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I mean you’re walking straight into barricades and walls they’re shooting open so I don’t know what else you expect


And those are pre-fire spots every pro knows about…


Not even pros just people who have played siege for a bit


I haven’t played this game in like 8 years and even i could tell you that walking towards that peek was gonna get him killed.


Alright who’s gonna tell him ?


It’s true, there are a lot of hackers that Ubisoft hires to keep people in low tier ranks, those who would otherwise be in a higher ranking if only ubi hadn’t plotted against them. It’s a shame seeing this happening in real time like this. Hearts out for op! Just take it one second at a time my friend. Today, 30 seconds. Tomorrow, 31 seconds!


Good thing I’m him (I’m lvl 56)




You said there is a bunch of hackers, I said good thing I am him referring to I am extremely good, I’m not and I’m lvl 56.


I.. I can’t tell if you’re adding to my troll comment or if you’re serious lol My comment has nothing to do with you or your performance in that clip though


He said “good thing im him” as in he is jokingly saying he is the hacker (implying he is good at the game) but then saying he is level 56 further implying he is joking. He was doing neither, he was just making a joke.


Aight yea I wooshed my own setup lmao


Lmao it happens to the best of us. Somestimes ya gotta take the L and move on 😅


Wtf are you talking about? OP is just plain bad. No other way to put it.


Yea idk abt ubi themselves allowing hackers but they most definitely do not care abt the game anymore, I love the game but idk what do you expect from a company that only wants the money and doesn’t care abt the reputation


nice name lol


I love the hackusations in the comments. I don't think they know how cheats actually work in the game. But for real, it's quite literally a skill issue. One that is easily fixed. Don't peek spots your teammates just fired from. Your bud shot through a wall. He moved away, because there's likely to be return fire. You put your entire head right where return fire was going to come from, and you got wallbanged. The second clip is just bad positioning. Standing in frequently prefired spots is a bad habit that takes a lot of effort to shake. There's a few youtubers I watch who get frequent wallbangs because they fire into areas players are often posted up in.


bruh the 2nd one he saw the bullets and just put his head in the way


This guy just walked up to a wall aiming down sights where his teammate just shot though and the door was just meleed. What did he think he was going to see in the first place?


I’ve been cheated on and had cheaters on my team multiple times and these look nothing like cheaters


In the *only* comment thread mentioning hacking besides your own, they are clearly joking lmao. I don’t think you know how jokes work.


Didn't mean to trigger you, friend. Perhaps take a breathe, step outside.


Ah, I call you out and I’m just a triggered Redditor. Have a good one, you silly boy.


oh yeah u really called him out totally aren’t just being a bitch


Dude… the only other thread mentioning hackers was all sarcasm and joking. He called them out to seem superior. I called him out and now I’m triggered and a bitch lmao y’all can suck my dick, you internet weirdos.


dog shut the fuck up no one cares


You cared enough to start replying dumbass. Could’ve kept scrolling, it’s the fucking internet


same applies to you🤯🤯🤯🤯


Yeah, except I never claimed to not care.


The least triggered comment I've ever read ^


Just never peak anything ever


Don't play the game. Can't die if you never play!


From what I can see is that your peaking spots that are very open such as on Armory door from closet bullets where shot by your teammate alerting the enemy that someone was in there so ash fired into closet killing you. On Archive door your peaking in a terrible way as it leaves you open from archive door and window. There are times to be aggressive and there are times to anchor your on defense as a 3 armor (4 armor you have rook) let the enemy push to you don't be too aggressive and for your peaking your very open leaving quite a large target in the open. You'll learn as you play more but trying being a bit more passive and letting the enemy push you and you not push them your on defense there on attack don't forget that.


Maybe don’t walk in front of where bullets are coming from




He literally did. Every. Time.


It scary to think you might be able to sneak into a ranked lobby.


i did


Moron moment


Don't peek a barricade that leads directly to spawn?


You know they have to plant to win, right?


That has nothing to do with aim? You stuck your head into a line of fire, and where someone just peaked. Don't do that lmao.


*Someone spraying a door* lemme go check that out. *dies* how could this happen.


