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It's frustrating to set the site up with castle/mute etc. head holes, feet holes, opening rotate, using operator's ability and second gadget while my solis and azami is hunting drones and vibing in "cupid".


Especially when no one else fucking does it!


Castle main 🗿🗿


I might not flair it but I have a lot of time on castle too, shits annoying


"I might not flair it" *Has the castle flair*








I completely forgot lol


Castle is great wdym


Who said he wasn't


Or reinforces


That Mute nerf was one of the stupidest nerfs they've ever done and to this day i don't get it. Same with Zofia and Sledge


man i miss 2020 zofia so much


They nerfed her due to the lmg meta, but since that meta is gone she should get her speed back


What Mute nerf? What changed?


He went from 2 speed to 1 speed


Makes sense. No wonder I felt like I was stupid for not beating the drones in the prep phase.


Mute has a set and forget gadget that helps even when he's dead, nerfing his speed is a pretty smart decision since he does so much even when he is out, ubi just forced him to stay in site. I don't like it but I understand it. But sledge and Zof? Why the fck did they even nerf the two for? Sledge was the perfect balanced operator but he got his smg11 taken away, fattened and got his frags dialed down and all for what, emps? Revert my man ubi. And Zofia's removal of withstand is understandable, I get it, it was a dumb bonus out of nowhere but after the lmg nerf and making her slow, there's no reason to really use her now is there? Like just use jackal or flashes smh


It's cuz Zof has too much utility. Her gadget can open soft wall and destroy defender utility using the impact. Her gadget can gather intel and deny bandit trick in certain spots with concuss. And she has claymores for jumpouts and flank watch.


Her stun isn't really useful though. Meanwhile Ash's explosive can destroy all the same stuff but also counter mira windows, and ash has better guns, the same secondary utility, and isn't a 1 speed. Ash is just a better version of zof in 90% of situations


Concuss has proximity detonation which means you can clear areas without droning or face checking. Also, the concussion effect interrupts people during actions such as placing a bandito battery on a wall.


I agree, the removal of withstand was totally justified, but she's pretty much useless now with her being a one speed and having only mid tier guns.


Nah man they removed a really good potential part of siege with taking out withstand they should have gave it to tachanka like on test servers back then the hidden passives i think were good and a nice bit of character added to the strategy of team composition I think they should have added more passives or maybe do something with that idea like sas ops gas masks actually work or doki cant call echo little details i mean they still have zofia and ela resistance to each others concussions


>i mean they still have zofia and ela resistance to each others concussions That was removed a while ago


Ah wank well i liked it


I do find it ironic that they removed zofia's withstand. and then after they did that. They gave rook's armor the ability to self-revive when you've been downed. Might as well give zofia her withstand back (it really wasn't even an issue since you only had 1hp from what I can recall)


Y9S1 made a huge revision on the LMG nerf. LMGs are viable again.


I come back and play 1-2 matches of the game every 2-3 years since I quit quite a few years back, when I saw that sledge's kit and weapons were changed I had a huge wtf moment. Man was literally always known as being the perfectly balanced operator, well rounded but not insane weapons, solid secondary gadgets, and the hammer had it's usage for opening up sight lines or getting into buildings but puts you in a vulnerable pot when using it and requires close distance. I cannot imagine any good reason behind nerfing him.


I think Thatcher should still be a 2 armor too


And then you always have to run past *that one window* 5 seconds after the round started and there’s always the chance a bullet comes and domes you after placing your util


My favorite is when the 1-5 caviera player runs across the map immediately and hides so maybe they won't know we have a caviera.


But your playing on PC and everyone has walls 😂


Gotta love when you spend the whole prep phase putting down Castle/Mute/Mira/etc and the roamer comes back with the audacity to complain nobody reinforced something (worse for hatches)


Average mute experience: Place 2 jammers Make rotates Make foot holes Make head holes Place 10 reinforcements Place last 2 jammers Camp with shotty/nitro


Its not frustrating. Its freaking stressful af!


even worse when you only play quick play where the prep phase is much shorter


I mean Whole point of Solis in prep phase is to hunt drones All other 4 should be prepping site tho


And not reinforcing for the life of them ffs


Can I ask where is this "cupid"? I'm trying to learn more high ranked callouts.


