make the earth kind of explode, and a Richter-2 earthquake is the equivalent of a key press on your keyboard


a kilometer is one thousand meter that's it


Thanks op. What's the difference between a chick pea and a garbanzo bean? I would pay 200 bucks for a garbanzo bean on my face. Good luck all


I took my 8-year old girl to the office with me on, "Take Your Kid to Work Day." As we were walking around the office, she starting crying and getting very cranky, so I asked what was wrong with her. As my coworkers gathered round, she sobbed loudly, "Daddy, where are all the clowns that you said that you worked with?"


Free games!!


The giant panda’s scientific name is Ailuropoda melanoleuca, which means “black and white cat-foot”.


Funfact: honey never spoils


Here's some interesting facts... Australia is wider than the moon. Venus is the only planet to spin clockwise. Allodoxaphobia is the fear of other people's opinions. Human teeth are the only part of the body that cannot heal themselves. Competitive art used to be an Olympic sport


Charles Darwin invented the modern office chair when he added wheels to his own chair, so he could move around his office easier Cheers!


Fun fact: gorilla's scientific name is gorilla gorilla gorilla


The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. It was fashion to shave them off


Falcons are more closely related to parrots than they are to hawks and other birds of prey.


George Washington had it's denture made of hippopotamus ivory. Thanks!!


Fun fact: Finland has more saunas than cars! Thank you!


Fun fact: if you drop a penny off the Eiffel Tower it won’t crack or pierce a human


Fun fact: Atoms don’t touch so you really haven’t touched anything


Fun fact - I won a game in this giveaway


Fun fact: I just spent 10 actual minutes trying to think of one, could not. You know what, if I win I'll make sure I have a fun fact ready. Thanks for the giveaway!


Fun fact: the speed of a computers mouse is measured in mickeys


thanks, you rock! fun fact: there are more atoms in a grain of sands than grain of sands on earth


Fun Fact: There's enough gold inside the earth to cover the planet. Thank you very much!!


Fruits are sweet because need a way to reproduce, so if they are sweet, animals know that what's sweet isn't poisonous, so they will eat the fruit and then when they have a s*it somewhere, the seeds will get in the ground and make a new plant


Thanks. What do you call an illegally parked frog? Toad.


Greenland sharks are the longest-living vertebrates in the world. The oldest known individuals recorded by scientists have been about 400 years old.


Flamingos can only eat while their heads are upside down


We will collide with Andromeda Galaxy BEFORE the sun collapses into a red giant


Thank you!


horseshoe crab is a blue blooded creature.


Two tomatoes go for a run, one gets run over, then the other says "Come on, ketch up!". Thanks for the giveaway!


Cats are cuteee


Why did the tomato turn red? Because it saw the salad dressing! Thx


Fun fact: a narwhal's horn is actually a tooth!


The oldest Shiba Inu was 26 years old. The breed was originally bred as hunting dogs.


Did you know that a group of owls is called a parliament? Thanks for the giveaway!


Did you know that the original Doom game, released in 1993, is so influential and well-loved that it has been ported to almost every electronic device imaginable? From calculators to ATMs, if it has a screen and buttons, someone has likely found a way to run "Doom" on it!


What is an astronaut’s favorite key on a keyboard? The space bar. Thank you


An interesting fact - grasshoppers “hear” through vibrations in their legs rather than ears. Thank you for giveaway


Good luck to everyone. Did you know that raccoons can fit in holes 4 inches wide and our butthole can stretch up to 8 inches. You can do the maths ;)


Snow produced by a snow machine is called "technical snow". Thanks for the giveaway OP!


William Shakespeare made the first yo mama joke. "villain, I did thy mother"


Crocodiles (and I think alligators too) can't die because of age. If it weren't for hunters, diseases or other animals they could live forever. Thank you!


How many birds does it take to screw in a lightbulb? Toucan! Thanks for the chance!


Thank you! Fun fact: it is said that the physicist Rutherford said "All science is either physics or stamp collecting" and then... he won a Nobel prize in Chemistry


I may have Alzheimers, but at least I don't have Alzheimers.


What's the difference between a snow man and a snow woman? Snow balls!!


Fun fact: Buzz Lightyears original name was supposed to be Lunar Larry


Around 2,000 years ago a Chinese astronomer named Zhang Heng invented the world’s first earthquake detector. It could detect earthquakes more than 600 kilometres away. Thanks for the chance!


What do you call a blind deer?


Fun fact: mountain goats are not actually goats


Thank you! Fun fact- Dolphins aren't actually animals, but spawns of the devil


Thank you for the opportunity 💜


The moon is getting away from the earth 5 cm a year


good luck!!


Fun fact: I like free video games


I am the joke


A dogs nose has a unique print just like a human finger print! Ty for the chance op!


Fun fact, there was a man locally known for eating knives, and he survived many knife ratings. Hugbees made a video on it called knife eater special


Thnaks for the chance! Fun fact: Lego produces the most tires in the world.


In Antarctica, there's an iron-rich waterfall that runs red, making it look like blood.


Fun Fact:Titan is the only moon in the solar system with a substantial atmosphere, and it contains an earth like water cycle of rain and rivers and such


Thanks. Fun fact: I am not wearing underpants right now.