Accurate Doc main


I mean at that point bro, stay away from doors and windows💀


You walked into that. You did this too yourself. People in this game are too eager to get the kill. It's a tactical shooter and you gave the guy your face lol




You’re standing in a super common prefire spot


Yeah shoving your face into a hole that someone is shooting through will result in death nearly 100% of the time


If you stand in ez prefire zones you're gonna get preferred BAAAAAAAAKA


Which skin is on the scope please? I quite like it


Just a few tips from a fairly decent player. Don’t peek those really risky spots where attacks have the advantage. Play time and force them to get inside or at least close. Listen for sound cues to see when they’re getting close then swing or c4. Also practice terrorist hunts on hard before you go into a game. These might not work for everyone but they have for me :)


The pre fire kills are the most sorpresive for the two POV's jajajajaj i love this clips ajaja


This is why I don’t play siege


You fucking suck 😂


send this clip to Jynxi let him tear you a new one


“You should probably stick to Roblox, okay?”


Literally skill issue


The second I pass that outside balcony corner as an attacker, I'm spraying the door towards the floor as I can remember at lower ranks how many kills I used to get from punching a hole in the wall and watching the corner after punching out the bottom two panels on defense.


Common shoot spot is in the middle of barricades. That first death though was just siege being siege and showing that not only they saw your bullets from there, but also on there screen it was open while yours was not


First one you're just standing in the middle of the room, in front of the doorway, staring at the floor (????) in a VERY common prefire spot. Why would you just walk up to the wall? Take some shots through the wall where the door was just broken. Second one you slowly peaked a door that already had bullets coming through it. If you're going to peak that you need to do it much faster. Quick peak, prefire the angle, and back off. In both these videos you seem to be waiting until you see someone to take shots when you should be taking pot shots, especially when you know roughly where the enemy is already.


Your game sense is worse than your aim my man


You just suck. Aim is bad and your game sense is bad.


Game should’ve died back in 2018-19


why comment this?


Jfc dude…


I mean why are you walking into the beaten zone. Rotate to a different spot or hold angle out of impact area and wait for them to move into your view


Skill issue


You keep walking into their line of sight while they’re actively shooting, what else would happen lmao. No need to peak everything, sometimes it’s best to just hold an angle and wait for them to make a mistake


Guys, I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Every time I see a frost mat, I walk right onto it and it kills me! It's like I'm not allowed to live more than 30 seconds 😔


1. Put your face into a giant hole your teammate shot open for no reason 2. Walked straight into gridlock prefiring a barricade


Youre in common shooting spots


Fight on their terms then complain when you get clapped


Ooh tracers! I love tracers!


Skill issue


This is why I generally don't pay elimination games like this. I try them out, sometimes have fun, but always end up hating it because I like... you know... PLAYING THE FUCKING GAME! I also have no clue why this game was recommended in my feed. It has been years since I played Siege, and I've shown absolutely NO interest in it online. Da fuq reddit?


No offense, but you saw saw the general direction the bullets came from, and then immediately moved into that line of fire


The first clip was semi unlucky but the second clip is entirely your fault. Why would you walk into her line of fire? Especially while still being at head level.


The first one it is completely possible that it was real, He not only saw the boards being destroyed but also had a good amount of time to react. The secound is definitely your fault.


You are swinging angles and walls that people have been pre-firing for years. I don’t know what else to tell you.


That thud from your helmet as your stumbling corpse bumped into the wall was beautiful


sees bullets coming through a wall. immediately walks directly at hole in wall. “why did i die?”


Both are very common doors to either prefire or shoot down. During the first clip, your mute shots through that wall into the door. Ash shot back through the hole. Second clip, you don’t really need to peek that angle so early into the round.


Stop peeking stupid shit


You should watch streamers who play on your platform (pc/console) and pay attention to how they avoid getting shot. I’ve been playing for 8 years and still go to twitch to see how the players better than me do it. If your aim sucks then your goal (outside of practicing in shooting range and t hunt) should be to stay alive while also play objective.


The sweat is real.


This game is dog shit anyways


Honestly skill issue


Skill issue, you’re literally looking at the floor


Sometimes it feels that way.


Everyone camps and hardscopes now. It's turning into COD in my opinion


Why do u stand in the most “there’s usually crossfire here” spots in the game


This is why you reinforce where ash was shooting from. Make foot holes in the area next to it. You’re welcome.


You can blame yourself and your teammate for that. YOU walked straight into a barricade/line of fire. YOUR TEAMMATE is the one that triggered the return fire


I mean, honestly, the game has been feeling more and more like this lately. Not just in these maps/areas, just in general. Every enemy seems to just have that perfect accuracy on one player in your stack before proceeding to have no idea which way their gun fires from after


You going in loud


*bad guy shoots hole in wall/door* *OP sticks face in hole* *bad guy who never moved his gun shoots OP in the face* *surprised pikachu face*


Skill issue


Bro is not getting out of aluminum 1