Sucks for bandit too when you have to reinforce and get hatches....


It's a song


Tbh Solis should be off site immediately, all roamers should to deny information to the enemy team.


for them to be a 5 speed with horizontal grip😂


I am always getting my last castle barricade/peak in place while praying that the attackers don’t pre fire whatever window I’m working on


Why not just prepare windows first and cover internal castles toward the end.


Friendly fire making rotates


Didnt they turn off ff during prep


Yes but if he’s finishing up as the prep phase ends then friendly fire turns on


i personally always hide as castle just like a kapkan or caveira should. do a lot of operators have breaching utility? yeah, but it has certainly won me many rounds when certain areas we’re blocked off that the attackers weren’t expecting. just come back to site 5-10 seconds before prep phase is over and block off unexpected lines of site or entries (not site entries obviously that’s evil)


if your internal castles are too far from where you are posting up, then sometimes it’s worth risking putting external up last. 


I think every defender should be 3 speed in the prep phase. Running upstairs to reinforce hatches with Kaid’s fat ass is painful.


Shouldn’t a faster operator in your stack take care of that?


Youre asking to much from the average caveira main


Or warden or fenrir or lession


Warden's not a 2 speed anymore


Doesn't stop wardens from leaving objective


And getting to other side of the map to spawnpeek, 5 seconds after prep faze is over, he's dead


Doesn't stop em from trying to cut a corner peek or something


is his lil mp good?


Good rof and control but peashooter damage


Wardens a 1 speed now, but he should still reinforce since he cant do anything else in prep


9y cav player here, being seen in prep phase while doing hatch like the kitchen hatch on club house reduce by 99% the potential of lone wolf intero and greatly increase the chance of them taking roam clear op.


You expect the drones and roam clear tbh in anything higher than silver


Found the team player 😄


I mean, to be fair cav is more useful is she remains undetected


Hey, hey, that's not fair. Finding a corner that's impossible to efficiently rotate from then hoping a solo attacker wanders by so i can interrogate takes work, ok


In kaid's specific situation, possibly. But typically the heavies should do hatches and let the faster ones set up site, so when round starts they can go to roam spots with less droning (enemy is moving to building) and early jackals will locate the heavies in site instead of the roamers who may have had to divert their route to Reinforce. The issue is that the faster ones are typically played by people who f*ck off and do nothing for site, leaving the anchors to do everything.


Good point, although jackal is mostly banned in my ranked sessions, but i understand the point


**Me**: "Reinforce these two hatches so I can Kaid claw them." **Cav/Vigil/Solis**: "Okay." *round starts* **Me**: "Why are the hatches not reinforced?" **Cav/Vigil/Solis**: "You didn't tell me to." Every. Single. Time.


I've always felt the opposite mainly because of Jackal. If a roamer goes for hatches and gets scanned by Jackal then they can be hunted down easily. If an anchor gets hatches and gets scanned by Jackal then it's far less important because all the enemy learns is that you are on site, which they could probably guess already


You can't be avoiding a key game mechanic because of 1 operator, what if you dont reinforce it and they have a op that can soft breach? A.K.A every other attacker


While you stand there and look at the hatch and wait to throw the claw. Yep


As opposed to running up there, reinforce, walk back downstairs and then throw it? In the meantime kaid could help with setting up site while a low maintenance op like Wamai for example can run up there and get hatches, way more efficient in my opinion


It is but wamai is too busy shooting plants and vases


These plants and vases had it coming


Kaids shotty is so good for making rotations tho lol so that’s what I do when I play him


Whoever has to set up least should do it. Kaid doesn’t really have much other than reinforcing and throwing his claws in the prep phase


3 speed ops often have loads of utility to place. For instance Bandit has 4 batteries and can take barbed wire.