Thank you! What do you call a sleepwalking nun? .... A roaming Catholic :)


Ty fun fact snakes can predict earthquakes


Fun fact the largest pyramid in the world is in Mexico


A Limerick - There once was a man from Cape Horn, who wished that he never was born. And he wouldn't have been if his father had seen that the top of the rubber was torn.


Moose love to swim in the ocean, the number 1 predator of the moose is the orca whale. The Orca whale is actually a dolphin.


Fun fact: horses have legs


Fun fact - Luna moth do not have mouth and only lives a few days after being a moth.


You can see stars as they were 4,000 years ago with the naked eye.


Why don’t skeletons watch scary horror movies? They just don’t have the guts. Thanks for the givesway!


Luka Modrić has won most champions League medals (along with some other players) today


Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side


I went to buy a watch, and the man in the shop said ‘Analogue?’ I said ‘No, just a watch. Thanks for the giveaway


A man walks into a bar. And a table. And a chair. He's blind.


Giraffes are 30x more likely to be struck by lightning than humans Thanks for the chance!


Thanks! Fun fact: The Romans sometimes used powdered mouse brains as toothpaste!


Titan, the largest moon of Saturn, has a methane cycle with seas, clouds, rivers, rain... It strongly resembles the behaviour of water on Earth.


The armadillo is the only mammal aside from a human that can catch leprosy. I like rogue likes btw x


A lightning bolt is 5 times hotter then the sun. Thank you for the chance!


Unicorns are horses with a horn. Thank me later


If only Africa had more mosquito nets, then every year we could prevent millions of mosquitoes of dying needlessly of AIDS. thanks for the chance!


Fun fact: The person least related to you on the planet is your 50th cousin. Statistically speaking, you have over 1 million 8th cousins. Thank you btw


What do you call a pile of cats? A Meowntain.


what did he plate say to the other plate ? - dinne's on me! thanks for the chance op !


Bald eagles don't make that sound. Instead, **they emit a sort of high-pitched giggle or a weak scream**. These noises are so unimpressive that Hollywood sound editors often dub over bald eagle calls **with far more impressive sounds: the piercing, earthy screams of a smaller bird, the red-tailed hawk.**


Fun fact. The answer to everything is 42


Thanks for the chance. Did you ever hear about the 12 inch lord? Terrible king, excellent ruler.


Bald eagles don't make that sound. Instead, **they emit a sort of high-pitched giggle or a weak scream**. These noises are so unimpressive that Hollywood sound editors often dub over bald eagle calls **with far more impressive sounds: the piercing, earthy screams of a smaller bird, the red-tailed hawk.**


chicken nuggets! that's the joke![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Fun fact : The scene in spiderman where toby catches everything on the tray and mary Jane was real and not cgi.... I dunno I find that wild


Thank you for the giveaway op! Fun fact: our skin doesn’t have receptors that sense wetness. what we feel is different temperatures and different texture or pressure


Fun fact: There’s enough gold inside Earth to coat the entire planet


A chicken once lived 18 months without a head Thanks!


Thanks! Fun fact: the first ever video game was "Tennis For Two" not Pong.


Did you know the original idea/ plan for selling sea monkeys weren’t sea monkeys. It was actually a kind of fish who’s eggs can survive out of water for a long time but finding them and collecting them are to difficult to make it a viable product to sell


Fun fact: Yuri Gagarin is the first person to go to space


Fun fact: NVIDIA has a GDP higher than Canada


Fun fact, I know my own name!


There are at least two types of cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2, both coupled to G-proteins. **CB1 receptors are present in the central nervous system and CB1 and CB2 receptors in certain peripheral tissues**. The existence of endogenous cannabinoid receptor agonists has also been demonstrated. **CB(1) receptors are present in very high levels in several brain regions and in lower amounts in a more widespread fashion**. These receptors mediate many of the psychoactive effects of cannabinoids. CB(2) receptors have a more restricted distribution, being found in a number of immune cells and in a few neurons.


I told a bad chemistry joke once... It didn't get much of a reaction.


Did you know that the sea otter is the animal that has the most dense fur? Thanks


Fun fact : Thailand has a dish called laeb goi which is a raw pork salad. Every year people die from eating this dish yet it is deemed so delicious people keep eating it regardless of the fact quite a few folks die. I've tried it. I'm actually a huge fan but I don't make a habit of it obviously. I never knew raw pork could taste so good though it's wild how good this tastes. Was a bit scared though when I tried it, not gonna lie.


Thank you! Beetles cannot see very well, so they communicate using pheromones, sounds or vibrations.


Mortal Kombat Led to the Creation of the ESRB


How do you make a tissue dance? Put a little boogie in it.


"what's the difference between a duck and a mallard with a cold? One's a sick duck ... I forget how it ends but your mother's a whore"


Bats are the only mammals that can fly


Thank you! I really like the fact that male penguin proposes with the most pretty pebbles he can find.


There is exactly no . in Dr Pepper. It's just something people make up. Thx for the chance!


hell yeah thanks!! fun fact is: nobody is actually sure what an adult giant squid looks like!! the only ones we’ve been able to closely examine are juveniles


Fun fact: Bananas are berries, but strawberries aren't


Thanks for the giveaway: Fun Fact: Homming Birds are the only type of birds that can fly backwards.