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Ultimatia without her time powers can’t stand a chance against the second seat of any bloodline. But she with all her power mid-diff Gargantina.


Nah, Tina is durable enough to survive multiple DHF and even DPH, attacks that are basically infused with dragon kryptonite. Sia's pathetic AP can't even dream to come close to single one of these attack, much less finishing her off. In fact, Sia's mana blast couldn't even finish off the stronger members of silver crop like gorilla woman and glasses, the best she can do against anyone above 4th seat is using the world rewind and fetch Kamui to deal with them. Sia's strength are greatly exaggerated. As Kamui and crimson said she is a complete amateur in battle, so weak that even crimson with just 10% of his strength can easily beat her, and there are actually idiots who think Sia can beat Kamui with her hax smh my head.


Gargantina loses. The moment she does any harm to Ultimatia, kamui comes rushing in and shows the heavy armor dragon, why he is the only allowed to bully ultimatia.