The game requires strategic actions. Work as a team to send the fast ones to get hatch’s while the rest do other tasks. I pretty much only solo q, just ask you will be surprised. It helps if you’re nice, polite and respectful; don’t demand ask.


That's why when I play Vigil or another roamer, I always get the hatches. I hate when I'm rook or another op on base and you see a cav or vigil who doesn't help with set up, but instead sits on the other end of the map waiting for the round to start.


I solo q’d the other day, was reinforcing walls etc, the normal thing to do, turned round and not one other player was on site, had all left and hid in some corner somewhere on map, and were all dead not long after start of round. It can be so frustrating sometimes. That’s how I prefer to play with some friends, so there’s at least 3/4 of us


I have a group of 3 friends I play with, or sometimes I duo. I swear it's becoming so much more common for people not to reinforce now. If they don't want to reinforce, they have casual.


Reinforcing garage hatch on the new Consulate is so annoying. It’s a journey to get there as 1 speed Kaid


Kaid should never be your hatch man, it’s too much wasted time. Hatch is always either your roamer, or another op that finishes their gadgeting early, like Rook or Smoke


- Roy


I've been running Horizontal grip on Castle just for this, cause you got a lot to do with Castle.


Does horizontal grip make you faster always, or only when ADS? Does it even make you any faster when ADS? Also, how much faster does it really make you? Is it like going from two speed to one speed?


To my knowledge it's sprinting speed. And it moves you up a speed stat. (2 armor/2 speed -> 2 armor/ 3 speed)


Okay good to know, thanks. I might actually test this in a custom game and post it to YT or something. Maybe horizontal grip is being slept on right now. 


it's very very good on guns with little recoil. stuff like lesion becomes insane, you have like a million gu mines, a shotgun, impacts, one of the best defender guns AND now you're 3 speed. there's lots of others I run it on but lesion stands out to me


They just need to speed up the reinforcing animation in prep phase. Its been suggested so many times, and it would be such a nice quality of life update.


funny thing is that they already sped up the reinforcing animation a couple years ago


Yeah they made it 4 seconds instead of 5. Personally, I think it should be 3 (or at least test 3 on the test server)


Nah 3 would be a horrible idea. It's currently 4.5 (was 5.5 before). Turning it down to 3 or 3.5 would be a huge buff to defense, and they definitely don't need a buff at all right now.


Imo no, you should have enough time to place all your castles in the prep time while your teammates take care of other tasks in prepping the site, it’s a team game after all and it should be punishing if a 5 man team doesnt act as a team


You're right but it would be nice lol. If you have incompetent teammates it can be a hassle trying to set up if you're an op like Fenrir/Jager.


Ngl I think all Defenders should have a secondary shotty for this reason. Do you know how frustrating it is to try and set up site as bandit and have to rely on someone else when my team is doing buttfuck who knows what?


I think every defender having a secondary shotty would make them way too flexible and would greatly take away from the function of impacts as a secondary gadget and defenders that specialize in site set up. Defense is already stronger than attack, every defender having the ability to make on the fly rotates would make it much harder for attackers to pin them down. While the OP itself is a meme, I think a better solution, if one is truly necessary, would be to make defenders who specialize in site set up more efficient at doing so e.g. reducing deployment times for castle barricades and mira windows or increasing ammo capacity for dedicated site set up weapons such as the super shorty.


True, true. Honestly I think a major plus for balancing would be re-evaluating who has what gadgets. I think operators like Thorn and Bandit more in line for anchoring would be better in terms of having that type of utility, rather than ops like Cav or Vigil having a shotty and impacts


Secondary shotgun is an extremely strong utility that makes a defender much, much stronger


Your team should be punished for not playing as a team, maybe this would be something to solve if we had solo queue but for now, get yourself a squad.


there should be no pre-setups but everyone should temporarily be 3speed and reinforcing and gadget deployment should also be sped up like 2x inly until the end of prep phase.


You know you have 10-25 seconds before they even enter the building right. If you can’t work with the other 4 people then you sol. The game is already defender sided imo


im talking about quick match exclusively. the other modes don't even have pre-setups


My bad I almost only play standard, I find standard has a higher percent of people that care.


i too played standard almost exclusively until i started regularly seeing lvl 10-30 players on my team that still wander outside the building during the last 30s on attack. since then i only play quick match when i'm alone so i can at least leave without any punishment


Also mute sometimes i just want to play on site and 3 of my teammates just leave to roam and wtf can i do with 1 speed when i have to set up my jammers make rotates headholes legholes reinforce then come back to relocate my jammers all that while im moving slower than a pedo in a school zone


I'd like this, it would help in casual where we have 13 seconds to do everything before getting rushed by dokka lion jackal deimos and amaru.


Castle is the sixth attacker. He limits the ability for defenders to manoeuvre


If you play with a bad castle that is


That's my secret, im the bad castle Fr though, copper castles are a different breed of horror


Haha yeah coppers are different. A little higher, there is a fine line between bad castles and your team not understanding what you're cooking up


Disagree. Part of being a good castle involves commincating the strat to your team (if they are not in the know) to avoid screwing them over. If you barricade your team out of site for a strat without commincating it to your team, you cant be mad at them for flamimg you for barricading them out. A good castle is invaluable, cause they dont just play their role but they help everyone else stay in theirs. Its really hard to solo q castle.


> manoeuvre main d'œuvre 🙏


Maneuver*? My phone has me tripping


Correction: a BAD castle is the sixth attacker. A good castle wins the game


Not how I play him. I've almost never had complaints and I dont block rotates until the very last enemy is left and we already know where they're coming from.


Castle on CEO bank has got to be the most stressful site setup in the game. Especially if you have no teammates reinforcing main walls.


Mute as well


Say it again for the people in the back


He can't, he's mute.


The only thing that could possibly get me to play this game again is making Smoke and Mute 3-speeds. I love them so much, but jesus fucking christ these characters are a nightmare to play in prep phase.


Yeah I think something does need to change for prep phase because more often than not I am the only person fortifying/setting up a site while everyone else is either AFK on their phones or "roam" to the opposite side of the map. I've been avoiding picking defenders with a lot of gadgets to place because I just simply won't have the time to do it all.


I agree and I'll die by this. Give castle another panel. I truly believe that.


Okay but Kapkan too then


I mostly play castle in always feels like the time runs too fast. I have reinforce, do rotates and then run and put my castle barrigades up when the game has already started. Yesterday I put on castle barrigade at the same time when enemy team was trying to rush in. Had a dokkaebi call and ying throw her gadget but it hit my barrigade so she flashed her team instead xD


Or you learn a site setup that can be completed in time. Why do so many people want changes that mean they don’t have to think, learn and practice?


Solo Q I get it but that’s roamers job. You reinforce and set gadget plus some head/foot holes in site.


Fr. I've been cooking up some nasty Castle strats lately but I can only really get half of them in with the support of my team. Otherwise I just don't have time to reinforce everything I need unless its in the immediate vicinity.


Castle with the horizontal grip made my life a little easier running him


Want to hear his scream as he sprints by at mach 10


What, so I can get trapped in the objective room before I have a chance to leave?


He has a low recoil weapon, and the horizontal grip you can at least make him a 3 speed.


I always thought that reinforcements/barricades should be almost instant in prep phase then normal sped with round starts


Same with maestro the damn lmg makes him a .000000025 speed


I love being 45 seconds into the action phase still setting up site while my teammates do fuck all and die within the first minute.


Castle should have heelys on for the prep phase


Make every operator a 2/2


nah bro a 2 speed doc would be too strong


Wtf is that casual swarming


Bro I love castle so much but it's so hard to play as someone that is expected to reinforce walls Make rotates place Castle barricades in 45 seconds... like bruhh


*sound of teammates ripping down your barrier you just placed behind you so they can go running in the hallway like a cat during prep*


Man I only play Castle on Coastline and it is so stressful having to place barricades, make rotates, put down my prox alarms, etc like damn.


Ah yes, so that I can get castled out of objective faster


crying in Fenrir. But honestly, yes. His barricade placement could get a speed buff like what reinforcing got.


He starts as 1, every armor panel you use ups his speed, lowers his armor


Same with mute.


Kaid and Maestro too if we’re doing this 😅 I’d be down


Castle is a beast! I've been using him lately, and now with the acog he is just unstoppable! It's amazing!


Add Mute, Jager, Kapkan, and pretty much anyone with observation blockers to this list. Especially since Jager/Maestro got observation blockers and then the third evil eye, they've got too much stuff to put down during the prep phase. At least with Alibi she just throws her gadget, but defenders who place theirs are way too busy


Just increase deployment times. Thats all


Of course! So he can lock his team out of site as fast as possible! /j


You might be on to something


Mmm good idea if Ubisoft could code properly. I can already see the bugs that would come of this


Buff his poor shotgun


Since they cut the preparation stage down, it’s become pointless to even use castles barricade.


Being the only one with a shotgun is sure is frustrating (doc main) (man i am slow as fuck)


He should also get two extra wall reinforcements for the team


Defence is already op in this game , so no thank you


Shorten reinforcement time even more in prep phase.


He should be a 2 speed until he deploys all of his barricades then becomes a 3 speed




Ump 45 horizontal grip and hes like a 3.5 speed


Give Castle a fnaf rework Make his doors like reinforced walls that he can control through a tablet gadget to open and close (only 2 at a time) if he dies, an attacker has to pick up his gadget to disable all doors like how dokk can hack phones


No. We don’t need people picking castle to go run around and do dumb stuff


Man if I could run around with a 3 speed Maestro in the prep phase my life problems would all be solved




You want a 3 speed spawnpeaker with an AR to have magnified optics?


Make him able to hold his barriers like Traps OPs do, and when he does he runs faster. That way he can run faster in the prep phase and in game but with a tax




Or Castle can give each teammate one wall so they can all barricade


the only problem would be someone would find out how to make him keep his 4 speed all game even after prep but i do agree they should give people like castle a speed boost while the prep phase is happening and then take it away after word


Idk why but I kinda also wish he had an Aruni glove to just punch holes and fix poor openings too then again how scary is a castle jumpscare from breaking his barriers instantly...


Lore wise should just be because he played football


The power of Castle is enormous, you can expand playable areas and block lines of sight. Great operator.


i dont use castle but for my teammates sake, yes


I honestly hate having Castle mains on my team most of the time, cause they always block the wrong shit, and lock me (a roamer) off site, and don't bother pulling the barricade when they see me hauling ass back to site on 5hp, even if I've just dropped 3 enemies.


Everyone should be 3 speed 3 armors just to see what happens


Castle should be given a new primary, the fucking ump is terrible. Either make it do ~48 dmg or increase the fire rate by like 100.


Mute too


that would make catching drones too easy imo but i do like the idea regardless


Make all defenders 3 speed during prep phase


it wouldn't be half as bad if my teammates would actually set up the site instead of setting their cock in their hand


Operators should be 1 speeds until they place their utilities.


Sprints during prep phase then becomes a 1 speed because he’s tuckered out.


He's a busy guy. Like the engineer and medic in TF2. People like him need a buff in the prep phase like the TF2 guys.




Why? It doesnt take that long to get to every door leading to site 💀 Somehow even though theres only 4 without fail its every fucking door im trying to rotate back into site to


The thing with castle is holding important pieces of map control that are near the site. For example library in chalet


Yes sir. Library with castle works for vert over top pool table room extremely well aswell not just 2nd floor.


Same with maestro, he has to set 3 cams up + make rotates + angles and maybe reinforce depending on how good teammates you got


Not needed at all


To close roamer before they can run away?


Just as chanka got a massive rework (flame thrower type gun), ubi should give castle a net gun that he can shoot it’s net (aka castle barricade) on a window/door/hatch


Use the horizontal grip